No More Tainted Pet Food: Using Homemade Dog Food Recipes For A Healthier, Happier Pet

By Jennifer McVey

There are many places to find dog food recipes if you are considering making your pet’s food. There are also important points to think about when you make their food like sticking to the recipe, talking to a veterinarian, and paying attention to how your dog reacts to the food.

Two common places to find dog food recipes are on the Internet and through your local veterinarian. The Internet is not always trustworthy though. You cannot be sure that someone who posted their own idea for a dog food recipe is the right meal for your dog. Some of the factors might include the type of dog that they have and the types of foods in the recipe. If the dog food recipes are coming from a credible place on the internet like an animal shelter, a veterinarian, or some other place you can trust then you most likely are safe to use the recipe.

The best place to find dog food recipes is through your local veterinarian. Your vet already knows your dog best. He or she knows their digestive tract and what kinds of foods you can start your pet off with and how you can transition your animal from traditional dog food to homemade food. Many veterinarians already have recipes they can give to you so you can go home and make your pets food. Working with your vet ensures the health of your animal.


Switching your dog over to homemade dog food is a big transition. Your animal may not take the food change very well at first. For instance, your dog may not seem as if they like it or they might not be eating as much. You will notice a change in their stools. Your animal may vomit for a couple of days because their digestive tract is not used to healthy food. Be sure during the transition your dog is getting plenty of water. One thing that might be recommended is that you slowly break your dog into the new dog food rather than do a total change at once.

When you make homemade dog food, even the vet will tell you not to change the recipe. You might think you are being creative or making your pet happy by adding bacon grease to the mixture, don’t. You also should not substitute foods within a dog food recipe. Stick to the recipe. If the recipes are too expensive for you then you might not be able to afford feeding your dog homemade foods. Many people have made their animals very sick by not properly cooking the foods to save time or substituting foods to save money. For your dog’s health, stick to the recipes.

Dog food recipes are fantastic when you find them from the right sources. You should only trust your veterinarian or a reliable source for a recipe and you should follow it exactly. The purpose of making homemade dog food is for your dog’s health. So you should follow the recipes and pay attention to how your pet responds.

About the Author: Learn about making

homemade dog food

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dog food secrets



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Gps Navigation: Then, Now, And The Future

Submitted by: Benjamin Adamson

The Global Positioning System has been active for sometime, with a number of upgrades. The origins were military, aviation, and seafaring consumers. In the old days, navigators would use the positions of stars to figure out where they were, and where they were headed. Some of them were quite effective at this. GPS navigation isn’t that much different!

GPS navigation involves multiple satellites in the earths atmosphere transmitting signals to devices that can then determine there current location on the ground. With advances in computerizations these devices have been extended to do about the same that old world navigators would do, and much more.

The satellites began being launched in 1978 and since they have accumulated a network of 24 of them globally. These satellites give full coverage for GPS navigation everywhere with reasonable accuracy. To the consumer that part is free. There is no service charge to pay for that; though additional maps and other features that don’t originate from these satellites may have fees.

The Many Uses For GPS Navigation


One of the earliest places that enjoyed widespread GPS navigation would have to be aviation of all sizes. Pilots found it easy to chart their systems to keep them on track for various airports using either ground signals or those from the satellites. Today GPS is a major use in this area.

Later it entered the consumer market in expensive luxury vehicles. GPS navigation features showed up in a number of foreign vehicles and in the well known on-star system in the states. Cab drivers have had similar add-on features as have other public services as well.

Over recent years, inexpensive portable units have cemented GPS navigation as a useful option for nearly anyone traveling anywhere. Whether on roads, water, air, or out in the middle of no-where; this handy moving compass with even mapping has proven very valuable.

In other words, today you can have the benefit of many navigators of old, in the palm of your hand; the GPS navigation unit. It’s coming to the point now where official forms sometimes include latitude and longitude.

GPS Navigation into the Future

This technology is still growing and there are many combinations and ideas yet to try. New innovations in GPS navigation devices are coming out monthly. Combined with computers and nearly any other portable media device; many new trends will result. CallerID is nothing compared to the possibilities of GPS combined with the cellular phone. These features are already out there. Though they are still in infancy compared to what is possible.

Combined with transmitters, GPS has been used to track stolen property. With a few simple actions, location can be in shortly and the authorities on the way to recovery. This is possible in relatively small components concealed on the traceable items.

The possibilities are endless. Watch the headlines on GPS navigation and you will find much amazement. Now that you know more; you may want to do some shopping as GPS navigation might be your next favorite toy!

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