Cheap Custom Poker Chips How To Find The Highest Quality To Play With

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By Michael Hartwell
If you want cheap custom poker chips, you certainly are in luck. Today, you do not have to break the bank to purchase specially made poker chips; in fact, when you do some simple research, you can find these very cheaply. Whether you want unique poker chips, six stripe poker chips, or even used clay casino poker chips, you can find these very inexpensively.
The reason for this, of course, is that with the growing demand for poker chips nowadays, there are many companies that are making these. Therefore, do to the increased competition, these firms are being forced to retail chips for cheaper prices just to stay in business.
Believe it or not, the kind of chips you get can make a big difference to the overall look and feel of your poker game. It is very hard for the game to have a truly professional feel if you are using the chap plastic poker chips. This is why so many people want to purchase the clay ones, because its the kind of chips that the pros use. as with just about an sport nowadays, people always want to use the equipment the best players are using, and poker certainly is no exception.
First of all, you need to be aware that, when purchasing poker chips, you can buy them two different ways; customized or mass produced obviously, as with anything made in bulk nowadays, you can purchase these much cheaper, but you won’t have a whole lot of variety available to you. When you buy them uniquely, however, you can get them designed to match your tastes and interest. This is where custom poker chips come in.
In fact, you can get a test for how many different varieties of chips are available just by visiting a casino or watching on television. Just about every casino has their logo and name imprinted on the chips so as to distinguish tem from the chips of another casino. Also, they generally come in a wide of variety of colors as well, in addition to what the chips actually say on them.
Of course, you can either purchase customized plastic or clay poker chips. Keep in mind, the clay are obviously much nicer to play with, as they are higher quality, but also cost quite a bit more as well. Therefore, if you want to save money on custom clay poker chips, you may have to search a while to find the best.
Most times, your typical set of chips come in about 3 to 5 different colors, which include white, red, and blue. Generally speaking, the white are the cheapest, then come the red, and finally the blue chips.
Typically, if you want custom clay chips, these come as suited, super diamond, and even other varieties. Usually, these weigh about seven to eight grams, but you can purchased them a bit heavier if you are willing to spend a little more.
Usually, these are made out of a piece of metal which is put into a plastic injection, and an easy way to spot these are to simply put a magnet near a chip, which, if the metal is in there, will tend to be attracted to the magnet.
Keep in mind, if you do want to customize your poker chips without breaking the bank, you can simply put stickers on chips you already own, which prevents you from having to pay a company to customize the chips themselves. This will certainly save you a pile of cash, but again isn’t the only way to save money.
Also, you can make use of a graphics problem on a computer to manufacture a particular kind of chip that you want, and then simply print it out. Also, you can buy these from a poker store via the net.
If you do plan on DIY as far as buying the chips beforehand and then customizing them, you can buy about five hundred for around 20 to 25 cents a piece. In addition, to find cheap custom poker chips already made, you can purchase these one the net as well, and save a pile of cash.
As with most things nowadays, there is a wide variety of cheap custom poker chips being sold online, and by purchasing these here you can certainly save a lot of money. Hopefully this information will help you to make the right decision in which to purchase as quickly as possible, and also help prevent you from breaking the bank in the process.
About the Author: If you want to read great reviews of the top poker sites to play at, such as a
Poker Stars Review
, visit Also read a
Full Tilt Poker Review
and anything else related to poker.
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