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Pages in category “Food”

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European Court of Justice rules ISPs not obliged to reveal identity of people suspected of illegal sharing

Friday, July 20, 2007

It is compatible with the EU legislation that Member States exclude the personal data communication related to the internet traffic when this is requested in order to allow the prosecution of violations of the royalties in civil cases.

According the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the supreme court of European Union, the EU laws do not oblige ISPs to hand over personal data of people suspected of illegal sharing of copyrighted materials over the net.

The ECJ has been asked for a preliminary ruling on question “Does Community law…permit Member States to limit the duty of operators of electronic communications networks and services, providers of telecommunications network access and providers of data storage services to retain and make available connection and traffic information generated during the supply of an information society service to where it is required in connection with a criminal investigation or the need to protect public safety and national defence, thus excluding civil proceedings?” And its opinion, presented by advocate general Juliane Kokott, is that member states are allowed to ‘exclude’ revealing personal data on internet traffic in civil cases. This does not apply to criminal cases, where such compliance would be required.

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BC man is selling the boat from old TV series Gilligan’s Island

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A man named George Schultz in Parksville, British Columbia is selling the boat from old TV series Gilligan’s Island at the cost of $99,000. The cruiser, originally cost about $290,000 in the 1960s.

“There have been a couple of modifications, so it doesn’t look exactly like the original,” said Shultz, a boat broker who’s selling the 36-foot Wheeler Express Cruiser for fellow Parksdale resident Scotty Taylor. “But it’s still the original boat.”

Originally, the boat’s name was The Blue Jacket.

“Just for the show, for a stage name, it was called the S.S. Minnow,” Shultz said. The name was a reference to Newton Minnow, once chairman of the FCC.

“He just liked the boat, he wanted to restore it, it was a nice looking boat, a wooden boat, a classic and he likes classic boats,” said Shultz. “The hole in the hull was actually the least of the repairs – the interior needed a lot more work”.

Someone later stole the plaque on the boat, but the 46-year-old boat still has the round life preserver with S.S. Minnow emblazoned on it and the skipper’s chair.

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High Fiber Foods: A Rich Source For A Healthy Life}

Submitted by: Arati Shah

Its no surprise that fiber forms to be a vital part of a healthy diet. However, consuming foods high in dietary fiber can be more beneficial than just keeping you healthy. Eating fiber rich foods can lower the risks for stroke; heart disease and diabetes besides enhancing the health of your skin and helping you lose weight. Unfortunately, in todays time when one needs to eat healthy foods as a result of stressful and unhealthy lifestyle, majority of the people dont include fiber rich foods in their diet. Given are some tips wherein you can count on the several benefits of fiber that help you feel good and prevent you from serious diseases.

Whats Fiber?

Fiber, the other name for which is roughage, is the part of plant based foods (nuts, beans, fruits, vegetables and grains) that the body is unable to break down. It passes through the body without getting digested, thus keeping the digestive system clean and healthy, facilitating bowel movements and throwing cholesterol and harmful chemicals out of the body. There are primarily two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble one doesnt dissolve in water. Its bulky fiber that helps prevent constipation and is found in wheat cereals, whole grains and vegetables such as celery, carrots and tomatoes.

On the other hand, soluble fiber gets easily dissolved in water and helps control levels of blood sugar and lessen cholesterol. Oatmeal, barley, nuts, beans and fruits such as berries, apple, pears and citrus fruits are some good sources of soluble fiber.

Fiber with several health benefits

Many expert nutritionists have highlighted how consuming a fiber rich diet can boost the immune system and how it forms to be a good source of nutrition for children as well. Some benefits are highlighted below:

Digestive Health: Eating dietary fiber helps normalize bowel movements by bulking up stools and letting them easier to pass. This helps relieve and prevent both diarrhoea and constipation. Getting fiber in abundance also tends to lessen the risk for gallstones, diverticulitis (inflammation of intestine), kidney stones and also offer relief from irritable bowel syndrome.

Diabetes: The risk of type 2 diabetes can be considerably lowered by consuming a fiber rich diet, especially insoluble fiber from cereals. If you already have diabetes then consuming soluble fiber may help control blood sugar levels by delaying gastric emptying

Skin Health: Consuming fiber rich diet can flush toxins out of the body which affect the health of the skin. Skin tends to be healthy when the flow of blood is good as a result of lesser toxins in the body.

Fiber helps Weight Loss: Besides helping in digestion and preventing constipation, fiber adds bulk to your diet, an important factor in both losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. Adding bulk lets you feel full earlier. Also, since fiber stays in the stomach for a longer period than other foods, the feeling of fullness stays with you for quite some time, letting you eat less. Foods such as vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber tend to be low in calories, thus by adding them to your diet; its quite simple to cut calories.

Eating fiber rich foods has been the first preference of many nutritionists when it comes to weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Due to its numerous health benefits, it should be your first choice as well during your daily meal.

About the Author: Arati Shah is an astute nutritionist having expertise in offering all types nutrition to different individuals and corporate. Having earned a Bachelors Degree in Nutrition along with a Post-Graduation in Sports Sciences and Nutrition from S.N.D.T Juhu, she is one of the top nutrition experts in Mumbai who can also guide the concerned parents about the weight loss in Mumbai(

) and right nutrition for children(

) with the same efficacy. She heads the Nutrition team in Mumbai and takes a personal interest in each and every client of Caf Nutrition.


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Historic Scottish island castle wins the lottery

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The UK’s Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) announced today a grant of £4.6 million towards the restoration of Lews Castle on the Western Scottish island of Stornoway. Estimates suggest approximately £14 million (US$ 21.9m, € 16.2m) will be spent to restore and convert the Victorian era property into a museum with four-star hotel accommodation.

Originally built as a home for James Matheson, who made his fortune in the Chinese and Indian opium trade, the castle has lain empty, and on the at-risk register, since the late 1980s. A gap of £1.6 million in required funding remains a concern the local Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (previously, Western Isles Council) is actively seeking help from both Europe and the Scottish government.

Council leader Angus Campbell intends to press the Scottish Government on the final funding; “it would be a huge shame if all the other funding is lost”, he said. “We are optimistic about getting some European funding, which is absolutely crucial, and are asking the Scottish Government to close the funding gap.” Campbell describes what would be the first UK museum with Gaelic as its primary language as “a generational project” with benefits throughout the communities of the Outer Hebrides. Local MSP Alasdair Allan commended the council’s efforts to save Lews Castle saying they, and other agencies, “have been working tirelessly to progress plans that would ensure Lews Castle becomes both a cultural and economic asset to the islands.”

We are optimistic about getting some European funding, which is absolutely crucial

Throughout its colourful history, the castle was at one time owned by William Lever who founded Unilever. Before gifting the castle to the local people in 1923, Lord Leverhulme invested in electric lighting, central heating, an internal telephone system, and the extension of the ballroom for social gatherings. In World War II, the castle was the base for a Naval hospital and squadron of amphibious biplanes. Post-war, it spent 30 years as a technical college and school.

If the final tranche of funding is secured, in 2014 the castle will become the first-ever archive facility in the Western Isles. The collections of Museum nan Eilean (MnE) could move from their current home into the castle; items held by the National Archives of Scotland could return to their native isles. And, modern facilities would permit collections from the National Museum of Scotland and the British Museum – such as the Lewis Chessmen – to be exhibited there.

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Race to save Chilean miners trapped underground from spiralling into depression continues

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It has emerged that the 33 Chilean miners trapped underground after the mine they were working in collapsed could be brought to the surface in a shorter time than was initially feared. While officials publicly announced that the men would not be brought to the surface until Christmas, sources inside technical meetings have revealed that they could in fact be on the surface by early November. The news comes as families were allowed to speak by radio-telephone to their trapped loved ones on Sunday. Over the weekend, video images filmed by the miners emerged showing the miners playing dominoes at a table and singing the Chilean national anthem. The miners also used the camera to send video messages to their families on the surface, saying that they regularly broke into tears, but were feeling better having received food and water.

The grainy nightvision images, filmed on a high definition camcorder that was sent down a small shaft to the mine, show the men in good spirits, chanting “long live Chile, and long live the miners.” They are unshaven and stripped to the waist because of the heat underground, and are seen wearing white clinical trousers that have been designed to keep them dry. Giving a guided tour of the area they are occupying, Mario Sepúlveda, one of the miners, explains they have a “little cup to brush our teeth”, and a place where they pray each day. “We have everything organized,” he tells the camera. Gesturing to the table in the center of the room, he says that “we meet here every day. We plan, we have assemblies here every day so that all the decisions we make are based on the thoughts of all 33.” Another unidentified miner asks to rescuers, “get us out of here soon, please.” A thermometer is shown in the video, reading 29.5C (85F).

As the film continues, it becomes evident that the miners have stuck a poster of a topless woman on the wall. The miners appear shy, and one man puts his hand to his face, presumably dazzled by the light mounted on the cameraman’s helmet. One miner sent a message to his family. “Be calm”, he says. “We’re going to get out of here. And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your efforts.” Another said that the miners are “sure that there are people here in Chile that are big people, that are powerful people, that are intelligent people, and they have the technology and they will all work together to get us out of here.” Speaking to the camera, one says: “we have had the great fortune that trapped in this mine there are good, professional people. We have electricians, we have mechanics, we have machine operators and we will let you know that while you are working to rescue us on the surface, we are down here ready to help you too.” It has been reported that Mario Gómez, 63, has become the group’s “spiritual leader”, having worked in the mines for over fifty years. He has requested that materials to build a shrine be sent down to the cavern.

Upon seeing the video in a private screening, family members, who are living in a small village of tents at the entrance to the San José copper-gold mine—which they have named Camp Hope—were elated. “He’s skinny, bearded and it was painful to see him with his head hanging down, but I am so happy to see him alive”, said Ruth Contreras, the mother of Carlos Bravo, who is trapped in the mine. The video, of which only a small portion has been released to the public, shows the miners, many of them wearing helmets, cracking jokes and thanking the rescuers for their continued efforts. The supplies are being sent to the men through a small shaft only twelve centimeters wide, and a laboratory has been set up with the purpose of designing collapsible cots and miniature sandwiches, which can be sent down such a narrow space.

CNN reported on Friday that “officials are splitting the men into two shifts so one group sleeps while the other works or has leisure time .. On average, each man has lost 22 pounds (10 kilograms) since they became trapped three weeks ago, and dehydration remains a threat. But a survey of the men indicates that at least nine miners are still too overweight to fit through the proposed rescue shaft. Initially, the miners survived by draining water from a water-cooled piece of equipment. To stay hydrated in the 90-degree mine, each miner must drink eight or nine pints of water per day.”

But while there are jubilant celebrations on the surface that the miners are alive, officials are now nervous that the miners could become depressed, trapped in a dark room the size of a small apartment. Chilean health minister Jaime Mañalich said that, on the video, he saw the telltale signs of depression. “They are more isolated, they don’t want to be on the screen, they are not eating well”, he said. “I would say depression is the correct word.” He said that doctors who had watched the video had observed the men suffering from “severe dermatological problems.” Dr. Rodrigo Figueroa, head of the trauma, stress and disaster unit at the Catholic University in Santiago, Chile, explained that “following the euphoria of being discovered, the normal psychological reaction would be for the men to collapse in a combination of fatigue and stress … People who are trained for emergencies – like these miners – tend to minimize their own needs or to ignore them. When it is time to ask for help, they don’t.” NASA has advised emergency workers that entertaining the miners would be a good idea. They are to be sent a television system complete with taped football matches. Another dilemma facing Mañalich is whether the miners should be permitted to smoke underground. While nicotine gum has been delivered to the miners, sending down cigarettes is a plan that has not been ruled out.

With the news that drilling of the main rescue tunnel was expected to begin on Monday, officials have informed the media that they hope to have the miners out of the mine by Christmas—but sources with access to technical meetings have suggested that the miners could actually be rescued by the first week of November. A news report described the rescue plan—”the main focus is a machine that bores straight down to 688m and creates a chimney-type duct that could be used to haul the miners out one by one in a rescue basket. A second drilling operation will attempt to intercept a mining tunnel at a depth of roughly 350m. The miners would then have to make their way through several miles of dark, muddy tunnels and meet the rescue drill at roughly the halfway point of their current depth of 688m.” Iván Viveros Aranas, a Chilean policeman working at Camp Hope, told reporters that Chile “has shown a unity regardless of religion or social class. You see people arriving here just to volunteer, they have no relation at all to these families.”

But over the weekend, The New York Times reported that the “miners who have astonished the world with their discipline a half-mile underground will have to aid their own escape — clearing 3,000 to 4,000 tons of rock that will fall as the rescue hole is drilled, the engineer in charge of drilling said Sunday … The work will require about a half-dozen men working in shifts 24 hours a day.” Andrés Sougarret, a senior engineer involved in operating the drill said that “the miners are going to have to take out all that material as it falls.”

The families of those trapped were allowed to speak to them by radio-telephone on Sunday—a possibility that brought reassurance both the miners and those on the surface. The Intendant of the Atacama Region, Ximena Matas, said that there had been “moments of great emotion.” She continued to say that the families “listened with great interest and they both felt and realized that the men are well. This has been a very important moment, which no doubt strengthens their [the miners’] morale.” The phone line is thought to be quite temperamental, but it is hoped that soon, those in the mine and those in Camp Hope will be able to talk every day. “To hear his voice was a balm to my heart … He is aware that the rescue is not going to happen today, that it will take some time. He asked us to stay calm as everything is going to be OK … He sounded relaxed and since it was so short I didn’t manage to ask anything. Twenty seconds was nothing”, said said Jessica Cortés, who spoke to her husband Víctor Zamora, who was not even a miner, but a vehicle mechanic. “He went in that day because a vehicle had broken down inside the mine … At first they told us he had been crushed [to death].”

Esteban Rojas sent up a letter from inside the mine, proposing to his long-time partner Jessica Yáñez, 43. While they have officially been married for 25 years, their wedding was a civil service—but Rojas has now promised to have a church ceremony which is customary in Chile. “Please keep praying that we get out of this alive. And when I do get out, we will buy a dress and get married,” the letter read. Yáñez told a newspaper that she thought he was never going to ask her. “We have talked about it before, but he never asked me … He knows that however long it takes, I’ll wait for him, because with him I’ve been through good and bad.”

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What Do Home Appraisers Look For When Doing An Appraisal For A Mortgage Refinance

By Amy Nutt

When undergoing a mortgage refinance, one step in the process is acquiring an appraisal of your home. An appraisal is a written estimate of the market value of your property. Mortgage lenders will use an appraisal to determine the amount one qualifies for the mortgage. The appraisal will also establish how much equity there is in a home. It gives an estimate of the price that can be obtained by selling the property. An appraisal is a necessary step when refinancing existing mortgage because it assures the lender or bank that the property will sell for at least the amount which they will be providing as a home loan. This protects them in the event of a mortgage default by ensuring they will get their money back if they have to repossess the house and sell it.

The mortgage lender will normally arrange for the appraisal. It often depends on the mortgage company’s policy for obtaining appraisals. A home appraisal is different from a home inspection. Appraisers look for value in a home. Lenders need to know the home is worth what you want to borrow. The appraiser is a licensed professional that will do a market analysis of the sale price of a home. The appraisal will require a thorough inspection of your home inside and out. The appraiser will look for problems in the property.


Appraisals generally include: evaluating the condition of your home, details of the property, a comparison of the property with other properties in the area, an evaluation of the real estate market in the area, the type of area where the property is located, and an estimate of how long it will take to sell. Although it may vary among appraisers, generally speaking, they take home sales within about a 1/4 mile within the last 4 – 6 months and average them per square foot. They then multiply that number by the square footage of the home being appraised.

The appraiser will assess the actual home. He or she will measure the outside of your home, look at the inside, take pictures of both the outside and inside and determine a market price for your home based on the most current previous sales of nearby homes. Such aspects that affect a home value include: kitchen, number of bedrooms, size of rooms, finished basement, new roof, number of bathrooms, new windows, and a solid foundation. They will also measure the property line to get the amount of square feet on the outside. They will then notify the lender or person who requested the appraisal. The lender uses all of the information to determine the amount of the refinance loan.

The appraiser’s assessment of a home is an extremely important part of refinancing a mortgage. It is important to inform the appraiser of any new additions such as a garage or patio deck. Before an appraiser arrives, make sure that you have all repairs completed that can affect the value of your home. Factors that can affect the value can include poor upkeep of the property and any damage to the home. Because of the low interest rates being offered by banks and other lenders, this is a great time to refinance. Knowing what appraisers look at when assessing a home and neighborhood will increase the likelihood that you will get a great refinance loan.

About the Author: Get the current listing of GIC rates currently in effect for your investment needs at Ontario credit union. Providing mortgage refinancing options, mortgage loan and investment options for all your financial requirements.


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Israeli athletes barred from representing country in Abu Dhabi’s grand slam

Thursday, October 19, 2017

On Monday, the Israel Judo Association responded after organisers of the judo grand slam in Abu Dhabi told chairman of the Israel Judo Association Moshe Ponte Israeli athletes would not be permitted to wear the Israeli flag or symbols, or bear the country’s name on their judo uniform.

Ponte communicated with Miri Regev, Israeli minister of Culture and Sports, and considered withdrawing the team from the grand slam, which is scheduled to be held from October 26 to 28. Regev wrote a letter addressing Thomas Bach, the president of the International Olympic Committee, which read, “The demand to appear without national symbols is contrary to the mandate of international sports associations, the main aim of which is to separate politics from sport, and strengthen sport as a bridge and connection between peoples, cultures and countries.” She also wrote, “It is the obligation of any country which has the privilege of hosting an international competition to allow the competing athletes to represent the country honorably while ensuring their security.”

Officials of the Abu Dhabi judo grand slam said the players would not be allowed to bear Israel’s code “ISR” on their back, nor would it appear on the scoreboard, and the Israeli national anthem would not be played if any Israeli judoka wins a gold medal. However, the Israel Judo Association said, “We won’t be dragged into the political arena and won’t award prizes to those who want to deter us from appearing all over the world.” Twelve Israeli judokas are expected to compete in the grand slam in the capital of the UAE. They would represent the International Judo Federation, and their jersey would show an “IJF” tag.

About two years ago, Israeli athletes faced the same situation in the grand slam in the UAE’s capital, and Regev asked for an emergency meeting then.

In last year’s Olympics in Rio de Janiro, after losing to Israeli judoka Or Sasson, Islam El Shehaby of Egypt refused to shake hands. The International Olympic Committee said this gesture “was contrary to the rules of fair play and against the spirit of friendship embodied in the Olympic values.”

During the opening ceremony of the same tournament, the Israeli team were denied by Lebanese athletes to share a bus, even physically blocking the entrance to prevent Israelis from boarding the bus. Israeli’s sailing coach Udi Gal, in a Facebook post, wrote, “How could they let this happen on the eve of the Olympic Games? Isn’t this the opposite of what the Olympics represents?”.

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Colleges offering admission to displaced New Orleans students/OH-WY

See the discussion page for instructions on adding schools to this list and for an alphabetically arranged listing of schools.

Due to the damage by Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding, a number of colleges and universities in the New Orleans metropolitan area will not be able to hold classes for the fall 2005 semester. It is estimated that 75,000 to 100,000 students have been displaced. [1]. In response, institutions across the United States and Canada are offering late registration for displaced students so that their academic progress is not unduly delayed. Some are offering free or reduced admission to displaced students. At some universities, especially state universities, this offer is limited to residents of the area.

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Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch to be auctioned off

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Neverland Valley Ranch, owned by Michael Jackson, is to be sold at auction on March 19, 2008, unless Jackson pays over US$24 million.

Financial Title Company, the trustee of his Santa Barbara County, California, home and amusement park, has foreclosed on the property. They notified Jackson of the foreclosure and sale on Monday. Jackson had only just recently paid an overdue property tax bill of $600,000.

The court filing, addressed to Jackson, says, “You are in default of a deed of trust … Unless you take action to protect your property it may be sold at a public sale.” Fox News published the filing.

The foreclosure includes the ranch and all possessions on the property, inside or out.

The foreclosure auction will take place in front of the Santa Barbara County Courthouse in Santa Barbara. Jackson has until then to pay $24,525,906.61 he owes the title company.

In 2006, Jackson refinanced previous loans that had been bought up by Fortress Investment Group. The $300-million loan was secured with the aid of Sony Music Entertainment. However, the Neverland property was not part of that deal.

Jackson has not lived at Neverland since June 30, 2005, when he moved to Bahrain after a rape charge and subsequent acquittal.

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