Archives 2020

Texas wildfires push public resources to the limit

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A rash of wildfires in Texas in recent days has left many fire departments stretched thin on resources. Officials say firefighters handled over 18,000 wildfires in the state thus far in 2011; in a recent week there were nearly 200. President Obama declared Texas a disaster area recently.

A number of wildfires around the state have struck near or even within populated areas. One of the worst fires yet struck near the city of Bastrop. That fire alone destroyed 45 square miles of land and over 700 residences, according to the Texas Forest Service.

Wes Johnston, a captain with the Chandler Fire Department, told Wikinews that earlier this month, his department spent 7 hours extinguishing a single blaze near Brownsboro. Captain Johnston, who is also an accountant, explained that the excessive number of fires has placed stress on his department’s ability to cope with the demands. “Most volunteer fire departments [depend on] donations, completely; and donations have been down due to the economic conditions.” He went on to describe how fuel and maintenance costs put further strain on most departments’ ability to function effectively. “Even the cities have a set budget, for the paid departments, so they don’t factor in a’ lot of the variables for these types of incidents.”

Some volunteer firefighters in the eastern part of the state have averaged 2–3 hours of sleep per night recently, due to heavy demands. Even spouses of some firefighters have voiced concern over workloads.

Lasik Eye Surgery Finding The Right Surgeon

Lasik Eye Surgery – Finding The Right Surgeon by John CarewImproving your eyesight has become very popular in recent years, and following that, Orange County Lasik eye surgery is quickly turning into many residents’ choice of medical procedure they are going for in priorities. Eyesight problems like astigmatism and myopia have been increasingly common among individuals with the increase in usage of televisions and computers. With the advent of Lasik, these medical problems can quickly become a thing of the past.However, one factor that has limited the take on rate of Lasik eye surgery in Orange County has been the cost of such a procedure. Having Lasik performed on your eyes does not come cheap in general for most people, as it could set a person back an amount from $500 to $2000 per eye. To improve your chances of having Lasik surgery without spending a fortune, choosing a good eye surgeon is critical to achieving that aim. There are certain things anyone should look out for in selecting a Lasik surgeon while trying to reduce the cost of the operation. It does not mean having to go for a less qualified doctor if you wish to save some money.When you need cheap Lasik surgery but with a success rate that justifies the risk, selecting the right surgeon with the right requirements is the key. As with all medical procedures that you wish to undertake, always make sure that you have done your due diligence in researching on the subject and the various surgeons and eye centers available in your region. There are many laser eye surgery centers in Orange County, and they offer different qualities of service at different rates. Find the eye centers and Lasik surgeons that provide the specific Lasik procedure you require and make a comparison among them.Ensure you know the risks that await you with Lasik surgery, and look for Lasik surgeons that have good track records and success rates. A good point to look out for when choosing the right surgeon to perform your procedure is to consider the kind of precautions and checks that he or she will ask that you go through before considering if Lasik surgery is right for you. While the medical solution can bring relief for many who suffer from various eye conditions, it is not suitable for everyone. If you carry certain conditions such as being pregnant, you should not have laser eye surgery. Surgeons who are considerate about their patients’ well being and medical history should be prioritized in your selection.Everyone would prefer not to have to wear glasses or contact lenses, as it not only bring more convenience in one’s life, but also a fresher and better quality of life. Getting a qualified Lasik surgeon with a proven track record is therefore an important step in you enjoying a successful Lasik eye surgery and reaping the benefits. The process of selecting one might be tedious, but anything that concerns your health should be done with some caution and care. In doing so, the chances of you having better eyesight would be much higher at the end of the whole process.John Carew is a medical journalist who covers Orange County Lasik eye surgery and is well versed in Lasik eye surgery Orange County. Learn more about laser eye surgery Orange County from his coverage.Article Source:

American Indian Movement spokesperson dies, age 75

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Vernon Bellecourt, once the primary spokesperson for the American Indian Movement, died recently at age 75. Bellecourt, an Ojibwa who fought for Native rights, was perhaps best known for his opposition to Native names and mascots for sports teams.

First in the headlines in 1972, Bellecourt organized a cross-country caravan of the Movement, to Washington. Once there, members of the group occupied the Bureau of Indian Affairs offices. His goal of international recognition for Aboriginal nations and their treaties found him meeting with figures like Libyan Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi, and Palestine’s Yasir Arafat. In 1977 Leonard Peltier was convicted and sentenced to two consecutive life terms for the murder of two FBI Agents during a 1975 shoot-out on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation; Bellecourt led the campaign to free him.

Most recently, he visited Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, to discuss getting free or cheap heating oil for reservations.

His work as president of the National Coalition on Racism in Sports and Media made a much wider known mark, though. Bellecourt emphasized that he believed such names perpetuated racial stereotypes, clouding the real identities and problems facing natives.

Teams with native-related names could almost guarantee on Bellecourt showing up at major games. He twice burned an effigy of Chief Wahoo, the Cleveland Indians baseball team mascot, and both times was arrested. When the Washington Redskins of the National Football League made the Super Bowl, Vernon was there to protest. The United States Commission on Civil Rights was critical of such names by 2001, calling them “insensitive in light of the long history of forced assimilation”. Some newspapers have stopped using the names of teams with Native origins.

None of his “big four” targets have shown any indication of changing: the Washington Redskins, the Kansas City Chiefs, the Cleveland Indians or the Atlanta Braves.

Post-season use of American Indian mascots were banned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association in 2005, suggesting the names are “hostile or abusive”. Bellecourt was pleased with the NCAA sanctions, but suggested such actions were only going “half way”.

The Florida State Seminole and the Illinois Illini were among the 18 colleges affected by the ban. Florida president T.K. Wetherell threatened legal action in response. The Florida Seminole tribes have endorsed the University’s usage of the name, but some out-of-state tribes were “not supportive”, according to the NCAA vice president for diversity and inclusion.

Born WaBun-Inini, Bellecourt died from complications of pneumonia on October 13, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.

On the campaign trail in the USA, July 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The following is the third edition of a monthly series chronicling the U.S. 2016 presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of the month’s biggest stories.

In this month’s edition on the campaign trail: two individuals previously interviewed by Wikinews announce their candidacies for the Reform Party presidential nomination; a former Republican Congressman comments on the Republican National Convention; and Wikinews interviews an historic Democratic National Convention speaker.

Gift Plants: True Satisfaction

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Gift Plants: True Satisfaction


Jeffrey Zaragosa

People are searching for something that will make them happy without boundaries. They are looking for a stable job for a living, finding someone or something that makes them complete and sharing the happiness it brings.

Sometimes, we make our happiness as a hobby. Some go for sports like bowling or surfing, do recreational things like cooking or knitting and others choose reading novels or collecting artifacts. Some are enjoying internet browsing, social networking and playing games online. But there is one particular hobby that is self-rewarding, free and fun, and that is collecting and cultivating a variety of gift plants

Why do they choose this kind of recreational activity? There must be a good reason. A lot of people said that it gave them the feeling of joy and contentment. Some mentioned that there is a feeling of happiness and satisfaction when they see their plants growing. Knowing how to take care of the things that you love is showing the true reflection of yourself. Likewise, if you enjoy what you are doing that will make it a perfect hobby.


Cultivating gift plants is easy but it needs more patience and time to nurture and to make them beautiful. Because it will take a month or a year before you will see it grow into a fully grown plant, planters are needed to invest the extra time, effort and even money to raise them. Knowing what is best for your gift plants is also important.

A Good location, humid condition, and enough space and sunlight, are some of the vital things that you need to consider in cultivating live plants. If you are new to these things, love what you are doing then everything will just follow. Put your passion to all of the things that you do because it will be easier for you to get what you desire. Just enjoy what you are doing and you will find the true satisfaction.

In my next article, I will discuss about how you can create your own garden and cultivate your own live plants. I will also give you more ideas about gardening and buying plants online.

Jeffrey Zaragosa is a market researcher and a writer online of


. He loves to write about plants as special gifts and

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. He always makes research on plants used as gifts for special occasions.

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Public disclosure made of final report on deaths of nine in Finnish school shooting

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Finnish National Bureau of Investigation yesterday released 600 pages of the 2,000 page final report into the Jokela school shooting. 18-year-old Pekka-Eric Auvinen opened fire at Jokela High School, killing eight before turning his gun on himself, receiving fatal wounds.

The remaining 1,400 pages of the report are to remain confidential. The public section reveals a number of problems that may have impacted on Auvinen’s decision to conduct the attack, but says that police failed to find any conclusive motive. Also released was an animation depicting events at the school.

The report says Auvinen had been bullied since the age of ten and concludes the extent of this problem was greater than previously thought. Auvinen suffered from anxiety and blushing, especially in lessons, and had been diagnosed with a panic disorder, for which he had been prescribed medication. Auvinen also suffered from sleep disorders and loneliness, and had few friends, although one former bully did go on to become a good friend of Auvinen’s. His mother said inability to settle on a suitable ideology contributed to Auvinen’s depression.

His parents had noticed and reacted to the bullying problem, but their intervention only served to worsen the situation. According to entries in Auvinen’s diary, he first began planning the shooting – which he gave the English name “Operation Main Strike” – about eight months prior to actually conducting the shooting.

Auvinen had told his mother that under certain circumstances he could approve of violence. He had often viewed web sites promoting violence and had a number of online contacts whom he discussed his ideas with. One of these was a United States teen arrested for planning a similar attack, and two others discussed the Columbine High School Massacre with him and traded videos they found online. However, there is no evidence he informed anyone of his plans until immediately prior to the attack.

The report called Auvinen a moderately good student, but noted his mental problems had impacted his performance at school. He had been interested in politics from an early age, being involved with the Centre Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Left Alliance, and the Finnish Communist Party.

“In the best case, this (attack) would create massive destruction and chaos, or even a revolution,” read one diary entry. “In any case, I want this to be remembered forever. Maybe I’ll even have a follower; after all, I am a super-person, almost God.” Another revealed he intended to “kill as many of you bastards as possible”. His diary also reveals he was aware he would be dead by the end of the attack.

He obtained a .22 calliber handgun which he named Catherine, having been denied a license for a 9mm gun, and submitted his plans online – including to YouTube – just 14 minutes prior to firing his first shots, having cycled to school. It was determined that, given the time-frame, there was little that could have been done by anyone who saw the material to prevent the attack. He fired 75 shots, 50 of which struck his eight fatally wounded victims, who were apparently chosen at random. Thirteen others were injured in the event.

The deceased were six students, the school headmistress and the school nurse. Auvinen shot at each several times in the region of the head and upper torso. He ultimately shot himself in the school toilet, and died in hospital from head wounds ten hours later, having never regained consciousness.

Police could not determine why he chose the date he did, although it was noted his online relationship with a foreign girl had ended just days before. It was also determined little could be done to predict and prevent future incidents, although one measure being sought is to require medical checks for gun licences and parental consent for prospective owners under 18.

The confidential section of the report discusses causes of death and police operations.


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  • 8 April 2014: Scottish artist Alan Davie dies at age 93
  • 16 December 2013: Glasgow’s Common Weal launch; ‘Not me first. All of us first’
  • 23 June 2013: Questions raised over Mosquito device ahead of New South Wales trial
  • 22 August 2011: Libya: Rebels edge closer to Tripoli
  • 26 May 2011: ‘George Davis is innocent – OK’: UK court partially vindicates campaign after 36 years
  • 17 April 2011: Syrian protests met with crackdown
  • 11 April 2011: Shiites protest against discrimination in Bahrain
  • 28 March 2011: Battle for Trafalgar Square, London as violence breaks out between demonstrators and riot police
  • 20 September 2010: Iconic London mural could be restored
  • 25 July 2010: Hong Kong teenager murders mother and sister

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United States: Two killed, more than a hundred injured in Amtrak train collision in South Carolina

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Early on Sunday morning, Amtrak’s passenger train number 91, the Silver Star, bound for Miami from New York, slammed into a stationary CSX freight train in Cayce, about ten miles (16 km) south of Columbia, capital of the US state of South Carolina. Two Amtrak employees were killed and at least 116 were injured, some seriously.

The two killed were 54-year-old engineer Michael Kempf of Savannah, Georgia, and 36-year-old conductor Michael Cella of Orange Park, Florida. Robert Sumwalt, chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, told a press conference the passenger train had been diverted into a siding by a switch left “literally locked, with a padlock” in that position.

The collision happened at about 2:35 am local time (0735 UTC) at a switching yard in the small city of Cayce. The Amtrak train, with reportedly 139 passengers and eight employees aboard, collided head on with the freight train, which was parked with no one on board. The Amtrak locomotive and the leading locomotive on the freight train were destroyed; the Amtrak locomotive and some of its passenger cars derailed, and one of those cars was folded in half. Several freight cars were crumpled, Reuters reported. In a press conference, the state governor, Henry McMaster, said the Amtrak locomotive was “barely recognizable” and described it as “a horrible thing to see, to understand the force involved”.

Harrison Cahill, a spokesman for Lexington County, gave a count of 116 injured, up from an initial report of 70; according to Derrec Becker, public information officer for the South Carolina Emergency Management Division, injuries ranged “from cuts and bruises to severe broken bones”. On Monday a Palmetto Health spokesperson said two patients were in serious and two in critical condition at their facilities. A spill of approximately 5,000 gallons of fuel from the freight train posed no safety hazard, according to officials.

Passenger Derek Pettaway told the CNN network that like most others, he had been sleeping when the collision happened. He said Amtrak staff cleared the passengers from the train rapidly, and there was no panic; “I think people were more in shock than anything else”, he said.

“Key to this investigation is learning why the switch was lined that way”, Sumwalt said. Amtrak’s CEO, Richard Anderson, speaking to reporters on Sunday, held CSX responsible; he stated the track in that area is operated by CSX and the signals, which CSX operates, were not working at the time of the collision and a CSX dispatcher was therefore directing the Amtrak train’s movements. Sumwalt noted an automatic monitoring and braking system called positive train control, which was not in use on the stretch of line, could have forestalled the collision.

Several fatal incidents involving Amtrak trains have occurred in the past three months. On December 18, the inaugural train on a new route in Washington state derailed at high speed while crossing above a highway, killing three; on January 31, the driver of a garbage truck was killed in Virginia when he collided with an Amtrak train chartered to take Republican lawmakers to a retreat.

Fun Times On A Holiday To Luxor}

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Submitted by: Jessica Nielson

Holidays to Luxor are not only fascinating they are fun and exciting. The Temple of Luxor is a beautiful place to visit to see the design and structure. The temple is located down the road from the Museum of Ancient Egyptian Art. The museum has so many exhibits on display to see. Luxor has two sides to visit. The east side and the west side are both places of interest. You will see ancient ruins and the tombs if you visit Thebes, the capital city. Luxor is much more than a tourist destination. It is a historical paradise that everyone enjoys.

On the east side, you will find a more modern Luxor. The museums, shops and restaurants are found mostly on the east side. If you need public transportation, the east side has trains and buses. If you are looking for things to do for tourists, you want to visit the west side of Luxor. The short ride from one side to another is easy to take so that everyone can stay in hotels on the east side and travel to the west side for sightseeing. More hotels are being built on the west side so that visitors can stay on the west side instead of taking the short cruise back and forth.

In Luxor, you can do some sightseeing by horse and carriage, bicycles or walking. If you enjoy walking, you can visit the Valley of the Queens by walking through the desert. Not only is the desert walk adventurous, it shows you the beauty of the area. The Ancient Thebes can be accessed by bicycle if you want to spend the day exploring the land by bike. There are many bicycle rentals around the west side. You can find so many interesting and exciting things to do in Luxor.

The nightlife is non-existence in Luxor unless your hotel has a bar and lounge. The Muslim law forbids drinking of alcoholic beverages in public. The hotels are not run by Muslims and do have bars and drinks. You could find a few places that might sell alcoholic beverages for cash and carry, but you must keep it out of sight until you reach your hotel. Luxor is a beautiful place to visit, but you do have to follow their customs and beliefs. There are many places to eat on the west side and the east side.

The history and culture of Luxor is something that attracts so many visitors. Although, you have to follow the customs, you can enjoy your cheap holidays to Luxor. The eateries serve some of the same foods you would find at home. There is a McDonald’s and a Jamboree, which have the foods most will be familiar with. On the west side, it is possible to find some area bars, but they are few and in between. The west side is more fun that the modern east side. You should see everything on the west side, but do not forget to explore the easy side as well.

About the Author: Jessica Nielson writes holiday guides for

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at a UK based website that specializes in writing informative holiday guides and tips. Visit –

Enjoy An Adventurous Vacation To Luxor

– and get more in depth holiday tips to Luxor.


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Bat for Lashes plays the Bowery Ballroom: an Interview with Natasha Khan

Friday, September 28, 2007

Bat for Lashes is the doppelgänger band ego of one of the leading millennial lights in British music, Natasha Khan. Caroline Weeks, Abi Fry and Lizzy Carey comprise the aurora borealis that backs this haunting, shimmering zither and glockenspiel peacock, and the only complaint coming from the audience at the Bowery Ballroom last Tuesday was that they could not camp out all night underneath these celestial bodies.

We live in the age of the lazy tendency to categorize the work of one artist against another, and Khan has had endless exultations as the next Björk and Kate Bush; Sixousie Sioux, Stevie Nicks, Sinead O’Connor, the list goes on until it is almost meaningless as comparison does little justice to the sound and vision of the band. “I think Bat For Lashes are beyond a trend or fashion band,” said Jefferson Hack, publisher of Dazed & Confused magazine. “[Khan] has an ancient power…she is in part shamanic.” She describes her aesthetic as “powerful women with a cosmic edge” as seen in Jane Birkin, Nico and Cleopatra. And these women are being heard. “I love the harpsichord and the sexual ghost voices and bowed saws,” said Radiohead‘s Thom Yorke of the track Horse and I. “This song seems to come from the world of Grimm’s fairytales.”

Bat’s debut album, Fur And Gold, was nominated for the 2007 Mercury Prize, and they were seen as the dark horse favorite until it was announced Klaxons had won. Even Ladbrokes, the largest gambling company in the United Kingdom, had put their money on Bat for Lashes. “It was a surprise that Klaxons won,” said Khan, “but I think everyone up for the award is brilliant and would have deserved to win.”

Natasha recently spoke with David Shankbone about art, transvestism and drug use in the music business.

DS: Do you have any favorite books?

NK: [Laughs] I’m not the best about finishing books. What I usually do is I will get into a book for a period of time, and then I will dip into it and get the inspiration and transformation in my mind that I need, and then put it away and come back to it. But I have a select rotation of cool books, like Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés and Little Birds by Anaïs Nin. Recently, Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch.

DS: Lynch just came out with a movie last year called Inland Empire. I interviewed John Vanderslice last night at the Bowery Ballroom and he raved about it!

NK: I haven’t seen it yet!

DS: Do you notice a difference between playing in front of British and American audiences?

NK: The U.S. audiences are much more full of expression and noises and jubilation. They are like, “Welcome to New York, Baby!” “You’re Awesome!” and stuff like that. Whereas in England they tend to be a lot more reserved. Well, the English are, but it is such a diverse culture you will get the Spanish and Italian gay guys at the front who are going crazy. I definitely think in America they are much more open and there is more excitement, which is really cool.

DS: How many instruments do you play and, please, include the glockenspiel in that number.

NK: [Laughs] I think the number is limitless, hopefully. I try my hand at anything I can contribute; I only just picked up the bass, really—

DS: –I have a great photo of you playing the bass.

NK: I don’t think I’m very good…

DS: You look cool with it!

NK: [Laughs] Fine. The glockenspiel…piano, mainly, and also the harp. Guitar, I like playing percussion and drumming. I usually speak with all my drummers so that I write my songs with them in mind, and we’ll have bass sounds, choir sounds, and then you can multi-task with all these orchestral sounds. Through the magic medium of technology I can play all kinds of sounds, double bass and stuff.

DS: Do you design your own clothes?

NK: All four of us girls love vintage shopping and charity shops. We don’t have a stylist who tells us what to wear, it’s all very much our own natural styles coming through. And for me, personally, I like to wear jewelery. On the night of the New York show that top I was wearing was made especially for me as a gift by these New York designers called Pepper + Pistol. And there’s also my boyfriend, who is an amazing musician—

DS: —that’s Will Lemon from Moon and Moon, right? There is such good buzz about them here in New York.

NK: Yes! They have an album coming out in February and it will fucking blow your mind! I think you would love it, it’s an incredible masterpiece. It’s really exciting, I’m hoping we can do a crazy double unfolding caravan show, the Bat for Lashes album and the new Moon and Moon album: that would be really theatrical and amazing! Will prints a lot of my T-shirts because he does amazing tapestries and silkscreen printing on clothes. When we play there’s a velvety kind of tapestry on the keyboard table that he made. So I wear a lot of his things, thrift store stuff, old bits of jewelry and antique pieces.

DS: You are often compared to Björk and Kate Bush; do those constant comparisons tend to bother you as an artist who is trying to define herself on her own terms?

NK: No, I mean, I guess that in the past it bothered me, but now I just feel really confident and sure that as time goes on my musical style and my writing is taking a pace of its own, and I think in time the music will speak for itself and people will see that I’m obviously doing something different. Those women are fantastic, strong, risk-taking artists—

DS: —as are you—

NK: —thank you, and that’s a great tradition to be part of, and when I look at artists like Björk and Kate Bush, I think of them as being like older sisters that have come before; they are kind of like an amazing support network that comes with me.

DS: I’d imagine it’s preferable to be considered the next Björk or Kate Bush instead of the next Britney.

NK: [Laughs] Totally! Exactly! I mean, could you imagine—oh, no I’m not going to try to offend anyone now! [Laughs] Let’s leave it there.

DS: Does music feed your artwork, or does you artwork feed your music more? Or is the relationship completely symbiotic?

NK: I think it’s pretty back-and-forth. I think when I have blocks in either of those area, I tend to emphasize the other. If I’m finding it really difficult to write something I know that I need to go investigate it in a more visual way, and I’ll start to gather images and take photographs and make notes and make collages and start looking to photographers and filmmakers to give me a more grounded sense of the place that I’m writing about, whether it’s in my imagination or in the characters. Whenever I’m writing music it’s a very visual place in my mind. It has a location full of characters and colors and landscapes, so those two things really compliment each other, and they help the other one to blossom and support the other. They are like brother and sister.

DS: When you are composing music, do you see notes and words as colors and images in your mind, and then you put those down on paper?

NK: Yes. When I’m writing songs, especially lately because I think the next album has a fairly strong concept behind it and I’m writing the songs, really imagining them, so I’m very immersed into the concept of the album and the story that is there through the album. It’s the same as when I’m playing live, I will imagine I see a forest of pine trees and sky all around me and the audience, and it really helps me. Or I’ll just imagine midnight blue and emerald green, those kind of Eighties colors, and they help me.

DS: Is it always pine trees that you see?

NK: Yes, pine trees and sky, I guess.

DS: What things in nature inspire you?

NK: I feel drained thematically if I’m in the city too long. I think that when I’m in nature—for example, I went to Big Sur last year on a road trip and just looking up and seeing dark shadows of trees and starry skies really gets me and makes me feel happy. I would sit right by the sea, and any time I have been a bit stuck I will go for a long walk along the ocean and it’s just really good to see vast horizons, I think, and epic, huge, all-encompassing visions of nature really humble you and give you a good sense of perspective and the fact that you are just a small particle of energy that is vibrating along with everything else. That really helps.

DS: Are there man-made things that inspire you?

NK: Things that are more cultural, like open air cinemas, old Peruvian flats and the Chelsea Hotel. Funny old drag queen karaoke bars…

DS: I photographed some of the famous drag queens here in New York. They are just such great creatures to photograph; they will do just about anything for the camera. I photographed a famous drag queen named Miss Understood who is the emcee at a drag queen restaurant here named Lucky Cheng’s. We were out in front of Lucky Cheng’s taking photographs and a bus was coming down First Avenue, and I said, “Go out and stop that bus!” and she did! It’s an amazing shot.

NK: Oh. My. God.

DS: If you go on her Wikipedia article it’s there.

NK: That’s so cool. I’m really getting into that whole psychedelic sixties and seventies Paris Is Burning and Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis. Things like The Cockettes. There seems to be a bit of a revolution coming through that kind of psychedelic drag queen theater.

DS: There are just so few areas left where there is natural edge and art that is not contrived. It’s taking a contrived thing like changing your gender, but in the backdrop of how that is still so socially unacceptable.

NK: Yeah, the theatrics and creativity that go into that really get me. I’m thinking about The Fisher King…do you know that drag queen in The Fisher King? There’s this really bad and amazing drag queen guy in it who is so vulnerable and sensitive. He sings these amazing songs but he has this really terrible drug problem, I think, or maybe it’s a drink problem. It’s so bordering on the line between fabulous and those people you see who are so in love with the idea of beauty and elevation and the glitz and the glamor of love and beauty, but then there’s this really dark, tragic side. It’s presented together in this confusing and bewildering way, and it always just gets to me. I find it really intriguing.

DS: How are you received in the Pakistani community?

NK: [Laughs] I have absolutely no idea! You should probably ask another question, because I have no idea. I don’t have contact with that side of my family anymore.

DS: When you see artists like Pete Doherty or Amy Winehouse out on these suicidal binges of drug use, what do you think as a musician? What do you get from what you see them go through in their personal lives and with their music?

NK: It’s difficult. The drugs thing was never important to me, it was the music and expression and the way he delivered his music, and I think there’s a strange kind of romantic delusion in the media, and the music media especially, where they are obsessed with people who have terrible drug problems. I think that’s always been the way, though, since Billie Holiday. The thing that I’m questioning now is that it seems now the celebrity angle means that the lifestyle takes over from the actual music. In the past people who had musical genius, unfortunately their personal lives came into play, but maybe that added a level of romance, which I think is pretty uncool, but, whatever. I think that as long as the lifestyle doesn’t precede the talent and the music, that’s okay, but it always feels uncomfortable for me when people’s music goes really far and if you took away the hysteria and propaganda of it, would the music still stand up? That’s my question. Just for me, I’m just glad I don’t do heavy drugs and I don’t have that kind of problem, thank God. I feel that’s a responsibility you have, to present that there’s a power in integrity and strength and in the lifestyle that comes from self-love and assuredness and positivity. I think there’s a real big place for that, but it doesn’t really get as much of that “Rock n’ Roll” play or whatever.

DS: Is it difficult to come to the United States to play considering all the wars we start?

NK: As an English person I feel equally as responsible for that kind of shit. I think it is a collective consciousness that allows violence and those kinds of things to continue, and I think that our governments should be ashamed of themselves. But at the same time, it’s a responsibility of all of our countries, no matter where you are in the world to promote a peaceful lifestyle and not to consciously allow these conflicts to continue. At the same time, I find it difficult to judge because I think that the world is full of shades of light and dark, from spectrums of pure light and pure darkness, and that’s the way human nature and nature itself has always been. It’s difficult, but it’s just a process, and it’s the big creature that’s the world; humankind is a big creature that is learning all the time. And we have to go through these processes of learning to see what is right.