How To Make Your Teaching Lessons Interesting?

By Sky Joe

Being a teacher can be a very challenging and enriching career for a lot of people. The task and responsibility of a teacher is to enrich the knowledge of the young, preparing the students for their future endeavors. In the midst of doing all these, the teacher is actually shaping the future of the whole nation. If you have chosen to become one of them, you should be proud of yourself.

However, being a teacher who is able to conduct effective lessons is not an easy task to achieve. This is mainly because its very difficult to capture the full attention of the students throughout the whole day. For a typical student, the time to concentrate fully can only last up to two hours. This means that schools are spending more efforts to employ teachers who can engage their students in interesting lessons.

One of the basics for teaching is to conduct lessons that interest your students. Bored students won’t remember much of the lesson. Refrain from giving long lectures that will only encourage your students to wander to slumberland. Instead, keep students involved and interacting with them in English. Some students may prefer to listen quietly as they are shy to make any comments. If this kind interaction makes your students nervous, provide plenty of support by giving clear and very specific directions. In addition, make your lessons livelier by adding games or using real-life objects such as a telephone, cook book, or musical instrument. You can also bring your students out of the classroom for a educational tour. This will greatly increase their attention lifespan and assist to absorb the knowledge easily.


Another effective way to attract their attention is to provide some rewards during the lessons. Studies have shown that students will be able to learn better when they perceive a personal reward. To boost internal motivation, remind them of the benefits that English can provide, such as English-speaking friends, better job opportunities, easier shopping, or less stress at the doctor’s office, and then teach language that will bring them closer to those benefits. External motivation can be achieved by praise and encouragement as well as tangible rewards like prizes or certificates. These rewards have been proven to be very effective in encouraging the students to put in extra efforts in their daily learning.

Learners will remember material better and take more interest in it if it has applicable contextual meaning. This means that good teachers should be able to relate the teaching materials to daily usage or practical examples. By providing appropriate applications, students will be able to remember them better and longer. Arbitrary rote learning (word lists or grammar drills) may be useful in solidifying language forms, but unless there’s a real-world application, sooner or later it’s likely to be forgotten.

Experienced teachers usually motivate their students to build up their self-confidence. In other words, teachers should allow them to use their own ability to complete a task. If they lack self-confidence, they tend not to take risks, and risk-taking is necessary in language learning. By trying out new or less familiar language, they may find that they are indeed capable of more communication than they thought. On your part, you can encourage them to interact more by reducing feelings of embarrassment when mistakes are made, and give far more compliments than criticisms. You can also instruct them to perform tasks that are easily achieved so that everyone is guaranteed success. This will help to develop their confidence gradually and increase their learning abilities.

For more information on the different ways of teaching English, teaching opportunities available or getting a teaching degree, please visit the following website:

About the Author: Skyjoe is a well-known author, website publisher and owner of

. Skyjoe. All rights reserved. This article may be freely distributed as long as it remains unaltered and the copyright notice is intact.


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Home And Contents Insurance In Bc

Home and Contents Insurance in BC



Protecting the contents of your home is one of the main concerns of BC home owners and renters.

Home Contents Insurance Vancouver allows Canadians in BC to live with peace of mind in their homes, condos or rental accommodations knowing that they are protected should anything adverse happen.

A home contents insurance policy provides insurance against not only damage but also against contents and personal properly being lost or stolen.

Whether you need Canadian home insurance, Condo Insurance Vancouver or Tenant Insurance Vancouver, it is best to have your BC insurance policy customized to meet your specific needs as living situations and valuables differ greatly from home to home.

Home contents insurance companies in BC can provide guidance and advice on how to assess your risks and how to properly value your personal property.

A proper evaluation is necessary in order to design a custom home contents insurance policy that will protect you with the best coverage possible. This is important as each individual s insurance requirements are different on many levels.


The home is the most valuable possession for most people and comprises of the single most expensive investment in their lives.

Risk and value assessment are crucial to obtaining the best home contents insurance policy.

Risk is calculated on the basis of the location of the home. For instance, how far away is the nearest fire station or is the home is located in an area with a high crime rate. Urban areas with a high crime rate often entail higher insurance premiums than quiet neighborhoods with little or no reported crime.

Home insurance rates also depend on the condition of the building and the safety precautions taken to protect it. For instance, how old is the building and is it equipped with a fire protection sprinkler system.

The major benefit of insuring your dwelling and personal property appropriately is that it covers all risks and not just specific losses.

Home insurance and home contents insurance coverage in BC should ideally be for more than just the initial loss. The accepted norm is replacement value so that any additional costs associated with bringing your home or personal property up to current standards will also be covered.

BC home contents insurance also protects policy holders from increased repair or replacement costs for the duration of the policy with no allowance for depreciation.

The home insurance policy should also cover any expenses should you have to move out of your home as a result of an insured loss.

Other eligible home insurance considerations may also include coverage for personal property when you are away from home temporarily as well as a student s property while at school.

In order to keep up with changing landscape of home and home contents insurance coverage in BC it is best to renew your home contents insurance policy regularly.

There are a few key factors that require your attention when purchasing home contents insurance other than the price.

But if price is an issue, one way to save money when you purchase your home contents insurance coverage is to increase the amount of your deductible.

You can also get discounts on your home and home contents insurance for having an alarm system installed or for having a fire sprinkler system in place.

It is imperative to ensure that you, your family and your possessions are adequately covered for all types of risk faced by you. The selection of the amount of coverage should be focused on your needs.

The types and levels of home and home contents insurance coverage differ from one provider to another and should be investigated thoroughly so that you can make an informed decision.

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Home and Contents Insurance in BC