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Wikinews investigates the reconstruction of Pichilemu, Chile after February earthquake

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Left: A recently constructed kiosk with the new design. Image: Diego Grez.Right: The original design of the kiosk, as shown in the plans by the Municipality. Image: Ilustre Municipalidad de Pichilemu.

Eight months after a catastrophic earthquake, Wikinews has investigated the devastation caused in February and the reconstruction of Pichilemu, Chile. The February 27 earthquake and a subsequent tsunami completely destroyed Pichilemu’s most coastal street and its oldest villages. Wikinews has also had access to the original design plans of the new kiosks in Pichilemu, and conducted an interview with merchant Alejandro Mella, known locally as the King of the Cochayuyo (“El Rey del Cochayuyo”), who lost his kiosk after the earthquake.

Pichilemu is a coastal city in the O’Higgins Region of Chile, known as one of the “best surfing spots” in South America. Its current Mayor is Roberto Córdova Carreño, who was elected internally by the Councillors of the city in September 2009, after several political controversies that ended with three Mayors being displaced.

The territory of Pichilemu has a surface of 7,491 square kilometers, and comprises at least 24 villages, such as Ciruelos, Rodeíllo and Espinillo (the latter two also severely damaged by the March 11 earthquake). Pichilemu is the most popular beach in O’Higgins Region, and many tourists visit it every summer.

The earthquake took place in what is considered the “last weekend in the summer;” on Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 03:34 local time (06:34 UTC), while almost all Chileans were sleeping. Hours earlier, on Friday, thousands of people had arrived at Pichilemu. “The house moved from side to side. I really thought it was going to fall. It was 3 or 4 minutes long,” Diego Grez, a Chilean student who was in Pichilemu at the time of the quake, told Wikinews in an interview.

A concert was being held at the One Discotheque when the earthquake occurred. It is said that the audience panicked and fled outside the discothèque, and then to the La Cruz Hill. Most tourists fled outside the city right after the earthquake occurred, but many others opted to stay in the La Cruz Hill or the village of Pueblo de Viudas, which are the higher points in the city.

“Pichilemu is the symbolic beach resort in the Sixth Region [of O’Higgins], so it was not strange to even think that [during] the last weekend before the entrance to school, many people would be going to take advantage of it to take a vacation; and that’s what happened,” reported El Rancagüino, the most important newspaper in O’Higgins Region, on February 28.

The only radio broadcasting in the area was Entre Olas, directed by Jorge Nasser, which also helped Pichileminians know what happened in other affected places by the earthquake, as they re-broadcasted the audio of Televisión Nacional de Chile (National Television of Chile). On the day of the earthquake, the station reported that a local police truck had crashed near La Cruz Hill. There was no tsunami warning, and Mayor Córdova was away on holiday when the earthquake struck.

“Those who live in Pichilemu, and those who were visiting it, were surprised by the giant waves that annihilated its beach and reached the city’s square, destroying everything on their way,” reported El Morrocotudo on February 28. “The most tough thing occurred when the firefighters’ alarms sounded twice, and the people in the hill began to yell ‘tsunami!’,” journalist Tania Arce told the newspaper.

The earthquake destroyed one of Pichilemu’s oldest and iconic buildings, the post office, which was demolished in July. The urban centre of Pichilemu was not severely damaged by the earthquake, but its subsequent tsunami caused most of the destruction. The Agustín Ross architecture in the city (three of his buildings are National Monuments of Chile) was damaged. Agustín Ross Balcony was completely destroyed.

According to SHOA, the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy, the tsunami triggered by the earthquake first reached Pichilemu, at 03:48 (06:48 UTC). A second wave came at 04:15 (07:15 UTC).

Policeman José Arévalo was the only person to warn residents that a tsunami was approaching. Arévalo was patrolling the Las Terrazas beach, when the earthquake occurred. He told El Rancahuaso there were around 25 people in the beach. “Right after the quake, he noticed the sea had shrank around 500 meters inside. He took his megaphone, and shouted people should leave the place instantly.” “The sea is coming out! The sea is coming out!,” he shouted. “The warning was also preceived by nightclubs and pubs surrounding the costanera. Then, the tragedy occurred. The sea destroyed everything on its way,” El Rancahuaso reported. “It all was really quick. Everyone is safe, luckily [..] It’s something unforgettable to me, I’m proud I saved all of those lives,” Arévalo added.

The tsunami destroyed restaurants, hotels, kiosks, the Fishermen Store (Caleta de Pescadores), surf schools, the Agustín Ross Balcony (located right in front of the Las Terrazas beach) and houses near the costanera (the nearest street to the beach), and flooded the building of the Government of Cardenal Caro Province, the boarding school of Pichilemu, the city square (Arturo Prat Square), and the Supermarket El 9.

A local worker, Ricardo Vivanco, also known as “El Gordo” (“The Fat one”), almost was killed by a tsunami, ignoring warnings by the Police and the Fire Bureau. Vivanco was drunk, and went down to the Las Terrazas beach with his friends. The wave washed him away, and was hit on the Agustín Ross Balcony’s wall. His friends recorded a video and uploaded it to YouTube.

It was reported by Radio Entre Olas on February 27, that the tsunami had provoked massive damage in Punta de Lobos, Pichilemu’s most popular beach. The owner of Entre Mar, an hotel and restaurant in that beach, said the tsunami had destroyed all of his buildings there.

The village of Espinillo was badly damaged, and approximately 600 people were made homeless by the earthquake, Teletrece reported on March 16. “We are keeping the government informed, we’re also organized with some churches [sic, religious organizations] that are working voluntarily in Espinillo, Los Boldos, Alto Ramírez […] We thank a lot their work, that is not to give them mediaguas [temporary tenements], but something definitive, but I also think they need resources to do it,” Mayor Córdova said.

On March 11, Chile was hit by a second earthquake, that reached a magnitude of 6.9, and that occurred 40 kilometers southwest of Pichilemu. It occurred at 11:39 local time (14:39 UTC), while the new President Sebastián Piñera was sworn in.

A tsunami warning was issued by SHOA, between Coquimbo and Los Lagos regions. People in Pichilemu fled again to La Cruz Hill. Military authorities assured people in the hill they were going to be safe there, and that it was unlikely a tsunami was going to hit again Chile’s coast. The tsunami warning was lifted at 15:50 local time (18:50 UTC).

People stayed in La Cruz Hill for a longer time than after the previous earthquake, and several activities were made there, such as a concert by Chilean-Brazilian singer Joe Vasconcellos. People were also given food, wood (mostly remains from the destroyed kiosks), and electricity.

“We are here because we fear about our safety. We don’t want it [a possible tsunami] to catch us. We have to settle down here and to accommodate,” Edith Larraín told to Wikinews. Mayor Córdova estimated that at least 2,000 people were staying at La Cruz Hill. Militaries and provincial authorities asked them to leave the hill on March 15, but most refused the deal. People eventually left the hill, due to complaints by the Mayor.

On March 20, in collaboration with the Governor of Cardenal Caro Julio Ibarra, Colonel Raúl Melo, and the Mayor of Litueche Bernardo Cornejo, Mayor of Pichilemu Roberto Córdova announced a “tourism revival campaign” of Pichilemu, promoting the surf practice, whose goal was “to make the city go back to the normality.”

On April 4, the first monument was erected in memory of the earthquake and tsunami victims. The monument was created by local artisans, with rocks from several places of the Cardenal Caro Province. “We wanted to create this monument so we don’t forget it [the earthquake] […] This is the beginning of the reconstruction,” said Julio Ibarra. The monument was placed in front of the beach, near the building of the Cardenal Caro Government. Mayor Roberto Córdova said that “it definitely will help us reconstruct [ourselves] espiritually, [and that] is essential.”

On October 20, with the help of the Government, SERCOTEC (Technical Cooperation Service, Servicio de Cooperación Técnica) and FOSIS (Solidarity and Social Investment, Fondo de Solidaridad e Inversión Social), the Fishermen Store (Caleta de Pescadores) began to be reconstructed. Caleta de Pescadores is administered by the Independent Labour Union of Fishermen of Pichilemu (Sindicato de Trabajo Independientes de Pescadores Artesanales), which has twenty-three members.

“The Government of President Sebastián Piñera has been worried about the fishing area, carrying out several actions in help of them, after all that they’ve suffered after the earthquake and tsunami that hit them […] This area is working normally again,” Governor Ibarra said.

On October 6, the Municipality of Pichilemu published the design of kiosks that were going to be constructed, as replacement of those destroyed by the earthquake. As of October 23, four kiosks have been constructed in Pichilemu, specifically on Las Terrazas beach, and two more are being constructed. According to Mauricio Grez, a construction engineer, the construction of one kiosk would cost up to US$ 2,500 (CLP 1,000,000).

Alejandro Mella, locally known as “el Rey del Cochayuyo” (“the King of the Cochayuyo”), is a merchant of Pichilemu, who promotes the cochayuyo (durvillaea antarctica), and lost his kiosk after the February earthquake and tsunami. “I was given my [former] kiosk by the Mayor Orlando Cornejo, back in 1993. It was right in front of us [in front of Las Terrazas beach, near “the grotto of the Virgin”], and was made smithereens by the tsunami,” he told Wikinews.

“I have always worked on selling cochayuyo here, and the terrain where my kiosk was located before has been disputed by private people, and the municipality approved that. I talked with the Mayor and he said ‘I don’t know what’s going on the beach’; that left me perplexed. […] I like the new design of the kiosks, they are larger, and we can do more things with it, but they are way too expensive,” he added. Mr. Mella also gave Wikinews a sample of his work as “the King of the Cochayuyo”, an essay called “El cochayuyo es una mina repleta de nutrientes y sales minerales” (“Cochayuyo is a mine full of nutrients and mineral salts”, pictured below), which he sells for 200 Chilean pesos (0.41 US$), and that contains “tips and information about the plant, and some recipes.”

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A kiosk in Pichilemu, in 2007. The design is considerably different to the recently published one. Image: Diego Grez.

Isometrical view of the new Pichilemu kiosks. Image: Ilustre Municipalidad de Pichilemu.

Construction of kiosks in Las Terrazas Beach, on October 22. Image: Diego Grez.

Front page of Alejandro Mella’s essay “El cochayuyo es una mina repleta de nutrientes y sales minerales” (“Cochayuyo is a mine full of nutrients and mineral salts”), which he published under the nickname of “the king of the Cochayuyo of Pichilemu”. Image: Alejandro Mella/Diego Grez.

US dog attack owner charged with involuntary manslaughter

Friday, March 25, 2005A Spotsylvania County woman, whose three dogs allegedly attacked and killed her elderly neighbor, was freed Wednesday by posting a $10,000 bond. Dianna Large, 36, received one felony charge of involuntary manslaughter and three misdemeanor charges in an indictment issued last week.

In her first appearance before a judge, she answered Circuit Court Judge William H. Ledbetter questions with simple “Yes sir.” and “No sir.” responses. The short hearing, held Thursday, formalized the charges against her. The involuntary manslaughter charge, a first in the severity of punishment being sought on a dog owner in the Virginan state of USA, carries a maximum penalty of 10 years.

State procecutor Wiliam Neely said that Large knowingly let her three Pit Bull dogs run free, and that an animal control agency person had warned her to keep them under better control. She also a violated a county ordinance requiring owners of dangerous dogs to post a warning sign to visitors. The prosecution also noted that none of the three male dogs were neutered.

The Animal Control Department of Virginia maintains a dangerous dog registry. It contains a list of owners whose dogs are deemed dangerous to society. The link to the registry was moved to a more prominent position on the county web page following the attack.

Adele and David Bowie each win five Grammys

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

On Sunday, British singer Adele won five Grammy Awards at the 59th Grammy Awards event in Los Angeles. David Bowie posthumously won five Grammys.

Adele won Song of the Year, Best Pop Solo and Record of the Year for her song Hello, and Album of the Year for her album 25, becoming the first singer to win the Song of the Year, Record of the Year, and Album of the Year twice.

David Bowie was nominated in five categories — three for his album Blackstar in Best Alternative Music Album, Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical, and Best Rock Performance; and two for his song Blackstar, Best Rock Song and Best Rock Performance. Days after releasing his 25th album, Blackstar, Bowie passed away in January 2016, due to cancer. Before Blackstar, Bowie won a Grammy for his music video Jazzin’ for Blue Jean, and Lifetime Achievement Award in 2006, never winning the award in a major category before.

In the event, singer Bruno Mars paid tribute to music icon Prince, replicating style, costumes, and guitar of Prince’s. Minneapolis-based funk band The Time, who had performed with Prince, paid tribute to the singer who passed away in April at the age of 57. Adele, in her performance, paid tribute to George Michael. While performing, Adele stopped, swore, and restarted. She later apologised, saying “I am sorry for swearing and I am sorry for starting again, I can’t mess this up for him[…] I am sorry, I can’t.” British pop singer George Michael died on Christmas Day of heart failure at the age of 53.

Adele was in tears while receiving Grammy for the Album of the Year. In her acceptance speech, she said, “But I can’t possibly accept this award. And I’m very humbled and I’m very grateful and gracious. But my artist of my life is Beyoncé. And this album to me, the ‘Lemonade’ album, is just so monumental. Beyoncé, it’s so monumental. And so well thought out, and so beautiful and soul-baring and we all got to see another side to you that you don’t always let us see. And we appreciate that. And all us artists here, we fucking adore you. You are our light. And the way that you make me and my friends feel, the way you make my black friends feel, is empowering. And you make them stand up for themselves. And I love you.” Other albums in the pool, besides 25 and Lemonade, were Justin Bieber’s Purpose, Drake’s Views, and A Sailor’s Guide To Earth by Sturgill Simpson.

Earlier, while receiving award for the Record of the Year, Adele said, “My dream and my idol is Queen Bee [Beyoncé], and I adore you and you move my soul every single day and you have done for nearly seventeen years”. Other songs nominated in the category were Beyoncé’s Formation, Work by Rihanna, 7 Years by Lukas Graham, and Stressed Out by TWENTY ØNE PILØTS.

Beyoncé received the largest number of nominations for the event — nine — but she won only two. Her album Lemonade won Best Urban Contemporary Album and her song Formation won Best Music Video.

Chance The Rapper won Best New Artist, and claimed Best Rap Performance for No Problem and Best Rap Album for Coloring Book. Chance’s songs were never sold, and were available for free on streaming services.

The new host James Corden took a pratfall on the stairs while entering. The duo TWENTY ØNE PILØTS won Best Pop Duo/Group Performance for their song Stressed Out. Upon announcement, they removed their pants to accept the award. Sharing an incident of watching Grammys before the duo was famous, Tyler Joseph said Josh Dun proposed if they were to receive a Grammy, they would receive it in their underpants as they were in underpants watching the award ceremony at the time. In his acceptance speech, he said, “I want everyone who’s watching at home to know that you could be next. So watch out, because anyone from anywhere can do anything.”

Pet Adoption Reasons To Adopt Pets}

Submitted by: Allice Williams

When it comes to changing the world through adopting pets people are taking puppy steps. Over the last ten years, the number of people who are willing to adopt pets is in constant growth. You might say that the fuzzy and warm feel-good factor that often comes when you save an abandoned pet is encouraging people to do it.

There is more than 13.000 independent (not monitored by any national organization) community animal shelters in the United States. Every year around 7.6 million animals enter these shelters. Of those, approximately 3.4 million are cats and 3.9 million are dogs. The number of euthanized animals goes up to 2.7 million per year (1.4 million cats and 1.2 million dogs).

Of all the dogs that enter shelters, around 35% get adopted, 31% get euthanized and 26% of dogs get returned to their owner. When it comes to cats around 37% get adopted, 41% get euthanized and less than 5% of cats get returned to their owner. Adopt a pet save a life!

Seven great reasons to adopt rescue pets

1. Not starting from scratch

After buying a puppy, you essentially end up with an infant in your home. A completely unsocialised, untrained little creature who thinks the box you bought him is a jail. He mistakes the papers for him to squat on for an awesome toy to be shredded, your best shoes for food and sees your new carpet for ideal substitute for grass when nature calls.

Most rescue dogs have history of being house dogs. Thanks to the fact that they may have spent some time with a foster family who have taught them the ropes, you get them with at least some basic manners. An adopted older cat, compared to an attention-seeking lively kitten is likely to be content being home alone which makes her an ideal pet for someone with an active lifestyle.

2. Perfect pet-match

Reliable rescue organisations list adoptable pets that have been health-checked, assessed for basic manners, toilet training and temperament. This should be very helpful in finding the perfect pet-match for your lifestyle and family.

3. What you see is what you get

When buying a baby pet, you’re never really sure what type of adult pet will he turn out to be. All puppies are playful and cute, but until they’re about two years old their adult personalities aren’t really visible. So, you can’t be sure if you’re getting a couch potato or a dog who wants to play ALL the time.

When it comes to adopting a rescue dog, you already know whether it fits your idea of the ideal companion and what the dog’s personality is like. Also, from day one you know if there are any problem areas that needs addressing to.

The same can be said of kittens and cats. They mature a little quicker, and their adult personality is visible by the time theyre one year old. So, just like with dogs, with an adult cat you know what youre getting. A lap cat stays a lap cat and its easy to see if it will fit easily into a multi-cat household.

4. The bond is just as strong

An abandoned adult dog is often eager to become part of a loving pack and, as soon as they feel secure and safe, will bond with a new family. As a matter of fact, rescue dogs often eagerly please and win-over their new owners. Puppies rescued from puppy mills can take this to the extreme, they will follow you from one room to another just to stay close to you at all times.

Most adult cats also like that feeling of belongingness. Theyll either find a cosy spot close to you or curl up at the foot of the bed. Unlike them, kitten will probably spend the night attacking anything low enough to jump on, including you, running and climbing.

5. Adult pets are better for families

Older pets are often better with kids. Kittens and puppies usually like to play rough and can harm children by scratching, nipping or biting. A large breed pup, if over-excited, can accidentally knock children over. But children too can be a little over-excited around kittens and puppies, and an accidental knock, prod or pull can cause harm to young animals too. Generally, adult pets are mellow in nature and usually more patient and cautious around children.

6. A good example for your kids

Rescue pet adoption is a wonderful opportunity for your children to learn the essential values of caring, compassion, and the generous act of giving someone a second chance.

7. A cost-effective choice

Have in mind that when you buy a kitten or puppy the animal will probably need to be health-checked and vaccinated. Often desexed, wormed and treated for fleas too. When you adopt a rescued pet all those medical expenses are already taken care of.

Why do pets end up in rescue?

USA is a nation of animal-lovers. So, how come thousands and thousands of pets end up homeless every year? The tragic truth behind this fact is, most of homeless cats and dogs do have families, it’s just that they’re lost and unable to reunite with them. Incredibly, less than 10% of rescue pets have been dumped or surrendered and rescue kittens are more than often the offspring of a stray cat.

It’s very important to have these facts in mind if youre considering adopting a pet. This only proves that abandoned animals are nothing less than regular pets. These poor creatures have really no other need but one – a second chance in life.

Why aren’t rescue pets free?

This is a frequently popping question and it isn’t hard to see why most people would think that. In their opinion if they’re willing to adopt a homeless cat or dog there should be no adoption fee. To tell the truth, it would be perfectly reasonable in a perfect world.

However, all rescue pets have to be examined by a vet, microchipped, desexed and vaccinated. Also, dogs must be tested for heartworm too. All these expenses are paid by the rescue group out of their own pocket. By charging an adoption fee they’re only recouping these costs in order to make the rescue process sustainable.

In most cases, the basic medical expenses incurred are covered by the adoption fee you pay. However, additional costs of the pet receiving any extra medical treatment won’t be covered by the adoption fee. Adoption fees usually sit in the region between $100 and $700.

In comparison to this, an average price for a pet store puppy (that most likely came from a puppy farm) is from $600 to $1,200. What’s more, you still have to pay for microchipping, desexing and vaccinations. So, all added up, rescue pets are a bargain!

So, if you’re convinced where to start?

A great joy, but also a huge responsibility comes from adopting a pet, so the decision to adopt shouldn’t be taken lightly. Lots of things need considering to make absolutely sure you’re making the right choice for you, your lifestyle and your family. Some of the things worth considering are:

If your daily schedule is busy, an adult cat would probably be the excellent companion for you.

If you work long hours away from home and travel a lot, it’s most likely not the right time for pet adoption.

Your pet will have needs over the next 10-15 years, are you prepared to pay for them? Food, veterinary bills, grooming, and pet supplies can easily add up to thousands of dollars over the pet’s lifetime.

If you’re making plans for a major lifestyle change, such as new baby, moving or a marriage, until things settle down in your life put your pet adoption plans on hold.

If despite everything you still think the time is right for you to adopt a pet, make sure to check out some articles about pet adoption offering top tips about choosing a right pet.

Finding a good rescue group

There are plenty of organisations and people out there claiming to offer rescue services. Indeed, some of them are doing a fantastic job, but how can you see a difference between a good rescue group and a not-so-good rescue group? A good rescue group will most likely have these four signs:

1. Responsibility

The most important thing is, they should be devoted to desexing their animals. A sure sign of a not reputable organisation is for them to be willing to give you a breeding age pet that has not been desexed. Never do business with them.

2. Commitment

They have a honest interest in the life-long welfare of their animals. Make sure your adoption contract includes a clause that you can return the pet to them, just in case the adoption doesn’t work out for either you or the pet.

3. Attentiveness

They are happy and willing to spend as much time as necessary to discuss your lifestyle, expectations and requirements, answering any questions you have and addressing any of your concerns. Also, they should be open to offering pet advice, if you need it after the adoption.

4. Attention to detail

They conduct a detailed adoption screening process. Although it might be intimidating to be asked personal questions by a stranger, the more open you are with them, the more easily it will be for them to match you with the right pet. Also, you can use this as a great opportunity to screen the rescue group!

Cant adopt, but willing to help?

If you are really willing to get involved in rescue but you can’t adopt at the time, You might want to consider volunteering. You could spend some time with the animals, groom them, or donate pet supplies or much-needed food. Also, one of the options is becoming a temporary foster parent for pets.

Saving a life, getting a healthy pet, feeling better, saving money and not supporting pet stores and puppy mills are just some of the reasons to adopt a pet instead of buying one. So what are you waiting for? Go find your perfect pet!

About the Author: fascinating writer and animal lover. loves nature and likes to rest. Many of my articles can be found on the following page:


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Viktor Schreckengost dies at 101

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Viktor Schreckengost, the father of industrial design and creator of the Jazz Bowl, an iconic piece of Jazz Age art designed for Eleanor Roosevelt during his association with Cowan Pottery died yesterday. He was 101.

Schreckengost was born on June 26, 1906 in Sebring, Ohio, United States.

Schreckengost’s peers included the far more famous designers Raymond Loewy and Norman Bel Geddes.

In 2000, the Cleveland Museum of Art curated the first ever retrospective of Schreckengost’s work. Stunning in scope, the exhibition included sculpture, pottery, dinnerware, drawings, and paintings.

Sixteen people feared dead after helicopter crash in North Sea

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A search-and-rescue mission was underway after a helicopter with 16 people on board crashed off the northeastern coast of Scotland in the North Sea on Wednesday, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency stated.

Police say they have recovered eight bodies, while the other eight persons aboard are still unaccounted for. The chopper was returning from an oil platform shortly before 2:00 p.m. local time when it crashed into the waters about 35 miles (56 km) from the coast of Aberdeen, Scotland.

The aircraft involved in the accident is believed to be a Eurocopter AF332 L2 Super Puma.

“A supply vessel called Normand Aurora, which was quite close by, has put their fast response boat into the water and is looking for survivors,” said a spokesman for the agency. “Two helicopters from the RAF have been scrambled to the scene and a Nimrod marine patrol aircraft has been diverted to the area. Aberdeen coastguard have begun broadcasting a mayday signal into the area and RNLI lifeboats from Peterhead and Fraserburgh are heading for the scene now.”

This February, another helicopter went down in fog in the North Sea. All eighteen people on board survived. In March, a Sikorsky S-92A helicopter carrying oil workers also crashed off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, killing seventeen people.

How Did I Become Obese?

Submitted by: Camry James

I realize how difficult it is to be overweight and have low energy levels. I know how it can negatively affect your personal, social, and work life as well as increase your risk of many degenerative diseases that are rampant in today’s world.

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and mammals is increased to a point where it is thought to be a significant risk factor in certain health conditions, leading to increased mortality. Obesity is a condition that develops from the interaction of individual biology and the environment.

Adipose tissue is an anatomical term for loose connective tissue composed of adipocytes. Its main role is to store energy in the form of fat, although it also cushions and insulates the body. It has an important endocrine function in producing recently-discovered hormones such as leptin and resistin.

How is Fat Stored?


Adipose tissue is primarily located beneath the skin, but is also found around internal organs. In the skin, it accumulates in the deepest level, the subcutaneous layer, providing insulation from heat and cold. Around organs, it provides protective padding. It also functions as a reserve of nutrients.

Excessive body weight has been shown to correlate with various important diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea, stroke, and osteoarthritis. Obesity is both an individual clinical condition and, recently, a serious public health problem.

In a severely obese person, excess adipose tissue hanging downward from the abdomen is referred to as a panniculus. A panniculus complicates surgery of the morbidly obese, and may remain as a literal “apron of skin” if a severely obese person quickly loses large amounts of weight, which is a common result of bypass surgery.

Permanent solution to Obesity?

I know what it’s like to struggle with excessive weight gain, and today I want to share with you a truly healthful weight loss solution that has helped thousands of people lose stubborn fat pounds and inches by working along with the body, naturally with safe and lasting results.

This method is the Gastric Bypass Surgery which has helped thousands in losing those tens of kilos! The results are permanent and ever lasting. We urge you to find out more information on gastric bypass surgery so that you can make that life changing decision today!

About the Author: The most common surgery for obesity is

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Gastric Bypass



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Wikinews Shorts: April 19, 2007

A compilation of brief news reports for Thursday, April 19, 2007.

Wikinews reported previously on an Internet outage in New Zealand that lasted for over five hours. Telecom New Zealand, the company that owns and operates the “local loop”, said that they will review compensation for its customers on a case-by-case basis.

A wholesale ISP is attempting to give its subscribers compensation for the outage. CallPlus says that it is asking Telecom for the thousands of dollars it needs to pass on to its affected customers. They doubt Telecom will give them the money needed.

Related news

  • “Outage leaves tens of thousands of New Zealanders without Internet” — Wikinews, April 18, 2007


  • Newsroom. “Callplus seeks Telecom compo” — National Business Review, April 19, 2007
  • “CallPlus to seek compo over broadband outage” — Radio New Zealand, April 19, 2007

Farmers in Peru striking over the Peruvian government’s stance on coca, have issued an ultimatum. The ultimatum appears to be: negotiate within 24 hours, or face roadblocks indefinitely.

The protests come in response to a coca eradication drive and measures Peruvian president Alan García is taking against cocaine production in the country.

Peruvian police have arrested the leader of the Shining Path rebel group, Jimmy Rodríguez on charges of organising anti-government protests.


  • Dan Collyns. “Peru coca farmers warn government” — BBC News Online, April 19, 2007
  • Xinhua. “Peru police arrest Shining Path leader linked to coca protest” — People’s Daily Online, April 19. 2007

Meetings are underway at NATO headquarters in an attempt to reassure Russia that the missile defence plans pose no threat. The United States maintains the system is to protect against missiles from rogue states, whereas Russia sees the system as compromising its strategic interests in the region.

In today’s talks NATO allies encouraged the United States to make the planned anti-missile shield capable of covering all of Europe. They did this without committing themselves to joining the project.

Reaction to the proposed system in European states has been mixed.

  • “US set for Russia missile talks” — BBC News, April 19 2007
  • Mark John. “NATO allies urge U.S. to open missile shield plan” — Reuters, April 19 2007

Irrigation water to a substantial proportion of Australia’s farming regions could be cut due to drought conditions, Australian PM John Howard has warned.

Mr Howard’s comments concerned the Murray-Darling Basin, one of the largest systems in Australia. “If it doesn’t rain in sufficient volume over the next six to eight weeks, there will be no water allocations for irrigation purposes in the basin”, adding that the drought conditions could continue until May 2008.

He continued “It is a grim situation, and there is no point in pretending to Australia otherwise,” he said. “We must all hope and pray there is rain.”


  • “Australians warned of water cuts” — BBC News Online, April 19 2007
  • Rob Taylor. “Drought-hit Australia to stop irrigating food bowl” — Reuters, April 19 2007

Russia, in coordination with the government of the United States and Canada, is planning to build a tunnel from Russia to Alaska, Viktor Razbegin, deputy head of industrial research at the Russian Economy Ministry, told reporters in Moscow Wednesday.

The tunnel is budgeted to cost US$65 billion and would take 10 to 15 years to build. The tunnel is to provide train and automobile transport between Alaska and the Russian Far East, and to carry petroleum and natural gas pipelines, and high-voltage electrical cable.

The proposed tunnel is 64 miles long, or about 100 kilometers, in total, and is designed to link with two islands in the Bering Strait. The project is expected to have a very positive economic effect in the area.

Derek Brower, an energy market expert, called the project “absurd” and suggested the Russian government is playing political games to threaten its European customers to sign energy deals.

“I’ve never heard of this plan,” said Sergei Grigoryev, Vice President of oil pipeline monopoly Transneft.

“To be honest, anyone who look[s] at the map will realize that the project is too hard to implement,” an anonymous government source told Reuters.


  • Miro Cernetig and Peter O’Neil. “Russia proposes Bering Sea tunnel, railway to B.C.” — Vancouver Sun, April 19, 2007
  • Dmitry Zhdannikov. “Russia-Alaska tunnel is far off, if not a pipe dream” — Reuters, April 18, 2007
  • Yuriy Humber and Bradley Cook. “Russia Plans World’s Longest Tunnel, a Link to Alaska (Update4)” — Bloomberg News, April 18, 2007

‘Astonishing’ figures show 800 Scottish NHS staff earning over £140,000

Sunday, November 28, 2010

In tough financial times we need to make sure that our focus is on patient care and every penny is spent in the most efficient way.

Over 800 National Health Service staff in Scotland are earning more than £140,000 each year—more than First Minister Alex Salmond. New figures also reveal that 3,000 NHS workers are earning over £100,000. One NHS board alone, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, employs 893 staff earning more than £100,000, and 181 being paid over £140,000.

Jackie Baillie, health spokeswoman for the Labour Party, which uncovered the figures, said they were “astonishing”, and urged health boards to examine if savings can be made by reducing salaries of top earners. “This is a far better option than cutting frontline staff like nurses and midwives. In tough financial times we need to make sure that our focus is on patient care and every penny is spent in the most efficient way.” She further said: “In the current economic climate, it is impossible to justify huge salaries for consultants and senior executives when health boards are planning 4000 job losses this year, including 1500 nurses and midwives.”

Britain’s largest health service industrial union, Unison, questioned the amount of money the NHS was paying. A spokesperson said: “Unison doesn’t begrudge anybody the rate of pay for the job but obviously our membership will be concerned that while they are to face a pay freeze and people delivering frontline services are losing their jobs, there is a cohort of folk who appear to earn more than the most senior politician in the land.”

A Carrier Heat Pump Offers Several Benefits For Your Home

byAlma Abell

An increasing number of people are switching to electric vehicles because they aren’t as fossil fuel-dependent as traditional cars are. The same trend is happening in the HVAC industry, with more homeowners and business owners opting for heat pumps. A Carrier Heat Pump is particularly known for its high quality and ability to save you on your utility bill each month.


The Carrier Heat Pump provides cost savings because the more you use the pump, which runs on electricity, the less you have to use your home’s gas furnace. You can choose from a wide variety of pumps. For instance, a packaged heat pump essentially packs all of the advantages of an efficient cooling unit, heating unit and strong fan coil into one unit. A ductless one is ideal for those whose homes don’t have existing ductwork or those who need to cool and seasonally heat a room added to the home.

Other Options

You percent government tax credit; the tax credit helps you to recoup a portion of your pump installment costs.

How It Works

Heat pumps produce cool air in the summer or even year-round in warmer climates, and they effectively reverse their operation during cooler seasons to provide warm air for your house. A Carrier Heat Pump not only heats and cools your home but also dehumidifies—yet another perk of this highly rated product. The right company will show you how your system works and answer any questions you may have. With a quality heating and cooling system, you can be confident that your entire family will remain comfortable in every season in the years ahead.

Contact R.A. Heating & Air Conditioning for outstanding products and services in Wisconsin. To learn more about how the company can make your home more comfortable, visit
