Seguro Para Propietarios De Casas Chicago Il: Entendiendo Los Diferentes Aspectos


El seguro de vivienda o seguro para propietarios de casas es una póliza de seguros que cubre varios de los diferentes problemas relacionados con la propiedad que pueden darse en un hogar.

Aunque pueda parecer tentador no tenerlo para ahorrarnos un dinero, lo cierto es que este seguro puede sacarnos de varios apuros. Incluso si tu casa es nueva y piensas que es improbable sufrir averías, estas pueden suceder. El problema es que cuando aparecen, puesto que es tu casa y necesitas vivir en ella, no siempre puedes esperar a solucionar el problema. En ocasiones, necesitarás servicios urgentes y, a no ser que tengas un seguro, pagar los mismos te resultará realmente caro.

Por ejemplo, la rotura de una ventana o una tubería pueden ocasionar grandes daños en la casa o hacerla inhabitable. Con un seguro, llamas y te lo solucionan a la mayor brevedad, sin un seguro, deberás pagar mucho dinero para que todo ocurra con la rapidez que necesitas.

Otro aspecto que pocos tienen en cuenta a la hora de contratar un seguro para propietario de casas en Chicago es la responsabilidad civil. Es decir, tú responsabilidad respecto a accidentes que ocurren debido a tu propiedad y que podrían ocasionar indemnizaciones a terceros. Por ejemplo, si hay una fuga de agua en tu casa y el agua pasa a la propiedad de un vecino, seguramente debas indemnizarle. El seguro puede cubrir este riesgo.

Finalmente, los seguros suelen ofrecer servicios extra. Por ejemplo, es habitual que tengan un servicio telefónico para consultar problemas informáticos o un servicio manitas al que puedas llamar si necesitas que te hagan una pequeña tarea del hogar como quitar unas cortinas o colgar una lámpara.

Es muy importante que cuando contrates tu seguro, leas la póliza entera para tener claro lo que entra y lo que no entra en la cobertura. Si hay algo que entra, no dudes en llamar, ya que si el año que viene quieren subirte demasiado la póliza, siempre podrás comprobar las ofertas de otros competidores.

Si no quieres gastar mucho, puedes contratar la póliza más básica, pero tener una cobertura por responsabilidad civil, siempre es recomendable ya que aunque sea improbable, un accidente puede afectar mucho a tu presupuesto mensual. Para saber más sobre el seguro para propietarios de viviendas en Chicago, visite IL Illinois Automobile Insurance Agency.

Michael Vick placed under tighter restrictions after failing drug test

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

After testing positive for marijuana amid the latest drug test, former NFL star Michael Vick was placed under tighter restrictions by U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson.

Vick must be home between between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. and he must submit to random drug tests that will be conducted in the future.

Hudson also ordered that Vick may have to attend and pay for inpatient or outpatient substance therapy and mental health counseling if a supervising officer deems so.

A document filed in U.S. District Court today said Vick tested positive amid a urine sample that was submitted on September 13, 2007.

Vick is scheduled for sentencing on December 10 for bankrolling a dogfighting operation on his property.

Africans keep the leading position at 2008 Mumbai Marathon

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Standard Chartered Marathon, nicknamed “The Greatest Race on Earth“, held its third stage in Mumbai, India today. Because of the scorching hot weather in India, marathon runners had to adapt to the weather to overcome the challenge.

More than 30,000 runners participated in this race, joined by local NGOs and disabled who participated in a special charity short-distance running including 6km dream run, 4.3 km senior, and 2.5km wheel-chair classes. Gabriela Szabo, former Romanian Olympic Gold Medalist, named as charity ambassador of the race, was pleased by the participation from experts and NGOs.

An hour into the race, former champion Daniel Rono and Joseph Kimisi took the lead, but then Tariku Jifar from Ethiopia and defending champion John Ekiru Kelai took over Rono and Kimisi. After 40 kilometres, Kelai took a decisive lead and finally retained his champion title in 2 hours 12 minutes 22 seconds.

In the Women’s Group, Mulu Seboka from Ethiopia won the champion with 2H30m03s. Local runners Surendra Singh & Kavita Raut won the Men’s and Women’s Champions in the half-marathon class.

Division & Groups Men’s Group Women’s Group
South East Asia Dang Duc Bao Nguyen (Vietnam) 2:30’57” Pacharee Chaitongsri (Thailand) 2:55’29”
North East Asia Chin-chi Chiang (Chinese Taipei) 2:33’33” Xin Zhang (China) 2:53’59”
South Asia and Middle East Ajith Bandara Adikari Mudiyanselage (Sri Lanka) 2:24’07” Lakmini Anuradhi Bogahawatta (Sri Lanka) 3:04’21”
Africa John Ekiru Kelai (Kenya B) 2:12’22” Irene Kemunto Mogaka (Kenya B) 2:32’50”
Europe and Oceania Oleg Kharitonov (Russia) 2:30’55” Helen Stanton (Australia) 2:52’33”
America Paulino Canchanya Canchanya (Peru) 2:28’13” Rosangela Figueredo Silva (Brazil) 2:58’16”

Division & Groups Men’s Group Women’s Group
South East Asia Vietnam Thailand
North East Asia Chinese Taipei China
South Asia & Middle East India Sri Lanka
Africa Kenya B Kenya B
Europe & Oceania Russia Finland
America Peru United States

Companies That Provide Title And Closing Services Are Invaluable


Purchasing a home places a lot of items on your “to do” list and one of the most important is to choose a title and closing company. Title companies go back as far as the home has been in existence to make sure the title is clean, which makes title and closing services very valuable indeed. After all, no one wants to find out on the day of his or her closing that there is a problem with the title such as undocumented owners or liens that haven’t been paid. Working with a title company discloses all this information, which makes it easier to decide what to do next.

Title Companies Do Extensive Research

Companies that provide title and closing services do extensive research into the home’s title and also prepare the paperwork for closing so that nothing is left undone. Whether the problem is missing heirs, some type of fraud, will misrepresentation, or mistakes that were made when the documents were recorded, these companies will catch it and even offer advice on what your next step should be. They enable you to have peace of mind going into your closing so that there are no surprises in later years.

Don’t Go it Alone

Not using a title company is only asking for trouble but using one allows you to feel good when nothing suspicious turns up. Companies such as Prestige Title work with owners of all types of properties and their thorough work means that you do not have to worry about being held liable if there is a problem because it will be cand performs all the duties that all reputable title companies do. Furthermore, their comprehensive title and closing services ensure that you will be completely prepared for your home’s closing, enabling you to relax until that important day. For more information visit You can also join them on Google+ for more updates!

Canada’s social insurance assets pass $140 billion in fourth quarter

Sunday, February 13, 2011

With a fourth-quarter investment earnings of $3.9 Billion CAD, largely driven by stock market rises, the Canada Pension Plan’s (CPP) assets rose to $140.1 Billion reported the CPP Investment Board on Thursday.

Rate of return for the quarter netted three percent, bringing the first nine months of the fiscal year to 8.3%. The fund’s broad exposure to equities, in concert with a good quarter for stocks both in Canada and internationally, was largely to be credited according to CEO David Deneson.

The assets value rose from $127.6 Billion March 31st 2010, to $138.6 B on September 30th, to $140.1 B December 31st. The $3.9 B investment earnings, 3.58 of which came from the 54% of the portfolio in equities, was partially offset by seasonal outlays of $2.4 B to plan members.

The fund was very active throughout the calendar year, and particularly active in infrastructure, real estate, and private equity. As part of a consortium they completed the $4.8 B purchase of UK-based Tomkins plc, as well as purchasing Australian-based Intoll for $3.4 B thus acquiring a 30% stake in the 407 Express Toll Route (ETR) near Toronto — which they expanded purchasing a further 10% stake from Spain’s Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A. (CINTRA). They acquired a 25% equity stake in Westfield Stratford City, a retail complex adjacent to London’s Olympics venue, among many real estate ventures.

The CPP fund covers every province except Quebec, whose Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec is the only larger pension fund in Canada. The five-year annualised investment rate of return for the CPP reserve fund was 3.5%, its 10-year rate of return was 5.6%, at the close of 2010. The fund was established in 1997.

Wikinews interviews Mark Bunker, producer of anti-Scientology website ‘XenuTV’

Monday, February 18, 2008

Television producer and owner of the anti-Scientology website (XenuTV), Mark Bunker, also known as Wise Beard Man, chatted online with Wikinews for nearly three hours. More than 120 people followed the interview live (many from Project Chanology), which makes this exclusive Wikinews interview our most attended IRC interview to date.

Bunker started XenuTV in 1999 and began to make videos that he provided for the Lisa McPherson Trust. Bunker has been a critic of the Church of Scientology since 1997.

In 2006, he won a Regional Emmy Award after he and KUSI-TV news reporter Lena Lewis produced a documentary news video on the issues with the United States – Mexico border with San Diego, California.

For The Love Of Ink: You Deserve Quality Custom Tattoos

byAlma Abell

If you’ve finally reached the decision to have some ink done, you shouldn’t rush out and have it done by the first tattoo artist you find. In fact, that is the worst thing you could possibly do. Before you have your first tattoo, or even your thirty-first tattoo, you should do some serious investigation of the local tattoo parlors. There are several issues that you should take into consideration before selecting an artist for your ink. Here are just a few of the things you should consider when looking for Quality Custom Tattoos.


Take a tour of the tattoo shops your considering. They should be clean and free of clutter. That means that the trash should be in receptacles and not on the floor. Artists should be wearing gloves. You should be able to see signs of safety precautions that are in place, such as rubbing alcohol at the work stations. If the you can see signs of dirt or unsanitary conditions, you should leave.


The tattoo artist you choose should have experience in the style you’re looking for. Different artists will have different styles and it’s important that the artist you choose is familiar with the style your looking for. This is particularly important when you’re looking for Quality Custom Tattoos.


Finally, look at the selection. Does the artist or parlor have a few designs that they try to sway you towards? If they do, find a a new shop. Tattoo shops, like Da Vinci Tattoo, should have the ability to cater to your desires, especially since your tattoo is going to be a permanent part of your body. If you have a design in mind, take a drawing or photograph with you. A quality tattoo artist, like the artists at Da Vinci Tattoo, will be able to bring your drawing to life.

Don’t take chances with a substandard tattoo artist. You want your tattoo to say something about you, and you want to be happy with it when the artist is done. Make sure it says exactly what you want by choosing a quality tattoo artist.

Follow us on Twitter for latest update.

Powerful earthquake rocks southern Japan, tsunami warnings issued

Sunday, March 20, 2005

KYUSHU, Japan —

A powerful magnitude 7 earthquake rocked Japan’s southwestern island of Kyushu at 10:53 am local time today (0153 UTC), prompting the Japanese Meteorological Agency to issue tsunami warnings for the area. The tsunami warnings were canceled later in the day.

A 75-year-old woman was killed in Fukuoka city by a falling wall. At least 400 people were injured by the quake. Local Fukuoka Airport and high speed bullet trains in the area temporarily suspended operations to look for damage.

According to the agency, the epicenter of the earthquake was in shallow water in the Sea of Japan, off the north coast of Fukuoka Prefecture.

Small aftershocks continued throughout the day, with authorities advising that residents should be prepared for aftershocks of up to magnitude 6.

In the aftermath of the quake, people were quickly alerted to the state of the situation by television reports, telephone, and text-messaging systems.

Interviewed by telephone in Hitoyoshi, well inland from the epicenter of the quake, a local resident noted the severity of the quake was frightening, and left the elderly woman unable to remain seated on a chair. Shutting off gas was the first priority, with the local television coverage providing a quick status update for the situation, followed by an interruption by national emergency network coverage.

A foreign resident of Fukuoka city reported taking refuge under his desk for several minutes as books and ornaments fell from shelves. He prepared to evacuate to high ground in case of a tsunami, but news reports indicated little danger from a tsunami. He also reported that Japanese residents appeared unconcerned by the quake, with many strolling near Momochi beach shortly after the quake, showing little apparent concern.

In Tenjin, downtown Fukuoka, Fukuoka Building’s windows shattered, and the block was quickly cordoned off. In addition to Fukuoka Building, many other buildings and businesses remained closed to shoppers.

Wikinews contributor Oarih reports that a festive atmosphere pervaded the streets, however, as employees from Nishinihon Shimbun (a major Japanese newspaper) passed out one-page articles on the earthquake and curious onlookers investigated the damaged buildings and sidewalks. Many residents, relieved by the relatively low damage inflicted by the earthquake, started visiting pubs and restaurants at lunch for a celebratory beer. With train and subway services disrupted, queues over 100 people long formed at some Nishitetsu bus stops in Tenjin as dusk approached.

The penetration of modern text-messaging by the Japanese Keitai, the common Japanese cell phone system more prevalent than computer-based email, led to quick status checks on many family members located near the coast around Fukuoka, close to the quake’s epicentre. Wikinews contributor Oarih reports that cell phone service providers were swamped by the spike in use, however, and both voice and text services remained unreliable for much of the day.

Baby dies after being found abandoned behind shop in Gwent, Wales

Saturday, March 20, 2010

According to an announcement from Gwent Police, a baby boy has died after being found abandoned behind a convenience store in Gwent, Wales. The boy, who has not yet been identified, was found behind a Spar convenience store in the town of Cwmcarn at 1815 GMT on Tuesday. The baby was found to be wrapped in a towel which was in a plastic shopping bag. Bystanders who were walking past the scene mistakenly believed that the bag had been unintentionally left there by a person who had visited the gym that is located next to the store.

A 14-year-old boy, who is the son of the man who owns the convenience store, then examinied the bag and discovered the baby. He made a phone call to the emergency services, however, when the baby was taken to Royal Gwent Hospital, it was pronounced dead on arrival. The baby was younger than one day old at the time of his death. A post-mortem examination proved to be indeterminate. Gwent Police have now launched an investigation to try and determine the identity of the baby’s mother.

Gursewak Singh, the father of the person who discovered the baby and the owner of the shop, explained: “We asked friends and colleagues what the bag was doing there, but it didn’t belong to anyone. A boy who works with us said it was just a towel in there and he didn’t open it. In the evening I went out to it and opened it, only saw a towel on top and didn’t look thoroughly. I just thought it was clothes underneath and didn’t want to root through them. I picked it up and hanged it on the gatepost so someone walking by might see it and recognise it as theirs. At about six o’clock there was a power cut and my 14-year-old son went out and picked up the bag and opened it and saw a little head in there. He called his uncle and said: ‘It’s not clothes, come and look’. They came over and saw the baby in there.” Singh commented that this incident “was shocking. We were all devastated. I wish we had checked earlier. If we had gone through the bag we could have made a difference. I’m worried what sort of condition the person who left the bag is in. We are so concerned about her. Other people saw the bag, but nobody thought about it. There could be a baby still alive. I wish we had checked straight away.”

Gwent Police member Superintendent John Burley stated about this case: “We are extremely concerned about the health and wellbeing of the mother of the baby and are appealing for her to come forward to receive any medical treatment she may require. This is a tragic incident which will sadden the local community and our priority at the moment is finding the mother of the baby. I would appeal to anyone who may have been in the vicinity of the Spar store on Thursday morning or afternoon who may be able to offer any information to assist our inquiry.”

New Jersey students protest proposed budget cuts

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thousands of New Jersey public school students walked out of classes Tuesday, in protest of Governor Chris Christie’s proposed budget cuts. Although there is no definite number, it is estimated that around 18,000 students did not attend classes.

The walk-out was spurred by a Facebook event calling on students to skip classes and picket their local school boards. The leader of the group, former student Michelle Ryan Lauto, said that she “just want to draw attention to the entire issue and I want to show both the governor and his administration that the youth is not apathetic towards these cuts and that we care very very much so about what happens to our education and our extra curricular activities.”

The demonstrations come soon after voters in 59% of the state school districts opposed a proposal to increase property tax levies to pay for schools.

The state’s largest teachers union, the New Jersey Education Association, said that the students, who “were engaging in civil disobedience”, should not walk-out on classes.

The governor’s office responded to the protests in a statement, saying: “It is also our firm hope that the students were motivated by youthful rebellion or spring fever — and not by encouragement from any one-sided view of the current budget crisis in New Jersey. Students would be better served if they were given a full, impartial understanding of the problems that got us here in the first place and why dramatic action was needed.”