Archives 2022

International Paralympic Committee holds first press conference

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

London, England — Yesterday, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) held their first formal press conference as part of the 2012 Summer Paralympics. Approximately 60 media representatives attended and had the opportunity to ask questions of Craig Spence, IPC President Philip Craven, Chairman of the London Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralymic Games (LOCOG) Sebastian Coe, and LOCOG Director of Communications and Public Affairs Jackie Brock-Doyle following a short speech on the history of the Paralympic Games.

The reporters asked a variety of questions. A British journalist asked about having ATOS as a sponsor given the negative history the business has had with disability services in the country. The IPC responded by saying this is an issue that should be taken up by the relevant British government agency.

A Wikinews reporter asked if the high cost of technology for participating in disability sport at the elite level would leave Oceania, Asia, and Africa behind. Craven said historically, the IPC has worked on increasing disability sport participation; they were now working on changing that to developing disability sport around the world. He highlighted efforts by the IPC to bring down the cost of wheelchairs and prostheses as these are sporting equipment for participation in disability sport. He also said they had donated 4,000 wheelchairs to help spread disability sport.

A Canadian journalist from the Vancouver Sun asked about the lack of substantial coverage of the Games in North America. Craven responded by saying he was disappointed by United States coverage and the IPC has been aware of the problem for years. He contrasted the situation in the United States with France, where the public successfully put pressure on the rights-holding network to improve the coverage of the Games.

Another reporter asked about Paralympic social media usage during the Games. Craven responded that while not a big user of it himself, the IPC embraced social media. Spence said the IPC encouraged everyone involved to use it; 47 Paralympians have video blogs, and the Opening Ceremonies will be covered while they happen.

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The Importance Of Dog Food Nutrition

Dog food is specially designed and formulated for the consumption of dogs and related canines in food. Dogs are considered omnivores, with a carnivore bias.

The nutritional value ofdog food lies in the ingredients, containing a mix of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that make up the necessary diet. If a dog does not receive the proper nutrients from its food, it could develop various diseases that may become fatal.

As mentioned, dogs are considered omnivorous, but carnivores do have certain requirements that a dog diet should contain. These include meat, bones, and other dietary supplements.

A dog eating such a diet is likely to get a number of health problems. This could include obesity or an under-developed digestive system. It also means that the dog is expected to consume more calories than he needs due to a lack of exercise.

There are also cases when dogs that do not eat properly and do not receive a proper diet may suffer from respiratory or kidney disorders. On the other hand, in several instances in which a dog is eating a good quality diet with all the nutrients required will be more likely to survive and live a long and healthy life.

However, to ensure that your dog receives the proper diet and avoid problems related to nutrition, you must consult a veterinarian about feeding him.

The first thing you need to determine in determining the right kind of dog’s diet is its specific nutritional requirements. Since different dog breeds may have specific requirements, you need to figure out which one you need to feed to your dog to ensure that it lives a healthy life.

Different dog breeds may require various things to make sure they live a healthy life, including particular nutrients so that they can digest food properly and have an excellent digestive system. You should consult your vet about the right foods for your specific dog to ensure that you give it the right kind of nutrition to help keep it fit and healthy.

Your vet can assess your dog’s current diet and can then determine if your dog needs dog food specially formulated for his breed or not. Some foods are specially made for dogs depending on the species of the dog.

Since each dog has its own specific nutritional needs, dog food made especially for them can help them achieve their potential. By giving your dog a well-balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients that it needs to stay healthy, you can guarantee that your dog will live a longer and happier life and that he will continue to grow up strong and healthy.

Finding Healthy Dog Food

Not just does a healthy dog’s quality of life improve when they are fed healthy dog food with rich high-quality ingredients, their coats will also be shinier, they’ll have healthier teeth, and their bulk will be held in check. The best dog foods contain no artificial colors or preservatives and no preservatives at all, as well as no additives. They also contain plenty of the nutrients that your dog needs for proper digestive health, bone growth, and overall good health.

These naturally occurring and natural products are safe for dogs to consume and do not present any dangers to them. These products will not cause them to develop allergic reactions or be poisoned, either. These healthy dog foods will provide them with plenty of energy and a healthy diet to keep them fit and vibrant, while being able to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight as needed. They will be able to live longer with less illness than with less nutritious foods.

Your dog’s weight, age, breed, activity level, and even sex will influence the type of healthy dog food you should provide. If your dog is a senior dog or has developed some medical conditions, or has had surgery done, it’s best that you choose a food designed for this type of dog.

When choosing dog foods, select one that is made with all natural ingredients and that doesn’t contain the ingredients found in artificial foods that can be harmful to your dog. Choose one that is made in a facility that follows FDA guidelines when manufacturing its own dog foods and that contains none of the harmful chemicals used in the production of commercial foods.

A great way to check out these types of healthy food is to purchase it from a pet store or online, then read up on its label and see if it includes the ingredients you want your dog to eat.

When selecting healthy foods for senior dogs, remember to choose a diet that is low in fat and high in fiber. It is important that they stay in shape for the remainder of their lives so they can keep moving around and do physical activities, so you need to make sure they receive the proper amount of exercise to remain healthy.

If you know how old your dog is, choose one of these healthy dog foods and then add to it as they grow older. to ensure they have enough protein and essential vitamins and minerals for their growing body.

Healthy dog foods can range from the high-priced to the very affordable and they come in a variety of flavors, shapes and sizes to cater to each dog’s needs. Whatever your budget, there is sure to be an affordable and healthy dog food available to meet your dog’s needs.

When purchasing, be sure to check out the label first and check with your veterinarian on any of the ingredients you plan to include in your dog’s diet to make sure that your dog is getting the vitamins and nutrients they need to stay healthy.

You should also be aware of how much protein and fiber your dog has to eat each day to maintain a balanced diet. These are not mandatory nutrients, and many breeds of dogs will only need the minimum amount of both.

If you notice any problems such as bloating, diarrhea, or weight loss, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible so they can correct the problems.

Islamic cleric tries to bypass gender segregation

Monday, May 28, 2007

An Islamic cleric named Ezzat Atiya issued a fatwa to get around gender segregation and hijab in Islam. He stated that symbolic breastfeeding could be used to make it permissible for male and female colleagues to work together alone.

Dr. Atiyah had stated that the breastfeeding does not have to be by the woman herself. “[This can also be achieved] by means of the man’s mother or sister suckling the woman, or by means of the woman’s mother or sister suckling the man” he wrote.

Atiya works at the Al-Azhar University, an Islamic seminary in Egypt. The seminary was established by a Shi’a caliphate and is named after Fatima Al-Zahra. Zahra was the wife of Ali. Al-Azhar University has a fatwa that officially sanctioned martyrdom operation with one condition only: martyrdom operations are only allowed in Israel. The university has had this ruling for a long time and has stood by it.

Atiyah had said,

A woman at work can take off the veil or reveal her hair in front of someone whom she breastfed.

According to Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, “If someone tells you he has a new interpretation of Islam, sock him in the mouth.”

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Old deeds threaten Buffalo, NY hotel development

Buffalo, N.Y. Hotel Proposal Controversy
Recent Developments
  • “Old deeds threaten Buffalo, NY hotel development” — Wikinews, November 21, 2006
  • “Proposal for Buffalo, N.Y. hotel reportedly dead: parcels for sale “by owner”” — Wikinews, November 16, 2006
  • “Contract to buy properties on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal extended” — Wikinews, October 2, 2006
  • “Court date “as needed” for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal” — Wikinews, August 14, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal rescheduled” — Wikinews, July 26, 2006
  • “Elmwood Village Hotel proposal in Buffalo, N.Y. withdrawn” — Wikinews, July 13, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal delayed” — Wikinews, June 2, 2006
Original Story
  • “Hotel development proposal could displace Buffalo, NY business owners” — Wikinews, February 17, 2006

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Buffalo, New York —Buffalo, New York developers have been stymied by old real estate deeds.

The prospective Elmwood Village Hotel may be scuttled and businesses now located there may be forced to move.

Frustrations over property located in an area once known as “Granger Estates” circulate around a clause in the original deeds over land divided by then-owner Erastus Granger in the early 1800’s.

According to the documents, “no business establishment of any kind whatsoever” shall ever be constructed on the property, and they shall forever be exclusively for residential use only. Also prohibited are barns, farms and stables.

Sam Savarino, CEO of Savarino Companies, the prospective hotel developer, announced that his legal research team found the restrictions on properties located between 1109 and 1121 Elmwood Avenue which also stated in part that “no businesses, hospitality establishment of anykind whatsoever” shall ever be permitted to be built on the property.

Savarino, whom is expected to contest the restrictions, said that his company could have ignored the findings, but that, “we can’t risk the future of a multimillion-dollar project on the hope they wouldn’t be discovered. Our opponents would have had a field day if they’d surfaced after the fact.”

Savarino said his attorneys and researchers are anticipated to determine “exactly what weight the restrictions carry and if there’s a way for the courts to negate them.”

Existing businesses are also jeopardized.

Hans Mobius, owner of some of the restricted properties upon which a carriage house is built, said, he wasn’t aware of any restrictions, and “never had a reason to research the deed and title documents.” He confidently added that, “the lawyers can get this taken care of.”

Other threatened businesses include Don Apparel, H.O.D. Tattoo, Forest Plaza Art Gallery and Allentown Music.

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British conductor Edward Downes and wife die in double assisted suicide

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

British conductor Sir Edward Downes and his wife Joan took their lives at a Swiss assisted suicide clinic on Friday, July 10, 2009, according to a statement from their family. Lady Downes, 74, was afflicted with terminal cancer, and Sir Edward, 85, was nearly blind with increasing hearing difficulties. These disabilities had forced him to give up conducting. Having no religious beliefs, the couple decided against holding a funeral.

The statement read, “After 54 happy years together, they decided to end their own lives rather than continue to struggle with serious health problems. They died peacefully, and under circumstances of their own choosing, with the help of the Swiss organisation, Dignitas, in Zurich.”

Many who knew the couple as friends said that Sir Edward was not terminally ill, but wanted to die with his wife, who he had been with for more than 50 years.

Sir Edward Downes’s children, in an interview with The London Evening Standard, said they escorted their parents to Zurich, and on that Friday, they watched in tears as their parents consumed “a small quantity of clear liquid,” and then proceeded to lie down together, holding hands.

“Within a couple of minutes they were asleep, and died within 10 minutes,” said their 41 year old son, Caractacus Downes.

Sir Edward was well respected in the operatic and orchestral worlds and was particularly noted for his performances of British and Russian music and of Verdi, conducting 25 of the composer’s 28 operas. He had a long association with the Royal Opera House, where he conducted for more than 50 seasons in succession. This did not stop him from refusing to conduct a series of performances of Verdi’s Nabucco there as he was “out of sympathy” with the adventurous production. His approach to conducting was similarly conservative. He wrote “The duty of a conductor should be to present… a faithful and accurate account of the composer’s music as he wrote it, disregarding any subsequent ‘interpretations’, ‘meanings’, or political agendas that may have been attached to it by others.”

It was on Friday, 28 September, 1973, that Sir Edward conducted the opening public performance at the Sydney Opera House, a staging of Prokofiev’s War and Peace by Opera Australia, of which he was musical director. Downes also served as chief conductor of the Netherlands Radio Orchestra and principal conductor of the BBC Philharmonic.

The family reported that Lady Downes “started her career as a ballet dancer and subsequently worked as a choreographer and TV producer, before dedicating the last years of her life to working as our father’s personal assistant.”

The Metropolitan Police have announced that Greenwich CID are investigating the circumstances of the couple’s deaths. Assisting a suicide is illegal in the United Kingdom.

Over 100 people who wished to die have made the journey from Britain to Switzerland to take advantage of the clinical services that Dignitas offers. British police have investigated many of the resulting deaths, but no family member has yet been prosecuted for helping relatives negotiate with Dignitas and travel to Switzerland. Debbie Purdy, a woman with multiple sclerosis, attempted last year to obtain a ruling from the English High Court that family members would not be prosecuted for helping someone use the service, and in particular that her husband would not be charged should she decide to use Dignitas in future. The court refused as it believed that such clarification is the responsibility of parliament and not the judiciary.

Last week the House of Lords rejected a proposal by former Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer to allow people to help someone with a terminal illness travel to a country where assisted suicide is legal.

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Easy Tips For Adopt A Pet

Who would have thought that so many people would be pet-less and want to adopt a pet on today of all days. Granted it was adopt a pet day but this is bordering on the positively ridiculous. Theres a good chance that the pet store had never had so many customers in the few years since it had opened. Fits and starts of excited yapping intermingled with delighted little cries of joy were ringing through the air at regular intervals.

Two hours later and you can just about stick a finger in there. A little better but not by much, however you feel your hopes start to rise. You hadnt found anything else that might constitute as a suitable replacement to your adopt a pet idea, and if the crowds were thinning then there was a good chance that you would be able find the right pet for your niece.


You find a nice little bench in front of the pet store and sit down to bide your time. As you sit there you watch in growing amazement at the sheer number of people who had come down to the pet store today to adopt a pet. Its all well and good for the pets themselves but would there be any little pet left for you to adopt?

Finally you manage to wind your way through the length of the pet store and find yourself confronted by the cutest pair of eyes staring out at you from within its confinements. Its still a puppy certainly, and it is cute, but whether you could call it small was slightly beyond you. You wanted to adopt a pet but this might be ridiculous.

However you cant shake the sight of those beseeching eyes and find yourself with an armload of Saint Bernard, a bowl, leash, collar, and any other accoutrements that you deemed necessary to keep the wiggling little beast happy. Adopt a pet day at the pet store was a success, and your “adopt a pet” idea for your nieces birthday was also a great success. Now if only your sister thought so too when she caught sight of the overgrown puppy in your hands!

U.S. warns of al Qaeda threat to stock trading and banking websites

Friday, December 1, 2006

The U.S. government warned private financial services that al Qaeda is planning a cyber attack on the U.S. stock and bank accounts, officials said on Thursday.

Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke says: “There is no information to corroborate this aspirational threat. As a routine matter and out of an abundance of caution, US-CERT issued the situational awareness report to industry stakeholders.”

The officials said that the attacks are aimed at destroying the databases of U.S. banking and stock market web sites. The Homeland Security group claims that the threat was for all of December.

A U.S. official said that the threat was posted on an website and called for the attack to avenge the imprisonment of Muslims in the Guantanamo detention camp.

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Scottish Midlothian car crash kills three

Monday, December 24, 2012

Two cars have been involved in a road traffic accident in the Scottish Lothian and Borders region, causing three fatalities and sending three to hospital. The incident occurred on the A68 road approximately 1.5 miles south of the Midlothian village of Pathhead when a Škoda Octavia and a Nissan Note travelling in opposite directions collided at approximately 0730 UTC today.

The Nissan, which was carrying five occupants, overturned and came to rest on its roof. Three male Buddhist monks who sat in the back of the car died at the site of the crash. The female driver of the vehicle managed to get out of the vehicle herself but another male passenger in the front of the car had to be cut free by fire service members. The two front-seat passengers as well as the male driver of the Škoda were hospitalised at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, although none of their injuries are considered likely to be fatal.

“This is a tragic incident,” Inspector Simon Bradshaw of Lothian and Borders Police said, “and we are currently in the process of carrying out inquiries in order to establish the full circumstances of the collision.” The A68 road close to the location of the accident was temporarily closed to allow police to investigate the incident, with traffic redirected to the B6370 road via the town of Gorebridge. The road has since reopened.

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Oil spill hits Australia’s Sunshine coastline

Sunday, March 15, 2009

200,000 litres of oil leaked into waters off the coast of Brisbane from the Pacific Adventurer when their fuel tanks were damaged in rough seas on Wednesday. The figure is about ten times higher than the original estimate of twenty thousand litres of oil. The devastating diesel oil spill has spread along 60 kilometres (37 miles) of the Queensland coast. In addition, 31 containers with 620 tonnes of ammonium nitrate fertiliser flew overboard during the violent storm.

Questions are being asked why the Hong Kong cargo ship was out in seas with nine meter waves caused by Cyclone Hamish, a Category 5 tropical cyclone, as well as why the fertiliser containers were not properly secured. One of the overboard containers ruptured the hull of the Pacific Adventurer, causing between 30 to 100 tonnes of oil to spew from the severely damaged ship.

If the ammonium nitrate mixes with the heavy oil, an explosion could occur. None of the containers have been recovered. Some of these may float, but it is believed that they may have sunk which then may cause algal blooms.

Disaster zones have been declared at Bribie and Moreton Islands, and along the Sunshine coast.

The vessel’s owner, Swire Shipping, reported that a second leak began on Friday, when the ship began listing after docking at Hamilton for repairs. “As full soundings of the vessel’s tanks were being taken at the port to determine how much oil had leaked from the vessel, a small quantity of fuel oil escaped from the Pacific Adventurer,” it stated. The ship was brought upright, and a recovery vessel was used to suck up the oil from the water. The leak produced a 500m-long oil slick down the Brisbane River. Booms were placed around this oil spill so that a skimmer could clean up the second spill.

Swire Shipping could face clean up costs of AU$100,000 a day as well as fines up to AU$1.5million (US$977,000; £703,000) if found guilty of environmental breaches or negligence.

Sunshine Coast beaches are slowly starting to be reopened. The beach of Mooloolaba was still closed following reports of burning sensations from swimmers. 12 beaches remain closed; however, 13 have been reopened.

Over 300 state government and council workers are using buckets, rakes and spades in the clean up effort. Sunshine Coast Mayor Bob Abbott says the majority will be gone by Sunday afternoon. The full environmental impact on wildlife is not yet known. One turtle and seven pelicans have been found covered in oil.

There are concerns that the drinking water of Moreton Island is at risk, as the island uses water from the underground water table near the oil spill site.

“Every bucketload of contaminated sand has to be removed from the island by barge, and each bucketload from a front-end loader weighs about one tonne. It’s just an impossible task,” said Mr Trevor Hassard of the Tangalooma Dolphin Education Centre.

The commercial fishing industry has suffered from the incident. Trawlers won’t resume operations until Sunday evening, and any catches will be tested for human consumption.

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Glass Bubblers, Sherlocks, Hammers And Triple Chamber Pieces}

Glass Bubblers, Sherlocks, Hammers and Triple Chamber Pieces


Sunflower Pipes

Bubblers are a type of water pipe. Bubblers are often made of Pyrex glass and are larger than the average pipe. A glass bubbler consists of a bowl piece with a carburetor to release smoke from the chamber and a stem piece. Glass Bubblers operate very much like a glass pipes except they have water filtering capabilities. Glass bubblers are stylish heady pieces and they tend to be the pride of many glass collections. Word of caution bubblers are two pieces fused together so they are weaker where they have been joined.

Hammer bubblers are made of glass and are formed from two pieces of glass fused into a shape of a hammer. The glass bowl and chamber are fused to long stem that lies horizontal when placed to the smokers lips. Glass hammer bubblers incorporate the use of water and a carburetor. They are heavily decorated pieces and considered heady and for avid smokers.


The Glass Side Car Bubbler is similar to the hammer bubbler except the stem is attached to the side of the bowl chamber. The glass bowls body (which contains the pipes water) lies parallel to its chamber (which holds the pipes filtered smoke). These are good looking glass pieces; both unique and heady.

A Sherlock Bubbler is a type of water smoking pipe that resembles the fabled calabash pipe used by actors playing fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. As opposed to a traditional “spoon” pipe, a Sherlock has a signature curve: from the mouth piece, the chamber curves down and around back up to the bowl in an ‘S’ shape. The inside out glass Sherlock is a popular type of glass bubbler. Sought by collectors, Glass Sherlock Bubblers are considered as heady or high end pieces because of their artistry and price. Glass Sherlock pipes are free standing usually made by fusing two independent glass works in the middle (the glass stem and mouth piece connects to the glass bowl piece.

Triple Chamber or Double Chamber Bubblers represents the amount of filtering a particular water pipe goes through. A second (or more) chamber(s) can be attached to a bubbler to multiply the filtration, for a smoother intake of smoke. It is rare to see these anywhere but a pipe shop because of their prohibitive price but these are great glass pieces to look at and great to smoke from. There can be as many chambers as the glass blowers imagination. has a 6 chambered bubbler now that sounds like fun!

Sunflower Pipes is dedicated to the experience of smoking offers the following products:

Glass Bubblers

, bats, grinders, pollinators, glass pipes,

Sherlock Bubblers


Glass Water Pipes

, inside out glass pipes, water smoking pipes, fifkas.

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Glass Bubblers, Sherlocks, Hammers and Triple Chamber Pieces}