Commonly Used Treatment For Dead Leg

By Mike Lang

If you are into contact sports where body parts collide with each other, most likely you had experienced having a dead leg injury before. Dead leg or also known as charley horse is an injury commonly inflicted by landing a sharp part of the body to the leg of an opponent. The result would vary based on the strength and force of the blow. Pain, bruising, and inability to walk are the common effect of the injury especially with excessive pressure.

Basically, treating a dead leg depends on the grade of the injury. Lower grade such as grade 1 may involve basic treatment programs. However, grade 2 to 3 may require more serious and gentle rehabilitation programs in order to attain a successful and effective result without compromising the condition of the patient.


Sports Massage – it is among the commonly used natural treatments when it comes to treating injuries that are related to sports activities. Although they can also be used in helping the recovery and healing of injuries from car accidents and other related problems, they are specially designed and developed for sports injuries. Sports massage uses fairly firm hand strokes and massage techniques that will help prevent reoccurrence and strengthen muscle tissues. The methods used are also great for enhancing the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body which is vital for healing and recovery. It also triggers the body’s ability to heal itself. Usually, sports massage is only advisable during the later stages of the injury. Give some time for the injury to rest as this will help a lot in the healing process. As soon as pain is not that excruciating, you can always start with the massage therapy. An option you can also take is to ask your doctor on when it would be best to take a sports massage or any similar therapy that can be used to speed up the recovery process.

–R.I.C.E. – rest, immobilization, cold compress, and exercise is a popular program followed by athletes as well as average individuals for a faster and more effective recovery from any type of sports injury. The RICE program is usually the best thing a patient can do for his or her part as the rest would fall into the hands of the doctor or therapist. As long as the program is followed, any patient can expect great results in the long run. In most cases, 12 weeks is required in order to fully recover from the injury. However, the cases may vary from person to person as their condition would differ from each other.

–Stretching and Strengthening Programs – there are a variety of programs created to bring back the lost function, strength, and motion of a dead leg. These are composed of stretching exercise as well as strengthening workouts that provides a patient with a basic program that will help them recuperate with the condition. Do not perform any of the prescribed exercise programs your doctor would give you in case serious pain is still felt on the injured areas of the human body.

About the Author: I write for TIR Massage Stone about choosing the right

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