Massive ice deposits found on Mars

Friday, March 16, 2007

The European Space Agency‘s Mars Express spacecraft has discovered ice deposits in the south pole of Mars that are larger than the state of Texas.

Scientists say that there is enough water in the deposits to cover the entire planet with up to 36 feet of water if the ice was to melt. Some sections of the ice deposits are up to 2.3 – 2.5 miles deep. The ice is composed of carbon dioxide, a little bit of dust, and water (90 percent of the water is estimated to be frozen).

What has caught the attention of the scientists working on the Mars Express project is that this may help reveal whether or not there is any (microbial) life within the ice.

Another perplexing question that scientists are trying to solve is what happened to all the water that produced all the channels on the surface of Mars.

Jeffrey Plaut, who is from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California and who is also leading the study, noted that, “We have this continuing question facing us in studies of Mars, which is: where did all the water go? Even if you took the water in these two (polar) ice caps and added it all up, it’s still not nearly enough to do all of the work that we’ve seen that the water has done across the surface of Mars in its history.”

Currently, only 10 percent of the water is remaining and is located at the poles of Mars. It has been suggested that some of the remaining 90 percent of the water that disappeared could either be underground or could have simply left the atmosphere into space.

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WHO declares Ebola outbreak an international emergency

Monday, August 11, 2014

On Friday, the World Health Organisation (WHO) stated the West African Ebola outbreak is now an international health emergency.

The current ongoing outbreak of Ebola is the deadliest since the disease was first reported in humans 40 years ago, with nearly 1,000 people reported to have been killed by the disease in this outbreak. So far three countries, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Nigeria, have declared national emergencies in response to the outbreak, with cases also reported in Guinea. The latter country was reported to have closed its borders with Sierra Leone and Liberia, but an official announcement later clarified they were taking medical precautions on border crossings.

Director-General of WHO Dr Margaret Chan appealed for an international response to the outbreak, calling it “the largest, most severe and most complex outbreak in the nearly four-decade history of this disease”. Reports say the comparatively underdeveloped medical infrastructure in the affected countries has hampered efforts to contain the spread of the virus, with Liberia’s health system particularly under-equipped for the pressure. Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) said the health system in Liberia was “falling apart”. Health experts and aid workers from Europe and America are already working to help bring the outbreak under control, but MSF and WHO are now calling for more help.

The announcement by WHO has international law implications, and it is expected possible cases will not be allowed to leave the countries affected until it is confirmed they are clear of the virus, with the possibility of travel being denied from any region not meeting the WHO’s guidelines. WHO have also warned all nations should prepare to bring their own nationals back to home territory for treatment if infected by the virus, with cases already returned for treatment to the US and Spain.

WHO vaccine chief Jean-Marie Okwo Bele told [[Agence France-Presse|AFP] ]he expected a possible vaccine against Ebola to start clinical trials next month, stating: “Since this is an emergency, we can put emergency procedures in place […] so that we can have a vaccine available by 2015”. WHO assistant director-general Marie-Paule Kieny admitted, however, to do so the bar set during the testing process would have to be lower, reflecting questions about the ethics of using comparatively untested drugs, and who they should be given to.

Meanwhile, restrictions put in place to limit the spread of the disease are reported to be causing problems among those affected in already impoverished areas. Liberia and Sierra Leone are both reported to have deployed soldiers to limit travel within these countries, with many residents reported to be worried about the effect on their trade and incomes. The Telegraph reported from interviews, there is also resistance to some measures in Liberia, where there is a strong stigma attached to the disease. This has led to many people refusing to report the deaths of family members and hand their bodies over for cremation. There have also been cases of violence towards those seeking to enforce government measures to limit the disease’s spread.

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CanadaVOTES: Liberal Dr. Eric Hoskins running in Haldimand—Norfolk

On October 14, 2008, Canadians will be heading to the polls for the federal election. Liberal candidate Dr. Eric Hoskins is standing for election in the riding of Haldimand—Norfolk.

Wikinews contacted Dr. Eric Hoskins, to talk about the issues facing Canadians, and what they and their party would do to address them. Wikinews is in the process of contacting every candidate, in every riding across the country, no matter their political stripe. All interviews are conducted over e-mail, and interviews are published unedited, allowing candidates to impart their full message to our readers, uninterrupted.

For more information, visit the campaign’s official website, listed below.

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Widespread looting blamed for disrupted rescue efforts in New Orleans, Louisiana

Thursday, September 1, 2005

The Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, has ordered most of the local police force to stop rescue efforts and shift their efforts to prevent looting [1]. At the same time, FEMA has reportedly been blocking aid shipments into the city on the grounds that it is too dangerous.

A rescue helicopter attempting to retrieve stranded people from New Orleans’ Superdome stadium was reportedly shot at; but this has not yet been confirmed. A member of the National Guard was reportedly shot, but was not seriously injured. Official reports say that one New Orleans police officer was shot in the head, but was expected to survive. Other reports say that police stranded on the roof of a hotel were being fired upon by looters in the streets. Meanwhile, reports from many blogs and grassroots journalists about police officers looting cars and stores have started to filter up to the mainstream media [2].

Food, diapers, and other supplies are the target of most looters. Some are reportedly taking non-essential and luxury items, such as TVs and computers. Reportedly, gun and pawn shops are also a popular target for looting.

Earlier today, buses were taking the most vulnerable away to the state capital of Louisiana, Baton Rouge. Evacuees in the Superdome are also being moved by bus to the Astrodome in Houston, Texas.

US President George W. Bush, in an interview on ABC television, condemned the looting, saying “I think there ought to be zero tolerance of people breaking the law during an emergency such as this.”

A hospital in Gretna was evacuated after a supply truck carrying food, water and medical supplies was stopped at gunpoint. Spokesman Stephen Campanini estimated there to be approximately 350 employees in the hospital, along with between 125 and 150 patients. Campanini said, “There are physical threats to safety from roving bands of armed individuals with weapons who are threatening the safety of the hospital.”

Despite this, some of the other rumors of looting have proven to be false. One of the most prevalent was the story that armed looters laid siege to the Children’s Hospital. The Times-Picayune reported that this story was false.

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Success With Online Forex Trading

Success With Online Forex Trading


Queen Diana

To achieve success in online Forex trading, knowing how to trade isn\’t sufficient. Forex is one in every of the biggest and most liquid money market within the world. You need to know concerning the various things concerned in online Forex trading so as to create extra money. Data and A talent on the way to trade isn\’t enough.


Knowing the way to trade and to grasp concerning the foremost currencies traded are simply the fundamental of online Forex trading. To achieve success, we should always grasp further things like when to trade and what to trade. These are called trading strategy. What trading ways concerned in online Forex trading? There are a couple of, and it\’s used by some seasoned traders out there. The Leverage Forex Trading Strategy

is one in every of them. In this strategy, a Forex investor is allowed to borrow cash to increase his earning potential. This strategy is commonly used to maximize profit.

With this strategy, you\’ll flip your investment to 1:100 ratios with ease. But, the chance will be terribly high too. In order to attenuate the chance, furthermore because the loss, you can apply another strategy referred to as Stop Loss Orders Strategy. Stop Loss Orders Strategy allows a trader to make a predetermined purpose within the trade where he won\’t trade. This is how a trader minimizes the chance and loss with the earlier strategy. However, the trader could face the chance of stopping trades when the worth of the currency increases unexpectedly. Online Forex trading is one in every of the foremost liquid 24hr market in the world. Youll trade anytime and anywhere you wish. You can enter and exit the market as you want. Some traders only trade at a particular time. The most effective of all, there is no daily trading limit.Here are some tips which will assist you earn a lot of money: 1. The primary and therefore the last ticks are typically the foremost expensive. So, getting into late and obtaining out early is the safest follow. 2. After you are losing, minimize the chance of losing a lot of money. In different words, don\’t add cash. 3. Choose trades that move alongside the trends. In this way you\’ll minimize the chance of losing cash and maximize chances of profit. In Online Forex Trading

market, there are few tools you\’ll find which will assist you to create extra money. One in every of them is Forex Charts. This chart is employed to see market trends and to predict the longer term price of the currency. Of course it is not 100 percent correct however a minimum of the Forex chart will be used as a reliable guide to the trading market.

There are daily charts, hourly charts, quarter-hour charts and conjointly five minutes charts for you to browse. You need to grasp the way to browse and compare every of the information that you will realize within the chart, so as to identify market trends. However the foremost necessary is to identify potential cash making trends. Learning the way to browse Forex charts effectively will assist you minimize the chance of losing cash and conjointly to create you a successful trader. In online Forex trading, you ought to learn the way to attenuate the risks and maximize your earning potentials. Apply the correct ways and appearance out for a lot of trading tips. You can extremely create plenty of cash trading in Forex market. But typically, you\’ll create mistake and you\’ll lose cash. Never get discouraged. Analyze your mistake, work out a solution and earn back what you have got lost. Which will cause you to a true successful online Forex trader. Gold Forex Trades

is an independent investment company, established in 2010. We specialize in servicing the investor market and as such only deal in Good Delivery gold and silver bars and bullion coins.

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New Zealand Department of Conservation leaves Raoul Island, minus one

Friday, March 17, 2006

The New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC) made an emergency evacuation of staff from Raoul Island, the largest and northernmost of the Kermadec Islands, due to a volcanic eruption that occurred this morning at 8:21am (New Zealand Daylight Time).

A helicopter picked up the five available staff, but one missing staff member could not be found before it had to leave. The return journey is 2000km (1300 miles).

The missing man, aged in his 30s, failed to return “after going on a routine mission to check the water temperature of the lake,” according to Rolien Elliot, DOC Area Manager for Warkworth.

She said that when two of the others went to look for their colleague where he was thought to be, they “had to retreat due to further volcanic activity and the track being impassable with fallen trees and ash.”

The blast had significantly changed the island’s landscape.

“There’s been about five hectares of native bush cleared and a lot of mud and evidence of boulders and rocks that have been thrown out of the crater itself,” the helicopter pilot John Funnell said to One News.

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Food Bags For Your Food Storage

Food Bags for Your Food Storage



Food storage, or the practice of keeping and preserving foods, is a basic household tradition for many families, organizations or industries. Storing foods is being done usually by organizing different kinds of foods into kitchen containers or food bags and held secured to maintain long life and guarantee freshness.

The Importance of Food Storage

It is commonly advisable to store at least three month to one year supply of food so that individuals and families can come prepared in time of need. Following are the basic reasons why food storage is important:

Preparation for natural disaster. Anyone would not know when nature could slap the land. Food storage can give families confidence against calamities.


Personal emergency. As much as we are saving money for emergency, we should also save food in preparation for urgent situations. One example is if you are sick and you cannot go out the house to buy food, it is better to have one ready on the fridge.

Financial crisis or layoff. Unforeseen events like a financial crisis in your family or layoff from a job needs preparation. Even if you do not have enough money for buying as long as you have stored food in the kitchen, it would not be a problem.

Helping others during crises. We cannot only think of ourselves or just our immediate family in times of disasters. We should also be willing to give a hand to our neighbors and friends who might need our supply of food.

Using Food Bags for Storage

Storing of food can be convenient as possible by the use of food plastic bags. These are usually made of non-hazardous plastics, especially created to maintain freshness of any food and avoid spoiling. It is usually sealed with a zipper, with an easy opening or reclosing lock, or with a tie at the top. Food bags are generally clear-colored for easy vision of the food inside. To use food bags for your food storage, here are some easy know how s:

Grains should be stored in a well-sealed food bag to prevent moisture. This can be stored in a room temperature, just make sure it is away from water.

Meat should be put in a plastic food bag inside the freezer. This can last up to 5 days.

Fish or shellfish is not advisable for long time food storing. However, fish stored properly in the cold can last up to 3 days.

Fruits and vegetables fruits are supposed to be out in the air to maintain its freshness while vegetables are better kept inside food bags in the bottom compartment of the fridge.

Biscuits and breads can last for a couple of weeks as long as securely zipped in a food bag.

Food storage is not just so important for everyone but also very easy to do with the help of food bags.

For more information and tips about trash bags, food bags, plastic bags, please visit

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NFL: Packers defeat Lions 31–21, Lions become first team to finish season with 0-16 record

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Green Bay Packers defeated the Detroit Lions on Sunday evening by a final score of 31–21, effectively ending the Lions’ season with an 0-16 record. The game was played at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconsin and was televised by Fox in the United States. Kickoff was at 1:00 p.m. EDT. The Lions became the first National Football League franchise to complete an “imperfect season” (without a victory) since the introduction of the 16-game schedule in the 1978 NFL season. The winless season comes just a year after the New England Patriots did the reverse, accomplishing the NFL’s first “perfect” 16-0 regular season.

After trailing the game 14–0 entering the second quarter, Detroit rallied back to tie the game at 14 by the end of the third quarter. The Packers took a 10-point lead halfway through the fourth quarter with a field goal by kicker Mason Crosby (Green Bay 17 – Detroit 14) and then a touchdown pass from quarterback Aaron Rodgers to fullback John Kuhn (Green Bay 24 – Detroit 14). The Lions fought back with a rushing touchdown by Kevin Smith which left Detroit within three points of tying the game. However, just 11 seconds later, the Packers took possession and Aaron Rodgers completed a 71-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Donald Driver (Green Bay 31 – Detroit 21). The Packers held on to the lead for the remainder of the game to seal their sixth victory on the season.

Lions quarterback Dan Orlovsky was 22-of-42 for 225 yards with two touchdowns and two interceptions. Calvin Johnson led the Lions in receiving with 102 yards and touchdowns. Kevin Smith led the Lions in rushing with 92 yards and one touchdown.

For the Packers, quarterback Aaron Rodgers was 21-of-31 for 308 yards and three touchdowns, and running backs Ryan Grant and DeShawn Wynn rushed for 106 yards each. Wide receivers Donald Driver and Greg Jennings led the Packers in receiving, both tallying over 100 yards.

Prior to the Lions’ loss on Sunday, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were the only franchise since the 1970 AFL–NFL merger to finish a season without a victory or a tie. The 1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers finished their season with a 0-14 record. It was the Buccaneers franchise’s first season in the NFL. Tampa Bay also lost the first 12 games of the 1977 season, and the team’s 26-game losing streak is still the longest in NFL history. The 1982 Baltimore Colts were the most recent NFL team to not win a game in their respective season, failing to win in the strike-shortened 1982 season, posting an 0-8-1 record.

Scoring summary
Qtr Team Time Scoring play Extra point Score
1 GB 09:02 Wynn 73 yard TD run Crosby kick GB 7–0
1 GB 01:33 Finley 3 yard TD pass from Rodgers Crosby kick GB 14–0
2 DET 11:22 Johnson 9 yard TD pass from Orlovsky Hanson kick GB 14–7
3 DET 10:28 Johnson 14 yard TD pass from Orlovsky Hanson kick Tied 14–14
4 GB 13:38 Crosby 36 yard field goal GB 17–14
4 GB 08:40 Kuhn 5 yard TD pass from Rodgers Crosby kick GB 24–17
4 DET 07:38 Smith 9 yard TD run Hanson kick GB 24–21
4 GB 07:27 Driver 71 yard TD pass from Rodgers Crosby kick GB 31–21

The Lions’ loss was closely watched by some members of the 1976 Buccaneers team, including defensive end Pat Toomay. Toomay told reporters, “I would like the torch to be passed…At the same time, you don’t want to wish that on anybody.” Toomay also pointed out that although the Buccaneers lost every game in their inaugural season, the team reached the NFC Championship Game in their fourth season (1979).

Steve Spurrier, the quarterback for the Buccaneers in the 1976 season, voiced his support for the Lions in their quest to win their first game of the season, hoping that only the Buccaneers would hold the distinction of finishing an “imperfect season.”

“I want that record,” Spurrier said. “I’m pulling for them, sure,” Spurrier added. “That’s the American thing to do, isn’t it?”

Entering the game, the Lions were 10½-point underdogs against the Packers in spread betting. Lions tackle Gosder Cherilus likened the team’s chance to avoid the 0-16 finish as a championship game. “It’s our Super Bowl,” Cherilus told reporters on Friday, December 27.

Were the 2008 Lions the worst team in NFL history?
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The Lions surpassed the 1980 New Orleans Saints with their 15th consecutive loss on December 21 to become the first team in NFL history to lose the first 15 games of the season. The 1980 Saints lost their first 14 games, but won their 15th game against the New York Jets.

The closest margin that the Lions came to within victory was two points, which came against the Minnesota Vikings on October 12. Minnesota won the game by a score of 12–10. The 1976 Buccaneers suffered five shutout losses (in which they did not score a single point) in their winless season. The closest that the Buccaneers came within victory was a 23–20 loss to the Miami Dolphins on October 24, 1976.

Prior to the regular season, the Lions won all four of their games in the exhibition season, which do not count in regular season standings or totals.

While the loss didn’t come without a fight from the Lions, players from the team knew that they would be forever remembered as possibly the worst team in NFL history. “I’ve got to live with this,” Lions center Dominic Raiola said. “I’ve been here eight years. This is on my résumé.”

“I don’t ever want to be a part of this again,” Lions quarterback Dan Orlovsky said. “We haven’t won since, November of ’07, maybe? I don’t even know the last time we won a game.” The franchise’s last victory in the regular season was on December 23, 2007 against the Kansas City Chiefs.

Packers players were just as eager for a victory. Green Bay’s quarterback Aaron Rodgers said while their own season was disappointing, they didn’t want to be forever remembered as the team that lost to the 0-15 Lions in the final game of the season. “We didn’t want to lose, no, we didn’t,” Rodgers said. “But really it’s not on your mind once the game starts. I didn’t even think about it until the fans started chanting in the fourth quarter. They played hard, they really did.” Packers fans in attendance at Lambeau Field began to chant “0-16” late in the game.

With their victory, the Packers finished their 2008 season with a 6-10 record. With the loss, the Lions finished their 79th season since their inception as the Portsmouth Spartans in 1929. It was the Lions’ 75th season in Detroit, Michigan. The franchise also secured the first-overall selection in the upcoming 2009 NFL Draft, a spot reserved for the NFL team with the worst record from the previous season entering the upcoming season.

After the game, Lions head coach Rod Marinelli declined to comment on his future with the team. Since being hired in 2006, the Lions have had a 10-38 record under Marinelli. The Lions have averaged 11 losses per season since 2001 and now have lost 23 of their last 24 games. The 0-16 record could be a lasting testimony to the Matt Millen era. With Millen as president of the team from 2001 until he was fired on September 24, Detroit won only 31 games. Millen was widely criticized for his handling of the Lions organization, and Lions fans rallied to have him relieved of duties for years.

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Nine children abandoned at hospital emergency room in Nebraska, USA

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A man has abandoned his nine children at a hospital emergency room in Nebraska, but will not be prosecuted under Nebraska state law.

The children, whose ages range from 1 to 17 years old, were dropped off by their unnamed father at Saint Joseph Hospital at Creighton University Medical Center in Omaha on Wednesday evening. Authorities are still trying to find the children’s mother.

According to Nebraska’s ‘safe haven law’, the parents or caretaker of any children aged 17 and under are allowed to abandon them at any facility that has a valid license with the state. As a result, the parents would not be prosecuted for doing so. Originally the law was to prevent infants from being abandoned, but was recently amended to include toddlers and teenagers.

Since the law was changed, at least 14 children have been abandoned at hospitals and police stations in Nebraska. State law says that all facilities must keep a monthly count of all abandoned children.

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