Category Communication Skills Training

Duties And Responsibilities Of A Baseball Coach

By Harold Meidinger

Being a baseball coach has a big responsibility to carry for the good of the entire team. However, the duty itself is very rewarding. You are considered to be the leader of the team which means that all commands will be coming from you. That is why communication and interacting skills are very significant in this kind of position. You will be held responsible in relaying all the messages from the manager to the players. To become a better coach, there are points that you should keep in mind. These are some of the useful tips that could help you along the way.

First, disseminate the tasks to all members of the team. Let each member feel his significance as part of the group by allowing them to contribute an important role for the team’s benefit. If accomplishments are being achieved by a member, share it to the whole team and do not hesitate to compliment or congratulate that person for his undying effort. Recognition will increase and boost ones confidence. It will serve as a good experience to him as well as an inspiration to other players.

Second, guide the players accordingly. The team is under your control and accountability. For that reason, all decisions must be discussed to everybody. As long as possible, it will be best to avoid negative reinforcements. Athletes will appreciate your advice more if your presence can give them encouragement and support. Never bully your team if they cannot meet your expectations or the things that you want them to do. Treat them right and make the players feel like winners.


Third, evaluate the players individually aside from as evaluating them as a team. It will be more helpful if you get to know each member better. Be interested not only to one player. Do not focus your attention to few individuals but to the entire group. Being fair is a good attitude of a coach that would let them feel your utmost support and encouragement. Imply to them the essence of sportsmanship. Your players must understand this before they will have a match to the other teams. Fair play is the most important thing for a game to be fun and successful.

Fourth, giving rewards to motivate the team players is a good form of reinforcement. Not all baseball coaches are as excellent and skillful as their players. But a good coach can be labelled as a person who can motivate the team to give its best during the training, practices and game proper. Maximizing the potential of a player is one of the main duties of a good coach. Use your empathy to understand the feelings and emotions of your players such as feeling of anger, frustration, anxiety and nervousness, joy and pride.

Lastly, plan an effective training for the team. Repetitive activities with no proper coordination to the training program could make your players stagnant and bored. Give some thrill to each activity that you will conduct. Make sure that it is progressive so that the players will also enhance their potentials every day. Having a plan is vital. You can never achieve your goal if you don’t have enough preparations in a particular length of time. Always start with the basic and do not forget to take some time for review lessons so that everybody will be reminded concerning the rules and so on.

About the Author: Harold Meidinger enjoys writing for which offers

pitching drills


pitching mechanics

as well as host of additional products and services.


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Roger Love’s Vocal Power By Roger Love

By Ben Sanderson

When you speak, do you command authority? And by authority, no one is suggesting you need to speak in such a way you are demanding of others. Dictators are not all that respected. No, by commanding authority you need to be someone that is listened to and taken seriously. If not then what would be the point of speaking in the first place? Roger Love understands this. In his brilliant audio book Roger Loves Vocal Power, you can learn a number of excellent steps, tips, and insights that will enhance your chances of speaking with tremendous authority and conviction. The results you would attain from such improvements in speaking might very well be more pronounced than you ever though possible.

You might even experience a significant change in your overall outlook to life. People will look at your differently and respond in a positive manner. This will enhance personal and professional pursuits dramatically.

What is it that Vocal Power puts forth that makes it such an insightful work? Here are a few of the components:


Roger Love promotes the notion that how your presence and charisma will lead you to drawing the attention of an audience. This is true whether or not you are speaking to someone one on one or you are addressing a large crowd of people. Presence, charisma, and star power count for a lot. Roger Love most definitely shows you how to channel and harness all of these components.

Obviously, being told what needs to be done to improve your speaking abilities vs. actually developing such skills are two different things. Roger Loves Vocal Power presents exercises which can definitely help you boost your speaking skills. Performing these exercises on a regular basis will convert your skills in speaking to a level most will find surprising. Yes, you have the skill within you. They key is to learn how to harness and utilize such skills. Roger Loves Vocal Power is the perfect resource to help attain such a desired outcome.

This does not happen overnight! Do not look at the work by Roger Love as a guide towards developing your skills in an unrealistic manner. That said, you may potentially experience quick results. Even a one time listening might boost your Vocal Power potential. But, do not kid yourself. You do need to practice the material on the CDs. This is a good thing because the more you practice it the greater the end results will be. You will see your speaking skills improve and improve tremendously.

Among the most important issues to overcome would be fear of public speaking. Roger Love understands this and offers great insight into how to reverse such fears. There really is nothing to fear and this work shows you why.

Roger Loves Vocal Power will definitely help you to succeed in becoming a high quality public speaker. Few people possess such talents. If you can develop them you will find the end result is clearly something you will be pleased with.

About the Author: Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about

Roger Love’s Vocal Power


Roger Love


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Why Dealerships Are The Best Places Find Travel Trailers For Sale In Seattle

byChantel Ledbetter

If you are planning to take your next vacation in a travel trailer, you are not alone. More families are choosing this economical and fun solution; and homes-on-wheels are ideal for retirees. Modern trailers and coaches are comfortable, and can be a great bargain, especially when you deal with professionals, such as Beaver Coach Sales And Services. These professionals make ownership easy, by offering:

* THE LATEST MODELS: Whether you need mobile accommodations that sleep eight, room for four, or something smaller, you are likely to find them, along with new


* travel trailers for sale in Seattle

* showrooms. The professionals at Beaver Coach can show you a 2014 Monaco Dynasty that is 44 feet long, has four slideouts, and an awning. They can also offer a 2014 36? Thor Coach that includes beautifully decorated interiors, warm wood trim, and plenty of space for travelers. In addition, dealers carry a range of brand-new models, in a wide variety of other styles, sizes, and prices.

* PRE-OWNED INVENTORY: Traveling via trailer or motor home is especially economical if you buy a pre-owned model. You can avoid instant depreciation and still own a quality RV. When you shop for pre-owned coaches and travel trailers for sale in Seattle, you can usually find a large inventory of beautifully appointed, Dynamax, Keystone, Airstream, Jeep, and Gulfstream models.

* SERVICE: Motor home and trailer dealers service the products they sell. You can rely on them to provide routine maintenance and repairs. They use quality parts, and technicians are trained to work on a variety of RV’s. In addition, dealers sell parts, for those who want to do their own work.

* CONSIGNMENT: Dealers who offer travel trailers for sale in Seattle also sell them on consignment. They also buy coaches and trailers outright.

* FINANCING: Beaver Coach Sales And Services specialists know that 70% of RV owners choose to finance their purchases, so they ready to search for the best terms when clients want to arrange payments. Salesmen will provide a fair quote for a trade in, and can arrange excellent financing terms for clients with approved credit and the minimum down payment.

It is smart to buy an RV from a trusted dealer, because they offer a large inventory of quality new and used trailers and motor homes. In addition, dealers provide service and parts, will arrange financing for customers, and frequently buy pre-owned RV’s, as well as take them on consignment.

Alternative Approaches To Consider When ‘Networking’ Is Not Working

Submitted by: Shonika Proctor

Having trouble with traditional networking? It most likely is not you but your choice of networking venues. Learn a new approach and improve your chances of getting in front of making a long term connection, personally and professionally.

It has long been accepted wisdom that the best way to market your business is to network yourself with others. This is especially true if your business is service related or if, in fact, you are yourself the product being marketed.

While there is some truth to the idea that networking is a key marketing tactic, conventional wisdom places too much emphasis on networking just for the sake of networking. Instead, a better approach is to select the best networking opportunities that give you the biggest return on the time and energy you invest.


Traditional networking and its limitations

Traditional networking is all about meeting and greeting, exchanging business cards and collecting contacts for your Rolodex or PDA. This type of networking is best illustrated by the evening or breakfast events often sponsored by your local Chamber of Commerce or other economic organization. At these events, you will find a room filled with people from all kinds of industries and businesses, some of whom might fit your customer profile.

It can be time consuming to attend such events on a regular basis, and often the return on your time investment is not as large as you would like it to be. Complicating things further is the fact that if you are in a competitive business with a large number of providers available, you will often find yourself in direct competition with those other providers during a traditional networking event.

Now of course there is a great deal of value to being involved with your local Chamber of Commerce or economic development organization, and we are not suggesting that you ignore the importance of such organizations. We are suggesting, though, that you carefully consider which events and networking opportunities are the best suited to your needs.

A new approach to networking

With all of the demands on your time and energy, you need to approach networking from a slightly different perspective. Look for networking opportunities in places where your target market is likely to be active and perhaps even passionate about the activity. For example, you might participate in a charitable function in your community, either by contributing products or services or, even better, volunteering your time. This gives customers and potential customers an opportunity to get to know you in an environment where there is much less sales pressure.

Another effective approach is to find opportunities to share your expertise through workshops or seminars. You can also look for public speaking opportunities with local service organizations such as Industry Trade Groups, Rotary Clubs or even teach a workshop or moderate a round table at your local SCORE or Small Business Development Center. The key is to get your name and face out and about in a way that people find positive and non-threatening. Sales and Marketing 101 says that people don t like to be sold, but they love to buy from people they know and trust. Give it a try and you will likely be surprised at the results you achieve.

About the Author: Shonika Proctor is an entrepreneur, speaker and Author of ‘Sell Your Mind Not Your Time’, A Marketing Ebook for Internet Newbies. If you are a new start up business or uncomfortable with marketing (online or offline) be sure to visit her blog,


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Coaching Youth Soccer?

Submitted by: Bernie Rosellen

Effective coaching of youth soccer teams can be daunting to new soccer coaches and even seasoned coaching pros have their moments. It is not an easy task to get a bunch of wild kids to play in harmony without having a nervous breakdown, never mind putting together a winning team.

Take it from me, it is not as difficult to be a winning coach as many folks think. You can have practices that the kids will enjoy and games in which you win most of the time. In my twenty-plus years of coaching youths from ages 5 to 16 in both travel and recreational soccer, my teams have never come in less than second place and most of the time we were the champions and there were no superstars that carried the teams, just regular players just like on your team. I say all this not to boast, I m not the most skilled coach around, but to illustrate that you, as an adult, can get your kids to win. You don t need superstars. You just need team players and the right method to get them to play together. A well organized team will always outperform a team with merely a superstar or two.

The one strategy that has produced teams of well playing youths involves their self-esteem. My success with soccer kids stems from my one-on-one time with them and treating them like individuals and great achievers. I make each one feel important and explain exactly how he or she contributes to the team. I also let them know that I expect them to make mistakes because that is how you grow and that means that you are trying new and better things.


Sometime throughout our normal practices and then reinforced at every game, I take one of the kids to the side with my arm around their shoulders and say something like, You know, John, I ve been watching you and I think that you are one of the best forwards I have ever seen . And I say a few more words about their abilities and walk him or her back to the others as practice continues. I do this with each player, maybe one per practice or so, so that it is not a noticeable thing.

A very simple thing, but the effects are astounding. I can actually feel the youngsters confidence rise dramatically as their bodies straighten, their heads are held high, and there is a spring in their step. You can even see an immediate improvement in their performance when they rejoin the practice. One by one these kids get an elevated sense of themselves as good soccer players and that is reflected on the field. As a team, I tell them that they are all winners and my job is to merely put them in the positions where they can do their best. And they do. And when they win, their self-esteem rises even more.

Yes, I know that some of you are thinking that winning isn t everything, but it is something and that is the whole purpose of the game. If you are not playing to win, why play? At the 5 and 6 year old level this does not hold so true, but after that, kids are playing to win and the more they win, each and every kid is part of that achievement and feels a certain pride that helps build their character.

As far as soccer skills training goes, you only need to concentrate on the basics. The kids will pick up little moves here and there as they grow and play against top players. You can find a lot of helpful coaching information online in that regard. One of my favorite websites is where you can also find other soccer resources. There are easy to understand explanations of all that you will need to know and implement.

So, as a soccer coach, your job is to help build self-esteem and confidence to win soccer games and the best way to do that is to let them know that they are great soccer players and without each and every one of them, the team will not win. When they feel valuable, they become valuable. And you as a coach will have the greatest of times right along with those kids on the pitch.

Ciao for now,

Bernie Rosellen

Soccer From The Pitch

About the Author: Bernie Rosellen has been involved with soccer his whole life. He coaches youth soccer and is an active player on adult soccer teams in the Richmond, VA area. He has been playing soccer for over twenty years and he writes articles as Soccer From The Pitch See


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