Archives 2020

Hotels And Travel As Basic Components Of The Tourism Industry

By Adriana J. Noton

The tourism sector is booming in most countries and factors such as hotels and travel have an impact on the performance of this industry. There are many issues that are considered by tourists before they embark on a particular journey that is meant for leisure.

Basically, travelling and hotels are two interrelated aspects of the tourism industry and the travelers need to get more information about these before they visit a particular place. Essentially, tourists mainly travel for leisure on a short term basis and they will require accommodation while visiting different places. As such, they need to know if they will be able to get decent accommodation as well as to establish if the places they are visiting are accessible.

People are motivated by various factors to visit certain places such as the attractiveness of the place as well as its accessibility. At times social factors such as age and gender among others motivate people to visit different places of their choice. The level of income also determine the places that can be visited by the tourists hence segmenting these destinations on the basis of the type of accommodation available as well as transport system is very important.


Few destinations are universally acceptable to all travelers since they need to know a lot of things about the place before they go there. In most cases, all travelers spending some time in new places are bound to seek alternative accommodation during their stay in different places. In most cases, hotels are seen as more secure compared to other forms accommodation. This has a bearing on the nature of tourism in a given place.

On the other hand, the transport system of a particular place is very important in determining the quality of tourism services offered. Whilst there are different modes of transport, the travelers are particularly interested in knowing if their intended destinations are accessible. Areas with a good transport network are likely to attract more visitors than those with poor transport systems.

These two elements of the tourism industry are closely related since it can be seen that they are the major factors that influence the choice of destinations by the travelers. In most cases, travelers are particularly concerned about their safety when they visit new places. This can be ensured through securing safe accommodation as well as transport systems.

Whilst booking of transport as well as hotels can be done online, it can be observed that these two go hand in hand since they are offered by the same service provider in most cases. Hotel operators often have their own transport or they contract independent companies to offer transport services to their clients. As such, the prices charged for these two important aspects of the tourism industry have a bearing on its overall performance.

Basically, there are many factors that impact on the tourism industry and it can also be seen that people are motivated by different things to visit different destinations. Therefore, it can be seen that hotels and travel are two elements of the tourism industry that are closely related.

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Wikinews interviews Frank Moore, independent candidate for US President

Saturday, March 1, 2008

While nearly all coverage of the 2008 Presidential election has focused on the Democratic and Republican candidates, the race for the White House also includes independents and third party candidates. These parties represent a variety of views that may not be acknowledged by the major party platforms.

Wikinews has impartially reached out to these candidates, throughout the campaign. We now interview independent Presidential candidate Frank Moore, a performance artist.

Retrieved from “,_independent_candidate_for_US_President&oldid=2185149”

EU ban on 75W bulbs comes into force

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Starting today, it is illegal to manufacture or import 75W incandescent light bulbs in the European Union. The phaseout started last year when 100W light bulbs were outlawed. Bulbs of 60W will be phased out next year, and incandescent lighting of all types will be phased out in 2012.

The phase-out of incandescent light bulbs is part of the EU’s strategy to cut greenhouse gases by 20% by 2020. Replacing the old lamps with more efficient models is expected to reduce energy consumption for lighting by 60% in the EU, equivalent to saving 30 million tons of CO2 pollution every year.

Although energy-saving bulbs were available since 1998, their relatively high purchase price has inhibited take-up. When the decision for the ban was taken in 2008, it was estimated that around 2,000 to 3,000 jobs would become redundant in the light bulb industry, in particular affecting Hungary and Poland. However, the European Commission also assumed that halogen production and savings of 5-10 billion euro from energy bills could be injected back into the economy to create new jobs.

In its editorial yesterday, the conservative The Washington Times harshly criticized the ban, labelling it a result of “bureaucratic irritation” and a “war on Edison’s greatest invention”. General criticism of such bans includes panic buying prior to phase-out, environmental impacts of the mercury which is contained in small amounts in all fluorescent lamps, and increased upfront costs for the consumer.

Brazil and Venezuela started to phase out incandescent light bulbs in 2005, Switzerland in 2009, while Russia and Canada are planning it for 2012. The United States is scheduled to begin a phaseout similar to the European one from 2012.

Is Your Marketing Message Noisy? How To Get Rid Of The Static}

Submitted by: Ursula Jorch

Are you projecting a noisy marketing message?

Chances are, at least some of your marketing message represents static. That is, it interferes with your messages clarity.

The purpose of marketing is to let people know the value that you offer. When you make that value very specific, you reach right into the hearts and souls of your ideal audience.

They light up. They jump up and respond, thats for me! They take action and reach out to hire you.

To get that kind of response, you cant afford a noisy message.

Its so tempting to want to share the full breadth of what you offer. I get it. Youre multi-faceted! You certainly can do more than just one thing.

When it comes to marketing, though, its that one thing that will save you from obscurity.

Its a noisy world out there. Many people are marketing what they do. You have to find a way to stand out from the noise. The way to do that is to be known for one thing.


After starting my first business, I very quickly made 6 figures, more than my previous corporate salary. One of the reasons that my business did so well so quickly is that I had clarity in my marketing message. I was known for one thing, a narrow niche.

This niche approach can feel limiting. So choose wisely. Choose what you want to known for.

Choose something where you can offer great value. For this niche to work for you, you have to be able to come through and do a great job. Quality is a baseline requirement for business success, so make sure you can deliver on your marketing message.

A narrow niche is the way to success. It doesnt mean that people will never hire you for anything else. In fact, I started to get offers for all kinds of different work because people had had a great experience with me doing what I did best.

So your narrow niche doesnt mean youre limited. It does mean that it will very specifically draw people who want what you are choosing to be known for.

Face it. People will put you into a niche, whether you want them to or not. This can feel so unfair!

In a way, it is. But its also human nature. Especially in our noisy world, we have to categorize people and businesses and put them into a niche, just to be able to process all the information coming our way.

The niche that will draw a prospects attention is the one with the answer to their problem. There are many businesses out there. Your prospects will be focused on their problem. They will notice someone who presents a clear marketing message that offers them a solution.

If youve chosen what you want to be known for well, youll be able to provide them with a laser-focused solution that speaks right to them.

Its this same clarity of niche that generates more energy and enthusiasm around your brand.

When you get super focused in your message, without the noise of all the other things you can offer, people respond. They recognize themselves in your message.

If you can then deliver and solve their problem, theyll be strongly connected to you. Theyll talk about you. Theyll help spread the word.

Think of your marketing message as a signal youre sending out from your business, like a radio broadcast.

At the receiving end, your prospect is going to be biased towards solutions to their problem. They are hearing all kinds of messages and filtering most of them out.

The one that cuts through the noise, the one theyll tune into, is yours, the answer to what is keeping them up at night.

Your top priority as a marketer (and all small business owners are marketers!) is to free up the message-carrying signal from noise or interference. Everything you do in your marketing either enhances the signal or creates noise that causes the audience to tune out.

Communication is a complex process. There are many points where the signal can become distorted. Reduce or eliminate the noise as much as possible to speak to your audience clearly and effectively.

Is your marketing message clear?

Find your narrow niche by choosing what you want to be known for. Then start broadcasting with that singular clarity.

Your audience will get the message.

About the Author: Ursula Jorch, MSc, MEd, mentors entrepreneurs starting their businesses and seasoned entrepreneurs in transition to create the business of their dreams. Her coaching programs provide knowledge, support, clarity, inspiration, and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs to empower you to reach your goals. Start with a free guide and other valuable info at

. This article was originally published at

and has been syndicated with permission.


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Canadian judge strikes down marijuana possession laws as unconstitutional

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A judge in the province of Ontario, Canada dismissed marijuana possession charges against a Toronto man, ruling that Canada’s laws governing possession are unconstitutional.

The unidentified defendant, 29, had been charged with possession after police had found him carrying 3.5 grams of marijuana.

Since July 30, 2001, Canada has allowed a medical exemption for the possession and growing of marijuana, under Health Canada‘s Marijuana Medical Access Regulations. The regulations describe eligible persons as those “suffering from grave and debilitating illnesses.” Canada contracts a company, Prairie Plant Systems, to cultivate and package seeds and/or dried marijuana for shipping of a monthly supply to eligible patients. A packet of 30 seeds costs CA$20, plus taxes. Dried marijuana costs patients CA$150 for 30 grams (slightly more than one ounce).

The defendant in the legal case was not suffering from an illness and was not in need of an exemption from the possession laws. The man put forth a defence that questioned the legality of the medical exemption since it was only a regulation, not a law. He argued that all possession laws, therefore, should be struck down.

The judge presiding over the case, Howard Borenstein, agreed with the argument. “The government told the public not to worry about access to marijuana,” said Judge Borenstein. “They have a policy but not law. In my view that is unconstitutional.”

The defendant’s lawyer, Brian McAllister, felt that the ruling may have significant consequences for possession laws throughout the province. “Obviously, there’s thousands of people that get charged with this offence every year,” said McAllister. He suggested that Ontario residents can cite the new ruling as a defence for possession charges. “That’s probably why the government will likely appeal the decision,” he said.

Judge Borenstein will make his ruling official in two weeks time. Prosecutors in the case have said that they will appeal the decision soon.

In related news, a Liberal senator from the province of British Columbia, Larry Campbell, said Wednesday that the federal government should decriminalize marijuana and “tax the hell out of it,”. He said the government should use the revenue for health care priorities. Sales should be controlled by government, he stated, in the same way that alcohol is sold. He noted that organized crime is pulling in large profits on the growing and sale of the drug.

Senator Campbell also suggested that too many resources are placed on the criminal prosecution of people for possession of small amounts of marijuana. “This is not a drug that causes criminality,” he said. “People are getting criminal records for essentially nothing.”

A recent UN survey, the 2007 World Drug Report, has determined that marijuana use in Canada is the highest among developed nations. Some 16.8 percent of Canadians between the ages of 15 and 64 used marijuana in 2004, compared to 12.6 percent of Americans, 8.7 percent for Britain, 8.6 percent for France, 6.9 percent for Germany, and 0.1 percent of Japanese.

York University law professor Alan Young, said the report’s numbers may be skewed higher for Canadians due to the willingness of Canadians to discuss the issue. “It’s become a large part of youth culture in Canada, and more importantly, 50 percent of marijuana smokers are over the age of 30,” he said. “So it’s really gone to all age groups, all class groups. There’s no question about it that there is less stigma in Canada.”

Only four other countries ranked ahead of Canada on marijuana use: Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, Ghana, and Zambia.

The UN data for harder drugs such as amphetamines and ecstasy showed relatively low use among Canadians.

Third death following RAF helicopter crash in North Yorkshire, UK

Friday, August 10, 2007

A third man has died today from injuries sustained in the crash of an Royal Air Force Aérospatiale Puma helicopter in the county of North Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom, earlier this week. Twelve people were on board the aircraft when it crashed near Catterick Garrison army base on Wednesday evening during what is said to have been a routine training exercise.

The man has not been named but is understood to be a soldier from the Infantry Training Battalion at Catterick. Brigadier David Clements of the Commandant Infantry Training Centre said “We are all deeply saddened by the news that one of the recruits involved in Wednesday’s helicopter accident has died as a result of the injuries he sustained. His family were with him when he passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this most difficult time.”

Flight Lieutenant David Sale, aged 28, and Sergeant Phillip Burfoot, aged 27, died at the scene of the crash.

Ccba Vs Cbap Certification

January, 2018 byadmin

Business analysis professional qualifications help business analysts in many ways. It proves their competence on the subject. It helps organizations to ensure their business analysts are rightly skilled in business analysis process.

However, there is quite a lot of confusion in business analyst’s minds as to which business analysis certification they should pursue. Among the organizations offering business analysis certifications, IIBA® is the most prominent one. It now has 30000+ members of which approximately 10000 are now certified.

IIBA certifications have been most popular and sought after certification among the business analysts globally.

Both CCBA® and CBAP® certifications come from International Institute of Business Analysis™ (IIBA®).

IIBA® has been doing amazing work on making the business analysis profession more recognized among the professional field and in corporate segment.

Last year IIBA® rolled out our new multi-level competency-based Certification program namely

ECBATM – Level 1 – Recognizes individuals entering the field of business analysis.

CCBA® – Level 2 – Recognizes BA professionals who have 2-3 years of business analysis experience.

CBAP® – Level 3 – Recognizes BA professionals who manage and lead with over 5 years of business analysis experience.

CCBA® – Certification of Competency in Business Analysis – is primarily targeted towards mid-level business analysis professionals who have served at least 3750 hours (roughly about 2.5 years) as business analysts in the industry performing BA approved tasks as per IIBA®.

CBAP® – Certified Business Analysis Professional – is primarily targeted towards senior level business analysis professionals who have served at least 7500 hours (roughly about 5 years) as business analysts in the industry performing BA approved tasks as per IIBA®.

Here is a short comparison on both the certification:

High Level Overview of Comparison




Certification Body



Targeted at

Business analysis professionals

Business analysis professionals


BABoK 3.0

BABoK 3.0

Eligibility criteria – Work Experience

Minimum 3750 hours of BA work experience aligned with the BABOK Guide in the last 7 years

Minimum 7500 hours of BA work experience aligned with the BABOK Guide in the last 10 years

Eligibility criteria –Knowledge Area expertise

Minimum 900 hours in each of two of the six knowledge areas or minimum 500 hours in each of four of the six knowledge areas

Minimum 900 hours in each of four of the six knowledge areas

Eligibility criteria – Training/PD Hours

Minimum 21 hours of Professional Development Training in the past four years

Minimum 35 hours of Professional Development Training in the past four years

Eligibility criteria – Reference Requirement

Two references from a career manager, client or CBAP® recipient

Two references from a career manager, client or CBAP® recipient

Exam mode and pattern

Online exam in prometric

Multiple choice questions

Online exam in prometric

Multiple choice questions

Exam Fees

Application Fee – $125

Certification Fee –

$325 (for members)

$450 (for Non- members)

Application Fee – $125

Certification Fee –

$325 (for members)

$450 (for Non- members)

Recertification fees

$250 for members

$250 for non-members

$250 for members

$250 for non-members

Exam/Question Pattern

3 hours long

130 multiple choice questions.

Questions are scenario-based

3.5 hours long

120 multiple choice questions.

Questions are longer cases (1 to 1.5 Pages of information).

Multiple questions about the case.

Difficulty Level


Questions require candidate to do a bit of analysis to arrive at the answer


Questions require candidate to do a good amount of analysis to arrive at the answer

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring – 12%

Elicitation and Collaboration – 20%

Requirements Life Cycle Management – 18%

Strategy Analysis – 12%

Requirements Analysis and Design Definition – 32%

Solution Evaluation – 6%

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring – 14%

Elicitation and Collaboration – 12%

Requirements Life Cycle Management – 15%

Strategy Analysis – 15%

Requirements Analysis and Design Definition – 30%

Solution Evaluation – 14%

Focuses on

Requirements Analysis and Design Definition – 32%

Elicitation and Collaboration – 20%

Requirements Life Cycle Management – 18%

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring – 12%

Strategy Analysis – 12%

Solution Evaluation – 6%

Requirements Analysis and Design Definition -30%

Strategy Analysis -15%

Requirements Life Cycle Management – 15%

Solution Evaluation -14%

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring – 14%

Elicitation and Collaboration – 12%

Brand value



Organizations recognize this certificate in their competency framework

You may find the following pages to be useful in this context-CBAP details – details – may find this video to be useful for this comparison.

Visit site for more information. Adaptive US

Some of our recent participant’s feedback –I just wanted to let everyone know I just landed a job at Pfizer as an Enhancements Coordinator! Thank you for your assistance in passing the CCBA. It definitely helped me land this position.They always respond to my questions in a timely manner, no matter what time of day it is, and they are proactive in sharing resources that help you get prepared for the exams. I recommend this program wholeheartedly to any person looking to achieve certification from the IIBA. Adaptive Rocks!!! #5stars

Suspected serial killer appears in British court

Friday, May 28, 2010

A man accused of being a serial killer has appeared in Bradford magistrates court in West Yorkshire today charged with three counts of murder. 40-year-old Stephen Griffiths is accused of killing Suzanne Blamires, 36, Susan Rushworth, 43, and Shelley Armitage, 31, all prostitutes.

Griffiths, a former van driver with a degree in psychology and studying for a PhD in criminology, gave his name as “Crossbow Cannibal” when asked. He has been in police custody since Monday when police were alerted to a CCTV recording that appeared to show a murder.

A caretaker had been reviewing footage from the flats where Griffiths lives when he saw footage of a woman and a man enter a flat early on Saturday morning. Two minutes later, she ran out and was followed by the man, who beat her to the ground and shot her in the head with a crossbow. Over the course of the weekend, the man was seen several times with bin bags and a rucksack.

On Tuesday, the day after the arrest of Griffiths, Blamires’ remains were found in the River Aire in nearby Shipley. She had been cut into several pieces and her head was located in a rucksack. Police continue to search for the other two alleged victims; Rushworth has been missing since June last year and Armitage vanished in April.

Police have searched much of Bradford’s red-light district, where Griffiths’ third-floor flat is located. Forensic investigations at the flat are expected to last around three weeks. There are plans to search landfill sites for bodies, and police may yet expand the inquiry to cover three more cold cases, although at present they have not been linked to the current inquiry.

Sniffer dogs have been used throughout the city, and police have been taking away plastic evidence bags. Some alleyways remain closed off. Police charged their suspect yesterday.

Griffiths was known as “the lizard man” in his block of flats owing to his habit of walking his two pet monitor lizards in the area. One neighbour is reported to have quoted him as saying he was studying for “a PhD in murder and Jack the Ripper,” and he has spent time in a high-security psychiatric hospital. During his five-minute court appearance he did not enter a plea, kept his head bowed and fidgeted with his cuffed hands. He said “Here, I guess,” when asked for his address.

As he stood in the glass-fronted dock, guarded by three security officers, he was watched by the families of Rushworth and Armitage, who were accompanied by police family liaison officers. Blamires’ family chose not to be present, but the victim’s mother Nicky Blamires, 54, has told the press that Suzanne was a “much-loved” family member even though she “went down the wrong path and did not have the life she was meant to have.” “Nobody deserves this,” she said. “All these girls were human beings and people’s daughters.”

Griffiths’ morning court appearance was followed by a second one this afternoon, at Bradford Crown Court. This time, he confirmed his name without incident. He was remanded into custody until next month, when he will appear in court again.

British media has been quick to compare the case to Peter Sutcliffe, dubbed the “Yorkshire Ripper”. Sutcliffe was a Bradford killer responsible for thirteen murders and seven attempted murders, including several prostitutes. Since his 1981 conviction he has spent most of the last three decades in Broadmoor high-security psychiatric hospital near London.

Canadian helicopter with 18 onboard crashes into Atlantic Ocean

Friday, March 13, 2009

Two life boats were empty, one person is dead and sixteen others are missing after a helicopter crashed into the frigid north Atlantic Ocean reported search and rescue official, March 12. The Sikorsky S92 helicopter sunk below the surface and the debris field was located about 47 nautical miles (87 km; 54 mi) southeast of St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Maydays and alerts were sent at 9:18 local NL time (7:48 EST). The helicopter pilot radioed his intent to return to St. John’s.File:CHC S-92.jpg

The lone survivor, Robert Decker, was taken to a local hospital in critical condition. He was rescued by a helicopter which arrived 45 minutes after take off.

Of the eighteen people on board one other body was found and taken to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. The cause of the crash is under investigation, but Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper called the incident a “tragic accident”. Julie Leroux of the Transportation Safety Board said that mechanical problems were reported on the helicopter, but further investigation was needed.

Earlier reports stated that two people and a life raft were seen in the waters 87 kilometers (54 miles) southeast of St. John’s. There were reports of a second life raft as well. Rescuers soon discovered that the life rafts were empty.

For those wearing survival suits, the survival time would be approximately 24 hours. Wave heights at the time of the crash were six to nine feet (two to three meters), with freezing water temperatures. As a result, emergency rooms at St. John’s hospital were prepared for survivors suffering from hypothermia reported Deborah Collins of the Eastern Health Board.

On board were workers heading to two offshore oilfields, mainly the Sea Rose platform, a part of the White Rose offshore oilfield 315 kilometers (196 miles) southeast of St. John’s. Two people on board were staff of Cougar Helicopters, and two passengers traveling to the Hibernia platform.

Two Cormorant rescue helicopters and one military Hercules plane flew into high winds during the rescue effort. The search and rescue team was supplemented by a coast guard ship and supply ship. There were reports that two other helicopters were dispatched as well.

GM posts first annual loss since 1992

Friday, January 27, 2006

General Motors Corporation (GM) has posted its first annual loss since 1992. GM reported losing US$4.8 billion in the fourth quarter of 2005 and a total loss of $8.6 billion for the entire year.

GM admitted Thursday night that the loss could swell further as it pays pensions and healthcare costs to thousands of former workers. GM warned that the amount calculated for last year is preliminary and could rise before it is officially reported to the US securities and exchanges commission in March.

The loss was far greater than analysts predicted. Ford, the second of the big three American car manufacturers, beat predictions earlier in the week. In contrast, Toyota is expected to report that it will beat last year’s profit of $11 billion.

GM’s automotive division lost $1.5 billion in the fourth quarter, driven by losses in North America. This has been attributed to GM’s shrinking market share, which has been taken by Japanese manufacturers Toyota and Nissan.

A further $1.3 billion was lost in restructuring charges. As part of the restructure, GM plans to cut 30,000 jobs and close 12 facilities by 2008.

An aide for Kirk Kerkorian, GMs largest individual investor (at 9.9%), has called on the company to halve its $1.1 billion annual dividend, cut executive pay and sell Saab.