MT duo & Robot Taiwan 2008: Vast opportunities for machinery industry

Friday, May 2, 2008

The 2008 Taipei CNC Machine Tools & Manufacturing Technology Show (MT duo) and Taiwan International Robot Exhibition (Robot Taiwan 2008) both began yesterday. These events are both taking place in the build up to Taipei International Machine Tool Show (TIMTOS 2009) at TWTC Nangang, which is due to take place next year.

The 2008 MT duo and Robot Taiwan mainly focused on software designed for industry, rather than consumers. This is in contrast to the choice of software displayed in many Japanese Trade Shows, which often displays products designed for consumers.

Robotics is a major industry in Taiwan. As a result the organizer of the event decided to refine “Manufacturing Taipei” and split it into the “Robot & Industrial Automation” of Manufacturing Taipei and “Robot Taiwan”.

There was also a “Taiwan International Robotics Forum” and “Seminars on MT duo” at the event. Both were designed to attract executives from IT, manufacturing, and machinery industries to promote the worldwide use of robotics in industry.

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How To Set Up Your Own Fashion Brand In 4 Steps

By Donald Pang

Dreamed of working with couture? Starting up your own fashion line might have crossed your mind. The huge task of maintaining your own business might stop you from pursuing the thought. But nothing is impossible if you keep searching for answers.

With the rise of the internet, creating your own fashion brand does not have to cost much. You will need to research a lot. And also do many things out of your comfort zone. But earning an income from your own fashion line is just so rewarding!

Here is how you can start up your own fashion brand in four steps:

Step 1: Research

Search engines are your best friend. You can search for a variety of subjects on starting up your own fashion line.

The first thing you need to do is draft a business plan. This document will include:

– Type of people you want to target. Eg. Teenagers, Professional Women, or Men aged 18-25.

– How clothes will be obtained (sourced from factories, or designed and produced).

– Financial issues like budget.

– Promotion. Details on how you would sell your clothes to the public.


– Branding. Achieve a suitable public image and style for your brand. Eg. Modern, Vintage, Affordable, Luxurious, or Sporty.

There are both pros and cons on whether you want to start out with high-end fashion, indie or mainstream. Though if you are just starting out, it is best to start humble and work your way up. If you really want to break into the luxury market on your first try, it is best to work with a few fashion-related companies first to gain experience. You can also learn the ropes by studying fashion in a top design school.

After your business plan sounds good, go right ahead with the start up!

High-end fashion start-ups are not doomed for failure if you know your stuff! Kate Spade was a fashion editor before she started designing handbags.

Step 2: Source for Clothes

This is the fun part of the business. Your shopping skills will be tested when you hunt for the best fashionable bargains. Or if you are designing and producing your own clothes, your creativity is tested. Here are common ways on how retailers get their clothes:

a) Shop for clothes in manufacturing countries. Consider studying fashion in countries like China and Thailand for a head start in your career.

b) Source through flea markets, bargain stores or factory outlets.

c) Collaborate with fashion designers.

d) Design and manufacture fashion collections.

Before you shop for anything, make sure that you have strong ideas on your branding. And also make sure that you do a trend forecast. This reduces the risk of your brand appearing unfashionable. With proper trend forecasting and branding you will not get massive negative feedback that can cripple your business.

Step 3: Start your Website!

Web presence is very important in this era. People search for clothes online too! To start off simple, you can sign up for a free blog, upload pictures of your clothes and take orders from there!

Create a Facebook fan page, and gather as many likes as possible so that your brand shows up on the feeds of other people’s walls. This raises awareness for your brand.

Web presence gives potential customers a place where they can look for you online. It is also a lot cheaper than having a physical store.

Step 4: Turn up the glam factor with collaborations!

It is important to work with other people in the fashion industry. Starting up alone is daunting, but not impossible. On the other hand, if you have great social skills, your work would be so much easier! Working with other people can build your brand faster. And you can do this cheaply by looking for semi-professionals who are building their portfolios.

These are the skills you will need in order to raise maximum popularity for your brand:

Fashion Design

This skill will help you:

Create beautiful fashion collections that your target audience wants to wear. Understanding the production of clothes will increase the quality of your products. And you can design fashion according to the physical needs of your target market. This makes your brand unique and helps you gain recognition and sales faster.

Fashion Marketing

This skill will help you:

Understand the business aspects of fashion. You will need this skill to promote your own fashion line on minimal budget but gain maximum sales. As a fashion marketer, you will keep close contacts with many people in the industry. And you will know exactly how to give your clothes a desirable image to make your brand look good.

Fashion Journalism

This skill will help you:

Spread positive news about your brand and do it in style. You can give clothes a good image by styling them according to celebrity or runway looks. Editorial skills and knowledge in fashion photography can develop strong advertising messages. These are popular art forms that will keep awareness for your brand high.

About the Author: Want to find out more about

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UN Report: Earth ecosystem in peril

Thursday, March 31, 2005A report Tuesday from a United Nations-backed project, consulting more than 1,300 scientists from 95 countries, and written over the last four years, warns that 60 percent of the basics of life on Earth — water, food, timber, clean air — are currently being used in ways which degrade them. Furthermore, fisheries and fresh water use-patterns are unsustainable, and getting worse.

“The harmful consequences of this degradation could grow significantly worse in the next 50 years,” according to a press release from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), a massive four-year study begun in 2001.

“We’ve had many reports on environmental degradation, but for the first time we’re now able to draw connections between ecosystem services and human well-being,” Cristian Samper, director of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington and a chief architect of the study, told the Christian Science Monitor.

The project’s Synthesis Report, first in a series of eleven documents and published yesterday, explains the objective: “to assess the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being and to establish the scientific basis for actions needed to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems and their contributions to human well-being.”

It then goes on to report on four main findings:

  • Changes over the last 50 years to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fiber and fuel, have effected substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth.
  • Net gains in human well-being and economic development are offset by growing costs, in the form ecosystem degradation, the possibility of abrupt and unpredictable ecosystem changes, and worsened poverty for some groups. Unless addressed, these problems will substantially diminish the benefits that future generations obtain from ecosystems.
  • Ecosystem degradation could grow significantly worse over the next 50 years, presenting a barrier to meeting UN Millennium Development Goals.
  • The challenge of reversing the degradation while meeting increasing ecological demands can be partially met under some scenarios, but only with significant changes in policies, institutions and practices — changes that are not currently under way.

Walter Reid, the study’s director, speaking at yesterday’s London launch of the report said it shows that over the last 50 years “humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable time in human history.”

“This has resulted in substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth,” he said.

It is unclear what this will mean to future generations or the possible emergence of new diseases, absence of fresh water and the continuing decline of fisheries and completely unpredictable weather.

With half of the urban populations of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean suffering from several diseases associated with these problems, the death toll is reaching 1.7 million people a year. Entire species of mammals, birds and amphibians are disappearing from the planet at nearly 1,000 times the natural rate, according to the study. Oxygen-depleted coastal waters and rivers result from overuse of nitrogen fertilizer – an effect known as “nutrient loading” which leads to continuing biodiversity loss.

With the United States’ non-participation in the Kyoto Treaty, former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth, president of this U.N. Foundation, says “U.S. leadership is critical in providing much-needed expertise, technological capabilities and ingenuity to restore ecosystems.

“We can take steps at home to reduce our nation’s adverse impact on the global environment.”

“At the heart of this assessment is a stark warning,” said the 45-member board.

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Wikinews interviews World Wide Web co-inventor Robert Cailliau

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The name Robert Cailliau may not ring a bell to the general public, but his invention is the reason why you are reading this: Dr. Cailliau together with his colleague Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, making the internet accessible so it could grow from an academic tool to a mass communication medium. Last January Dr. Cailliau retired from CERN, the European particle physics lab where the WWW emerged.

Wikinews offered the engineer a virtual beer from his native country Belgium, and conducted an e-mail interview with him (which started about three weeks ago) about the history and the future of the web and his life and work.

Wikinews: At the start of this interview, we would like to offer you a fresh pint on a terrace, but since this is an e-mail interview, we will limit ourselves to a virtual beer, which you can enjoy here.

Robert Cailliau: Yes, I myself once (at the 2nd international WWW Conference, Chicago) said that there is no such thing as a virtual beer: people will still want to sit together. Anyway, here we go.

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Semapedia introduced to Africa: Powered by “Made in Ghana” technology

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation or one of its projects. Please note that Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Semapedia is not associated with the Wikimedia Foundation.

Friday, April 7, 2006

Accra —The Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre for Excellence in ICT introduced the Semacode technology and the Semapedia application to a segment of the Ghanaian public in a presentation delivered by Guido Sohne, Developer-In-Residence at the Centre and Chief Software Architect of CoreNett Ltd, a Ghanaian electronic transaction processing company.

Introduced for the first time in Africa, Semapedia is a way of associating Internet sites with physical barcodes that can be read by cameraphones, enabling one to look up information about physical objects quickly and easily.

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Find Emergency Plumbing Services That You Can Rely On

byAlma Abell

Taking care of a home’s plumbing is one of the most important things a homeowner can do to prolong its lifespan. Many plumbing issues arise from the misuse of toilets and drains to dispose of items they aren’t suited for disposing of. This can cause a lot of problems with a home’s sewer system, creating clogs and backing it up into your home’s sinks and toilets. This can lead to a lot of problems when it comes to water damage, plumbing damage, and can also be an embarrassing situation for you to deal with. It can also lead to the prevention of your family getting rid of their own waste products, as well as preventing them from bathing properly. Getting a situation like this taken care of as soon as possible with Emergency Plumbing Services is recommended, to restore your home’s sewer system back to normal.

Other emergency situations can result in problems in the home, such as a water main bursting or leaks in a home creating water damage and mold growth. When mold grows in a home due to standing water or water damage in the area, it can create a serious health risk to you and your family which can get worse over time. The longer it’s allowed to grow in your home, the sicker your family can potentially get. It’s best to have a professional plumber resolve the situation that first started the mold problem, and then help to remove the mold growth and prevent it from returning. Many plumbers consider mold an emergency situation which requires their assistance as soon as possible.

Plumbing issues can arise when you least expect them, and oftentimes a plumbing nightmare will occur when you’re out of the home which can cause even more damage to occur to areas of your home than you may realize. When dealing with a plumbing emergency that has occurred while gone, you should expect to see extensive water damage in the home to both the home itself and your belongings. Calling for Emergency Plumbing Services as soon as you realize there’s a problem will help prevent further damage, but only if you act quickly.

Visit for quality plumbing repair services.

Couple assaulted, one killed in ‘goth clothing’ prompted attack

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A case is currently being tried in England over the alleged assault of a ‘Goth’ couple, resulting in the death of the female victim. A fifteen-year-old youth, who was one of a gang of five, is charged with having kicked and stamped the 20-year-old woman to death in Stubby Lee Park, Bacup, Rossendale in Lancashire on the 11 August 2007.

The couple; Robert Maltby, an art student, 21 and Sophie Lancaster, 20; became engaged in an initially civil conversation with the drunken gang while walking in the park.

The attack began with a kick to the head of the male victim by the accused 15-year-old. the gang then continued to kick and stamp on Robert Maltby while laughing and encouraging each other. As Miss Lancaster begged the gang to stop beating her boyfriend they turned on her.

The jury were played a recording of a 999 call made shortly after the attack by an eye witness. In the recording, a girl is heard sobbing and crying who details the attack and pleads: “We need, we need an ambulance at Bacup Park, this mosher’s just been banged because he’s a mosher.” referring to the attack on Robert Maltby.

This motive was referred to by Michael Shorrock QC during the prosecution: “It would appear that [they] were singled out, not for anything they had said or done, but because they dressed differently to the defendant and his friend”.

Miss Lancaster sustained such extensive injuries that on the arrival of the paramedics they were unable to determine her gender. The couple were taken to hospital where both victims fell in to comas. Robert Maltby regained consciousness and survived his injuries but Sophie Lancaster died two weeks later.

The youth denies the charge but admits to causing grievous bodily harm with intent. Three other youths, two aged seventeen and one sixteen have been remanded in custody by Judge Anthony Russell QC after admitting to playing a part in the attack. They will face sentencing after the trial of the fifteen-year-old.

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Australians unite against whaling in Southern Ocean

Wednesday, January 18, 2006File:Greenpeace Vessels Esperanza and Arctic Sun.jpg

Anti-whaling protesters have joined forces across Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, and the U.S.A calling for an end to the killing of whales for meat by Japan. Greenpeace organised the international day of action as it continued its efforts to disrupt the hunting of minke whales by the Japanese whaling fleet currently in the Southern Ocean.

The day of action was being marked to protest the actions of the fleet which protesters believe violate the 1986 International Whaling Commission (IWC) global ban on commercial whaling. Japan’s JARPA Japanese Whale Research Program was allowed to operate under a Special Permit in the Antarctic according to Article VIII of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling. In its JARPA-2 plan, Japan plans to double its annual scientific research catch of Minke whales to 935, and to add 10 Fin whales to its quota. The International Fund for Animal Welfare states that over the next two years, Japan plans to kill 50 endangered Humpback whales and an additional 40 fin whales.

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NYPD shuts down anti-war speech due to absence of permit

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

An anti-war demonstration in the streets of New York City failed to apply for a sound permit, normally granted for public demonstrations of all kinds. As a result of what police claim was an unauthorized use of an amplification device, the New York Police Department took action. Anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan was speaking to a crowd of 150 before the microphone was removed by the authorities, according to a report published in The Village Voice. The organizer of the event, Paul Zulkowitz (nicknamed “Zool”), was arrested moments before the demonstration was dispersed.

Sheehan’s speech was almost over Monday when the police interrupted. As Sheehan was escorted off the scene, the crowd shouted at the cops to “let her speak”.

Sheehan said that “I was speaking and someone grabbed my backpack and pulled me back pretty roughly,” and that “I was shoved around.”

She added that “I think their use of force was pretty excessive for someone that didn’t have a permit.” Mrs Sheehan noted that this happened when police broke up the rally.

The Sheehan tour’s previous stop was in downtown Richmond, Virginia where she addressed a small gathering in front of the Virginia Army National Guard office. The small afternoon demonstration drew only a dozen supporters; and as many pro-war demonstrators joined the gathering.

Sheehan achieved national prominence following her peace vigil at the beginning of August 2005, when she camped in a ditch by a road near United States President George W. Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas, vowing to stay until the President agreed to meet and speak with her about the Iraq War.

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Health Fit Exercises

Health Fit Exercises by PrabhuStrength training exercises require diligent attention to form to achieve ultimate effectiveness. Images of strength training exercises graphically display the correct method. Muscles gain strength by progressively increasing intensity. Strength training affects the whole body. Having strong core muscles impacts overall health, including reducing the chances of developing coronary problems. Doing exercises like the plank and crunches develop the abdomen muscles. But these are exercises that have to be done properly to have any benefit.You can do sit-ups all day long and probably see very little impact on your core muscle group. You can do crunches that don’t use your abdomen muscles. You can do a plank that does not engage the core muscle group. Strength training should be an integral component of any exercise program. Images of strength training exercises can help you make sure that these critical exercises are done correctly.Muscles are built by overloading weights. This is accomplished by adding increasing amounts of weight over a period of time. Strength training Exercises will show a lot more than weight lifting. Whether you are a beginner at strength training or one who is already advanced, needing alternate exercises to add variety, increase intensity or overcome a frustrating plateau, the Move to Get Fit Strength Training program will help you develop your own program step-by-step, educating you in the safest and most effective ways to strength train.Many people don’t realize the numerous benefits of a sound strength training program. Increases in muscle size (if desired) and tone; increased muscle, tendon, bone, and ligament strength; increased physical performance and appearance; improved metabolic efficiency; and decreased risk of injury. The Move to Get Fit Strength Training program provides clear explanations, exercise instructions, video demonstrations, and customized strength training programs that will allow you to achieve the results you desire. Please click on each of the three links below to get started with your strength training progam. For more details visit soundbodytrainer.comRepresenting Health Fit Exercises in the website soundbodytrainer.comArticle Source:
