Category Cosmetic And Reconstructive Surgery

Acne Treatment With Coconut Oil 3 Mistakes To Avoid

No doubt coconut oil is effective for acne treatment, but not all acne sufferers will get their acne treated and healed with the tropical oil. Why? This is because they have committed these 3 mistakes:

Mistake 1 – No Improvement in Diet

You know what, acne is directly related to diet, which means, a bad diet can lead to an imbalance in hormones and hence, cause your skin to become oily and acne-prone.

Imagine on one hand you’re using coconut oil to cleanse your body and skin of toxins, on the other hand you’re dumping more garbage into your body by eating all sorts of toxin-laden junk foods, how can you expect the tropical oil to treat your acne effectively?


Therefore, enrich your diet with more healthy foods to ensure you don’t undo the oil’s skin healing effect or your acne treatment with coconut oil will become futile.

Mistake 2 – Mix with Other Products

You might think that your acne treatment can be sped up by mixing the use of other products with coconut oil. But did you know that most over-the-counter products could in fact aggravate your acne by intoxicating your skin with more toxic chemicals?

While the tropical oil is cleansing your skin of toxins, it’s advisable to not use other so-called acne-curing products so that the oil can focus fully on treating and clearing your acne.

Mistake 3 – Quit Using Coconut Oil for Acne Treatment Too Easily

As the oil of coconut is detoxifying, it’ll purge toxins out of your skin before it helps to clear your skin of acne. In other words, you may get more acne breakouts than before using the tropical oil during the treatment.

Not knowing such healing crisis, it can freak you out and make you give up your acne treatment with coconut oil easily, and run back to using over-the-counter commercial products for acne treatment, which could aggravate your skin in the long run.

So, once you commence using the oil of coconut for acne treatment, keep using it until your acne heals. It may take several days to several weeks before your skin can improve and become acne-free, depending on how much toxins you have accumulated in your body and underneath your skin over the years. In short, patience is the key to effective acne treatment with coconut oil.

Folic Acid: Good For You

By Vincent Platania

Folic acid can benefit you in a wide array of areas. It is primarily suggested by doctors and nutritionists for those who are pregnant or could become pregnant. Folic acid has been found to greatly reduce the risks of having children born with certain birth defects, including neural tube defects, cleft palate and cleft lip and spina bifida.

This is a B vitamin and if often found in a ‘B vitamin’ complex. Folic acid by itsel is responsible for the replication and maintenance of DNA and RNA, which you can see is essential for a healthy growing fetus. It’s been found that if a woman is taking folic acid regularly when she becomes pregnant and during the pregnancy she can reduce the risks of her baby being born with a serious birth defect by up to fifty percent.

There have also been studies that show people suffering from depression are often deficient in folic acid. It’s thought that folic acid being able to reduce levels of homecysteine in your blood can help prevent depression. Homocysteine is associated with some forms of depression. And studies of patients with depression while on a supplemental form of folic acid found that their antidepressants were more effective.


Because folic acid is helpful in maintaining your DNA and RNA and replicating it, researchers believe folic acid may be helpful in reducing your risks of cancer. It appears that folic acid is able to prevent cells from mutating, which is what causes cancer. Studies indicate that risks of developing cervical, lung, rectum, and colon cancer are reduced.

Also in recent studies it’s been shown that patients with advanced Alzheimer’s have low blood levels of folic, while patients with high levels of folic acid also had the highest levels of cognitive capabilities. While there is lots more research needed on the subject before a conclusion can be drawn you may find it helpful to take more folic acid as you age.

Folic acid can help to fight anemia in patients, both for those who have a B vitamin deficiency and those who have developed anemia for other reasons. It’s considered most effective when taken in combination with vitamin B12 to help your body boost its red blood cell production. Do be careful in taking folic acid for this condition because it is known for masking other vitamin B deficiencies that may present themselves with anemia.

Last but certainly not least folic acid is thought to slow the progress of multiple sclerosis. Studies have shown that MS patients don’t process vitamin B12 as well as they normally would. And that taking a B12 supplement with folic acid can help to maintain the nervous system in those patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

The recommended daily allowance for folic acid is four hundred micrograms. If you are pregnant or could become pregnant you should take up to six hundred micrograms daily. It is recommended that you do not take more than one thousand micrograms of folic acid a day.

About the Author: Author Vincent Platania represents the Stanley Home Products. Stanley Home Products has been in business since 1936, and offers high quality home and personal care products to keep your home and your body clean. Visit


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