Category Hyperhidrosis Surgery

How To Prevent Armpits From Sweating

Understanding and Controlling Excessive Armpit Sweating

Excessive armpit sweat, also known as axillary hyperhidrosis, can ruin clothes and cause embarrassing situations. Fortunately, this condition can be managed and prevented. This article will explore some of the top strategies to put in place to stop your armpits from sweating, and what one sweaty palms surgeon recommends.

Understanding the root cause

Firstly, it is important to understand that sweating serves as the body’s natural cooling system and is an essential process. Yet, an overactive sympathetic nervous system can cause an excessive amount of sweat, leading to uncomfortable situations. Therefore, understanding the contributing factors such as nervous system conditions, medications and certain foods can be key to controlling the sweat.

Good hygiene practices

Regular showers help clean off the bacteria that can accumulate in sweaty armpits, causing an unpleasant odor. Using antibacterial soap can assist in killing this bacteria. After the shower, thoroughly drying your underarms before applying deodorant can be beneficial in preventing perspiration.

Quality antiperspirants

Not all antiperspirants are created equal. Some may not be strong enough to handle excessive sweating. Look for antiperspirants that include aluminum chloride, an ingredient that is effective at blocking sweat. Apply the antiperspirant at night, before bed, for the best effect.

Dietary changes

What you eat has a direct impact on sweat production. Spicy foods and caffeine can trigger excessive sweating. Incorporating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while avoiding processed foods can help decrease sweat.

Wearing breathable clothing

Certain fabrics increase sweat production. Wearing breathable, loose clothing made of natural fibers like cotton can keep the area dry and allow for better air circulation. Avoid polyester and other synthetic fabrics that do not wick away sweat effectively.

Medical interventions

If all else fails and the sweating can’t be controlled, it might be time to consider medical interventions. Medications, Botox injections, and surgeries are options that can help to reduce excessive perspiration.

A renowned sweaty palms surgeon shared some medical insights about Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Their advice, surprisingly, is not only centered around surgical procedures. They emphasise the importance of initial self-care steps and lifestyle changes like the ones mentioned above. When these steps are not enough, medical intervention may then become necessary. This could include treatments such as Iontophoresis (passing a small electric current through the skin), Botox, or in extreme cases, Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) where nerves that cause excessive sweating are cut. It’s crucial to discuss the risks involved in these procedures with your healthcare provider before deciding.

Remember, while sweating might feel like an embarrassment, it is a normal body function. Excessive sweating, however, can be controlled with these tips gleaned from the experts and with careful interventions. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional or sweaty palms surgeon to understand more about your options.


Side Effects of Medications and Hyperhidrosis Treatment Options

Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by excessive sweating, typically affecting areas such as the underarms, palms, soles of the feet, and the face. This condition can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life and self-esteem. In severe cases, it may even interfere with daily activities, causing discomfort and embarrassment. Various hyperhidrosis treatment options are available to manage the condition and alleviate its side effects.

Side Effects of Medications for Hyperhidrosis

Medications are often prescribed to help manage hyperhidrosis symptoms. However, like any other medication, they come with potential side effects that individuals should be aware of. It is essential to discuss these aspects with a healthcare professional before starting any hyperhidrosis treatment regimen.

1. Dry Mouth: Many medications prescribed for hyperhidrosis, such as anticholinergics, work by blocking the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. While this can reduce sweating, it may also lead to dry mouth as a side effect.

2. Blurred Vision: Some medications used to treat hyperhidrosis can cause blurred vision due to their anticholinergic effects. Individuals may experience difficulty focusing, particularly when attempting to read or engage in visually demanding tasks.

3. Constipation: Another potential side effect is constipation, which can occur as a result of reduced gastrointestinal motility caused by certain medications.

4. Urinary Retention: In rare cases, hyperhidrosis medications can affect the muscles in the bladder, causing difficulties in emptying the bladder fully. This side effect is more common in older adults.

5. Dizziness or Drowsiness: Some individuals may experience dizziness or drowsiness, especially when starting a new medication or adjusting the dosage.

Hyperhidrosis Treatment Options

Fortunately, several hyperhidrosis treatment options are available to effectively manage excessive sweating and minimize its impact on daily life. These options range from non-invasive remedies to more invasive procedures, depending on the severity of the condition and personal preferences.

1. Topical Treatments: Over-the-counter antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride or aluminum chloride hexahydrate can be applied to affected areas to reduce sweating. Prescription strength antiperspirants and medicated powders may also be recommended.

2. Medications: As previously mentioned, medications such as anticholinergics can be prescribed to reduce sweating. However, potential side effects should be considered, and the medication should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

3. Botox Injections: Botulinum toxin injections, commonly known as Botox, can be administered in the affected areas to block the nerves responsible for sweating. The effects typically last for several months before additional treatments are required.

4. Iontophoresis: This non-invasive technique involves passing a weak electrical current through water and the skin’s surface to block sweat gland activity temporarily. Regular treatments may be necessary to maintain the results.

5. Surgery: In severe cases of hyperhidrosis that do not respond to other treatments, surgical options such as sympathectomy may be considered. During sympathectomy, the nerves responsible for stimulating sweat glands are surgically interrupted.

It is important to note that the appropriate hyperhidrosis treatment option varies from person to person. Consultation with a healthcare professional is crucial to determine the best course of action based on individual circumstances and medical history.


Excessive sweating caused by hyperhidrosis can significantly impact an individual’s daily life. Thankfully, various treatment options are available to manage the condition and alleviate its side effects. Whether it be through topical treatments, medications, Botox injections, iontophoresis, or surgical interventions, individuals can find relief and regain control over their own well-being.

Some Information About Diabetes Treatment In Palm Beach Gardens

byAlma Abell

If you have diabetes, you probably already know about the importance of closely monitoring your disease. While this is certainly something that you will need to keep a close watch on yourself, it is also absolutely invaluable to have a medical diabetes treatment in Palm Beach Gardens facility that is your partner in diabetes treatment. By being proactive about your diabetic treatment, you can stay as healthy as possible and live a very normal life even though you suffer from diabetes.

The diabetes treatment you undergo will depend largely upon your personal situation and how advanced your diabetes is. When you have your first visit at a new facility, your doctor will do a full physical exam and will discuss your diabetes with you, including the current course of treatment you have been pursuing and your past medical history. If you have any questions about particular treatments this is an excellent time to discuss those with the doctor as well.

Your diabetes treatment in Palm Beach Gardens will always involve careful monitoring of your blood glucose (your blood sugar levels). A variety of different methods may be used for this monitoring, but today it has become faster and easier than ever to do this quick test in your own home every day. Often, your diabetes treatment will involve medications. Your medication will depend upon your specific case, but your doctor will explain exact dosages and the timing for your medications as well. By closely watching your diet, you can do a great deal to help control your diabetes and your medical caregivers can help you to make the best choices for diet as part of your diabetes treatment.

Your oral health is also important in regards to your diabetes, and your doctor will help you create the most effective routine for this. Many diabetics experience issues with circulation, particularly in the extremities. You may have some trouble with your feet, and your doctor will be able to help you with this. Some diabetics experience painful sores on their feet, for example, and these can fortunately be treated effectively and rapidly. Some custom footwear like compression tights or orthotic devices might be very helpful. Regardless of what problems that your diabetes might cause, you can work together with your treating physician to become healthier.

What Can Laser Surgery In West Point, Ne Do For You?


Your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body. Without your eyes, many daily tasks in life would be significantly more difficult and troublesome. However, not everybody’s eyes work the way they should. Millions of people are born with conditions such as farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatisms. These conditions can alter your eyesight in a way that you need corrections to fix them. Some of these corrections include glasses and contacts. Wearing and caring for contacts and glasses every single day can get extremely annoying and tedious after decades. Thankfully, there is a more permanent solution to these conditions. Laser surgery can quite literally reshape your vision.

What Is Laser Surgery?

As the name might suggest, laser surgery in West Point, NE involves the use of medical lasers. The most common type of surgery involves reshaping the cornea. The laser will physically cut a flap into your cornea. Once the flap is there, the surgeon will then fold back the flap and then remove some corneal tissue from underneath the cornea. The flap is then replaced. The reshaped cornea can now reflect light into your eyes properly, which can lessen or completely fix vision problems. There are other forms of laser surgery that are designed to help with different, more specific eye problems. You can consult your regular eye doctor to determine which type of laser surgery is most suitable for you and your eyes.

Why Get Surgery?

While glasses and contacts can correct some visual problems, wearing them every day can become rather annoying. Not only do you have to wear them but you often have to take special care to ensure that they are rarely if ever, damaged. These types of corrective devices can be extremely expensive, depending on your vision problems. That being said, vision also changes over time, meaning that you have to go back to the eye doctor to change the strength of those corrective devices repeatedly. This is a costly, time-consuming, and tedious process. With laser surgery, you will be able to do that less or maybe not even at all anymore. For more information on what laser surgery can do for you, click here to learn more.

Uterine Fibroid Treatment With Rf Ablasion Moore

byAlma Abell

Rf Ablasion Moore uses high-energy waves in order to interrupt pain signals. While there are a number of areas of the body that this treatment can be used on, one of the most common is for destroying uterine fibroids. When this is used, the uterus is able to be preserved.

The procedure is considered a minimally invasive one that is done in an out-patient setting. If you opt for this type of treatment for uterine fibroids, you can expect:

* The surgeon you use to map out your uterus for the fibroids.

* A small incision to be made to insert the hand piece of the machine into the uterus. Then small needles will be inserted into every fibroid to apply the energy.

* The tissues that are normal in the uterus will not be affected and the tissue that is destroyed will be reabsorbed.

Is this procedure safe?

Using Rf Ablasion Moore for the treatment of uterine fibroids has been proven extremely safe. Prior to administering the procedure, your doctor will cover all of the treatment possibilities with you in order to discuss the benefits and risks of each option.

What are the specific advantages of this treatment over other options for getting rid of uterine fibroids?

There are a number of advantages offered by this treatment for uterine fibroids, which include:

* A much shorter recovery period and the ability to return to your normal activities quickly.

* Reduction of all symptoms related to or caused by fibroids.

* Improvement of your quality of life.

* Very low rates of complications.

* The need for smaller incisions than other procedures.

* Only a small possibility of scarring.

Will the treatment be painful?

The treatment will be completed after you are giving general anesthesia, which means that you will not experience any pain while it is being done. After completion, there may be some mild discomfort in your abdominal area.

If you are interested in the treatment, talk with Dr Darryl D Robinson for more information. He will be able to provide you with the results you need. You can also discuss if this is the right treatment option for your particular needs. Visit website for more information.