U.S. warns of al Qaeda threat to stock trading and banking websites

Friday, December 1, 2006

The U.S. government warned private financial services that al Qaeda is planning a cyber attack on the U.S. stock and bank accounts, officials said on Thursday.

Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke says: “There is no information to corroborate this aspirational threat. As a routine matter and out of an abundance of caution, US-CERT issued the situational awareness report to industry stakeholders.”

The officials said that the attacks are aimed at destroying the databases of U.S. banking and stock market web sites. The Homeland Security group claims that the threat was for all of December.

A U.S. official said that the threat was posted on an website and called for the attack to avenge the imprisonment of Muslims in the Guantanamo detention camp.

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Scottish Midlothian car crash kills three

Monday, December 24, 2012

Two cars have been involved in a road traffic accident in the Scottish Lothian and Borders region, causing three fatalities and sending three to hospital. The incident occurred on the A68 road approximately 1.5 miles south of the Midlothian village of Pathhead when a Škoda Octavia and a Nissan Note travelling in opposite directions collided at approximately 0730 UTC today.

The Nissan, which was carrying five occupants, overturned and came to rest on its roof. Three male Buddhist monks who sat in the back of the car died at the site of the crash. The female driver of the vehicle managed to get out of the vehicle herself but another male passenger in the front of the car had to be cut free by fire service members. The two front-seat passengers as well as the male driver of the Škoda were hospitalised at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, although none of their injuries are considered likely to be fatal.

“This is a tragic incident,” Inspector Simon Bradshaw of Lothian and Borders Police said, “and we are currently in the process of carrying out inquiries in order to establish the full circumstances of the collision.” The A68 road close to the location of the accident was temporarily closed to allow police to investigate the incident, with traffic redirected to the B6370 road via the town of Gorebridge. The road has since reopened.

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Oil spill hits Australia’s Sunshine coastline

Sunday, March 15, 2009

200,000 litres of oil leaked into waters off the coast of Brisbane from the Pacific Adventurer when their fuel tanks were damaged in rough seas on Wednesday. The figure is about ten times higher than the original estimate of twenty thousand litres of oil. The devastating diesel oil spill has spread along 60 kilometres (37 miles) of the Queensland coast. In addition, 31 containers with 620 tonnes of ammonium nitrate fertiliser flew overboard during the violent storm.

Questions are being asked why the Hong Kong cargo ship was out in seas with nine meter waves caused by Cyclone Hamish, a Category 5 tropical cyclone, as well as why the fertiliser containers were not properly secured. One of the overboard containers ruptured the hull of the Pacific Adventurer, causing between 30 to 100 tonnes of oil to spew from the severely damaged ship.

If the ammonium nitrate mixes with the heavy oil, an explosion could occur. None of the containers have been recovered. Some of these may float, but it is believed that they may have sunk which then may cause algal blooms.

Disaster zones have been declared at Bribie and Moreton Islands, and along the Sunshine coast.

The vessel’s owner, Swire Shipping, reported that a second leak began on Friday, when the ship began listing after docking at Hamilton for repairs. “As full soundings of the vessel’s tanks were being taken at the port to determine how much oil had leaked from the vessel, a small quantity of fuel oil escaped from the Pacific Adventurer,” it stated. The ship was brought upright, and a recovery vessel was used to suck up the oil from the water. The leak produced a 500m-long oil slick down the Brisbane River. Booms were placed around this oil spill so that a skimmer could clean up the second spill.

Swire Shipping could face clean up costs of AU$100,000 a day as well as fines up to AU$1.5million (US$977,000; £703,000) if found guilty of environmental breaches or negligence.

Sunshine Coast beaches are slowly starting to be reopened. The beach of Mooloolaba was still closed following reports of burning sensations from swimmers. 12 beaches remain closed; however, 13 have been reopened.

Over 300 state government and council workers are using buckets, rakes and spades in the clean up effort. Sunshine Coast Mayor Bob Abbott says the majority will be gone by Sunday afternoon. The full environmental impact on wildlife is not yet known. One turtle and seven pelicans have been found covered in oil.

There are concerns that the drinking water of Moreton Island is at risk, as the island uses water from the underground water table near the oil spill site.

“Every bucketload of contaminated sand has to be removed from the island by barge, and each bucketload from a front-end loader weighs about one tonne. It’s just an impossible task,” said Mr Trevor Hassard of the Tangalooma Dolphin Education Centre.

The commercial fishing industry has suffered from the incident. Trawlers won’t resume operations until Sunday evening, and any catches will be tested for human consumption.

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Glass Bubblers, Sherlocks, Hammers And Triple Chamber Pieces}

Glass Bubblers, Sherlocks, Hammers and Triple Chamber Pieces


Sunflower Pipes

Bubblers are a type of water pipe. Bubblers are often made of Pyrex glass and are larger than the average pipe. A glass bubbler consists of a bowl piece with a carburetor to release smoke from the chamber and a stem piece. Glass Bubblers operate very much like a glass pipes except they have water filtering capabilities. Glass bubblers are stylish heady pieces and they tend to be the pride of many glass collections. Word of caution bubblers are two pieces fused together so they are weaker where they have been joined.

Hammer bubblers are made of glass and are formed from two pieces of glass fused into a shape of a hammer. The glass bowl and chamber are fused to long stem that lies horizontal when placed to the smokers lips. Glass hammer bubblers incorporate the use of water and a carburetor. They are heavily decorated pieces and considered heady and for avid smokers.


The Glass Side Car Bubbler is similar to the hammer bubbler except the stem is attached to the side of the bowl chamber. The glass bowls body (which contains the pipes water) lies parallel to its chamber (which holds the pipes filtered smoke). These are good looking glass pieces; both unique and heady.

A Sherlock Bubbler is a type of water smoking pipe that resembles the fabled calabash pipe used by actors playing fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. As opposed to a traditional “spoon” pipe, a Sherlock has a signature curve: from the mouth piece, the chamber curves down and around back up to the bowl in an ‘S’ shape. The inside out glass Sherlock is a popular type of glass bubbler. Sought by collectors, Glass Sherlock Bubblers are considered as heady or high end pieces because of their artistry and price. Glass Sherlock pipes are free standing usually made by fusing two independent glass works in the middle (the glass stem and mouth piece connects to the glass bowl piece.

Triple Chamber or Double Chamber Bubblers represents the amount of filtering a particular water pipe goes through. A second (or more) chamber(s) can be attached to a bubbler to multiply the filtration, for a smoother intake of smoke. It is rare to see these anywhere but a pipe shop because of their prohibitive price but these are great glass pieces to look at and great to smoke from. There can be as many chambers as the glass blowers imagination. SunflowerPipes.com has a 6 chambered bubbler now that sounds like fun!

Sunflower Pipes is dedicated to the experience of smoking offers the following products:

Glass Bubblers

, bats, grinders, pollinators, glass pipes,

Sherlock Bubblers


Glass Water Pipes

, inside out glass pipes, water smoking pipes, fifkas.

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Glass Bubblers, Sherlocks, Hammers and Triple Chamber Pieces}

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inaugurates the “Defence Development Exhibition ‘Self-Defence-2021′”

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

On Monday, on the 76th anniversary of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea’s founding, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inaugurated a new weapons exhibition in the Three-Revolutions Exhibition House, Pyongyang. Party newspaper Rodong Sinmun reported the event next day. According to Chinese travel agency Young Pioneer Tours, North Korea closed its border to tourists in January 2020.

The outside ceremony started when Kim Jong Un arrived. Attendees, mainly Korean People’s Army (KPA) officers, party officials and invited defence industry personnel, greeted Kim with “Manse!” (Long Live!). High-ranking party officials Choe Ryong Hae, Jo Yong Won and Hyon Song Wol, premier Kim Tok Hun, Marshal Pak Jong Chon and Kim Jong Un’s sister Kim Yo Jong were also there.

A musical performance by the KPA military band and the Orchestra of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) came before a KPA martial arts demonstration, in it brick breaking with bare fists, bending steel bars with the sternum and jumping over cars. A flypast closed the outdoor sequence, rendering the colours of the North Korean flag with smoke on the sky.

Kim Jong Un’s opening speech indoors remarked that “the US tacit sponsorship [of South Korea] continue to damage the inter-Korean feelings and emotions” and that “South Korea has been unhesitant on several occasions in disclosing its ambition for securing military supremacy over us under the preposterous excuse of deterring threat from us”, but called their military build-up a war deterrence effort. He also called on people to support to the defence capabilities of the country, and dedicated the event to analyze their recent achievements in the field.

An award ceremony for servicepersons and others followed with high decorations handed over, including the Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Orders, the Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Prizes, the title of Labour Hero, the Order of the National Flag and watches signed with the names of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

After touring the exhibition, Kim Jong Un met with the jet pilots who performed earlier, then left in a limousine.

The exhibition featured missiles, including editions 14, 15 and 16 of the Hwasong intercontinental ballistic missile series.

In reaction on Tuesday, Moon Hong-sik, a spokesperson for South Korea’s Ministry of Defence said that both the United States and South Korea are analyzing the displayed equipment.

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Healthy Low Fat Chicken Recipe | Andy’s Famous Chicken

By Rebecca Welch

Anyone concerned with getting fit, staying fit, or fitness in general is usually looking for ways to eat more healthfully. Chicken breasts are one of the most diet friendly lean protein sources you can find and they do taste pretty good. Lean protein sources are extremely important for all fitness enthusiasts. Lean protein builds muscle and helps to burn fat. Here’s a low fat healthy chicken recipe that you can vary to suit your mood.

Andy’s Famous Chicken

3lbs. package of boneless, skinless chicken breasts – still frozen


1 12oz. bottle of fat free salad dressing or Lawry’s marinade

1 11 x 14 baking pan

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place frozen chicken breasts in the baking pan. Pour dressing or marinade over frozen chicken. Bake chicken at 400 degrees for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until chicken is lightly browned on top.

That’s it! That’s the whole healthy low fat chicken recipe. This chicken recipe is dead easy and especially wonderful when you want a nice dinner but you have piles of chores left to do and don’t want to be chained to the stove all evening. Serve Andy’s Famous Chicken with side dishes such as steamed veggies and brown rice or other whole grains and you have a fast, healthy meal that actually tastes good.

This healthy low fat chicken recipe is particularly good with fat free Italian dressing. Any fat free or low fat salad dressing may be used to maximize the flavor variations that are possible with this dish. Another good choice would be any flavor Lawry’s marinade since that brand tends to be lower in fat and calories.

For those folks who are not quite so fitness oriented, regular botled dressing can be used and the resulting dish will be just as tasty. Another easy way to go would be canned or bottled curry sauce. It makes a great spicy dish. Andy’s Famous Chicken is a great recipe for week night dinners and would also be nice enough to serve company.

About the Author: Great food doesn’t have to ruin your diet. Read more about

fitness tips

, delicious food, exercise routines and staying motivated at WomensFitness2Day.com



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Colombian military spy plane crashes

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

According to media reports, a Colombian air force AC-47 (registration FAC1670) spy plane carrying five people has crashed near the Colombian city of La Dorada, in the department of Caldas.

All on board the plane are believed to have been killed, according to Colombia Reports. Among the dead, according to Monsters and Critics, are two technicians, a major and two second lieutenants. ABS-CBN News reports that the dead included three high ranking officials and two lower ranking ones.

Jorge Ballesteros, a Colombian air force official, says that the plane took off from an air force base in the city of Puerto Salgar and was on an exercise mission when it crashed. He also states that although it was on a training exercise, the plane was carrying bombs and machine guns.

A military team has been dispatched to the area to investigate the incident, but they have already put the blame on mechanical failure. Ballestero noted that investigators have ruled out a rebel attack and terrorism as possible causes.

AC-47’s have been used by the Colombian air force for nearly 20 years, most of which were donated from the United States. They were provided to the country in an attempt to fight the illegal drug market and to defend citizens and the military against rebel attacks. They are also used to gather intelligence and come equipped with a state-of-the-art communications system, radar and infrared detection systems.

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People Loving The Golf Sport

People loving The Golf Sport



Golf has made its place in the heart and mind of the people. The popularity of this sport has increased in the recent years. Golf in Spain was a favorite pastime for the elite class but now it has become entered the world of mainstream sports activities. Golf players must be familiar with the techniques of playing this game. This game has captured attention of not just youngsters but there is hardly anyone left untouched by its aura.

The elegance of this game is unique and the growing popularity of this sport can be counted in terms of golf courses opened every year. To play this game, players must be patient. They must be able to handle the extreme condition with ease and perfection. Golf history can be traced from Scotland in the 15th century. Soon, it emerged as a popular sport in England and then it made incredible mark throughout the world. golf in marbella is quite popular and its climate is considered to the major attribute for its growing popularity.


In Spain, many golf courses have been designed by best designers of Europe and are kept in best condition. To ensure that golf players are catered properly, they are treated well in restaurants, resorts and clubs.

Not every single person wants to be a golf player, some even wish to stay apart from this serious sport and take it as leisure activity. Spain is undoubtedly the best location for holiday and enjoying the golf game. Costa del Sol has a tremendous collection of golf courses and golf resorts. It is acknowledged with status of leading golf destination in Spain. Golf holidays in Costa de sol are quite common. Malaga is the hottest area of Costa de sol. With its humid climate and intermittent rainfall, it becomes the vacation destination for lover of Mediterranean climate. Golf holidays in Malaga are a popular trend.

Hotel Villa Padierna golf course is a great place to enjoy golf and have a gala time with your friends and family. hotelVillapadierna golf holidays to enjoy this sport can be a priceless experience. Golf breaks in Marbella is a lovely experience.

Looking for relaxing vacation, enjoy a refreshing stay at the most popular choice of Hotel Villa padierna Palace Hotel, Resort and Golf. Enjoy the advantages of first-class golf resorts and a charming palace.

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Venezuela opens granite processing facility in Bolívar

Monday, February 18, 2013

Venezuela’s government has opened a granite processing plant in the state of Bolívar, with the intention of providing about 25% of the granite required nationwide.

Ricardo Menéndez, vice president of the Productive Economic Area, said Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has yearned for the creation of this project to empower Venezuelan construction. Granito Bolívar is reportedly the most modern Venezuelan granite plant, not consuming community water or electricity, and is also the largest, with a daily capacity to supply enough material for use in construction of about 820 houses.

Menéndez said, “These granite blocks are the natural resources of our country, are the wealth we have as a country and often [some] simply decided to remove this richness from our country and take them to other countries” ((es))Spanish language: ?Esos bloques de granito son la riquezas naturales de nuestro país, son las riquezas que tenemos como patria y que muchas veces sencillamente esas riquezas decidieron sacarlas de nuestro territorio nacional y llevarlas a otros países.

According to Menéndez, with the help of a state plan, Venezuela intends to exploit its 40,000 million cubic meters or more of granite reserves, generating a set of factories. “[T]he central theme is that these plants, all these factories, are for the construction of socialism; that means using our potential, develop the value chain within the country and of course that yields benefits from the point of view of the production system’s organization…. [Granito] Bolívar is not only the vision that historically we had of exposing richness, but the industries, basic industries we have, that level of our workers in the basic industries and in addition the development of the potential we have in the state” ((es))Spanish language: ?el tema central es que estas plantas todas estas fábricas son para la construcción del socialismo, eso significa utilizar nuestras potencialidades, dessarrollar la cadena de valor dentro del país y por supuesto que eso genere beneficios desde el punto de vista de la organización del sistema productivo … Bolívar no solamente es la visión que históricamente se tuvo de exponer las riquezas, sino que son las empresas, las empresas básicas que tenemos, ese nivel de nuestros trabajadores de la empresas básicas y adicionalmente el desarrollo del potencial que tenemos en el estado.

For the construction of the plant, supplied by 23 quarries, the government of Bolívar provided about 30 million bolívares (US$4.7 million) and the national government €2.3 million (US$3 million). Bolívar reportedly has reserves of about 40,000 million tons of red, black, pink and white granite, sufficient for domestic demand for 200 years.

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