Tips To Help Your Pet Beat The Heat This Summer South Africa

Summertime means going on outings, picnics, and having fun with your furry companions. But, along with all the fun, comes great challenges to keep your pets safe from the soaring temperatures and heatwaves. While nothing should stop you from having fun with your beloved pets this summer, your pet’s safety should be your topmost priority as extreme heat can cause serious problems such as dehydration and heatstroke in pets.

If you don’t want to ruin your and your pets’ summer fun, here are some tips to help them beat the heat this summer:

  • Make sure your pet has plenty of water to drink and that their water bowls are never empty. You can also try keeping multiple water bowls in the house to give them more chances to stay hydrated and drink enough water.
  • Water is very essential in summer, but so are vitamins and electrolytes to maintain hydration. For that, you can make them ice popsicles. They would absolutely love to devour such icy treats on a hot summer afternoon. To make these treats more nutritious, you can add small pieces of your pet’s favorite fruits as well.
  • Limit their direct exposure to the sun. Avoid going out while the sun is above their head. Plan their walks and exercise schedules in the early morning or late evening when the weather is comparatively cooler.
  • Your pet’s paws are quite sensitive. You may not feel the heat on the sand or floor or metal because of your footwear but since our fur buddies walk with bare paws, do not forget to check the temperature of the ground before letting them play or walk.
  • If your pet is an outdoorsy guy, and loves relaxing in the backyard or garden, provide them with shades or tents where they can rest in a cool place.
  • Never leave your pet in a parked car for long on a hot sunny day. Even if your pet is trained to stay in the car for hours, the temperature in the car is much hotter in summer and can lead to brain damage in pets.
  • If you are taking your pets out along with you, carry an extra water bottle for them. Whether it is a walk or a drive, don’t forget to carry their bowls and water with you.
  • Just like us humans, pets tend to gain weight in winters. However, excess weight is not good for your pet’s health especially when it is hot out there. Summer is the best time to shed those extra kilos so you can increase their level of exercise during this period. This will not only help them get back in shape but will also keep them active and improve their overall health.
  • Pay more attention to their grooming. Just basic grooming like regular bathing and hair-cut can help them feel more fresh and clean during summers. Also, summer is the time to get your pet a cool new haircut but avoid complete shave downs. Your pet’s fur keeps their body naturally cool and by shaving their fur you are interfering with their body’s natural regulation.
  • Summer is the perfect season to have a splashing good time. Your pet will definitely enjoy summertime even more if you provide them with a pool in your backyard or take them to beaches. It will not only help them beat the heat, but it can also be a wonderful time for you to create memories with them!
  • During summer, your pet’s skin is susceptible to sunburn, but using the right sunscreen will help protect them. Invest in a decent sunscreen for your pet and incorporate it into their everyday rest!
  • Most importantly, protect your pets from pesky pests such as fleas, ticks, lice, mosquitoes, and worms, which are a major nuisance to pets during the summer as this seasonal change promotes their proliferation. Call your vet today and consult him for the best suitable preventive treatments for your pet.

Keep your pets cool while having a blast and have a wonderful summer, you all!Dont Forget to buy Pet Supplies This summer:-

Bravecto for Dogs

Frontline Plus for Cats

Tips To Help Your Pet Beat The Heat This Summer South Africa

Summertime means going on outings, picnics, and having fun with your furry companions. But, along with all the fun, comes great challenges to keep your pets safe from the soaring temperatures and heatwaves. While nothing should stop you from having fun with your beloved pets this summer, your pet’s safety should be your topmost priority as extreme heat can cause serious problems such as dehydration and heatstroke in pets.

If you don’t want to ruin your and your pets’ summer fun, here are some tips to help them beat the heat this summer:

  • Make sure your pet has plenty of water to drink and that their water bowls are never empty. You can also try keeping multiple water bowls in the house to give them more chances to stay hydrated and drink enough water.
  • Water is very essential in summer, but so are vitamins and electrolytes to maintain hydration. For that, you can make them ice popsicles. They would absolutely love to devour such icy treats on a hot summer afternoon. To make these treats more nutritious, you can add small pieces of your pet’s favorite fruits as well.
  • Limit their direct exposure to the sun. Avoid going out while the sun is above their head. Plan their walks and exercise schedules in the early morning or late evening when the weather is comparatively cooler.
  • Your pet’s paws are quite sensitive. You may not feel the heat on the sand or floor or metal because of your footwear but since our fur buddies walk with bare paws, do not forget to check the temperature of the ground before letting them play or walk.
  • If your pet is an outdoorsy guy, and loves relaxing in the backyard or garden, provide them with shades or tents where they can rest in a cool place.
  • Never leave your pet in a parked car for long on a hot sunny day. Even if your pet is trained to stay in the car for hours, the temperature in the car is much hotter in summer and can lead to brain damage in pets.
  • If you are taking your pets out along with you, carry an extra water bottle for them. Whether it is a walk or a drive, don’t forget to carry their bowls and water with you.
  • Just like us humans, pets tend to gain weight in winters. However, excess weight is not good for your pet’s health especially when it is hot out there. Summer is the best time to shed those extra kilos so you can increase their level of exercise during this period. This will not only help them get back in shape but will also keep them active and improve their overall health.
  • Pay more attention to their grooming. Just basic grooming like regular bathing and hair-cut can help them feel more fresh and clean during summers. Also, summer is the time to get your pet a cool new haircut but avoid complete shave downs. Your pet’s fur keeps their body naturally cool and by shaving their fur you are interfering with their body’s natural regulation.
  • Summer is the perfect season to have a splashing good time. Your pet will definitely enjoy summertime even more if you provide them with a pool in your backyard or take them to beaches. It will not only help them beat the heat, but it can also be a wonderful time for you to create memories with them!
  • During summer, your pet’s skin is susceptible to sunburn, but using the right sunscreen will help protect them. Invest in a decent sunscreen for your pet and incorporate it into their everyday rest!
  • Most importantly, protect your pets from pesky pests such as fleas, ticks, lice, mosquitoes, and worms, which are a major nuisance to pets during the summer as this seasonal change promotes their proliferation. Call your vet today and consult him for the best suitable preventive treatments for your pet.

Keep your pets cool while having a blast and have a wonderful summer, you all!Dont Forget to buy Pet Supplies This summer:-

Bravecto for Dogs

Frontline Plus for Cats

Guinea Pig Supplies Which Bedding Materials Are Best For Your Guinea Pigs?

Submitted by: Bob Matthews

Guinea pigs poop every six seconds. Okay, maybe that s not entirely accurate. But if you ve ever owned a guinea pig or two, you know what I mean. It seems like, for every pound of food you feed them, you get back two pounds of feces and a quart of urine. That s why bedding or litter is one of the essential

guinea pig supplies

you will need. But all bedding materials are not created equally.

Sure guinea pigs are cute and lovable. But they re also messy. One day you finish building that clean and pristine C&C guinea pig cage and within an hour it looks like the bleacher section in a post-Super Bowl football stadium. Although bedding is one of the most mundane guinea pig supplies, it is also one of the most critical in terms of your guinea pigs health. Bedding serves as the toilet in your cavy s cage. It will help keep the cage clean and dry but, if not chosen with care, bedding can also be a health issue for your pigs.


Clay Cat Litter

When people think of bedding, many immediately think of the old-fashioned kitty litter. Clay bedding is very dusty and presents a respiratory health risk for your cavies. Clay cat litter should definitely be avoided.

Cedar Shavings

Cedar shavings are a popular bedding material because the familiar cedar scent helps to cover odors. Unfortunately, that distinctive cedar scent comes from toxic cedar oils. Many small rodents are allergic to wood oils. These oils can cause respiratory problems, rashes and other medical problems. Cedar is a hazardous bedding material that should be definitely avoided.

Pine Shavings

Like cedar, pine also contains wood oil. Although not as toxic as cedar shavings, pine shavings still appear to represent a health risk for your pet. Some debate still exists regarding pine shavings. And conclusions are not as definitive as for cedar shavings. But, if you are interested in creating a healthy home for your pets, pine shavings should still be avoided because they pose at least a potential health risk for your pet.

Aspen Shavings

Aspen is a hard wood. As such, it does not contain the harmful oils that are present in cedar and pine. This is evident because aspen wood (and the shavings) are not nearly as aromatic as the other two varieties. Because it is lacking harmful wood oils, aspen bedding is perfectly acceptable as a bedding material. The downside is that it tends to be a little pricier than cedar or pine shavings.

Paper Bedding

Paper bedding is made from recycled paper or from wood pulp fibers. This type of bedding is the preferred bedding material in terms of health, safety and performance. Because it is compressed into pellet form, it is a low-dust bedding. It is highly absorbent. These types of bedding retard the formation of ammonia gas from urine which can be harmful to your pet. Some brands also contain odor-reducing agents.

When it comes to guinea pig supplies, bedding tends to be one of the more unglamorous items. But it plays a very important role in terms of your guinea pigs health and welfare.

About the Author: Do you want to be sure you are doing the right things for your guinea pig? For lots more FREE INFORMATION on essential

guinea pig supplies


to visit our informative blog on Pet Guinea Pig Supplies.


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The Importance Of Dog Food Nutrition

Dog food is specially designed and formulated for the consumption of dogs and related canines in food. Dogs are considered omnivores, with a carnivore bias.

The nutritional value ofdog food lies in the ingredients, containing a mix of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that make up the necessary diet. If a dog does not receive the proper nutrients from its food, it could develop various diseases that may become fatal.

As mentioned, dogs are considered omnivorous, but carnivores do have certain requirements that a dog diet should contain. These include meat, bones, and other dietary supplements.

A dog eating such a diet is likely to get a number of health problems. This could include obesity or an under-developed digestive system. It also means that the dog is expected to consume more calories than he needs due to a lack of exercise.

There are also cases when dogs that do not eat properly and do not receive a proper diet may suffer from respiratory or kidney disorders. On the other hand, in several instances in which a dog is eating a good quality diet with all the nutrients required will be more likely to survive and live a long and healthy life.

However, to ensure that your dog receives the proper diet and avoid problems related to nutrition, you must consult a veterinarian about feeding him.

The first thing you need to determine in determining the right kind of dog’s diet is its specific nutritional requirements. Since different dog breeds may have specific requirements, you need to figure out which one you need to feed to your dog to ensure that it lives a healthy life.

Different dog breeds may require various things to make sure they live a healthy life, including particular nutrients so that they can digest food properly and have an excellent digestive system. You should consult your vet about the right foods for your specific dog to ensure that you give it the right kind of nutrition to help keep it fit and healthy.

Your vet can assess your dog’s current diet and can then determine if your dog needs dog food specially formulated for his breed or not. Some foods are specially made for dogs depending on the species of the dog.

Since each dog has its own specific nutritional needs, dog food made especially for them can help them achieve their potential. By giving your dog a well-balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients that it needs to stay healthy, you can guarantee that your dog will live a longer and happier life and that he will continue to grow up strong and healthy.

Finding Healthy Dog Food

Not just does a healthy dog’s quality of life improve when they are fed healthy dog food with rich high-quality ingredients, their coats will also be shinier, they’ll have healthier teeth, and their bulk will be held in check. The best dog foods contain no artificial colors or preservatives and no preservatives at all, as well as no additives. They also contain plenty of the nutrients that your dog needs for proper digestive health, bone growth, and overall good health.

These naturally occurring and natural products are safe for dogs to consume and do not present any dangers to them. These products will not cause them to develop allergic reactions or be poisoned, either. These healthy dog foods will provide them with plenty of energy and a healthy diet to keep them fit and vibrant, while being able to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight as needed. They will be able to live longer with less illness than with less nutritious foods.

Your dog’s weight, age, breed, activity level, and even sex will influence the type of healthy dog food you should provide. If your dog is a senior dog or has developed some medical conditions, or has had surgery done, it’s best that you choose a food designed for this type of dog.

When choosing dog foods, select one that is made with all natural ingredients and that doesn’t contain the ingredients found in artificial foods that can be harmful to your dog. Choose one that is made in a facility that follows FDA guidelines when manufacturing its own dog foods and that contains none of the harmful chemicals used in the production of commercial foods.

A great way to check out these types of healthy food is to purchase it from a pet store or online, then read up on its label and see if it includes the ingredients you want your dog to eat.

When selecting healthy foods for senior dogs, remember to choose a diet that is low in fat and high in fiber. It is important that they stay in shape for the remainder of their lives so they can keep moving around and do physical activities, so you need to make sure they receive the proper amount of exercise to remain healthy.

If you know how old your dog is, choose one of these healthy dog foods and then add to it as they grow older. to ensure they have enough protein and essential vitamins and minerals for their growing body.

Healthy dog foods can range from the high-priced to the very affordable and they come in a variety of flavors, shapes and sizes to cater to each dog’s needs. Whatever your budget, there is sure to be an affordable and healthy dog food available to meet your dog’s needs.

When purchasing, be sure to check out the label first and check with your veterinarian on any of the ingredients you plan to include in your dog’s diet to make sure that your dog is getting the vitamins and nutrients they need to stay healthy.

You should also be aware of how much protein and fiber your dog has to eat each day to maintain a balanced diet. These are not mandatory nutrients, and many breeds of dogs will only need the minimum amount of both.

If you notice any problems such as bloating, diarrhea, or weight loss, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible so they can correct the problems.

Easy Tips For Adopt A Pet

Who would have thought that so many people would be pet-less and want to adopt a pet on today of all days. Granted it was adopt a pet day but this is bordering on the positively ridiculous. Theres a good chance that the pet store had never had so many customers in the few years since it had opened. Fits and starts of excited yapping intermingled with delighted little cries of joy were ringing through the air at regular intervals.

Two hours later and you can just about stick a finger in there. A little better but not by much, however you feel your hopes start to rise. You hadnt found anything else that might constitute as a suitable replacement to your adopt a pet idea, and if the crowds were thinning then there was a good chance that you would be able find the right pet for your niece.


You find a nice little bench in front of the pet store and sit down to bide your time. As you sit there you watch in growing amazement at the sheer number of people who had come down to the pet store today to adopt a pet. Its all well and good for the pets themselves but would there be any little pet left for you to adopt?

Finally you manage to wind your way through the length of the pet store and find yourself confronted by the cutest pair of eyes staring out at you from within its confinements. Its still a puppy certainly, and it is cute, but whether you could call it small was slightly beyond you. You wanted to adopt a pet but this might be ridiculous.

However you cant shake the sight of those beseeching eyes and find yourself with an armload of Saint Bernard, a bowl, leash, collar, and any other accoutrements that you deemed necessary to keep the wiggling little beast happy. Adopt a pet day at the pet store was a success, and your “adopt a pet” idea for your nieces birthday was also a great success. Now if only your sister thought so too when she caught sight of the overgrown puppy in your hands!