New movies, 9 September 2005

Friday, September 9, 2005

A look at some of the movies set to be released in North America, the week of 9 September, 2005.

Note, “fresh” or “rotten” refer to the movie’s Rotten Tomatoes rating, based on North American critical reviews. The higher the percentage, the greater the percentage of critics that liked the movie.

11-year-old California girl charged for throwing stone in defense

Monday, July 18, 2005

An 11-year-old girl faces serious assault charges in California after casting a stone at a group of boys who were throwing water balloons at her. In April, Maribel Cuevas was apprehended by Fresno, California police and spent five days in a detention center after throwing the object at the group of boys who bombarded her with water balloons as she walked down the sidewalk. A 9-year-old boy was hit with the stone, and suffered a wound to his head requiring medical assistance.

Since then, Cuevas has spent one month under house arrest pending court. Cuevas’ lawyer, Richard Beshwate, told the BBC that “They [Fresno police] are treating her like a violent parole offender. It’s not a felony, it’s an 11-year-old acting like an 11-year-old.”

Fresno Police Sergeant Anthony Martinez told reporters: “We responded. We determined a felony assault had taken place and the officers took the actions that were necessary.” Cuevas is due back in court next month on felony assault charges.

The girl was placed in juvenile hall during her five-day detention, with only one 30-minute visit from her parents. She was then placed under a 30 day house arrest and required to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet. The house arrest allowed the girl to attend school.

Maribel, who knows very little English, said that the boy initiated the conflict — the boy also admitted as much.

Discount Men’s Dress Shirts Online

Submitted by: Andrew Stratton

In today’s rough economy, with gas prices soaring and wallets tightening, dress shirts may not be the first thing on a man’s mind. But clothing, especially professional gear, is a necessity.

Although you may be tempted to wear that slightly stained and threadbare button-up for another six months until you pay off your credit card, what message does that send your superiors, colleagues, and clients?

Dressing in clean, sharp clothes sets you ahead of the pack-and it doesn’t even have to be expensive. There are plenty of great designer men’s dress shirts available at a discount, to men who still want to look sharp on a budget.

If you’re the type who hates wading through aisles of racks and the discount clothing store down the road, you now have an easier option. The fastest and most efficient ways to find some of the best discount clothing deals is on the internet.


Not only can you get great deals on discount men’s dress shirts, but you can use it to compare prices and styles. Most sites even have reasonable return policies and shipping rates if something doesn’t fit or isn’t to your liking.

So how do you find good deals on your tight budget? Here are some tips to help narrow down your search.

1. Buy classic shirts. Pink may seem Euro-chic and trendy, but if it sits at the back of your closet for most of the year, it’s a waste of money. Avoid odd patterns, colors, and cuts that don’t suit you. Choose basic and simple shirts that are likely to not go out of style any time soon. Black, white, earth-tones, and the occasional muted blue or green are all you need. Save the spice for your tie rack.

2. Pick the right size. Measure yourself or a shirt you own that fits you well-and measure everything! Arms length, width, collar width, etc. The more you have an idea of what size you are the less of a chance you’ll have to send something back.

3. Mix and match. If you have twelve pairs of brown pants, don’t buy three new black shirts that clash with them. If you’re able to choose new clothes to match your old ones, you’ll save money and be able to create more combinations.

4. Business casual counts too. Casual does not mean a ratty old rock T-shirt. Casual means khakis and a clean polo shirt. These are often inexpensive, comfortable, and can easily be dressed up if the need arises.

5. Look for high fashion bargains. High-end designers often slash prices on great items due to minor manufacturer errors and send them off to the discount clothing store. A misaligned stitch can send that one-hundred dollar shirt into twenty dollar territory. These may sometimes be more expensive than other discount clothing, but often last years longer and are better quality. Snap up these finds when you can in favor of slightly cheaper clothing. A few dollars can make a huge difference.

Buying discount men’s dress shirts can be simple and painless even on a budget. Remember to keep your eyes open for special offers, deals, and designers on sale.

About the Author: The Uber Shop offers discount clothing for men, in their mens dress shirt catalog online. All products offered through The Uber Shop are name brand products, like Ralph Lauren and Nautilus, that are available at least 50% off retail. View the



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Eva Hassett, VP of Savarino Construction Services Corp. answers questions on Buffalo, N.Y. hotel redesign

Buffalo, N.Y. Hotel Proposal Controversy
Recent Developments
  • “Old deeds threaten Buffalo, NY hotel development” — Wikinews, November 21, 2006
  • “Proposal for Buffalo, N.Y. hotel reportedly dead: parcels for sale “by owner”” — Wikinews, November 16, 2006
  • “Contract to buy properties on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal extended” — Wikinews, October 2, 2006
  • “Court date “as needed” for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal” — Wikinews, August 14, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal rescheduled” — Wikinews, July 26, 2006
  • “Elmwood Village Hotel proposal in Buffalo, N.Y. withdrawn” — Wikinews, July 13, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal delayed” — Wikinews, June 2, 2006
Original Story
  • “Hotel development proposal could displace Buffalo, NY business owners” — Wikinews, February 17, 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006

Buffalo, New York —Wikinews was the first to tell you that the Elmwood Village Hotel development in Buffalo, New York was to undergo “significant changes”.

The Elmwood Village Hotel is a proposed project that would be placed at Elmwood and Forest Aves. in Buffalo. In order for the development to take place, at least five buildings that house both businesses and residents, must be demolished.

To confirm and to get more information about the changes, Wikinews interviewed Eva Hassett, Vice President of Savarino Construction Services Corporation, the development company in charge of building the hotel.

Wikinews: The hotel proposal is being redesigned. Could you comment on that? What changes are being made? Are they significant?

Eva Hassett: The hotel has been resized as a 72-room, four story building. This is 10% smaller in number of rooms and a full story lower. We are also redesigning the facades in a way that will minimize the mass – more of a vertical feeling than horizontal. Different materials, windows, details. The smaller size of the hotel also makes the number of on-site parking spaces more appropriate and hopefully represents less of a challenge to an already difficult parking situation.

WN: Will you still be going before the city’s planning board as scheduled on February 28? Same for the Common Council?

Hassett: We will be on the Planning Board agenda this Tuesday morning but I do not expect that the Board will vote on the item that morning. I think we will be mainly explaining the new design and hearing input/questions.

WN: Will there be anymore public meetings?

Hassett: We would be happy to do one more big public meeting. We will be talking to Forever Elmwood about that on Monday (February 27, 2006). We would like to see if there is support for the new design and we also want to honor the public’s request for another meeting. I am hopeful that meeting can take place the week of March 6th.

WN: Is Savarino considering Mr. Rocco Termini’s design/proposal? If no, do you (Savarino) support/oppose?

Hassett: We are hopeful that we can build the hotel as redesigned. We think it would be a great addition to the Elmwood Ave. area, a good way for out-of-towners to see what Buffalo offers and a big help to the businesses there.

WN: Are you considering more time for the community to make a judgment?

Hassett: As I mentioned above, we expect to have one more meeting to get public reaction to the new design, and I think the Planning Board may want an additional meeting to make their determination. We do however, have constraints that will limit the amount of extra time. We still think it is a great project for the City and Elmwood; and we still want it to be something that the community wants as well.

So far, the City of Buffalo’s City Planning Board is still scheduled to meet at 8:00 a.m. (Eastern) on February 28, 2006 followed by the Common Council meeting at 2:00 p.m. on the same day.

Images of the design are not yet available. “We are working on the renderings this weekend, but I will likely have some early in the week,” stated Hassett.

Disposal of fracking wastewater poses potential environmental problems

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A recent study by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) shows that the oil and gas industry are creating earthquakes. New information from the Midwest region of the United States points out that these man-made earthquakes are happening more frequently than expected. While more frequent earthquakes are less of a problem for regions like the Midwest, a geology professor from the University of Southern Indiana, Dr. Paul K. Doss, believes the disposal of wastewater from the hydraulic fracturing (or “fracking”) process used in extracting oil and gas has the possibility to pose potential problems for groundwater.

“We are taking this fluid that has a whole host of chemicals in it that are useful for fracking and putting it back into the Earth,” Doss said. “From a purely seismic perspective these are not big earthquakes that are going to cause damage or initiate, as far as we know, any larger kinds of earthquakes activity for Midwest. [The issue] is a water quality issue in terms of the ground water resources that we use.”

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a technique used by the oil and gas industries which inject highly pressurized water down into the Earth’s crust to break rock and extract natural gas. Most of the fluids used for fracking are proprietary, so information about what chemicals are used in the various fluids are unknown to the public and to create a competitive edge.

Last Monday four researchers from the University of New Brunswick released an editorial that sheds light on the potential risks that the current wastewater disposal system could have on the province’s water resources. The researchers share the concern that Dr. Doss has and have come out to say that they believe fracking should be stopped in the province until there is an environ­mentally safe way to dispose the waste wastewater.

“If groundwater becomes contamin­ated, it takes years to decades to try to clean up an aquifer system,” University of New Brunswick professor Tom Al said.

While the USGS group which conducted the study says it is unclear how the earthquake rates may be related to oil and gas production, they’ve made the correlation between the disposal of wastewater used in fracking and the recent upsurge in earthquakes. Because of the recent information surfacing that shows this connection between the disposal process and earthquakes, individual states in the United States are now passing laws regarding disposal wells.

The problem is that we have never, as a human society, engineered a hole to go four miles down in the Earth’s crust that we have complete confidence that it won’t leak.

“The problem is that we have never, as a human society, engineered a hole to go four miles down in the Earth’s crust that we have complete confidence that it won’t leak,” Doss said. “A perfect case-in-point is the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010, that oil was being drilled at 18,000 feet but leaked at the surface. And that’s the concern because there’s no assurance that some of these unknown chemical cocktails won’t escape before it gets down to where they are trying to get rid of them.”

It was said in the study released by the New Brunswick University professors that if fracking wastewater would contaminate groundwater, that current conventional water treatment would not be sufficient enough to remove the high concentration of chemicals used in fracking. The researchers did find that the wastewater could be recycled, can also be disposed of at proper sites or even pumped further underground into saline aquifers.

The New Brunswick professors have come to the conclusion that current fracking methods used by companies, which use the water, should be replaced with carbon diox­ide or liquefied propane gas.

“You eliminate all the water-related issues that we’re raising, and that peo­ple have raised in general across North America,” Al said.

In New Brunswick liquefied propane gas has been used successfully in fracking some wells, but according to water specialist with the province’s Natural Resources De­partment Annie Daigle, it may not be the go-to solution for New Brunswick due its geological makeup.

“It has been used successfully by Corridor Resources here in New Bruns­wick for lower volume hydraulic frac­turing operations, but it is still a fairly new technology,” Daigle said.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working with U.S. states to come up with guidelines to manage seismic risks due to wastewater. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the EPA is the organization that also deals with the policies for wells.

Oil wells, which are under regulation, pump out salt water known as brine, and after brine is pumped out of the ground it’s disposed of by being pumped back into the ground. The difference between pumping brine and the high pressurized fracking fluid back in the ground is the volume that it is disposed of.

“Brine has never caused this kind of earthquake activity,” Doss said. “[The whole oil and gas industry] has developed around the removal of natural gas by fracking techniques and has outpaced regulatory development. The regulation is tied to the ‘the run-of-the-mill’ disposal of waste, in other words the rush to produce this gas has occurred before regulatory agencies have had the opportunity to respond.”

According to the USGS study, the increase in injecting wastewater into the ground may explain the sixfold increase of earthquakes in the central part of the United States from 2000 – 2011. USGS researchers also found that in decades prior to 2000 seismic events that happened in the midsection of the U.S. averaged 21 annually, in 2009 it spiked to 50 and in 2011 seismic events hit 134.

“The incredible volumes and intense disposal of fracking fluids in concentrated areas is what’s new,” Doss said. “There is not a body of regulation in place to manage the how these fluids are disposed of.”

The study by the USGS was presented at the annual meeting of the Seismological Society of America on April 18, 2012.

Pen-Ek Ratanaruang’s latest film makes Thailand premiere

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Following a world premiere during the Director’s Fortnight at the Cannes Film Festival, the latest film by Thai auteur Pen-Ek Ratanaruang made its Thailand premiere on Tuesday night in a screening for the press and celebrities.

Before the screening of the new film, Ploy, the director and his stars took the rostrum for a question-and-answer session, during which Pen-Ek pulled out a digital camera and took photos of the presenter, the press and the actors.

Ploy is a drama film, about a middle-aged Thai-American couple, portrayed by popular Thai soap opera actress Lalita Panyopas and Pornwut Sarasin, a first-time actor whose day job is working as vice president of Thai Namthip, the distributor of Coca Cola in Thailand. The couple have returned to Thailand for the first time in many years to attend the funeral of a relative.

They arrive at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport at 5 a.m. after a long-haul flight from the U.S., and check in to a hotel. The wife, Dang, just wants to sleep, but the husband, Wit, wants some cigarettes, so he goes to the hotel bar to buy some. There, he strikes up a conversation with a 19-year-old girl named Ploy (17-year-old first-time actress Apinya Sakuljaroensuk), who’s waiting at the hotel for her mother.

Wit then invites the girl to his and Dang’s room, so she can take a shower and relax. This poor judgment by Wit ignites feelings of jealousy and anger in Dang, and causes the couple to review their marriage of seven years.

Lao-Australian leading man Ananda Everingham is in a supporting role as the hotel bartender. As a counterpoint to Wit’s and Dang’s bickering, the bartender engages in an erotic tryst with a hotel maid (model-actress Porntip Papanai) in a nearby room.

The press screening was held at SF World Cinemas at CentralWorld shopping mall in Bangkok. Given the presence of Coca-Cola’s Pornwut in the cast, it was perhaps not a coincidence that cans of Coke Zero, a new soft drink that is just being introduced in Thailand, were being doled out for free.

According to early reviews at Cannes, Ploy contains a high level of nudity and eroticism, which is uncommon for a Thai film, because Thailand has no film-ratings system and instead adheres to a strict censorship code that excises nakedness and sex scenes.

Ahead of its Thailand premiere, Aphiradee Iamphungphorn, co-producer for Five Star Production, said she knew the film would have to be re-edited for Thailand, but “hopefully not more than we can bear.” To get past the censors, Pen-ek created a special Thailand edit of the film, in which the sex scenes are toned down.

Ploy is the director’s sixth feature film since he made his debut in 1997 with Fun Bar Karaoke, which premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival. Since then, his films are regularly featured on the festival circuit, and are submitted by Thailand’s film industry for consideration by the Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film.

Pen-Ek’s latest film is a return to screenwriting, after his previous two films, Last Life in the Universe and Invisible Waves, were scripted or co-scripted by Thai writer Prabda Yoon. It also marks a reunion with leading actress Lalita, who starred in his second feature, 1999’s black comedy, Ruang Talok 69, as well as Porntip, who co-starred in Pen-Ek’s 2001 musical-comedy-drama Monrak Transistor.

Ploy opens in Thailand cinemas on Thursday.

Why Dentists Should Consider Buying A Dental Practice For Sale In Arizona

byAlma Abell

Dentists should consider buying a dental practice for sale in Arizona before starting a practice from scratch. Most dental students do not receive a lot of training in business and finance before they graduate from dental school and, unfortunately, earning a dental degree does not guarantee that a dental practice will be successful. A dentist must understand business principles in order to run a successful dental business. Success will depend on their skill level, quality of business, and ability to maintain a solid client base. When purchasing a practice, dentists should look at the value instead of the price tag of the practice.

Dentists may find that by purchasing a dental practice they make more profit with less out of pocket expense in the end. Most buyers use the original seller’s name for at least a year after the purchase. Buyers also have the option of purchasing the previous owner’s phone book advertising. Financial experts and accountants recommend doing this because the tax returns and financial statements represent the financial strength of a practice from the period when the current promotions were in place. Canceling or changing advertising prior to the sale of a dental practice could lead to a drop in production and reduced patient traffic. This would result in a misrepresentation of worth of the practice and profit generating potential.

When shopping for a dental practice for sale in Arizona, buyers should seek the help of a qualified brokerage firm. This firm will have experience with buying and selling dental practices. They will also have a commitment to finding a practice that is the right fit for all potential buyers. A dental brokerage firm helps dentists who are retiring, moving, or selling their practices find qualified buyers. Brokers review hundreds of practices every year. Their financial statements, tax returns, and performance are looked at very closely. Afterwards, the broker can estimate the value of a practice, recommend a selling price, and gather interested buyers. Buyers can review a comprehensive database of dental practice listings compiled by the broker. The database will include practices for sale from multiple states. A brokerage team can simplify the buying process by providing exceptional customer service. The firm will use its wide range of contacts and network of connections to make the dental practice buying and selling process a seamless transition for their clients.

Mats Theselius

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Submitted by: Jessica Whittaker

A bookshelf is a bookshelf, is a bookshelf. Can creativity turn a concept as commonplace as a bookshelf into a timeless masterpiece? In 1988, a slender glazed boksk pet, with a capacity to hold 25 copies of the magazine, National Geographic, lacquered to match the yellow color of the magazine cover, debuted heralding the dawn of a new age in Swedish design history. This is Mats Theselius for you.

A renowned Swedish interior designer, Mats Theselius was born in the capital city of Stockholm in 1956 and studied small scale architecture at the Industriel Design School, Konstfackskolan in Stockholm. In 1984, he finished training at the Higher Art and Design School in Stockholm and taught at the School of Design and Crafts at Gothenburg University during 1995-96. Currently staying in the idyllic Tomelilla, he is, for various reasons, the pioneer of modern Swedish designing scene.


Three years before the boksk pet, Mats Theselius made a mark with his first creation, lgskinnsf t ljen, also known as the Across the Hall. It was a prototype of the English Across the Hall that later became an international phenomena. It was a simple yet elegant cylinder-shaped club in steel, designed for a royal and comfortable seating. Later versions of this, the Rex, the El Rey, and the Embassy accessorized none other than the Swedish embassy in Berlin in the years 1994, 1999, and 1999 respectively. Theselius created some of the most noted and talked about Swedish furniture during the 1990 s and won himself the worldwide acclaim few have. He also worked on the furniture K llemo in Sultan Kudarat in 1989 and later, a viksk rm that today is a cherished auction rarity like most of his other works. The uniqueness of this screen is that it looks like soft, glistening silver silk but in reality, it s made of aluminum and fitted with rivets to give it the padded look! Theselius is capable of masterpieces as a gift of nature. Today, he is working on designing not only furniture, but also pottery, jewelry, and carpets!

Traveling the Southern United States in the fall of 2000, Mats studied the American craft and the so-called, western style of designing. Among many other articles, Mats designed a pair of boots with the help of skilled Texan leather and silver craftsmen. Later the very same season, Mats came out with his first unique armchair to be produced by Texan craftsmen that needs little mention. That was also, coincidentally, the time of the historic first ever US presidential visit to Sweden and Gothenburg prepared to welcome the visitors in the right zest. Soon, grapevines had it that Mats was handling Swede-American Cultural Cooperation and the words reached more than some major Swedish design firms.

It is said that a thing of beauty is joy forever. And that s exactly what Theselius furniture is about. It is what we can, for now, call and eye-feaster. Every design of his depicts his yearn for modernity and grace. While most furniture designers classified furniture as Renaissance, Gothic, 20th Century and modern, Theselius had two categories useful furniture and non-furniture. Of course he stuck to the former classification. That is what makes him the futuristic architect with a vision to build what matters.

About the Author: Find international design at

furniture design

. Find our furniture design page about

Mats Theselius


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Two dead in Michigan college shooting

Friday, April 10, 2009

Two people are dead at a Michigan, United States community college in what police are calling a murder-suicide on Friday, the Detroit Free Press reports.

The victims, a 28-year-old man and a 20-year-old woman, were found in the Fine Arts Building of Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn, Michigan.

The Free Press reports that the suspected gunman entered classroom F-111 with a shotgun, killed the female and then shot himself. The two were in the same theater class, but police have yet to determine if there was a further relationship between the two.

“The original call was some kind of assault … shots in the building,” Police Deputy Chief Gregg Brighton told the Free Press.

“Officers responded to the scene, were able to get a perimeter on the building,” Brighton said. “An entry team entered the south hallway … as they entered they heard another gunshot. Officers were able to enter one of the rooms, and discovered two deceased parties. We cleared the building.”

Dearborn police and campus police secured the crime scene after evacuating some students from the building. The Free Press also reports that four Michigan State Police detectives are assisting local authorities in the investigation.

The school was locked down for several hours shortly after a 911 call was received. The lockdown has now been lifted.

The school will be closed for the rest of the day and the school will be offering counseling services.