Replacement Window Installer Shares Secrets}

Submitted by: Robert Clarke

Are you thinking about taking on a good do-it-yourself home improvement project? With some simple tools and a few tips from a professional installer, you can take on the job of installing your own vinyl replacement windows.


The newer vinyl replacement windows have many benefits to offer owners of older homes. First of all, its all but impossible to find stock windows at your local lumber yard or home improvement center that fit the measurement of the openings from your old windows. Since the newer vinyl replacement windows are made-to-order, the size you get will be a perfect fit.

Another advantage to considering vinyl replacement windows is, you dont have to cut the window existing opening bigger to accommodate a larger window or patch the inside walls and siding because the new window is smaller than the old opening. Since the new replacement windows will be built to fit your existing openings, no other major alterations need to happen. Usually, a little caulking and some minor touch-up painting is all thats necessary.

Some other important advantages of installing new vinyl replacement windows are also inviting. You can expect some energy savings on your fuel bill because of the better insulating properties of thermo pane glass. The glass can also be tinted to reflect heat or to block UV rays. Youll love the tilt-in panes for easy cleaning. No more risky trips up the ladder. Newer windows usually have fewer problems with condensation in winter time because of the better insulating properties of the newer glass panes.


Youll need to take an exact measurement, height and width of each window frame to be replaced. Put a small piece of masking tape on each window and give it a number for identification. Write the number of each window on a list, along with the height and width measurements for each window. Tell your window supplier to tag each window ordered with the corresponding number from your list. This will be a great time saver later on when the windows arrive. Youll know exactly where each window goes.

When measuring, use a carpenters framing square to check each window for square. If a window is 1/8th inch out of square, youll need to deduct 1/8th inch from your measurement(s). Use a small level also to check for level and plumb. If the top and bottom of the window opening are level, yet the opening is out of square, theres a good chance that the side openings are not plumb. If the side opening is 1/8th inch out of plumb, deduct 1/8th inch from the width measurement. Usually, your window supplier can give you a printed sheet with their measuring and ordering guidelines. Dont worry; most windows are built with sliding top or side moldings to make up for out of square openings.


Its best if you have a helper, at least someone to hold the window in place while you attach the mounting screws.

From inside the home, use a flat pry bar to remove the stop moldings on the sides and top of the window. Pull the bottom sash inside. Youll have to cut the weighted ropes on each side to release the window. The lead weights will then drop down inside the wall cavity. Dont worry, you wont need them. Once the bottom sash is out, remove the top sash the same way. Use a paint scraper to clear away any paint chips that might prevent the new window frame from sitting properly. You should then brush and vacuum any debris and dust from the opening.

Slide the new window into the opening to check the fit. If all looks good, remove the window and prepare the opening for installation. Each window manufacturer may have their own specific instructions for installation. Generally, youll want to run a bead of caulking on the sill and sides for the new window to set in. Most windows will have pre-drilled openings in the sides for mounting screws, which are also usually provided.

Next, set the new window back into the opening. Press the unit forward to rest against the outside window stop moldings. Check the window for plumb on the sides. Use wooden shims to move the unit as needed. Once the frame is plumb in the opening, check it with your framing square. Again, shim as needed to get the unit square.

The next thing youll want to check is that the unit is plumb, from inside, to outside. Again, use wooden shims to force your new window unit into plumb. Youll also want to take note where the mounting screws will go and put wooden shims in, as necessary, to fill any voids where screws will be placed. After installing the mounting screws, check each window for smooth operation. You may find it necessary at this point, to remove or add shims for proper operation of the window.

After you are comfortable with the operation of each unit, youll want to slide the extension moldings on the top and sides, to take up any extra space. You can then apply a bead of caulk around all four sides of the window, inside and out.


To install new vinyl replacement windows is not rocket science. With these tips, some simple tools and printed instructions from your supplier, you can easily install your own vinyl replacement windows.

About the Author: Robert Clarke has operated several home improvement companies over the last 30 years. He is the owner of ContractorsUSA,Inc, a nationwide contractor referral service at

. Get more information about vinyl replacement windows at


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3 Uses For A Shed}

3 Uses for a Shed


Jordan Rocksmith

Your backyard should be neat and well organized, with manicured plants, space to roam, and a deck for grass-free seating. In addition, you will need storage space. Exactly why you may need this space depends on a number of factors. Often there are a number of problems that result in piled junk or other eyesores taking up space in people’s back yards, garages, front yards, or home interiors. No matter the storage problem, the solution is a shed. Sheds can come in a variety of materials, from beautiful painted wood to steel or weather-resistant wood, and can come in a variety of different appearances and styles. When shed installation in Sarasota, FL is so easy, affordable, and results in beautiful storage space, there is almost no reason not to consider installing a shed in your yard. In case you need extra convincing, here are 3 of the many common uses for a shed. You would be surprised how helpful this extra feature in your yard will be.


Vehicle StorageIf you have come across an additional car, making one too many for your garage, you ought to install a shed to park it in! Cars should not be kept out in the open and exposed to the elements. It only takes one hailstorm, bad thunderstorm, or snowstorm to permanently damage your vehicle. Carports simply will not do the job well enough! They only cover a vehicle on one side, after all. A well-constructed shed will safeguard a vehicle on all sides. Sheds can also store more than cars! Other transportation vehicles, like watercraft, motorcycles, skis, bicycles, or karts can be stored safely in a shed. In fact, if you have these special vehicles, you may want to keep them separate anyway. There is likely a shed that matches your home so well, it will resemble an extra detached room of your house! When quality materials are used, a shed can even add an extra level of beauty to your home. PlayhouseYour shed can be a perfect playhouse for your children. Kids will love having a space of their own, a miniature house with windows, a door, and even details like eaves to make playing house feel more fun than ever. They can even take toys into their shed and have playtime. You will likely want this play space incorporated into your home life. Having a special, separate playhouse ensures that your entire home will not be filled with toys, books, dolls, etc. You can also make it a family project to add a flower box, a mailbox, shutters, and other cute details to your children’s new playhouse. Think of it as a much safer, larger, more reliable version of a tree house. Yard EquipmentA shed can keep all of your yard equipment handy. Your home requires special space for your lawnmower, gardening tools, potting soil, clay pots, insecticides, garden hoses, weed eater, pool cleaning equipment, and the numerous other yard care needs that keep your property looking sharp and classy. Your garage will be overburdened if you attempt to keep all of these items stored alongside your cars. It is also safer for your vehicles to have a special place for yard equipment to be stored. Keeping these items piled against the outer walls of your house is unsightly, and attempting to hide these items in an indoor closet is inconvenient. The only solution to the problem of having these numerous items for yard upkeep is a shed, built to store all of your needs in one convenient place. If you are ready to look into shed installation in Sarasota, FL, you will find that these affordable, convenient, attractive home features will do you so much good that they will pay for themselves.

La Gasse Design Center (

) offers a variety of sheds to fit your needs. Whether it is for your garden, bulk storage, power equipment, or your car or boat we have a shed for you. For you

shed installation Sarasota FL

visit us.

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3 Uses for a Shed}