An Overview Of Bariatric Sleeve Surgery

Obesity and severe overweight issues are serious health problems that affect a significant portion of the global population. They’re frequently linked to a variety of harmful conditions, like heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. For many individuals faced with severe obesity, one prevalent and highly effective treatment method is bariatric surgery, specifically, bariatric sleeve surgery or gastric sleeve surgery.

Understanding the Bariatric Sleeve

This procedure, technically known as sleeve gastrectomy, reduces the volume of the stomach, limiting the amount of food a person can consume and thereby stimulating significant weight loss. During the procedure, a large portion of the stomach is removed, creating a new, smaller stomach pouch that roughly resembles a sleeve, hence the name ‘bariatric sleeve‘.

The bariatric sleeve operation is usually conducted laparoscopically, which entails making tiny incisions rather than a single, large open incision. A device known as a laparoscope, equipped with a small video camera and surgical tools, is inserted through these incisions allowing the surgeon to perform the operation with minimal invasiveness, speeding up recovery time and reducing the risk of potential complications.

Benefits of the Bariatric Sleeve

Bariatric sleeve surgery not only limits caloric intake but also contributes to appetite reduction. This is because the part of the stomach responsible for producing the hormone Ghrelin, which stimulates hunger, is the main portion that’s generally eliminated. As a result, patients often report feeling less hungry between meals and feeling fuller more quickly when they do eat.

The patient’s overall health also typically improves as a direct result of the significant weight loss that follows. Conditions linked to obesity, like sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and diabetes, tend to markedly improve or even disappear entirely following the operation.

Gastric Sleeve Revision

While many people find sustainable success after bariatric sleeve surgery, some may require revision surgery. This could be due to inadequate weight loss, weight regain, or complications from the original procedure. In this context, a gastric sleeve revision cost can be higher than that of the initial surgery due to its complexity.

There are several types of gastric sleeve revision procedures. The process involves converting the original sleeve into a different kind of weight loss surgery, like gastric bypass or duodenal switch. Sometimes, the original sleeve gastrectomy operation could be re-done to create a narrower or smaller stomach sleeve.

The gastric sleeve revision cost varies widely and depends on many factors such as geographical region, the specific type of revision procedure being performed, and the medical facility where the surgery takes place. Other factors influencing the cost include the surgeon’s fees, anesthesia, hospital stay, and any additional labs or tests as part of the pre-operative process. It’s also important to keep in mind that revisional surgeries tend to be more complicated and carry higher risks than primary bariatric surgeries. Therefore, the decision to proceed with a revision operation should be made in consultation with a skilled bariatriac surgeon who is experienced in these procedures.


Bariatric sleeve surgery can offer a life-changing solution for those struggling with severe obesity and its related health issues. With any surgical intervention, however, it’s crucial to fully understand the process, benefits, risks, and potential costs, including the potential need for further surgery such as a gastric sleeve revision cost. Patients should engage in thorough, open discussions with their medical providers to make the best decisions for their health and wellbeing.