Bush EPA nominee abandons insecticide-on-children study after Senate hearing

Saturday, April 9, 2005

Following a Senate hearing in which the Bush administration’s nominee for EPA administrator, Stephen Johnson, stoutly defended his plan to pay parents to document the effects on infants of insecticide use in the home, he reversed course and stopped the program.

Among the original requirements for the 60 families requested to be participants in the “Children’s Health Environmental Exposure Research Study” (CHEERS) study according to EPA were that they must:

  • Live in Duval County, Florida
  • Be a parent of a child under the age of 13 months
  • Spray or apply or have pesticides sprayed or applied inside your home on a routine basis (You do not need to change your regular household routine for the study.)

This original version of the requirements can be viewed in the Internet Archive, a free online repository that creates copies of websites on a regular basis. The third requirement was reworded by November 2004, according to the Internet Archive: “Maintain your normal pesticide or non-pesticide use patterns for your household. We will not ask any parent to apply pesticides in their home to be a part of this study.”

According to the above document, the area of Jacksonville/Duval County was chosen for reasons of existing year-round high usage of pesticides and other household chemicals within the home, as well as relevant data from existing prior studies. The study involved researchers visiting the home of participants, parents videotaping their children’s activities with a supplied camcorder, children wearing a small “activity sensor”, and parents collecting food and urine samples for detailed analysis of the effects of chemical exposure to common commercially available chemicals, primarily pesticides, on which “current information… is very limited” [1].

Selection for the study began in fall 2004. As incentives for their participation in the planned two-year study, parents were to be given $970, a t-shirt, and other gifts, and would have kept the video camera at its conclusion.

Complaining that the study was necessary, Johnson yielded to two Democratic Senators who had threatened to block him, using all means available, from officially taking the helm of the Environmental Protection Agency, of which he is the acting head. The block on his nomination was lifted afterwards although some Democratic Senators would not say how they would vote on the final nomination.

Under his guidance, the EPA agreed to accept $2 million for the controversial $9 million CHEERS study from an industry trade group, the American Chemistry Council, which represents the chemical insecticide manufacturers. The study was to be conducted with the cooperation of the Duval County Health Department, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, based in Atlanta.

Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Bill Nelson, (D-FLA), demanded the cancellation of the study as proof of Johnson’s acknowledgement of what she called a “gross error in judgment”.

“The CHEERS program was a reprehensible idea that never should have made it out of the boardroom, and I am just happy that it was stopped before any children were put in harms way,” Boxer said. She added that testing on humans should not be a part of any United States environmental policy.

“I am very pleased that Mr. Johnson has recognized the gross error in judgment the EPA made when they concocted this immoral program to test pesticides on children,” Boxer said.

Work on the study was halted last November by Johnson while an independent review of the study’s design was conducted at his request. Part of the reason for the study’s current cancellation was what the EPA in its press release has termed “mischaracterization” of the nature of the study as though children were being deliberately sprayed with pesticides.

Johnson defended his approach, “I have concluded that the study cannot go forward, regardless of the outcome of the independent review. EPA must conduct quality, credible research in an atmosphere absent of gross misrepresentation and controversy. I am committed to ensuring that EPA’s research is based on sound science with the highest ethical standards.”

In November 2004, William Farland, an administrator with the EPA’s research department, told The Oregonian, “There’s no suggestion that we are asking them to use pesticides. We simply want them to continue to carry out their day-to-day activities.”

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Bush_EPA_nominee_abandons_insecticide-on-children_study_after_Senate_hearing&oldid=4406808”

Asbestos controversy aboard Scientology ship Freewinds

Friday, May 16, 2008

Controversy has arisen over the reported presence of blue asbestos on the MV Freewinds, a cruise ship owned by the Church of Scientology. According to the Saint Martin newspaper The Daily Herald and the shipping news journal Lloyd’s List, the Freewinds was sealed in April and local public health officials on the Caribbean island of Curaçao where the ship is docked began an investigation into the presence of asbestos dust on the ship. Former Scientologist Lawrence Woodcraft supervised work on the ship in 1987, and attested to the presence of blue asbestos on the Freewinds in an affidavit posted to the Internet in 2001. Woodcraft, a licensed architect by profession, gave a statement to Wikinews and commented on the recent events.

According to The Daily Herald, the Freewinds was in the process of being renovated by the Curaçao Drydock Company. The article states that samples taken from paneling in the ship were sent to the Netherlands, where an analysis revealed that they “contained significant levels of blue asbestos”. An employee of the Curaçao Drydock Company told Radar Online in an April 30 article that the Freewinds has been docked and sealed, and confirmed that an article about asbestos ran in the local paper.

Lloyd’s List reported that work on the interior of the Freewinds was suspended on April 27 after health inspectors found traces of blue asbestos on the ship. According to Lloyd’s List, Frank Esser, Curaçao Drydock Company’s interim director, joined Curaçao’s head of the department of labor affairs Christiene van der Biezen along with the head of the local health department Tico Ras and two inspectors in an April 25 inspection of the ship. “We are sending someone so that they can tell us what happened, where it came from, since when it has been there,” said Panama Maritime Authority’s director of merchant marine Alfonso Castillero in a statement to Lloyd’s List.

The Church of Scientology purchased the ship, then known as the Bohème, in 1987, through an organization called Flag Ship Trust. After being renovated and refitted, it was put into service in June 1988. The ship is used by the Church of Scientology for advanced Scientology training in “Operating Thetan” levels, as well as for spiritual retreats for its members. Curaçao has been the ship’s homeport since it was purchased by the Church of Scientology.

According to his 2001 statement, Lawrence Woodcraft had been an architect in London, England since 1975, and joined Scientology’s elite “Sea Organization” (Sea Org) in 1986. He wrote that he was asked by the Sea Org to work on the Freewinds in 1987, and during his work on the ship “noticed a powdery blue fibrous substance approximately 1 ½” thick between the paint and the steel wall,” which he believed to be asbestos. He also discovered what he thought was blue asbestos in other parts of the ship, and reported his findings to Church of Scientology executives. Woodcraft discussed his experiences in a 2001 interview published online by the Lisa McPherson Trust, a now-defunct organization which was critical of the Church of Scientology.

The Freewinds regularly inspects the air quality on board and always meets or exceeds US standards.

Church of Scientology spokeswoman Karin Pouw responded to Radar Online about the asbestos reports, in an email published in an article in Radar on May 1. “The Freewinds regularly inspects the air quality on board and always meets or exceeds US standards,” said Pouw. She stated that two inspections performed in April “confirmed that the air quality is safe,” and asserted that the inspections revealed the Freewinds satisfies standards set by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the U.S. Clean Air Act.

Pouw told Radar that “The Freewinds will be completing its refit on schedule.” The Church of Scientology-affiliated organization Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) had been planning a cruise aboard the Freewinds scheduled for May 8, but according to Radar an individual who called the booking number for the cruise received a message that the cruise had been delayed due to ongoing work on the ship. Citing an article in the Netherlands Antilles newspaper Amigoe, Radar reported on May 6 that a team from the United States and supervised by an independent bureau from the Netherlands traveled to Curaçao in order to remove asbestos from the Freewinds.

…if the Church of Scientology claims to have removed the blue asbestos, I just don’t see how, it’s everywhere. You would first have to remove all the pipes, plumbing, a/c ducts, electrical wiring etc. etc. just a maze of stuff.

“I stand by everything I wrote in my 2001 affidavit,” said Lawrence Woodcraft in an exclusive statement given to Wikinews. Woodcraft went on to state: “I would also comment that if the Church of Scientology claims to have removed the blue asbestos, I just don’t see how, it’s everywhere. You would first have to remove all the pipes, plumbing, a/c ducts, electrical wiring etc. etc. just a maze of stuff. Also panelling as well, basically strip the ship back to a steel hull. Also blue asbestos is sprayed onto the outer walls and then covered in paint. It’s in every nook and cranny.”

Many Scientologist celebrities have spent time aboard the Freewinds, including Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, John Travolta, Kelly Preston, Chick Corea, Lisa Marie Presley, Catherine Bell, Kate Ceberano, and Juliette Lewis. Now magazine reported that Tom Cruise has been urged to seek medical attention regarding potential asbestos exposure, however a representative for Cruise stated he has “absolutely no knowledge” of the recent asbestos controversy. Cruise, Holmes, Travolta and Preston have celebrated birthdays and other events on the Freewinds.

There is not now and never has been a situation of asbestos exposure on the Freewinds.

In a May 15 statement to the United Kingdom daily newspaper Metro, a representative for the Church of Scientology said that “There is not now and never has been a situation of asbestos exposure on the Freewinds.” The Asbestos and Mesothelioma Center notes that agencies have recommended anyone who has spent time on the Freewinds consult with their physician to determine if possible asbestos exposure may have affected their health.

Raw blue asbestos is the most hazardous form of asbestos, and has been banned in the United Kingdom since 1970. Blue asbestos fibers are very narrow and thus easily inhaled, and are a major cause of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which can develop in the lining of the lungs and chest cavity, the lining of the abdominal cavity, or the pericardium sac surrounding the heart. The cancer is incurable, and can manifest over 40 years after the initial exposure to asbestos.

“This is the most dangerous type of asbestos because the fibres are smaller than the white asbestos and can penetrate the lung more easily,” said toxicologist Dr. Chris Coggins in a statement published in OK! Magazine. Dr. Coggins went on to note that “Once diagnosed with mesothelioma, the victim has six months to a year to live. It gradually reduces lung function until the victim is no longer able to breathe and dies.”

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Asbestos_controversy_aboard_Scientology_ship_Freewinds&oldid=4647051”

Borussia M’Gladbach sacks coach Schubert; appoints Hecking

Friday, December 23, 2016

Yesterday, German football club Borussia Mönchengladbach announce their appointment of Dieter Hecking as manager until 2019. Hecking’s predecessor André Schubert was sacked the day before, after one year of service at Borussia Park.

Mönchengladbach has won only one out of its last eleven Bundesliga matches this season. Schubert began as an interim manager of the first team after Lucien Facts resigned from the coach position last September. Schubert led Gladbach to the fourth spot in Bundesliga. Schubert’s last match as Gladbach’s coach ended in a 2–1 loss against VfL Wolfsburg and they are just three points ahead of the relegation playoff.

52-year-old Dieter Hecking began his coaching career in 2000 with a second tier club SC Verl. Hecking played most of his professional career matches in 2. Bundesliga.

In 2003–04, Hecking guided VfB Lübeck in DFB Pokal semifinal. He helped 1. FC Nürnberg avoid relegation in 2009–10 and finished sixth in the Bundesliga in the following season. In 2014–15, Hecking won the DFB Pokal and the DfL-Supercup with Wolfsburg and finished the Bundesliga season as runners-up. They qualified for last season’s UEFA Champions League. Hecking was sacked from Wolfsburg in October.

Mönchengladbach’s sporting director Max Eberl said, “We wanted to add fresh impetus after the developments of recent weeks with a new coach. Dieter Hecking is exactly the right man for that. He is a coach with a lot of experience, who has had a lot of success at different levels with different clubs” ((de))German language: ?Nach der Entwicklung der letzten Wochen wollen wir mit einem neuen Trainer einen neuen Impuls setzen. Dafür ist Dieter Hecking genau der richtige Mann, ein Trainer mit viel Erfahrung, der auf unterschiedlichem Niveau mit verschiedenen Vereinen sehr erfolgreich gearbeitet hat.

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How To Survive And Excel In A Group Interview

By Jason Kay

Group interviews are becoming a more common hiring practice as companies place greater emphasis on teamwork and communication skills in addition to basic job task competencies. There are two types of group interview. The first, more correctly called a panel interview, involves a team of employees interviewing an applicant at the same time. The second type of group interview, which we will discuss here, is an interview that includes multiple applicants for the same position being interviewed together. Excelling in a group interview requires additional skills to those you need in a traditional one-on-one interview.

What to expect in a group interview

During a group interview, you will frequently receive a formal presentation about the company and the position. Although each company may have slight variations on this theme, it is likely that you will be asked to introduce yourself to the group and perhaps tell a bit about yourself and your background. Then, there may be an open discussion, directed questions, or you may be asked to participate in group exercises. Contrary to your possible impressions of group interviews from TV shows like ‘The Apprentice’, the group interview is not an adversarial process. It is however competitive and you will make or break your hiring chances based on your performance.

Getting off on the right foot

The first few minutes of a group interview will be ice-breaking or warm up. The interviewers will introduce themselves, either to each applicant personally or to the group. Look the person in the eye and smile. If it is a personal introduction, use their name in your reply, ‘Hello Sam, I am Frank Burns, it is nice to meet you. I am really looking forward to talking about XYZ Company and the account representative position.’


During the initial presentation about the company and the position, listen actively. That means, look interested in what is being said and give the presenter some non-verbal feedback by nodding your head, establishing eye contact, and appearing open by keeping your arms on the table or at your side. Do not sit back and fold your arms across your chest as if you are judgmentally evaluating them.

Do your homework on the company before the group interview just as you would during a one-on-one interview. Learn about the company from its website as well as trade publications and news reports. In preparing for the group interview also research information about what it is like to work at the company by reviewing blogs or other social networking sites maintained by key employees. The informality of blogs, as opposed to the company’s website, provides clues to how the company expects its employees to behave and how employees are treated. In the group interview, you want to appear to be similar to the current employees in terms of attitude and comportment. Your subtle message is ‘see, I would fit in here’.

When you introduce yourself, act relaxed and speak clearly and slowly. Look at each person around the table while you speak and don’t forget to smile. Be prepared to present a synopsis of your background in two to three minutes.

How can you stand out favorably in a group interview?

To some extent how you can stand out depends on when in the hiring process the group interview occurs: as the first interaction, as follow up to a phone interview, or as the last step after you have had one-on one or panel interviews. You stand out in each of these circumstances by favorably answering the questions in the mind of the interviewers. So, if this is the first contact with the employer, they are asking themselves, ‘can he do the job, does he want to do the job, and will he fit in here?’

If you have already had a phone interview, the employer believes that you can do the job. So, the interviewers are trying to answer the other two questions. You communicate to the interviewers that you want to do the job by demonstrating your knowledge of the company based on your research, by the attitude you have when listening, and by the questions you ask. When you are interviewed with other candidates it is better to lead than to follow. Be willing to step up and ask a meaningful question at the first opportunity.

While other candidates are introducing themselves, asking or answering questions, you should be interested and supportive. Part of the goal of the group interview is to assess your ability to work well with others. Although you want to appear to be a leader, you do not want to dominate the group by talking too much, interrupting others, or acting in any way disrespectful to the other candidates.

If the group is given a task to work on together, here is where you demonstrate your ability to listen to instructions, work well with others, provide leadership, support the team, and communicate your ideas effectively. Working together with the candidate team is also a chance to show how you deal with stress. There may be disagreements and time pressures. Show that you can work productively with the team by providing constructive comments, resolving conflicts, and making sure everyone on the team participates.

After the meeting is over

Thank everyone, by name if you can, and express your appreciation for the opportunity to participate. Let the employer know that you want the position – tell them; do not assume they know. Use a thank you note as an opportunity not only to express appreciation for their time and information but also to restate your qualifications and interest in the position.

About the Author: Jason Kay recommends that you learn more job search strategies at JobGoRound.com. Read customer

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Iran moves finances out of Europe’s banks

Friday, January 20, 2006

Iran, has decided to pull its finances out of European banks and into different foreign banks. A senior Iranian official stated that this is an attempt to pre-empt possible U.N. sanctions over its resumption of nuclear fuel enrichment activities.

Comments by Iran’s central bank governor Ebrahim Sheibani, carried on air by the ISNA student news agency, confirmed that Iran had started transferring funds.

“We transfer foreign reserves to wherever we see as expedient. On this issue, we have started transferring. We are doing that,” Sheibani told the ISNA agency.

Ebrahim Sheibani also told the agency that the assets were being moved to an “undisclosed” location.

It is unknown exactly how much money is involved or whether or not Iran’s investments in Europe would be affected by the move. Traders have said that they had already factored such a possibility into the market.

Gary Samore, an expert on Iran and vice president for international programs at the McArthur Foundation in Chicago, said “the move reflected concern by Tehran that the Europeans might take unilateral measures amid the crisis over its nuclear program.” He also added that its decision to pull its assets from Europe “makes sense in terms of preparing for the possibility that Europe might take some measure to impose some financial sanctions. I don’t know that it changes the diplomatic formula. The key issue is still the question of whether or not the Western group can engineer a formal referral to the Security Council.”

It is unclear if an asset freeze or other punishment is imminent in Iran, but it has happened before. The country’s assets in the United States have been frozen since Iranians seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and held its staff hostage after the 1979 Islamic revolution.

An Italian court last year had ordered an Iranian bank account to be frozen at the request of U.S. plaintiffs who were seeking compensation for terrorist acts they believe were supported by the country (Iran).

Earlier the EU drafted a resolution that calls for referring Iran to the 15-nation council. But it is said to stop short of asking for punitive measures against Iran. The IAEA is expected to meet on February 2, 2006 to discuss Europe’s draft.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Iran_moves_finances_out_of_Europe%27s_banks&oldid=4221318”

Commercial Refrigeration Can Benefit Many Businesses

If you are planning on opening a business of any kind, you may need commercial refrigeration services. Though companies that offer food tend to have the most need for this service, many other types of businesses can benefit, too. For example, bars, flower shops, and any other place that requires things to be kept cold should use this type of service. Consider the most common types of commercial refrigeration products.Restaurants and delis tend to need a few different types of refrigerators. For example, a walk-in cooler is usually placed in the kitchen to store the majority of items that need to be kept cool. This typically has several shelves, and has enough room for a few employees to be in there at once, so grabbing ingredients off the shelves should be fast and easy. Of course, the sizes of these refrigerators vary, and you will also need a walk-in freezer to keep many items frozen. Restaurants also usually need a smaller fridge for employees to quickly access things that are used often, such as dressing, milk, and cream. Another type of fridge in a restaurant is a deli case, which may be kept in the kitchen, or even out in view of customers, especially in a deli. You can keep sandwich ingredients and cold salads in this type of fridge, allowing people to see the food before they choose what they want.Bars that serve food often have these types of commercial refrigeration, in addition to fridges specifically for drinks. For example, a walk-in cooler near the bar may be helpful to keep beer bottles and kegs cold. You will also need several smaller coolers and freezers that plug in along the bar, as you need a place to keep single beer bottles, glasses, and ice appropriately cold. In addition, you may have some mini fridges in the bar where you can keep chilled wine and other drinks that are best left cold.Grocery stores also tend to need lots of commercial refrigeration. The entire store usually has to have walk-in coolers and freezers, both in view of customers and in the back for employees only to access. You also need deli cases to display several items at once. In general, having plenty of these cooling products, and keeping them in good shape, is key to keeping customers happy, so you should not skimp on this type of equipment.Finally, flower shops also use refrigerators to keep products fresh. Like other businesses, you will need some kinds of commercial refrigeration in the front so that customers can check out the flowers before they buy them. You will also need some in the back so that you can store excess product without taking the chance of the flowers becoming hot and wilted.Clearly, several businesses are in need of this kind of product. These are just the most common reasons to consider cooling equipment. Other kinds of companies may also have this same need, so consider talking to a company that sells cooling equipment before deciding whether you need it.

International forces in Dili reach agreement

Thursday, June 8, 2006

The international forces in East Timor have reached an agreement about the coordination of the military and police forces in the field. Representatives of the four countries reached the agreement during an urgent meeting after an incident between Australian and Portuguese soldiers yesterday.

In the agreement reached between Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Portugal and the Timorese government, operational autonomy is given to the international forces, which will operate in cooperation and coordination with each other.

The agreement also stated that in an initial phase Dili will be divided into sectors, and each area will be under the control of an international force. Outside of its area of responsibility, the military or police force will only be able to operate if other international forces request their actions. Also was agreed that the police forces will assume total control of the city after the military forces leave their current occupied positions. A situation that is expected after the arrival of the remaining equipment, mainly vehicles, for the Portuguese Republican National Guard (GNR) and the arrival of the remaining Malaysian police officers and their equipment.

In an official notice, the Timorese Foreign Minister, José Ramos Horta stated that “the objective on a long run is for the GNR to operate has a tactical intervention force in all the city of Dili”.

Ramos Horta explained that “in the next days, maybe already tomorrow morning, they [the Australian, Malaysian, New Zealand and Portuguese forces] will do some coordination training, in way to assure that the four forces know exactly what each one will do”. “Since some are from the Army and the others [Portuguese Republican National Guard] are a specialized police and that they never worked together, its useful to carry out some practical exercises”, he added.

In another subject, Ramos Horta explained that the Australian soldiers that are in Maubisse, next to a rebel group lead by major Reinado, and in Gleno, Ermera, next to another group of “military opponents”, are there “containing those elements”.

“Those groups are not comparable with other people that are here in Dili and that must be disarmed”, Ramos Horta said.

“The Australian presence in Maubisse and Gleno aims in containing those groups on their areas, until arrives the moment in which the President decides that is time for also mister Alfredo Reinado and the others to put down their weapons”, he said. “This is not urgent because they are not causing problems to anyone”, he justified.

The urgency of the resolution and clarification of the command and cooperation of the international forces was originated after an incident between Australian and Portuguese soldiers. When yesterday a Portuguese GNR patrol transported three people to a temporary detention center managed by Australian soldiers.

The detainees were arrested by a GNR Special Operations team, after being caught looting a governmental warehouse, in Balide, Dili.

The Australian soldiers then refused to receive the detained men, questioning the legitimacy of the Portuguese soldiers to make arrests. The Portuguese contingent transported the detainees to the Timorese prison services in Dili.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=International_forces_in_Dili_reach_agreement&oldid=565833”

Key Benefits Of Accounting Outsourcing Services

Key Benefits of Accounting Outsourcing Services


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If you are aiming to reduce costs, and to improve regulatory compliance in your business, you may need to review your accounting operational model. To achieve operational effectiveness in your business you should consider enlisting the assistance of

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United States: Two killed, more than a hundred injured in Amtrak train collision in South Carolina

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Early on Sunday morning, Amtrak’s passenger train number 91, the Silver Star, bound for Miami from New York, slammed into a stationary CSX freight train in Cayce, about ten miles (16 km) south of Columbia, capital of the US state of South Carolina. Two Amtrak employees were killed and at least 116 were injured, some seriously.

The two killed were 54-year-old engineer Michael Kempf of Savannah, Georgia, and 36-year-old conductor Michael Cella of Orange Park, Florida. Robert Sumwalt, chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, told a press conference the passenger train had been diverted into a siding by a switch left “literally locked, with a padlock” in that position.

The collision happened at about 2:35 am local time (0735 UTC) at a switching yard in the small city of Cayce. The Amtrak train, with reportedly 139 passengers and eight employees aboard, collided head on with the freight train, which was parked with no one on board. The Amtrak locomotive and the leading locomotive on the freight train were destroyed; the Amtrak locomotive and some of its passenger cars derailed, and one of those cars was folded in half. Several freight cars were crumpled, Reuters reported. In a press conference, the state governor, Henry McMaster, said the Amtrak locomotive was “barely recognizable” and described it as “a horrible thing to see, to understand the force involved”.

Harrison Cahill, a spokesman for Lexington County, gave a count of 116 injured, up from an initial report of 70; according to Derrec Becker, public information officer for the South Carolina Emergency Management Division, injuries ranged “from cuts and bruises to severe broken bones”. On Monday a Palmetto Health spokesperson said two patients were in serious and two in critical condition at their facilities. A spill of approximately 5,000 gallons of fuel from the freight train posed no safety hazard, according to officials.

Passenger Derek Pettaway told the CNN network that like most others, he had been sleeping when the collision happened. He said Amtrak staff cleared the passengers from the train rapidly, and there was no panic; “I think people were more in shock than anything else”, he said.

“Key to this investigation is learning why the switch was lined that way”, Sumwalt said. Amtrak’s CEO, Richard Anderson, speaking to reporters on Sunday, held CSX responsible; he stated the track in that area is operated by CSX and the signals, which CSX operates, were not working at the time of the collision and a CSX dispatcher was therefore directing the Amtrak train’s movements. Sumwalt noted an automatic monitoring and braking system called positive train control, which was not in use on the stretch of line, could have forestalled the collision.

Several fatal incidents involving Amtrak trains have occurred in the past three months. On December 18, the inaugural train on a new route in Washington state derailed at high speed while crossing above a highway, killing three; on January 31, the driver of a garbage truck was killed in Virginia when he collided with an Amtrak train chartered to take Republican lawmakers to a retreat.

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Date announced for by-election to replace former New Zealand PM Clark

Monday, April 20, 2009

The government has announced 13 June as the date for the upcoming Mount Albert by-election.

The by-election has been caused by former Prime Minister Helen Clark‘s departure to head the United Nations Development Program. While it is considered to be a safe Labour seat, the by-election is expected to be heavily contested.

Candidates must be nominated by 19 May.

Nominations for the Labour Party close on Wednesday. So far four candidates have put their names forward: Auckland city councillor Glenda Fryer, former candidate Hamish McCracken, University of Auckland political studies lecturer Meg Bates and employment lawyer Helen White. List MP Phil Twyford, widely expected to succeed Ms Clark, has not put his name forward.

The National Party has narrowed its possible candidates down to two: list MP Melissa Lee or unsuccessful 2008 candidate Ravi Musuku. The decision will be made at a party meeting on 4 May.

The Greens and ACT New Zealand will both contest the by-election, but have yet to select candidates.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Date_announced_for_by-election_to_replace_former_New_Zealand_PM_Clark&oldid=811727”