3 Reasons You Should Consider Cosmetic Medicine In Decatur, Il

byAlma Abell

If you’re unhappy with an aspect of your appearance, you’re not alone. Many individuals have one thing they would like to change or improve about their physical appearance that would help them to feel more confident. If you are one of those individuals, you may want to consider a cosmetic procedure. Cosmetic procedures range from simple facial injections to liposuction. Whatever you want to correct and improve, there is a procedure out there that can help.

It’s important to feel happy, confident, and comfortable in your own body. Which is why you may want to consider cosmetic medicine for yourself. However, there are many more benefits of cosmetic procedures as well. Below are three reasons you should consider cosmetic medicine in Decatur, IL.

Improve Facial Wrinkles and Blemishes

If you have facial lines, wrinkles, acne, age spots, or any other blemishes you wish you didn’t have, cosmetic procedures can help. There are many treatments, including injections, laser therapy, and dermabrasion, that can help with any of the issues above.

When you consult with a specialist, he or she will be able to help you select a treatment, or treatments, that are right for you in helping to improve your problem areas. Visit us and learn more by clicking here.

Treat Hair Loss

One of the more popular cosmetic procedures out there is hair transplantation. Hair transplants help to regrow hair after hair loss. This is very popular with individuals who experienced hair loss due to genetics.

Improve Your Appearance

Cosmetic medicine is designed to help improve your appearance and restore your confidence. If you aren’t comfortable with your appearance, you can improve it. While you are beautiful no matter what, you can absolutely benefit from cosmetic procedures if they will help restore or increase your self-esteem.


This is the category for tattoos, a form of body modification using ink and a needle.

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Wreckage of Kenya Airways flight 507 found in jungle; All 114 on board killed

Monday, May 7, 2007

The latest information on the Kenya Airways information website states, “Kenya Airways regrets to confirm that its Flight KQ 507 from Douala to Nairobi has been located on a mangrove swamp, 20 km southeast of Douala, on the planned flight path.” The website also indicates that search and rescue operations have been initiated. There are no survivors.

Flight KQ 507 had 8 crew members, 106 passengers and a flight engineer on board, and was traveling from Abidjan to Nairobi. It made a stopover in Douala, Cameroon where more passengers got on the plane before it continued on its flight. The plane sent a distress signal at 2:00 a.m., just after it took off from Cameroon, but it is not known what triggered the distress signal. The plane was supposed to land at 6:15 a.m. local time, but never arrived. It left Abidjan at 11:05 p.m. local time in Nairobi.

“All I can say for now is that the wreckage of the plane has been located in the small village of Mbanga Pongo, in the Douala III subdivision. Access to the area is very difficult. We are beginning a new painful phase. Our task will be more difficult now, the task of recovering the corpses,” said Hamidou Yaya Marafa, Cameroon’s Minister of State for Territorial Administration, during a press conference.

So far only small portions of the plane have been found, as much of the plane is reported to be underwater.

“The plane fell head first. Its nose was buried in the mangrove swamp,” said chief of meteorology for the Douala airport, Thomas Sobakam.

Reports say that many of the remains of the individuals on board the plane are dismembered and when rescuers attempt to recover the remains, they fall apart in their hands.

“It’s devastating. I found one or two whole bodies at the start, but since then everything is in pieces. People were afraid of the bodies at the start, so I had to pick them up with my own hands, and they came apart in my fingers,” said Captain of Cameroon’s fire department, Francis Ekosso.

There were passengers from 26 different countries on the plane, not including the 9 crew members from Kenya (see list below). Kenya Airways has released the names of all passengers on board Flight KQ 507 (see external links below).

The area where the plane went down is reported to be thick with forest, and difficult to reach. Local Fisherman are said to have lead rescuers to the crash site after they heard a “boom” and saw “disturbances in the water.”

“We are told the aircraft was covered by a canopy of trees, and that was the delay in sighting the crash site. The mangrove area is a very tricky area, access is very difficult. I think they will use trekking and boats,” added Marafa.

Earlier the chief meteorologist for the airport in Douala, Cameroon, Thomas Sobakam said that “signs” of Flight KQ 507 were located, but also said that what was located was not wreckage. Sabakam also said that the reports that wreckage had been found were “premature.”

The cause of the crash is under investigation, but officials say the plane took off in bad weather and are looking into whether engine failure played a role or not. At least one black box from the plane has been found, but its not known if it was the flight data recorder or the cockpit voice recorder.

The next scheduled press briefing will be on Monday, May 7 at 10:00 a.m. local time.

  • 37: Cameroonians
  • 15: Indians
  • 9: Kenyan crew members
  • 7: South Africans
  • 6: Nigerians; Ivorians
  • 5: British, Chinese
  • 3: Nigerians
  • 2: Central African Republic; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Equatorial Guinea;
  • 1: Burkina Faso; Comoros; Congo-Brazzaville; Egyptian; Ghanaian; Malian; Mauritius; Mauritanian; Senegalese; South Korean; Swede; Swiss; Tanzanian; Togolese; American

An international passenger information centre has been opened by Kenya Airways in South Africa where all questions can be addressed.

The public inquiry number is +27 11 2071100

A local passenger information centre in Kenya has been opened by Kenya Airways at the Intercontinental Hotel where all questions can be addressed.

The public inquiry numbers are +254-20-3200353, +254-20-3200354, and +254-20-3274349.

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Gps Navigation: Then, Now, And The Future

Submitted by: Benjamin Adamson

The Global Positioning System has been active for sometime, with a number of upgrades. The origins were military, aviation, and seafaring consumers. In the old days, navigators would use the positions of stars to figure out where they were, and where they were headed. Some of them were quite effective at this. GPS navigation isn’t that much different!

GPS navigation involves multiple satellites in the earths atmosphere transmitting signals to devices that can then determine there current location on the ground. With advances in computerizations these devices have been extended to do about the same that old world navigators would do, and much more.

The satellites began being launched in 1978 and since they have accumulated a network of 24 of them globally. These satellites give full coverage for GPS navigation everywhere with reasonable accuracy. To the consumer that part is free. There is no service charge to pay for that; though additional maps and other features that don’t originate from these satellites may have fees.

The Many Uses For GPS Navigation


One of the earliest places that enjoyed widespread GPS navigation would have to be aviation of all sizes. Pilots found it easy to chart their systems to keep them on track for various airports using either ground signals or those from the satellites. Today GPS is a major use in this area.

Later it entered the consumer market in expensive luxury vehicles. GPS navigation features showed up in a number of foreign vehicles and in the well known on-star system in the states. Cab drivers have had similar add-on features as have other public services as well.

Over recent years, inexpensive portable units have cemented GPS navigation as a useful option for nearly anyone traveling anywhere. Whether on roads, water, air, or out in the middle of no-where; this handy moving compass with even mapping has proven very valuable.

In other words, today you can have the benefit of many navigators of old, in the palm of your hand; the GPS navigation unit. It’s coming to the point now where official forms sometimes include latitude and longitude.

GPS Navigation into the Future

This technology is still growing and there are many combinations and ideas yet to try. New innovations in GPS navigation devices are coming out monthly. Combined with computers and nearly any other portable media device; many new trends will result. CallerID is nothing compared to the possibilities of GPS combined with the cellular phone. These features are already out there. Though they are still in infancy compared to what is possible.

Combined with transmitters, GPS has been used to track stolen property. With a few simple actions, location can be in shortly and the authorities on the way to recovery. This is possible in relatively small components concealed on the traceable items.

The possibilities are endless. Watch the headlines on GPS navigation and you will find much amazement. Now that you know more; you may want to do some shopping as GPS navigation might be your next favorite toy!

About the Author: Perhaps you would like to know more about a


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gpstrackingsystemsite.comSource: isnare.com

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Wikinews investigates: Advertisements disguised as news articles trick unknowing users out of money, credit card information

 Notice — May 19, 2010 This article has been judged, by consensus of the Wikinews community, not to meet Wikinews standards of style and neutrality. Please see the relevant discussion for details. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Internet has already brought great things to the world, but has also brought spam, phishing, scamming, etc. We all have seen them across the Internet. They promise money, weight loss, or other things a person may strive for, but they usually amount to only a lighter pocket. Online advertising has become something that the increasingly Internet-reliant society has become used to, as well as more aware of. As this is true, online ads have become more intricate and deceptive in recent years.

However, a certain type of advertisement has arisen recently, and has become more deceptive than any other Internet ad, and has tricked many users into credit card charges. These sites claim to be news websites that preach a “miracle product”, and they offer a free trial, and then charge the user’s credit card a large amount of money without informing them after the trial ends. These sites appear to be operating under one venture and have caught ad pages of high-traffic websites by storm. In this report, Wikinews’ Tjc6 investigates news advertisement sites.

These Internet ads work in different ways:

Hypothetically speaking, a reader is browsing the web, and then happens to come across something that they believe is too good to be true. A link on one of these high-traffic pages promises white teeth, weight loss, or huge profits from working at home part-time. Out of curiosity, they click on the link.

This is the way that people are attracted to these fake news sites on the internet. The domain owners draw in customers by purchasing advertising on some of the World Wide Web’s most visited pages. Curious users click and are led to what they believe is a news article. From anti-aging to shedding weight, these “articles” from non-existant newspapers and television stations depict a skeptical news reporter trying a product because they were instructed to by a superior.

As the user reads on, they find that the “reporter” miraculously achieves significant weight loss, teeth whitening, or other general health and beauty improvement. The reporter states that the reader can get the same results as they did by using a “free trial” of the product.

Next, the user looks to the bottom of the page, where there seems to be a set of user comments, all of them praising the product or products that are advertised — this is where we first see something suspicious. Across several of these false articles, the comments appear to show the exact same text, sometimes with even the same usernames as other sites.

There is obviously some kind of correlation. Although this appears to be true, most users who purchase these products do not look at multiple versions of these similar pages of what appears to be a fast-growing network of interconnected fake news sites.

Once customers have convinced themselves into buying the product, they are led to a product (or products) website which promises a free trial for a very low price. What they do not know about this, however, is that they are giving their credit card data to a company that will charge it automatically after the trial ends. In about 14 days, the user receives a charge on their credit card for an excessive amount of money, usually from about $80 to $100 (USD). All attempts to contact these companies and cancel their shipments usually prove to be futile.

What these sites have is a large amount of legal copy located at the bottom of each site, stating their right to charge the user. This site, a fake news article claiming to offer teeth-whitening benefits, has several paragraphs of fine print, including this: “…Upon signing up for the 10 day trial membership you will be charged up to $4.97 depending on various shipping and initial offer promotions at that time but not more than $4.97 upon signing. If not cancelled, you will be charged $89.97 upon completion of the 10 day trial period. Monthly thereafter or 30 days from the original order date, the charge will reoccur monthly at a total of $89.97 until cancelled…,” the site says.

Practices like this have alerted the Better Business Bureau, an American organization that studies and reports on the reliability and practices of US businesses. In a press release, a spokesman from the BBB spoke out against sites like this. “Many businesses across the country are using the same selling model for their products: They lure customers in with claimed celebrity endorsements and free trial offers, and then lock them in by making it extremely difficult to cancel the automatic delivery of more products every month…,” said the report that denounced the websites.

When a user looks at several of these sites, they notice that all of them have the same exact structure. Because of this, Wikinews decided to look into where some of the domains were owned, and if they were all in fact part of one company.

However, the results that Wikinews found were ones that were not expected. Out of the three random websites that were found in Internet ads, all using similar designs and methods to attract the customers, came from three different locations in three countries and two separate continents. The first came from Scottsdale, in the United States, while the next two came from Vancouver and Hamburg. There is no location correlation, but surely, there has to be something that connected these sites together. We had to look even further to try to find a connection.

What do you think of these sites? Have you ever fallen for an advertisement similar to this one?
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There is some correlation within the product’s contact information. A large amount of the teeth-whitening products analyzed actually shared the same phone number, which lead to a distribution center located in St. Petersburg, Florida, and several other similar distribution centers located across the Southern United States. But, that explains only one of the categories of products that these websites cover, teeth whitening.

What about the other products? The other products such as weight loss and work-at-home kits all trace back to similar distribution centers in similar places. So, what do we make of all of this?

There is obviously some company that promotes these products through the fake news advertisements, but that company is nowhere to be found on the websites. All contact information is given on the product pages, and websites are copyrighted under the name of the domain, not a company. Whatever company has been the setup for these pages has been very good at hiding themselves from the Internet, as there is no information across the web about that mysterious large advertiser.

As a result of customers buying the products and having unauthorized charges on their credit cards, a large volume of complaints are currently present on awareness sites, complaint sites, and even the Better Business Bureau. Several customers point out that they were not informed of the steep charges and the company made it extremely difficult to cancel their subscription, usually resulting in the loss of several hundred dollars.

  • The trial offer was to pay for $3.95 for the cost of the shipping for one bottle. I noticed shortly after placing the order I had a charge on my credit card for $149.95. Unknown to myself the company charges for a membership if you don’t cancel within 14 days, I cancelled within 18 days…When I called the customer service number they told me the decision has been made and my refund request was denied. When I questioned the person on the other line about what I was getting for my $149.95 she told me I was not getting anything because I cancelled the membership.
?“Tamara”, in a post to the Ripoff Report
  • This is a “free sample” scam: Pay only postage and handling and get a free sample of a tooth whitening system, they say. I looked for the “catch,” something that would indicate that there’d be hidden or recurring charges, but didn’t see anything, and ordered. Sure enough, a couple of weeks later, I see a charge for $88.97 on my bank statement…When I called, the guy answering the phone had obviously answered the same angry question many, many times: “Why has your company charged $88.97 to my card?” “Because you didn’t cancel your subscription in time,” he said tiredly.
?“Elenor”, in a post to the Ripoff Report

One notable lawsuit has occurred as a result of these articles. Some of the articles about work at home kits specifically advertise things like “work for Google”, or “job openings at Google”. However, Google asserts these claims as false and has taken the case to court, as it is a copyright violation. “Thousands of people have been tricked into sending payment information and being charged hidden fees by questionable operations,” said Google in a statement.

The BBB has received over 3,000 complaints about products such as the ones that Google took offense to. The lawsuit has yet to begin in court, and no date has been set.

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Disney has high hopes for new ‘Ferb’ Christmas special

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Walt Disney Company has today announced the inclusion of a Christmas special in its animated comedy series Phineas and Ferb. The special, entitled “Phineas and Ferb’s Christmas Vacation,” will follow the series’ protagonists, stepbrothers Phineas and Ferb, trying to spread Christmas cheer across their city after the mad scientist Dr. Doofenshmirtz uses a machine to cancel the holiday.

Disney has high expectations for the special. On November 27, the company will stream one of the seven musical numbers that will be showcased in the special on its public radio network Radio Disney. The official special is set to air accordingly the following month on December 6, 2009, on the company’s cable network Disney XD. Soon after, it will air on fellow Disney networks Disney Channel and ABC Family.

It’s a really sweet, warm special that we’re really proud to have our name on.

The crew of the series too have high hopes for the Christmas special. Zac Moncrief, who directed the special, announced that he believes it will “go down in history as a cartoon classic.” When asked about the special, co-creator Jeff “Swampy” Marsh explained, “It’s kind of intimidating. You sit down and think, ‘This is something that’s going to live at Christmas for a long, long time.'” Dan Povenmire, the other co-founder, said of his excitement over the featured musical numbers, “[H]opefully they’ll be songs that this generation of kids will think of as Christmas songs the same way that kids think of ‘Dahoo dore’ (from ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas‘) or ‘Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer.'”

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Making Money Made Easy With A Forex Trading Robot

Making Money Made Easy With A Forex Trading Robot


Deane Alban

It can be very difficult to learn all that there is to know about the complicated Forex market. There are many different variables you need to understand and consider with each trade. The foreign exchange markets are huge and complex. But Forex trading is very appealing because it can be so very lucrative. That is why you should consider an auto Forex trading system or Forex trading robot to cut through the complexities.


An automated system can do everything from taking almost complete control of your Forex trading to just giving you helpful advice. There are benefits to both ways of trading, depending on your personal needs and preferences. We’ll look at some of the benefits of both ways in the following paragraphs. An auto Forex trading system can benefit someone who has never even looked at the Forex market before, but would like to trade. If you are a complete Forex newbie and have no idea how to get started trading, then an automatic Forex trading system would be the way for you to go. You can purchase then install automated Forex trading software on to your computer and let it do all the work for you. These programs can take less than five minutes to install. These Forex trading robots are incredible. It will do anything you need it to do. It computes the best time to buy and and the best time to sell. It does this by doing the homework for you and deciding which currencies and timeframes will make a good trade. Then it will automatically do the buying and selling for you! Using a Forex robot can be totally hands off, if that is what you choose to do. If you are a person that knows a lot about the Forex market and doesn’t want some automated trading system running the show, auto Forex software can still benefit you. Sometimes even the best traders make bad decisions. And try as you might, you are only human and it is almost impossible to not let your emotions get in the way of making sound, logical trading decisions. And this is where a Forex robot can help. The automated trading system doesn’t have to make all the trades for you on autopilot, because you can adjust the settings so that you have more control over the trades that you want to make. An automated trading system will help you by providing valuable information that you might have missed. It can show you with total objectivity what it finds are the best trading moves to make. Using the Forex robot can be like getting a professional second opinion, which is always a good idea when doing anything important. So when you’re looking for the best and easiest way to make money trading Forex, consider an auto Forex trading system. It can benefit you if you have just started trading Forex, and it can benefit you even if you have been doing it for years.

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Rage Against The Machine top UK singles chart

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rock band Rage Against The Machine have beaten Joe McElderry to become the UK’s official Christmas number one, following one of the biggest battles in the history of the UK Singles Chart. Their song Killing in the Name pushed the X Factor winner’s new single The Climb into second place.

A Facebook campaign backing the American band aimed to stop an X Factor winner reaching the Christmas number one spot once again. Artists from the TV talent show, owned by music mogul Simon Cowell, have taken the festive top spot for four years in a row. The group attracted over 900,000 members and widespread press attention, after it was started by Jon and Tracy Morter.

“Are you getting fed up about the possibility of ANOTHER X-Factor Christmas No.1? …us too…so we’re going to do something about it!,” they said on the group’s Facebook page. They decided to back “Killing In The Name”, first released in 1992.

Cowell had previously branded the campaign “cynical”, but on Saturday contacted the Morters to congratulate them on making a “very exciting race for the Christmas number one”. The campaign has also raised over £69,000 for homeless charity Shelter.

Rage Against The Machine guitarist Tom Morello had backed the campaign on Twitter. He announced that the band would play a free victory gig in the UK if they reached number one.

The result was announced on BBC Radio 1‘s chart show this evening by Scott Mills. McElderry had been due to appear on the show, but did not arrive.

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On the campaign trail, October 2012

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The following is the twelfth and final edition of a monthly series chronicling the U.S. 2012 presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after a brief mention of some of the month’s biggest stories.

In this month’s edition on the campaign trail: a fan of Wikinews asks a critical question at the Second presidential debate; Gary Johnson discusses Syria and foreign intervention with Wikinews, and three candidates give the their final plea to voters ahead of the November 6 election.

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Greater Noida Property @ 9811414970 Sri Krishna Estates || Real Estate Agents In Greater Noida|| Flats For Sale

Submitted by: Real Estate05

Greater Noida Property @ 9811414970 Sri Krishna Estates || Real Estate Agents in Greater Noida|| Flats for Sale Greater Noida apartment: purchase happiness for you Everyone dreams of having his own apartment and attempts are made for accessing this one of most important needs of life. Comfort and convenience are some factors which make difference between two homes. And if your home is in most structured city with proximity to National Capital, you feel proud to be a homeowner. Here we are talking of property deals in Greater Noida. Apartment in this city, with integrated and well engineering services, is not an unassailable thing. Currently, there are number of players in reality sector who are offering this kind of facility with affordable range of price. Noida is, no doubt, one of most popular cities in India. Here, people are in hunt to purchase property and apartments. In Real estate sector, Noida has its own image. Because of this popularity, People are shifting to Noida from its nearby cities. Infrastructure development and moderate growth attract people to be residents of Noida. Increasing number of IT companies and BPO centers along with other commercial centers is the main reason of demand increment for homes and properties. The city is depicting the home seekers because of its urbanization, wide roads and open environment. Thus, the city has its own identity in real estate sector. Why Apartment in Greater Noida ? Well attachment with Delhi and NCR through Metro and Roads Affordable rates of lands and properties compare to Delhi and Gurgaon Leads the aspiration to mountain high platform through world class lifestyle, luxuries multiplexes, convenient workplaces and ever lasting pleasure Green environment with innovative infrastructure. Easy availability of affordable apartment at prime location. Ample opportunities of employment No problem of water and electricity People are moving towards this city for quality and luxury life. The infrastructure facilities like hospital, schools, gardens, shopping complexes and proximity to capital Delhi attract people towards this industrial area. This increasing demand of residential houses and commercial places in Noida has some positive as well as some negative impacts. Hike in price has created a problem for middle class people. But still we have handful option to avail cheap and best property in this neighbor city of Delhi.


Real Estate industry in India is getting matured. Positive impact is leading the companies to adopt the management style instead of being self styled construction group. In NCR, especially in Noida, there are a number of real estate professional, offering economical and pioneering solutions to all your commercial property needs. Depending on your budget and requirement, you can acquire property in this area without any hassle. With modern, efficient and comprehensive infrastructure, Noida is a model integrated Industrial Township. It has created a benchmark for urban planning and infrastructure development through its superb quality of life both at home and at work. Noida is one of popular cities in India due to its potential growth and infrastructure development. This city is getting change into most urbanized and smart city of India with its tall commercial and residential buildings and wide roads. With passing of time, demand for property and Real Estate is increasing rapidly in Noida. The city has become the hub of a lot of IT and software companies.

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About the Author: Shri Krishan Esates is offering details of




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