How To Get A Printable Fake Sick Note Ready}

Submitted by: Scott Sims

A useful thing to see about getting a fake sick note for ones needs is that it can be easy to get it ready through a computer. A printable fake sick note can be a very useful thing to get. This is as long as the fake sick note that is being used is handled in a proper way and that the proper standards are used to help with getting the note to look its best after it is printed out.

Getting a printable fake sick note to work for you will be easy for you to do. After you download the fake medical note or fake medical examination form you will be able to open it up with a program that the file is suited for. The program that you can use should be installed onto your computer or be downloaded online for no cost to you.

After you download the file you will need to load it up onto your computer. After you edit the file for your needs it will be easy for you to get the entire file printed. When this works you will have a printable doctor or school form that can be used for your needs. It can be especially accurate as well but you will need to take some important standards into mind when it comes to getting this printed out.

It will help to take a look at the paper that is being used for the printable fake sick note. A good thing to know is that typical doctors offices will work with standard forms of paper when it comes to getting a sick note printed out. If you use regular paper like what you can find in a typical office supply store you should be fine. Just be sure before you send out an excuse to miss work or school that you make sure that the paper is clean and that it does not have any tears.

Be sure to also see that your fake medical note is one that is going to be printed in full color and of the best quality possible. A good fake medical note can come in some colors or at least different hues to create the impression that the note is authentic. By getting your printable fake sick note handled on a printer that has full color and black and white cartridges you will be able to get the best possible results for your note. This is especially important when you are working with a document that has plenty of colors on it.

Being able to work with medical notes that you can print off of your computer is something that can be very good for you to do. When you get something printed you will have a fully accurate sick note that can be used for whatever you need help with. Be sure to use the right tips when it comes to getting this type of note printed out so that it can be more effective.

About the Author: Novelty Excuses provides humor and entertainment related products, each designed to trick your friends, fool your family, or make your colleagues jealous!


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Wilms Tumor Treatment In India At Mumbai And Delhi At Low Cost.}

Submitted by: P Nagpal Nagpal

Wilms Tumo


Wilms’ Tumo

Wilms’ tumor is a rare type of kidney cancer that affects children. It causes a tumor on one or both kidneys. Having certain genetic conditions or birth defects can increase the risk of developing Wilms’ tumor. Children who are at risk should be screened for Wilms’ tumor every three months until they turn eight.

Possible signs of a kidney tumor include a lump in the abdomen and blood in the urine. The tumor is usually diagnosed and removed in surgery. Other treatments include chemotherapy, radiation, biologic therapy or a combination. Biologic therapy, or immunotherapy, boosts your body’s own ability to fight cancer. Most children with Wilms’ tumor can be cured.

What causes Wilms’ tumor?

The causes of all Wilms’ tumor are not known. However, some of these tumors appear to result from changes in one or more of several genes. In the majority of cases, the genetic changes occur only in the kidney cells and not in other cells of the body. However, in some cases, other parts of the body are also affected. Some patients with Wilms’ tumor are born with certain congenital anomalies, including absence of the iris of the eye (aniridia) or abnormalities of the urinary tract. Although it is rare, Wilms’ tumor sometimes runs in families, which further supports a genetic connection.


Several tests are used to confirm a Wilms tumor diagnosis and determine the stage of the disease.

Tests that might be used include: –

* Ultrasonography (ultrasound or US), usually the first tool used to diagnose the condition, uses sound waves instead of X-rays to generate an image of the area doctors wish to view.

* Computed tomography (CT or CAT scan) produces a detailed cross-sectional view of an organ through X-rays. It is extremely useful in detecting tumors and determining whether cancer has spread to other areas.

* Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses radio waves and strong magnets to produce detailed pictures of the internal parts of the body. This provides more intricate images that allow doctors to see if the cancer has invaded any major blood vessels near the kidney.

* X-rays are used to look for any metastasized areas, especially in the lungs.

* Bone scans use small amounts of radioactive material to highlight areas of diseased bone, if any exist.

* Laboratory tests such as blood tests and urinalysis check the general health of a patient and to detect any adverse side effects (such as low red or white blood cell counts) of the treatment.

Signs and symptoms of Wilms’ tumo

The most common signs and symptoms of Wilms’ tumor include: –

* A lump or mass in the abdomen of an otherwise well child

* Abdominal pain

* Blood in the urine

* High blood pressure

* Feve

* Diarrhea

* Weight loss

* Urogenital infections

* Anemia

* Shortness of breath

* A general feeling of being tired and unwell

* Nausea and vomiting (these are rare)


Treatment is determined by many factors, the most important being the stage of the cancer at diagnosis, and the condition, or histology, of the cancer cells when observed under a microscope. “Favorable” histology is associated with a good chance of a cure; tumors with “unfavorable” histology are more aggressive and difficult to cure. About 95% of Wilms tumors have favorable histology.

Doctors use a staging system to describe the extent of a metastasized tumor. It is extremely useful in determining prognosis (possibility for a cure) and the best course of treatment. For example, a child with very aggressive disease should be given an intensive regimen of medication to achieve the best chance for a cure. A child with less-invasive disease should be given the least amount needed to reduce long-term side effects from toxicity.

The stages are: –

* Stage I: – Cancer is found in one kidney only and can be completely removed by surgery. About 41% of all Wilms tumors are stage I.

* Stage II: – Cancer has spread beyond the kidney to the surrounding area, but can be completely removed by surgery. About 23% are stage II.

* Stage III: – Cancer has not spread beyond the abdomen, but cannot be completely removed by surgery. About 23% are stage III.

* Stage IV: – Cancer has spread to distant parts of the body; most commonly, the lungs, liver, bone, and/or brain. About 10% are stage IV.

* Stage V: – Cancer is found in both kidneys at diagnosis (also called bilateral tumors). About 5% are stage V.

Surgery is most often used to treat Wilms tumor. For stages I through IV, a radical nephrectomy ? removal of the cancer along with the entire kidney, ureter (tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder), adrenal gland (hormone-producing gland that sits on top of the kidney), and surrounding fatty tissue ? is done.

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