Canada’s Don Valley West (Ward 25) city council candidates speak

Friday, November 3, 2006

On November 13, Torontonians will be heading to the polls to vote for their ward’s councillor and for mayor. Among Toronto’s ridings is Don Valley West (Ward 25). Three candidates responded to Wikinews’ requests for an interview. This ward’s candidates include John Blair, Robertson Boyle, Tony Dickins, Cliff Jenkins (incumbent), and Peter Kapsalis.

For more information on the election, read Toronto municipal election, 2006.

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Media round-up: April Fools’ Day 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Many media outlets traditionally deliberately spread hoaxes on April Fools’ Day, including notable quality sources such as National Geographic and Science.

The popular British tabloid The Sun wrote that French President Nicolas Sarkozy is to undergo stretch surgery to make him taller than his wife, Italian artist and model Carla Bruni. The report claimed the 5 foot 5 inch leader would be made 5 inches taller in one year using a method by Israeli professor Ura Schmuck. The Sun noted that during his visit to Britain last week, Sarkozy had high-heel shoes while his wife wore a pair of flat pumps.

The Guardian on the other hand ran an article that suggested that Carla would head an initiative by Prime Minister Gordon Brown to bring more glamour, good taste and sophistication to the U.K. general population. This would involve collaboration with Marks & Spencer for high-street fashion and Jamie Oliver for meals and wine.

BBC News had real-looking footage of flying penguins fronted by documentary host Terry Jones, which were actually an advertisement for its new iPlayer.

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4 Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Marketing Plan

By Michael Bryksa

Some people have a talent for acronyms. A few days ago I overheard a person tell his friend, ‘You know what the word ‘job’ really means? Just over broke.’

Who could blame the person, or the joke? It’s true that a growing number of people these days have to juggle between several jobs just to make ends meet. Some people who had saved up a little invest their money on business, which is a good thing. But let’s not forget the world is going through a financial crisis. Your dream business could fall apart before it’s even begun if you don’t have a marketing plan in place.

For small- to medium-sized businesses, a solid marketing plan is vital, almost crucial, in both the short-term and the long-term. Take a long hard look at your marketing plan, and ask yourself these questions.

1. Does it define my customer base?

Every business has a market niche. A few businesses claim they intend to serve everyone. But we all know better than to take those kinds of statements seriously.

Your marketing plan should focus on a specific market niche, a customer base. Are you going for a lower service fee than your competitors? Or are you aiming for the ‘high end’ neighborhood side of town? Your marketing plan should tell you this and how you should go about it.


2.Does it define my product/service?

The marketing plan should describe your product/service in great detail. It should also explain how your product/service relates to the market. What are the needs of your market niche? What similar product or service are they using right now? How is your product or service better than your competitors’ and why should your market niche make the switch over to you?

But don’t be discouraged. In some cases competition is actually a good thing. Brian Graham has this to say about product competition.

‘Competition creates better products, alliances create better companies.’

3. Am I being innovative in a business sense?

There’s one too many businesses out there trying to sell the exact same thing. If you want to stand out, if you wish to stand out, you need to push the boundaries a little bit and see where that takes you.

‘Businesses need to realize that marketing isn’t an expense, it’s a legitimate business building activity,’ Cecelia Haddad says, director of Marketing Elements in Sydney.

A good marketing plan serves as your guide so you don’t overextend yourself. And this marketing plan should be revised periodically. You can’t afford for your marketing campaign to go stale.

4. Does it promote a brand?

The brand is the tangible form of the company’s promise to its customer base. When you create a brand, you are making a promise that customers can expect the exact same experience from their previous visits, which goes a long way into retaining patrons and increasing repeat business.

So you wish to create and promote a brand to give yourself that much-needed business edge. Question: is your marketing plan doing the same?

Taking the time to research your market niche and investing on a solid marketing plan is definitely to way to go. You’d be surprised how many small business owners think they could get along without any sort of plan whatsoever. By writing up a good marketing plan, you put yourself in the position to be more successful in the long-term, and secure a brighter future for both you and your business.

About the Author: Jon Orana is a Canada-based internet marketer and social media specialist who writes informative blog posts on the subject during his free time. You can visit his website at

Calgary Internet Marketing

for more info on his services. You can also visit his website

Calgary Internet Marketing

for more articles and tips on internet marketing.


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London serial murder accused Stephen Port makes first court appearance

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A London man charged on Sunday with drugging and murdering four men made his first court appearance yesterday. Stephen Port, 40, was remanded to appear before a higher court tomorrow.

Port faces four counts of murder and four counts of “administering a poison with intent to endanger life or inflict grievous bodily harm”. He is alleged to have administered overdoses of recreational drug GHB. He allegedly murdered the men at his home before dumping the bodies, after finding victims online using gay dating services.

Three of the deaths were last year. Anthony Patrick Walgate, 23, was found dead on June 19, 2014 in Cooke Street. Port lives in Cooke Street. The other three alleged victims were found in the vicinity of St Margaret’s Church on North Street. Gabriel Kovari, 22, was discovered dead on August 28. Daniel Whitworth, 21, was found dead the following month on September 20. Fourth alleged victim Jack Taylor, 25, was found a year later on September 14.

Whitworth and Kovari were known to each other, according to testimony at inquest. The Metropolitan Police has referred itself to the Independent Police Complaints Commission concerning what police called “potential vulnerabilities in [our response] to the four deaths.” Police did not initially link the deaths.

Special needs teacher Port, who was guarded by three officers in the dock, spoke in court to confirm his identity. He did not indicate if he will deny the offences. He was arrested following a police appeal to trace a man seen with Taylor shortly before his death.

Police at the time released security footage of Taylor’s movements, with an officer telling the press “the man captured on CCTV may well be the last person to talk to Jack.” The four deaths were finally linked and passed to the Metropolitan Police’s serious crime investigators on Wednesday last week.

The Magistrates’ Court ordered Taylor to appear at the Old Bailey, a famed London courthouse, tomorrow. He spent the hearing holding one arm, and repeatedly looking at the floor, whilst clad in a grey tracksuit given to him by the authorities holding him.

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No diplomas for now; California Exit Exam appeal must wait

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Seniors who haven’t been credited with passing the California High School Exit Exam won’t be getting diplomas when graduation ceremonies are held next month because the First District Appellate Court won’t hear the court case about the test until July 25.

The attorney for the students suing to block use of the test says he still expects to prevail.

“This case is far from over,” said Arturo Gonzalez, the lead attorney in Valenzuela vs. O’Connell, in which Liliana Valenzuela, a Richmond High School student, and others sued to block the state’s use of the test as a graduation requirement, “We think there is a strong chance that students in the Class of 2006 will receive their diplomas, even if it is after commencement ceremonies. It is important that students not get discouraged. They have to stay in school and pass their classes.”

On May 12, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Robert Freedman agreed with Gonzalez’ argument that the state’s use of the test as a graduation requirement was unconstitutional because poor and minority students don’t have access to equal educational resources, and therefore don’t have equal protection under the law. He issued an injunction against the use of the test.

That injunction seemed to pave the way for those of the 47,000 seniors statewide who haven’t yet passed the test, but have completed all other requirements, to receive diplomas with their classmates at upcoming graduation events.

But State Superintendent of Schools Jack O’Connell quickly filed an appeal of Freedman’s ruling and asked the State Supreme Court to issue a stay of Freedman’s injunction. Earlier this week, the Court granted O’Connell’s request for a stay, allowing schools to deny diplomas to students who haven’t passed the test. The Court also ordered the Appellate court to hear O’Connell’s appeal of Freedman’s ruling against the test.

On Thursday, Gonzalez petitioned the Appellate Court to expedite their hearing of the case to as soon as next week, but today the court denied Gonzalez’ request and scheduled the case for a hearing on July 25.

In an email to the James Logan Courier, Gonzalez said he thinks his case is strong enough to withstand the appeal. “We intend to vigorously defend Judge Freedman’s ruling,” he said, “The record strongly supports his decision.”

“If the court of appeals upholds Judge Freedman’s ruling, students in the Class of 2006 may still receive their high school diplomas,” he said.

About 70 seniors at James Logan High School in Union City, Ca., mostly minorities and those who are learning English, still need to pass the test.

O’Connell, an avid defender of the test, which is required by a law he wrote and championed when he was in the state legislature, said this week that he would make sure school districts knew that they had to require the test be passed in order to hand out diplomas to students.

“I will communicate with districts today to ensure they are aware that the exit exam is a graduation requirement” he said, “Students who have worked hard to pass this exam will be given a diploma that signifies their mastery of essential skills in reading and math.”

This article is based on No Diplomas for Now; Exit Exam Appeal Must Wait by Patrick Hannigan of The James Logan Courier, which has a copyright policy compatible with our CC-BY 2.5. Specifically “Creative Commons 2.5 Share-Alike license

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Nail Fungus Symptoms Will Vary From Person To Person

By Amanda Fain

The first symptom of a toenail fungus infection is discoloration of the nail. The symptoms of a nail infection will vary depending on the type and severity of the infection.

Nail fungus infections, also known as onychomyscosis, account for about half of all nail disorders. They can be difficult to treat and repeated infections are common. The infections are particularly prominent in nails that have been continuously exposed to warm, moist environments like sweaty shoes or shower floors.

Toenail fungus infections usually begin with a white spot under the tip of the nail. As the fungus spreads deeper into the nail, the following symptoms may occur:

— Thickened nails

— Brittle, crumbly or ragged nails


— Nails that are distorted in shape

— Nails that are flat and dull

— Yellow, green or black nails

— Pain in and around the nail bed

The nail may develop white, yellow or brown patches. In some cases the nail may become brittle and appear chipped. There may also be flakey, scaly skin surrounding the infected nail.

A toenail infection that has an unpleasant odor may be in advanced stages and you should see a doctor immediately. If the infection is severe, you will have significant pain and will find it difficult to walk.

Thickening of the nails is another symptom of toenail fungus infection. If your nails thicken, you may find it difficult to wear shoes. Sometimes thickening leads to an ingrown toenail which can be painful and limit mobility.

If the symptoms are left untreated, fungal infections of the nail can cause permanent damage to the nail, leaving it ragged and distorted. The fungus can spread to the skin surrounding your nail causing paronychia, a surface infection of the skin around the nail.

Paronychia can cause painful lesions, redness, swelling and pus-filled blisters. You can avoid the pain and embarrassment of paronychia by treating your nail fungus infection symptoms in their early stages. For more info see

The type of treatment plan you choose will depend on the severity of your symptoms and your personal preferences. Some people prefer to try home remedies before consulting a physician for prescription medications. Many of the prescription medications that are available to treat nail fungus infections have unpleasant side effects. The most commonly prescribed oral medications are Sporonax, Diflucan and Lamisil.

It is important monitor your nail fungus infections symptoms to make sure they do not worsen. For effective treatment, you should address nail fungus infection symptoms when they first appear.

About the Author: You can also find more information at

nail fungus medication


fungal infection



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Two British girls arrested for smuggling in Ghana

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Two 16-year-old British girls were arrested in Accra, Ghana earlier this month for apparently attempting to smuggle £300,000 worth of cocaine in laptop bags.

Yasemin Vatansever, of Cypriot descent and Yatunde Diya of Nigerian descent were arrested as they attempted to board a British Airways flight from the Kotoka International Airport on July 2, 2007. The arrest was by the Ghanaian Narcotic Control Board. They were alleged to be carrying 6.5 kg of drugs. They are currently in Ghana police custody and have been visited by British High Commission staff.

The girls who are both students from Islington, north London, had left home after informing their families they were making a school trip to France. They are expected to be charged with “possessing narcotic drugs and attempting to export drugs”, for which they could be jailed for up to ten years if found guilty.

The arrest is part of the Operation Westbridge project set up in November 2006 as a collaboration between the Ghanaian Narcotic Control Board and HM Revenue and Customs of the UK. It is to curb the influx of drugs into Europe and the UK through West Africa which is now being used as a transit point from South America. The project involves the provision of technical and operational expertise to the Ghanaian teams and training in the use of specialist scanning equipment. Ghana is the first country in Africa to introduce such equipment.

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More worries of further contamination of food from China

Friday, September 26, 2008

The World Health Organization (WHO) is warning that more food imported from China may be contaminated with melamine, a chemical used in the manufacturing of plastics. Melamine, although nontoxic in very small amounts, can cause severe kidney problems in large doses.

Guanshengyuan, a Chinese company that makes children’s candy, has stopped selling its popular brand White Rabbit, which is sold nationally in China, after tests confirmed the presence of melamine. Bright foods owns the candy company. Earlier their powdered milk was found to contain melamine which sickened over 53,000 people and was responsible for the deaths of at least four infant children. Guanshengyuan has stopped exporting their goods to the nearly 50 companies overseas that buy them.

Melamine has also been found in Hong Kong in baby cereal and vegetable formula made by Heinz. It has also been found in wasabi crackers which are manufactured by the Chinese company, Silang House.

Another Chinese food company called Marudai Food Co. has also halted the sales of several items such as meat buns, cream buns and corn crepes made with cream over fears that melamine laced powered milk has contaminated their products. So far there have been no reports of any illnesses associated with Marudai Foods.

Further items recalled or other products that feared to be contaminated with melamine are Mr. Browns Instant Coffee and tea products, along with their powdered milk.

The first report of contamination came last week when the Chinese health ministry confirmed that the companies responsible for producing the milk were trying to repair their damaged public image by increasing output using melamine. The Chinese Health Ministry has stated that most of the tainted milk was produced by Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group Co.

The WHO says that women with infants should consider breast feeding for the time being on infants aged at least six months, until the contaminated milk can be removed from the consumption chain.

“WHO recommends that all infants should be fed exclusively with breast milk for the first six months of life. No other liquid or food, not even water, is needed during this period. Thereafter, infants should receive adequate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding continues up to two years of age and beyond,” said the WHO in a statement on their website.

In 2007, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed the presence of melamine in pet food that was imported from China. Samples indicated that wheat gluten, used as an ingredient in the pet food, was contaminated with the chemical. As a result of the contamination, the FDA said some of the contaminated gluten entered the human food chain. At least 45 people ate contaminated pork which was traced to pigs from a farm in California. The pigs had eaten feed that had been contaminated. There were no reports of deaths or illnesses.

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Live In Care Providers To Replace You}

Live-in care providers to replace you


Brian MillerThere are many different things you want to do for your parents when they get older, but you cannot be there all the time. You have to go to work, you have to be available for your spouse as well as for your children and you have to enjoy your own life. This does not mean you will give up on your elderly, but you must find a way to make it work.How will you be able to take care of their needs while you will enjoy your life? How will you be able to find the best solution to be in two places at once? Since you do not want to be replaced by your kids or your spouse, you have to be replaced in your relationship with your parents. Live-in care providers are the ones that will rise up to the task.There are many people who need to be replaced so their elderly can be taken care of. If you want to make the right choice, you have to focus on the services you will get from the live-in home care providers. It is not a choice you should treat lightly, but you have to put in the time and the effort to find a person to fill in the gap with your parents.One of the first things you will need to focus on is what would you do if you were there. The live-in care services must cover most of the chores you would do if you would be there all the time. Things like walking the dog, feeding the care, taking care of the plants are done on a daily basis. They should also go shopping or take your parents out.The house where they will live has to be taken care of as well. Cleaning it is important, but the live-in home care providers will also need to do a little cooking. A warm and home cooked meal is going to be enjoyed a lot better and they have to deliver this service from the start. Always teach them the meals that are preferred by your parents.The live-in care services must cover a range of personal needs for your elderly. They may need a little bit of help getting dressed, bathed and other things like that. They have to offer a little bit of assistance when it comes to their medication since it is hard to remember when to take the right pills and this can lead to disaster in no time at all.If you want to be sure you will find the right people to replace you, you should turn to a live-in home care agency for this task. This is where you will find qualified people that are ready for any challenge you will put on the table. If you do not want to waste too much time in the process, you should visit the site of for answers.

You cannot be in two places at once and

live-in care

is one of the best options you can use to deal with it. If you are looking for the best

live-in home care

providers you can hire to take care of your elderly, you should turn to the agency from the site named before and they will deliver the answers you seek sooner than you imagine.

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Wikinews attends Christy Carlson Romano concert in Sesame Place

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wikinews reporter Nicholas Moreau contacted professional photographer David Fore of Lloyd David Photography to go to the recent Christy Carlson Romano concert at Sesame Place theme park in Langhorne, Pennsylvania.

Romano, perhaps best known for her breakout role in Even Stevens opposite Shia LaBoeuf, is presumably working towards a new album, regularly posting new singles to her MySpace profile. She is listed as “indie” on her profile, having originally been signed to Disney Records.

Romano has performed Belle in Beauty and the Beast on Broadway, as well as voice acting in the television series Kim Possible and video game Kingdom Hearts.

Sesame Place recently opened for the season, adding Abby Cadabby to its cast of life-size Muppets. The park offers a variety of wet and dry rides, as well as stage attractions. Christy performed at the park four times over last weekend, as well as riding in its daily Rock Around the Block Parade.

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