Archives 2020

Uterine Fibroid Treatment With Rf Ablasion Moore

byAlma Abell

Rf Ablasion Moore uses high-energy waves in order to interrupt pain signals. While there are a number of areas of the body that this treatment can be used on, one of the most common is for destroying uterine fibroids. When this is used, the uterus is able to be preserved.

The procedure is considered a minimally invasive one that is done in an out-patient setting. If you opt for this type of treatment for uterine fibroids, you can expect:

* The surgeon you use to map out your uterus for the fibroids.

* A small incision to be made to insert the hand piece of the machine into the uterus. Then small needles will be inserted into every fibroid to apply the energy.

* The tissues that are normal in the uterus will not be affected and the tissue that is destroyed will be reabsorbed.

Is this procedure safe?

Using Rf Ablasion Moore for the treatment of uterine fibroids has been proven extremely safe. Prior to administering the procedure, your doctor will cover all of the treatment possibilities with you in order to discuss the benefits and risks of each option.

What are the specific advantages of this treatment over other options for getting rid of uterine fibroids?

There are a number of advantages offered by this treatment for uterine fibroids, which include:

* A much shorter recovery period and the ability to return to your normal activities quickly.

* Reduction of all symptoms related to or caused by fibroids.

* Improvement of your quality of life.

* Very low rates of complications.

* The need for smaller incisions than other procedures.

* Only a small possibility of scarring.

Will the treatment be painful?

The treatment will be completed after you are giving general anesthesia, which means that you will not experience any pain while it is being done. After completion, there may be some mild discomfort in your abdominal area.

If you are interested in the treatment, talk with Dr Darryl D Robinson for more information. He will be able to provide you with the results you need. You can also discuss if this is the right treatment option for your particular needs. Visit website for more information.

India: Maharashtra plastic ban comes into force

Monday, June 25, 2018

On Saturday, the plastic ban in the Indian state of Maharashtra came into force. In an attempt to minimise pollution, the state government has introduced a ban on single-use plastics.

The leader of the Yuya Sena political party, Aaditya Thackeray, said on Twitter, “The ban on single use disposable plastic cups, plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic plates and cutlery, styrofoam cutlery and non woven bags”. He added, “these are global issues now and we have taken a step to combat it”.

Plastic pollution has led to the choking of drains, marine pollution and a risk of animals consuming plastics. This year, India’s motto for World Environment Day — June 5 — was “Beat Plastic Pollution”. People violating the plastic ban are to face a fine of 5,000 Indian Rupees (INR) for the first offence. For the second offence, the fine is INR 10,000 and the third time offence is INR 25,000 and a three-month prison term. Deputy municipal commissioner Nidhi Choudhary said, “To weed out corruption, we plan to give inspectors payment gadgets for electronic receipts of the fines”.

The Maharashtra government has given a 90-day period for manufacturers to dispose of existing polyethylene terephthalate (PET/PETE) plastic spoons and plates, while shopkeepers and citizens in general have six months to dispose of plastics. However, the ban does not prohibit plastic usage for wrapping medicines or milk cartons thicker than 50 microns.

The state government had announced the decision for the plastic ban on March 23. According to NDTV’s report, Maharashtra is the eighteenth Indian state to enforce a state-wide plastic ban. Aaditya Thackeray also said, “I congratulate the citizens for making this into a movement, even before the ban was enforceable, giving up single use disposable plastic.”

Latest trial of the One Laptop Per Child running in India; Uruguay orders 100,000 machines

Thursday, November 8, 2007

India is the latest of the countries where the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) experiment has started. Children from the village of Khairat were given the opportunity to learn how to use the XO laptop. During the last year XO was distributed to children from Arahuay in Peru, Ban Samkha in Thailand, Cardal in Uruguay and Galadima in Nigeria. The OLPC team are, in their reports on the startup of the trials, delighted with how the laptop has improved access to information and ability to carry out educational activities. Thailand’s The Nation has praised the project, describing the children as “enthusiastic” and keen to attend school with their laptops.

Recent good news for the project sees Uruguay having ordered 100,000 of the machines which are to be given to children aged six to twelve. Should all go according to plan a further 300,000 machines will be purchased by 2009 to give one to every child in the country. As the first to order, Uruguay chose the OLPC XO laptop over its rival from Intel, the Classmate PC. In parallel with the delivery of the laptops network connectivity will be provided to schools involved in the project.

The remainder of this article is based on Carla G. Munroy’s Khairat Chronicle, which is available from the OLPC Wiki. Additional sources are listed at the end.

Scottish football team Hibernian appoint new manager

Friday, November 25, 2011

Scottish football team Hibernian F.C. (Hibs) have appointed Pat Fenlon as their new manager. Fenlon signed the contract at Hibs’ Easter Road home ground in the capital, Edinburgh.

[Hibernian are] a club with a rich history and proud traditions.

Fenlon left Bohemian F.C., an Irish football team he managed since 2008, so that he could manage Hibernian, which he is “really excited by”. Fenlon’s management career has previously remained in his native Ireland. From 2002, Fenlon managed Shelbourne F.C., which won the UEFA Cup in three of the five seasons he managed the team for. Fenlon went on to manage Derby City in 2007 before taking the managing position at Bohemians. According to Fenlon, Hibernian are “a club with a rich history and proud traditions.” Fenlon’s Hibs contract will last until the conclusion of 2013 / 2014 football season.

Hibs have now had five managers in as many years. Colin Calderwood is the most recent before Fenlon, being removed from his position on November 6 after twelve months managing the team. In that time they played in forty-nine matches and won in twelve of them. Calderwood has since gone on to become part of Birmingham City F.C., a football team based in the English city of Birmingham.

At the end of the previous football season, Hibernian F.C. placed tenth. As it stands, the team are currently ninth in the Scottish Premier League table. In reference to what he called the “quality players on Hibernian’s playing staff”, Fenlon stated that “there will need to be a lot of hard work and a clear change in mindset shown collectively by the team” and that a major target for them will be “to provide winning football to the Hibernian supporters, who have gone through some hard times recently.”

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File photo of Pat Fenlon from 2007 Image: Maiden City Images.

Easter Road, the home ground for Hibernian F.C., as seen in 2010. Image: Jeff Winter.

Map of Edinburgh, Scotland. Hibernian F.C. is based in Leith, in the north of the city. Image: OpenStreetMap.

File photo of former Hibernian F.C. manager Colin Calderwood from 2007. Image: Jonesy702.

Sony Ait 3 Compatibilty With Sdx 700 C/Bm Tape Drive

Sony AIT-3 compatibilty with SDX-700C/BM tape drive



It doesn t matter how large or small your organization or business is, one thing is certain that you will be required to manage extensive amounts of data today and in future. Availability and integrity of corporate informationis essential for business continuity.

You can effectively overcome these issues with

Sony s AIT storage tape


AIT (advanced intelligent tape) is a space-efficient tape medium that has been engineered by Sony. It is amazing to know that size of AIT cartridge is almost 1/3rd of the competing tape technologies. Furthermore, Sony has decreased the tape area and tape length of AIT cartridge by 27% and 40% as a result.. Sony significant increase of data density will allow the small-sized AIT tape cartridges to accommodate increased amount of data.


Sony has no doubt designed a highly dependable 700C/BM internal AIT-3 tape drive that delivers unmatched performance in financial instutions, desktop workstations, small businesses, mid-range computing systems and departmental servers.

Sony 700C/BM drive has a recording capacity 100GB native data on

AIT-3 tape

cartridge. Capacity of Sony AIT-3 tape is twice as that of AIT-2 cartridge, which can accommodate 50GB data.

Stringent data retention laws has made it more intense for data storage. Fulfilling government regulations is the top priority of every organization. That is why Sony produced WORM mechanism that stores the data in a non-erasable format. Therefore the data cannot chaged, which puts a stop to inadvertent over writings and common operating errors. SDX3-100C is the part number of re-writable AIT3 tape, whereas SDX3-100W AIT-3 cartridge supports WORM technology.

Sony 700C/BM drive performs cost-effective backup operations at a blazig pace of 12MB/second (native). Most convincing and powerful attribute of AIT technology is the higher compression ratio of 2.6 to 1. That entails the facts and numbers move rate will seamlessly accelerate to 31 MB/second and the facts and numbers notes capability will continue to 260 GB.

Other dependable and high presentation backup media formats for SMB market are RDX computer disk cartridge, SDLTtape, Travan TR7tape, LTO ultrium tape, slr-140 tape, VXA tape and DDS tape.

Sony 700C/BM tape drive can be flexibly utilised with AIT-1, AIT-2 and AIT-3 backup tapes. All of these three AIT versions are completely write/read matching, which double-checks robust defence of your buying into in preceding AIT generations. Head geometry of Sony 700C/BM propel has been redesigned, which has assisted to decrease tape friction and force on tape reel throughout read/write operations. As a outcome, the head life has been considerably increased to 50,000 hours along with an spectacular MTBF (mean time between failures) ranking of 400000.

Sony AIT-3 tape solution is an economical alternative for today s facts and numbers intensive enterprise applications. You can seamlessly establish the 700C/BM tape drive is a broader variety of convoluted IT environments. Sony 700C/BM tape drivel characteristics a built-in super head cleaner which assists to the smaller upkeep cost. Thanks to the super head cleaner scheme, the normal use of cleansing cartridge will furthermore be reduced.

Clear and scalable AIT roadmap enables the organizations to make better plans for their data protection needs, without the fear of losing their data stored on the previous generation AIT tapes.

Product and software names mentioned throughout this article are trademarks and are sole property of their owners.

AIT 3 tape is a high performance backup storage technology. offers high quality LTO tapes, DDS tapes and Sony SDX3-100C AIT-3 cartridges at cost effective price. Alisia DicaprioIT Devicesonline7172 Regional Street,CA United States 94568, United

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US swimmer Phelps suspended over ‘pot pipe’

Friday, February 6, 2009

United States swimmer Michael Phelps has been banned from competition and his training stipend revoked for three months by USA Swimming after Phelps was photographed smoking from a glass pipe, often used for smoking cannabis. The picture was published last Sunday by British tabloid News of the World.

USA Swimming, which is the governing body of swimming in the United States, however said that no “anti-doping” rules had been violated.

“This is not a situation where any anti-doping rule was violated, but we decided to send a strong message to Michael because he disappointed so many people, particularly the hundreds of thousands of USA Swimming member kids who look up to him as a role model and a hero,” it stated. “Michael has voluntarily accepted this reprimand and has committed to earn back our trust.”

Should Phelps have been punished at all? If so, was the punishment strict enough?
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The suspension will end in time for Phelps to train for the US Championships, which are to be held on the 7th of July.

Phelps has also lost sponsor Kellogg, who said that it would not renew its deal with the swimmer next month.

Phelps won a record eight gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing last year, and has since become one of the world’s most famous athletes.

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Tim Curry, TV premiere screenings, cosplay feature at Fan Expo Canada

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Toronto pop culture convention Fan Expo Canada has wrapped for another year. It ran from Thursday to Sunday. Major panels included Tim Curry and the cast of Rocky Horror Picture Show, Beauty and the Beast voices Robby Benson and Paige O’Hara, actors Kathleen Turner, Richard Dreyfuss, Anthony Daniels, Felicia Day, and child leads from Stranger Things. Canadian television channel Space hosted a Star Trek: Discovery panel with seven lead cast members. On the heels of sister event Toronto Comic Con’s Degrassi reunion event, the lineup included a twentieth anniversary panel with the stars of another Canadian high school television series, Student Bodies.

Heading into its fourth and final season, attendees got a chance to see the season opener of Star Wars: Rebels on Saturday, followed by a panel. The event has had a continuing relationship with the series, screening other episodes previously. The second season premiere of the sci-fi series Travelers was accompanied by a panel including Eric McCormack. Canadian true-crime drama Bad Blood had its world premiere. Other debuts included broadcaster City with the Canadian premiere of Ghosted, with Craig Robinson in attendance, Teletoon with the Canadian premiere of Hotel Transylvania: The Series, and YTV with the new animated series Mysticons.

Anime fans could watch episodes of their favourite shows, including AKB0048, Otaku No Video, Hana Yamata, My Hero Academia, Fairy Tail, and Penguindrum.

The book Star Wars Made Easy, targeted to non-fans to get up to speed on the fictional universe’s various facts and figures, was ironically launched by DK Canada for a room of fans of the franchise. Author Christian Blauvelt answered questions from the audience on topics like his opinion on Midiclorians — he understands fan contention, but suggested that science and religion can co-exist, like in the real world — quizzed the audience on trivia, and signed copies of his book.

Some panels were quite ahead of the curve: one on Star Wars costume and prop building discussed building Porgs figures, despite the film The Last Jedi not being released to theatres yet.

York Regional Police were at the event with United and Unity, two brightly lit characters of their own creation. The force received funding in 2014 from the Provincial Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy to create a short film featuring the character United, receiving positive recognition locally. “Our United superhero program is part of our on-going efforts to connect with our community and show police in a different light,” YRP Constable Andy Pattenden told Wikinews. He explains that the officers who developed the project have a background in film-making, and “serve as an opportunity for us to start a conversation with youth and connect with them at a non-traditional level.”

Star Wars character Jabba the Hutt, a puppet in the 1983 film Return of the Jedi, was re-created by the 501st Legion as an animatronic. The 501st is a fan group that dresses like the series villains for charitable events, particularly those raising funds for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The new addition to their annual display commanded long lineups throughout the day, from con-goers looking to donate in exchange for a photo-op with the massive, slug-like alien.

As with most major conventions, cosplayers were numerous, ranging from simple outfits that wouldn’t raise an eyebrow if worn from day-to-day, to elaborately-created costumes and giant props. Outfits recognized by Wikinews’ reporter ranged from classic characters like the 1960s version of Batgirl and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, a character created by Walt Disney in 1927, before Mickey, to 2010s characters from creative works like Undertale, Disney Descendants, League of Legends, and Adventure Time. Few characters are too obscure, if they appeal to a fan: the female avatar of “hivemind” character Unity, from a single episode of Rick and Morty, was spotted. One woman “biting” another woman’s arm would be cause for concern most places, but at a pop culture convention, it simply means that “Lilo” is re-enacting a scene with “Mertle”, as seen in the film Lilo and Stitch.

Wikinews talked with Cheryl, the co-host of the weekly video series “Our Didnee Side”, who was dressed as Gadget Hackwrench, a mouse from the 1990s television series Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers. Speaking for both of the hosts, she said their passion for Disney has “exploded” since starting the YouTube channel, and that they are both “creators. We can’t seem to go a day without making something. We love doing Disney cosplay because it is like a beacon for other people in the fandom to come find us in a sea of other characters.” Conventions like Fan Expo Canada become “a great opportunity to meet like-minded Disney fans, and to possibly escape for the weekend from our ‘boring human’ lives.”

Adrianna Prosser, host of Toronto geek culture community website Geektropolis, spent part of the convention Fan Expo Canada 2017 as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. She told Wikinews that “geeking in Toronto is always such a joy, what with amazing cosplay and passionate fandoms coming together at Fan Expo!” She explained that the site tries to keep the feeling of the event going all year, featuring local creators and “geeky” fans, in an effort to bring the community closer together.

Party game Cards Against Humanity — intriguingly available under a non-commercial Creative Commons license — offered a “Free Apologies from An American” booth, where a representative offered regrets to the largely Canadian visitors. The booth’s curtains came into use at least once on Friday, closing when a Trump cosplayer reached the front of the line.

Dublin gets ready to be rocked once again by U2

Friday, June 24, 2005

240,000 U2] fans are preparing for Ireland’s most successful band ever to return for a hometown gig in Dublin. The supergroup is playing Friday, Saturday and Monday in front of 80,000 people a night at Croke Park. Gardaí have put in place a massive traffic management plan to cope with the influx of people. Fans have been queing since Thursday morning when a group of fans from Holland, Italy and Canada started queuing outside the stadium.

The concert forms part of U2’s current “Vertigo” world tour. The support acts include emerging Irish bands Snow Patrol and The Thrills along with already very popular Paddy Casey. Ash and The Bravery will cap it off as warm up acts on Monday.

The gates for the gig will open at 4pm with the actual band not expected until around 8.30pm. Irish media has entered a frenzied anticipation of the concert all this week, with constant coverage on radio stations. The national broadcaster, RTÉ, is set to dedicated almost 3hr 30min to the band with an exclusive interview by Dave Fanning forming the centerpiece of the stations coverage of the “U2 weekend”. Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, who played in front of a sell out crowd in Dublin earlier this week told fans that U2 were “still the best band in the world”.

Croke Park is the fourth largest stadium in Europe, with an official capacity of 82,000 – bigger than both Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium and Paris’ Stade de France. Croke Park is used to host GAA matches in sports such as hurling and Gaelic football and regularly attracts audiences of 60,000 or more in the summer months.

Wikinews interviews World Wide Web co-inventor Robert Cailliau

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The name Robert Cailliau may not ring a bell to the general public, but his invention is the reason why you are reading this: Dr. Cailliau together with his colleague Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, making the internet accessible so it could grow from an academic tool to a mass communication medium. Last January Dr. Cailliau retired from CERN, the European particle physics lab where the WWW emerged.

Wikinews offered the engineer a virtual beer from his native country Belgium, and conducted an e-mail interview with him (which started about three weeks ago) about the history and the future of the web and his life and work.

Wikinews: At the start of this interview, we would like to offer you a fresh pint on a terrace, but since this is an e-mail interview, we will limit ourselves to a virtual beer, which you can enjoy here.

Robert Cailliau: Yes, I myself once (at the 2nd international WWW Conference, Chicago) said that there is no such thing as a virtual beer: people will still want to sit together. Anyway, here we go.