Archives 2022

Riots in Île-de-France : 70 arrested after 200 cars burned

Friday, July 15, 2005

About 200 cars were burned by young people on the night of July 13 in Île-de-France, the metropolitan area of Paris. As the police cars arrived, youths began to pelt the vehicles with rocks, firecrackers and bottles. Rioters broke store windows at Argenteuil. Police used flash-balls and smoke grenades. The riots ended with 70 men being arrested. A police officer was wounded by a rocket and was taken to hospital. Shop windows were broken at Argenteuil. It is not the first time vehicles have been attacked on 13-14 July in France.

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Occupational Therapy Jobs In Beacon, Ny

Occupational therapy jobs are growing at a fast rate, and now there are exciting job openings for occupational therapists in Beacon, New York. Occupational therapy is a profession that mainly focuses on helping individuals with mental or physical illnesses or disabilities which curtail their independence to a great extent. Most of the occupational therapists work in hospitals. Occupational therapy jobs in Beacon, NY are expected to grow by 23% in the coming years because the increasing population of the elderly will demand more occupational therapists.A person applying for an occupational therapist job must be a graduate in occupational therapy from a reputable university. He/she must possess a valid license to practice as an occupational therapist in Beacon, New York. Professionals trained in the US, as well as those from abroad are eligible to apply for these positions. Occupational therapists provide assistance to individuals with: Backbone injuries and repetitive stress injuries Multiple sclerosis or other chronic injuries Mental health problems such as Alzheimers, and post-traumatic stress Vision problems that threaten the ability to move aroundOccupational therapists also help patients in performing physical exercise to increase strength and liveliness. They may also utilize computer programs to help the clients improve decision power, abstract reasoning, and coordination and perception skills.Occupational therapist job opportunities in Beacon NY are published through various advertisements or informed by various recruiting agencies. These jobs are arduous, and sometimes therapists may even have to lift and move physically challenged patients. Assessing and recording a clients activities and progress is an important part of an occupational therapists job. Accurate records are essential for evaluating clients, and occupational therapists have to report regularly to the physician regarding the progress of the patients.It is best to register with a known recruiting agency in Beacon, New York if you are looking for occupational therapist jobs in this region. Experienced recruiters will help you in finding placements in various reputable hospitals or other healthcare facilities that cater to your requirements. Besides they also ensure that the healthcare facilities get the ideal candidate to meet their specific requirements.The salary drawn by occupational therapists in Beacon, New York varies according to educational qualifications and experience in the field.

Somali pirates hijack Indonesian tugboat and Turkish container ship

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Two more vessels have been hijacked in Somalia. Pirates have captured an Indonesian tugboat with a barge that was working for French oil firm Total and a Turkish container ship.

The Turkish vessel’s seizure was confirmed by a US Fifth Fleet spokesman. MV Bosphorus Prodigy is a 330 ft (100 m) container vessel flagged in Antigua and Barbuda. It is owned and operated by Isko Marine Company based in Istanbul.

The Fifth Fleet could not confirm the tugboat’s seizure, but an anonymous official with Total in Yemen could. He explained the boat and barge were headed to Malaysia from the Yemeni port of Mukalla. He said the crew consisted of both Indonesians and other nationalities, and that the vessels, which had been hired by a subcontractor, were not carrying any oil at the time.

The new hijackings came as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime asked for greater policing in the area by international bodies, and for the signing of agreements that allowed the arresting officer to take pirates back to the officer’s country for prosecution.

“Pirates cannot be keelhauled or forced to walk the plank, nor should they be dumped off the Somali coast,” said the office’s head Antonio Maria Costa. “They need to be brought to justice”.

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Guitar Lessons Now. Guitar Playing Career Later?}

Submitted by: Audrey C. Tan

“The guitar’s all right John, but you’ll never make a living out of it”. Those were the famous words uttered by his Aunt Mimi to the teenaged John Lennon. We know the story. John Lennon proved her wrong. You are not taking guitar lessons just for the sake of playing, right? Guitar playing may be a hobby for some. But for others, it may lead to something more.

You may be serious about a career that would allow you to play the guitar and get paid for it. Your rock star dreams may not all come true. Yet it is possible to live in a reality where your guitar-playing job could actually pay the bills or give you a decent source of living.

Jobs and Earning Opportunities for Guitar Players:

1. A Professional Artist / Band

Regular and paid gigs in clubs, coffee shops, restaurants, weddings, cruise ships and other venues can give you a steady stream of income. The discipline and the long practice hours you invested on guitar lessons would definitely help you in this pursuit. This career requires dedication, professionalism, and flexibility.


2. Live Guitar Session Players

This would require you to play with different band members. You may serve as session or substitute guitarist for a touring band or artist. They could hire you for a few hours or a one-night gig. Or you could be in contract for weeks, months or the entire duration of a concert tour.

3. Guitar Player For Recording Sessions

Record producers usually hire session musicians to record the backing tracks for recording artists single or album. Filmmakers or TV producers may hire guitarists to compose and play music scores or soundtracks. While advertising creative directors may require you to compose commercial jingles.

4. Online Service Or Viral Video Sensation

Earn from your guitar playing skills by uploading demo or how-to videos related to guitar playing. Moreover, your awesome and unique guitar skills may draw a lot of eyeballs, clicks, views, and shares from social media netizens all over the world. Yes you can earn online, especially from advertising revenue shares from social media platforms like YouTube.

5. Guitar Teache

The baton has been passed on to you by your guitar teacher. You can follow the career path of giving guitar lessons in a music school or an online school. Or you could be a private guitar tutor.

6. Guitar Manufacturer and Repair Person

If you have skilled hands to create and fix guitars, this could be a lucrative business or a good employment opportunity. Guitar skills are a must. You need to be able to play and test if the instrument passes sound quality standards.

7. Guitar Book Author or Article Write

No one is credible enough to write about guitars than a guitarist himself. This could be your avenue to share your techniques, tips, and experiences in guitar playing. You earn from book publishing royalties or get paid for every article that you write and publish.

Just like in school, your guitar lessons could give you a simulation of what it takes and what is required of you as a guitar player. From there, you could evaluate your skills and motivations. If John Lennons Aunt Mimi would utter the same words to you now, would you be ready to take-up the challenge?

About the Author: Audrey Tan is a music instructor in Singapore who loves to share her extensive knowledge of music and the art of performing to her students and blog readers. Visit her site at

or call (065) 8168 8251.


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Poker’s all about luck, says Swiss Supreme Court

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Supreme Court in Lausanne, Switzerland has ruled that Texas hold ’em poker is a game of luck, rather than a game of skill. As a result, only casinos can host poker tournaments in Switzerland. Private games with friends, even where money is at stake, are still permitted under the ruling.

Poker tournaments had been growing in popularity in the country, with many events held in hotels and bars. Such venues do not have to pay the 50% tax on profits levied on licensed casinos, nor comply with regulations combating money laundering and gambling addiction. Poker is now categorised alongside roulette and slot machines, which as games of luck can only be played inside casinos. Mathematics, strategy, and bluffing were less important in determining the result than chance, said the judges, overturning a lower court ruling to the opposite effect, and disagreeing with the stance of the country’s Federal Gaming Commission.

Before the ruling, it had been estimated by the Swiss Federation of Casinos that there were about 100 unlicensed poker tournaments every weekend. A Swiss poker website,, has described the result as “a black day for all amateur poker players in Switzerland.”

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Gay marriage banned in three states; other ballot measures decided

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Voters in California, Florida and Arizona voted on Tuesday to ban gay marriage, bringing about a victory for conservatives on a day which did not bring many conservative wins.

Meanwhile, voters in Colorado, South Dakota and California voted on measures which would have restricted abortion in those states. In Massachusetts and Michigan, voters passed measures that loosen marijuana laws. Finally, in the state of Washington a measure was passed that allows physician-assisted suicide.

The California ballot measure, Proposition 8, overturns the recent June ruling by the California State Supreme Court in the case In re Marriage Cases which reversed a 1977 statute passed by the California State Legislature and a 2000 ballot measure, Proposition 22, which also banned same-sex marriage by defining marriage as between a man and a woman. The wording of Proposition 8 is identical to Proposition 22. It was noted that many of the African-Americans and Latinos who cast their votes for Obama, also voted for the measure. The measure passed at 52% to 48%.

Lesbian comedian Ellen DeGeneres noted, “This morning, when it was clear that Proposition 8 had passed in California, I can’t explain the feeling I had. I was saddened beyond belief. Here we just had a giant step toward equality and then on the very next day, we took a giant step away.”

Okay, so I am taking that to mean I do not have to pay my state taxes because I am not a full citizen.

Singer Melissa Etheridge, who is also a lesbian, stated that she would no longer pay taxes due to the passing of Proposition 8, announcing in a blog post, “Okay, so I am taking that to mean I do not have to pay my state taxes because I am not a full citizen.”

Also in California, voters rejected a measure which would require parental notification for a minor to receive an abortion. The measure was rejected with the same percentage as Proposition 8, 52% to 48%. Meanwhile in Colorado, voters rejected a measure that would define life as beginning at conception. While the measure did not specifically mention abortion it would have required legislators and courts to confront legal rights for fetuses – effectively preventing abortion. The measure was defeated in a wide margin, 73% to 27%

In South Dakota, voters also defeated an anti-abortion measure which would have outlawed abortion in all cases except in the case of rape, incest or if the mother’s health was in serious question. If passed, the law would most likely have been challenged as unconstitutional.

In Michigan, voters approved a measure which legalizes medical marijuana. Meanwhile, in Massachusetts, voters approved a ballot question that decriminalizes possession of small amounts of marijuana in which the possession of an ounce or less would be punishable by a $100 fine. The measure will also require minors under the age 18 to participate in and complete a drug awareness program and do community service. Failure to do so, would net the minor a $1,000 fine.

“Tonight’s results represent a sea change. Voters have spectacularly rejected eight years of the most intense government war on marijuana since the days of ‘Reefer Madness,'” said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. “The people were ahead of the politicians on this issue; they recognize and want a more sensible approach to our marijuana policy,” said Whitney Taylor, the chair of Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy, which backed the Massachusetts proposition.

Also, in Massachusetts, voters overwhelmingly, in every single Massachusetts city and town, rejected a ballot measure which would have eliminated the state income tax by 2010, the ballot measure was sponsored by the Committee for Small Government, which is headed up by two libertarians, Michael Cloud, a Libertarian Party candidate for U.S. Senate in 2002 and Carla Howell, Libertarian Party candidate for governor in the 2002 Massachusetts gubernatorial election.

The last time the income tax elimination measure was on the ballot was in 2002, where it was defeated, narrowly by 45.3%. This stunned supporters of the income tax, who mounted a fierce campaign against the measure this time warning Massachusetts residents that repealing the income tax would have drastic effects on the state’s finances, leading to cuts in services, education and local aid.

Finally, voters passed a question which bans dog racing in Massachusetts, which will lead to the closure of Massachusetts’ two greyhound racing tracks, Raynham-Taunton Greyhound Park and Wonderland Greyhound Park.

The campaign against dog racing was headed up by the Committee to Protect Dogs and endorsed by GREY2K USA and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals along with other animal protection organizations who claimed that dog racing was inhumane as the dogs were stuffed into cramped cages and endured injuries. The measure was opposed by the park owners including George Carney who owns the Rayham-Taunton park and Charles Sarkis, a restaurateur who owns Wonderland.

“We did it. We did it for the dogs,” said Carey Thiel, executive director of GREY2K USA. “For 75 years, greyhounds in our state have endured terrible confinement and suffered serious injuries. We’re better than that,” Thiel added.

One campaign supporter, Sandy Bigelow noted, “It means everything. We’ve worked so hard for the dogs and they heard us. It feels so good. Oh, God, it feels so good.”

George Carney said of the results, “It’s not a very pleasant thing right now. Some of these people have been here 40 years. Here’s a company that did nothing wrong, paid their federal taxes on time, paid the town on time. The town is going to be a severe loser, and a lot of people here dedicated their life to the company.”

We did it. We did it for the dogs.

Both sides used emotionally-charged advertisements, the anti-racing side showing “sad-eyed greyhounds,” while the pro-racing side highlighted the workers who would be out of work when the tracks close.

Both measures must now come before the Massachusetts Governor’s Council for approval.

A ballot initiative approved by voters in the north-western state of Washington will make it the second state to permit physician-assisted suicide. Initiative 1000 follows the ten-year-old example of the Death With Dignity Act of neighboring Oregon, and will allow physicians to prescribe a lethal dose of medication for a terminally ill patient to administer themselves. It was approved by a margin of 16%, and the ‘Yes’ campaign outspent the ‘No’ campaign by more than three-to-one. The law comes into effect in 2009.

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US charges homeless man after plane stolen and crashed in Maryland

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Police from Frederick in Maryland, US have charged a homeless man with three offenses after a light aircraft was stolen from Frederick Municipal Airport early yesterday morning. The single-engine aircraft crashed as its thief tried to take off.

51-year-old Calvin Cox was arrested near the scene in the nearby woods after officers arrived. He was discovered by dog handlers. The Piper Super Cub came off the runway and ran onto grass, sustaining damage to its fuselage and propeller as well as possibly its engine. The crash occured at 2:15 a.m.

Cox has been charged with felony theft, burglary, and trespassing. The plane was removed from an airport hangar and belonged to the Mid-Atlantic Soaring Association, who uses it to tow gliders. Michael H. Higgins, the association’s president, said it would be difficult for someone unfamiliar with the aircraft to start it, as several buttons and switches are required. He described the incident as “a very unusual situation.”

Police described Cox as familiar with aircraft. They say that while they have yet to determine any motive, they believe Cox’s “intention was to leave the Frederick area.” Nobody was injured in the crash.

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How Co Workers Can Benefit Through Carpooling.}

Submitted by: Alice Sutton

Are you feeling sick of huge traffic jams, air pollution and increasing fuel prices? Do you really wish to find a solution to this? Then not to worry since we already have a solution for this problem. All you can do is form a carpool. Carpools have proved to be the best alternative to public transport and commuting privately. With the increase in carpool sites in different countries, the awareness about carpool has also increased in these countries. We can define carpool as a ride sharing where people share their vehicles with other carpoolers and commute together. This makes a lot of sense since you save money on gas, maintenance of the vehicle and parking fees. Also you contribute in saving the environment and reduce the level of harmful gases being transmitted in the air due to traffic jams. You also get the benefit to expand your network in meeting new people.

How do employers benefit?

With the increasing prices in fuels, carpooling has attracted more and more commuters every day. Everywhere you just get to read about carpooling, whether its newspapers, magazines, radio or televisions. Everywhere you will get to read advertisements or get to hear some discussions on it. So find out why we employers should introduce this feature of covoiturage Belgique and covoiturage Luxembourg.

Some of the advantages that the employers are benefitted is that they are now able to hire workers from any geographical area who can willingly work in a relaxed and rested manner and not to forget less demand for parking area. If I was a worker and was hired in one such company than I would personally look for commuting time and the expenses for it. Sharing rides with one or more fellow employees reduces the commuting expenses significantly. At times the commuting time many not change but riders who once travelled alone can now take in more commuters to get some sleep, work, read or just listen to some music.

Workers too are less stressed since they do not have to drive alone or fight the traffic and remain alert throughout the whole journey. The true fact is they save money and are active enough to work. This research has proved details that relaxed workers tend to be more productive with better results and maintain a healthy relationship with their coworkers. In huge metropolitan cities the cost of parking vehicles is expensive for the whole day. Also building a whole parking lot for the whole staff can cost you millions. Larger parking areas require more space and the workers will have to walk for some time. It is healthy but at times it is inconvenient to walk when it is pouring or snowing. So with more and more promotion of this feature you can save millions for sure.

With employers using this feature of covoiturage Luxembourg and covoiturage Belgique can help in promoting it too. More number of workers using this feature can make this feature famous too. You can also use many of the carpooling websites to make some bookings. If you want carpool matches to be done with your co-workers then it is very important that you get the maximum number of registrations done on the website at the earliest. All the employers can do is to suggest a website for the workers to use.

Another way is that you can make sure of registering yourself with one of the car sharing services so that you reach your destination on time. This is because you will be travelling with different people and sharing it with them. So this means that if people are travelling with you, then time is very important since along with you these people too wish to reach on time. The best option is to travel in advance to avoid such situations.

Thus, becoming a part of this wise idea will be beneficial to all in many reasons. You will not only be benefitted economically but also save a lot on gas and contribute towards saving the environment too. Even huge traffic jams on the roads will lessen up soon and parking spaces will hardly be needed as well. Carpooling has now become a successful form of commuting across the country and has made it easy for commuters to share a vehicle between groups of commuters willing to reach the same destination. Generally, a shared commute can also be established through an agency responsible for riders willing to travel to the same destination. However, with the internet bringing in more facilities, you can simply go online and book yourself one or just simply go the search engine like Google to get more information on this.

About the Author: Alice Sutton author, who often uses covoiturage de Belgique for her personal work. She also shares how it will help others like working people, Housewifes, children etc.More Info:


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United Kingdom to introduce graphic images on cigarette packets

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The United Kingdom is set to become the second European country to place graphic images on cigarette packets. 15 different images are to be placed on the packs of all brands of cigarettes. They will be introduced on October 1. The images will be introduced onto all other forms of tobacco by 2010.

The written warnings were introduced in 2003 and have been deemed a success by the Department of Health. A spokesman said that the written warnings had been a success with research showing more than 90,000 smokers had been motivated to call the NHS quit line because of them.

Despite being the only the second country in Europe to introduce the images several other countries have already placed them onto packets. These include Canada, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand and Singapore.

Should the government try to stop smoking?
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Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson said: “Written health warnings have encouraged many smokers to stop. These new stark picture warnings emphasis the harsh health realities of continuing to smoke.”

Not everyone is welcoming the new images. The smoking lobby group, Forest, said smokers were being unfairly targeted and called the images intrusive and offensive. Simon Clark, director of Forest, said the group supported education efforts “but these pictures are designed not just to educate but to shock and coerce people to give up a legal product”.


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At least eight dead as building collapses during construction in China

Sunday, July 6, 2008

At least eight construction workers have died and thirteen more are injured after a building collapsed during construction in Qiuzhigou Village, a suburb of China’s Wuhan City. It is unclear how many more if any are trapped as the project’s coordinator fled and is being sought by police.

The collapse occurred at 5 p.m. local time yesterday and reduced the four-story structure to a five-metre pile of rubble. The building was a private residence and was illegal as authorities had not been informed of it. Its location in an area accessible only via narrow alleys is hampering search and rescue efforts as heavy equipment such as cranes is having difficulty reaching the scene.

Around 100 rescuers continue to pick through the rubble in the rain. An investigation has been launched.

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