Category Weight Loss Surgery

An Overview Of Bariatric Sleeve Surgery

Obesity and severe overweight issues are serious health problems that affect a significant portion of the global population. They’re frequently linked to a variety of harmful conditions, like heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. For many individuals faced with severe obesity, one prevalent and highly effective treatment method is bariatric surgery, specifically, bariatric sleeve surgery or gastric sleeve surgery.

Understanding the Bariatric Sleeve

This procedure, technically known as sleeve gastrectomy, reduces the volume of the stomach, limiting the amount of food a person can consume and thereby stimulating significant weight loss. During the procedure, a large portion of the stomach is removed, creating a new, smaller stomach pouch that roughly resembles a sleeve, hence the name ‘bariatric sleeve‘.

The bariatric sleeve operation is usually conducted laparoscopically, which entails making tiny incisions rather than a single, large open incision. A device known as a laparoscope, equipped with a small video camera and surgical tools, is inserted through these incisions allowing the surgeon to perform the operation with minimal invasiveness, speeding up recovery time and reducing the risk of potential complications.

Benefits of the Bariatric Sleeve

Bariatric sleeve surgery not only limits caloric intake but also contributes to appetite reduction. This is because the part of the stomach responsible for producing the hormone Ghrelin, which stimulates hunger, is the main portion that’s generally eliminated. As a result, patients often report feeling less hungry between meals and feeling fuller more quickly when they do eat.

The patient’s overall health also typically improves as a direct result of the significant weight loss that follows. Conditions linked to obesity, like sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and diabetes, tend to markedly improve or even disappear entirely following the operation.

Gastric Sleeve Revision

While many people find sustainable success after bariatric sleeve surgery, some may require revision surgery. This could be due to inadequate weight loss, weight regain, or complications from the original procedure. In this context, a gastric sleeve revision cost can be higher than that of the initial surgery due to its complexity.

There are several types of gastric sleeve revision procedures. The process involves converting the original sleeve into a different kind of weight loss surgery, like gastric bypass or duodenal switch. Sometimes, the original sleeve gastrectomy operation could be re-done to create a narrower or smaller stomach sleeve.

The gastric sleeve revision cost varies widely and depends on many factors such as geographical region, the specific type of revision procedure being performed, and the medical facility where the surgery takes place. Other factors influencing the cost include the surgeon’s fees, anesthesia, hospital stay, and any additional labs or tests as part of the pre-operative process. It’s also important to keep in mind that revisional surgeries tend to be more complicated and carry higher risks than primary bariatric surgeries. Therefore, the decision to proceed with a revision operation should be made in consultation with a skilled bariatriac surgeon who is experienced in these procedures.


Bariatric sleeve surgery can offer a life-changing solution for those struggling with severe obesity and its related health issues. With any surgical intervention, however, it’s crucial to fully understand the process, benefits, risks, and potential costs, including the potential need for further surgery such as a gastric sleeve revision cost. Patients should engage in thorough, open discussions with their medical providers to make the best decisions for their health and wellbeing.

Gastric Bypass Surgery For Reducing Weight

Gastric Bypass Surgery for Reducing Weight


Trisha W. Bolton

There are some Houston surgical specialists who are experts in gastric bypass surgery. This operation helps the patient to lose weight. Changes are made to the digestive system that helps in restricting the amount of food that can be eaten by the patient. It can also help in reducing the absorption of nutrients by the individual. A gastric bypass surgery is done when the patient has tried other methods of losing weight like going on a crash diet. When these are found to be unsuccessful, only then this operation is attempted. Some patients have serious weight problems. This might be because of a medical condition or a sedentary lifestyle. The only way for reducing the weight in such circumstances might be to have an operation performed on the patient.

There are quite a few types of obesity surgery. But the gastric bypass surgery is preferred by patients because it has fewer complications. However, like all other surgeries, this one can also have its side effects. Patients should consult a good doctor and go to a reputed clinic in order to get the operation done in a safe manner that will help the patient lead a healthy life. Doctors perform a complete health check up for the patient. Only when they feel that the patient will not be harmed in any way by the surgery will they recommend that they go ahead with the operation.


A lap band operation works by restricting the quantity of food that can be eaten at a single meal. It also makes the patient feel full in between two meals. The individuals would not be tempted to eat anything other than breakfast, lunch and dinner. The band is a silastic cuff. It fits around the upper stomach that enables a small upper gastric pouch to be produced. The size of the pouch is fixed and the band plays a vital role in controlling the rate of emptying of the pouch. The feeling of full comes because the passage restricts the amount of food that goes out of the pouch.

The consistency of food that fills the pouch has an impact on the function of the Gastric Band as well. It has been observed that solid food achieves the best results. Solid food fills the pouch and passes it on slowly to the distal stomach. Other guidelines that the patient needs to follow include eating the food slowly. Attention should be paid by the patient to the impending feeling of fullness so that he will know when to stop. Juice, milk and soups should be avoided by individuals who undergo this procedure. The band generally does not work well with liquid calories.

Those who want to get a gastric bypass surgery should approach surgeons who have a track record of successful operations. Those who undertake these operations should follow the instructions of the doctor carefully. If they have any side effects, then it should be reported so that quick treatment and remedial measures can be undertaken.

Trisha Bolton is the author of this article on

Lap Band

. Find more information, about

Houston Surgical Specialists


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Lap Band Vs Gastric Bypass Surgery

Submitted by: Amy Nut

There are many surgical procedures that are available to help you lose weight and combat any obesity problems that you might be having. The stomach stapling procedure is definitely one that has been in the news a lot, but it is terribly invasive and can actually be dangerous to perform because of the massive amounts of tunneling in your stomach that is required for it to be effective. Taking stomach stapling out of the way, the other two major candidates for surgery include lap band surgery and gastric bypass surgery. These two surgical methods can be compared on multiple fronts.


Since everything in the world tends to revolve around money in some way, shape or form, it is important to compare these two surgical procedures in terms of their cost. Gastric bypass surgery is a very complicated procedure that requires specialized knowledge and instruments that are very delicate and perfectly crafted. With all of these things taken into account, the resulting cost for the surgery is very high. Lap band surgery on the other hand does not require knowledge as specialized to perform and the lap band instrumentation is a lot cheaper than the tools used in the gastric bypass surgery. This means that lap band surgery in the end is quite a bit cheaper than gastric bypass surgery.



Gastric bypass surgery, for all intents and purposes, is a permanent thing. It is possible to change back whatever was done to you during such a surgery, but at the same time it is also important to realize that gastric bypass surgery is something that corrects a problem permanently. It is a permanent fix to a current problem. Lap band surgery on the other hand is really more of a treatment than it is a cure. Rather than changing things to make you feel better, its goal is to work with you to get better, at which point it can be removed. Gastric bypass surgery is therefore a lot more potentially life-changing in a negative way than lap band surgery would be.


For gastric bypass surgery, you have essentially signed your surrender against the current condition you are in. This means that in addition to this permanent change of surgery, you are also going to have to commit to a strict diet and a lot of exercise, as well as regular visits to the doctor to have your surgery monitored. With lap band surgery on the other hand, you can make any needed adjustments yourself and therefore allow yourself to go from an inactive and unhealthy lifestyle to one that is healthy and active at your own pace. Changes can be gradual and trips to the doctor are greatly reduced.


On the three major issues of cost, permanence and maintenance, it is quite clear that lap band surgery knocks the pants off its gastric bypass counterpart. It is simply a better procedure in so many ways that the only logical conclusion that can be reached is that a lap band procedure is much better.

About the Author:

Lap Band

is a highly popular and comprehensive web site that offers information on Obesity, weight loss and

Slim Band



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Gastric Bypass Surgery Recovery And Expectations

Submitted by: Robert Moongrave

Gastric bypass surgery is the latest medical technique in the field of controlling obesity and obesity related diseases. Weight loss procedures are either restrictive which reduce the size of your stomach or malabsorptive which lessen the flow of food from stomach to the intestine thus reducing the absorption of fat and other essential vitamins and minerals. These techniques are used in combination in gastric bypass surgery which creates a small pouch in your stomach making a larger area of your stomach not participate in retaining the food. Also, a bypass is created in the small intestine which allows partial absorption of food leading to weight reduction.

Laparoscopic procedures are used to create small incisions through which instruments and a camera is inserted into the body which enables the surgeon to perform the surgery which is done under general anesthesia.

The more pertinent question is of the recovery after the operation. The good news is though it is an operation taking several hours and a lot of precision, the recovery is relatively fast. The patient is discharged from the hospital within two to seven days depending upon individual condition. Doctors generally allow discharge once you are able to eat liquid or pureed food without vomiting, walk without major discomfort and are not taking injections for pain. This implies that the main discomforting symptoms are over by the first week. The vomiting results because the patient is not in-sync with the amount of food his newly created smaller stomach would be able to take and also because the new system created within the body takes a little time to assume smooth activity.

The overall recovery however takes several weeks and it s suggested to strictly follow the guidelines and resume normal activity gradually. Doctors send patients home encouraging them to do small chores around the house. Stairs and normal bath routine is resumed only after a few days. You may need pain killers at home as well. It s important to keep a track of fever, pain which should not escalate and proper healing of the wounds. There small incisions should not feel warm or look red and swollen and there should not be any fluids leaking from the cuts. Any such symptoms should be immediately reported.


Another serious condition during first two months of recovery can be dumping syndrome the indications of which are nausea, vomiting, sweating and fatigue. These conditions however would not appear if the diet guidelines are being followed carefully. Most importantly, you would have to be prepared for frequent doctor visits at least in the first whole year to keep a check on your diet, lifestyle, proper healing of the incisions, general recovery and progress and if there are any further surgical requirements.

With the recovery, it s important to know the risks as well. There may be infections, nutrient deficiencies like B12 and iron leading to anemia, calcium deficiencies creating possibilities for early osteoporosis and inflammation of stomach lining called gastritis. The more serious issues can be hernia, blood clots in lungs, gallstones due to immediate loss of a lot of weight and ulcers. These are generally well explained before an individual agrees for gastric bypass procedures. Also, they are not frequently reported and there are various success stories that favor the procedure. It needs to be realized that risks run with almost all surgeries in medicine. Gastric bypass is meant for people generally crossing the BMI of 40 or a BMI of 35 with diseases like type 2 diabetes or heart diseases which have been controlled with weight loss in many cases.

So, what should be the general expectations of a person considering Gastric Bypass Surgery? The expectations should be good overall. On health front, you lose about sixty to eighty percent of excess weight with this operation. A person after this operation loses ten pounds a month on an average, the loss being higher in the initial months when liquid diets are part of the health maintenance and recovery regime. Your body reaches a stable weight within eighteen to twenty four months. Another good news is diseases like sleeping apnea, heart diseases, diabetes, pains in the lower back, knees and other joints reduces significantly and may even disappear with the weight loss. The good news however comes with various changes in lifestyle and food habits.

Thus, on nutritional front, utmost care needs to be taken to prevent any deficiencies and maintain the weight loss. The diet guidelines in this care are strict and should be necessarily adhered to. Post-operation you need to gradually shift from liquid to pureed and then small quantities of soft and further normal solid food. This is because your stomach is initially very small and expands with time thus increasing its capability to take in solids and larger amounts of food. Protein should be your major calorie provider accounting for about 70-75% of the total 800 calories that you should be consuming approximately. Carbohydrates should amount to 10-15% and fats about 5-15% in your diet. Sugar intake should be avoided or reduced especially in the initial months as it can cause dumping syndrome explained earlier. This is because a smaller stomach and reduces absorption makes it difficult to digest sugar thus causing convulsions and other symptoms. Vitamin B12, calcium, iron and other nutritional supplements would become a part of your life depending upon the doctor s evaluation of your personal needs.

On physical front, you would look good with the weight loss but there may be issues of skin sagging due to sudden weight loss. At relatively younger ages, skin can recover and get back to adjust with the new weight but at later ages further surgery for correction may have to be considered. These include face lifts, tummy tuck, breast reduction, eye lid corrections, neck lifts and more.

On general well being after the operation, you should expect and be prepared for lifestyle changes which would require incorporating regular exercise and food constraints which would mean eating cautiously the amounts that your stomach can accommodate giving you the best nutrition and energy with it. Also, regular check ups for mental and physical health are suggested to make sure you get optimum benefits from the surgery.

Overall, it can prove to be a blessing for an excessively overweight person who would benefit from weight loss, reduced chances of diseases associated with weight gain and a surge in confidence.

About the Author: Robert Moongrave maintains a website dedicated to helping people make decisions about

weight loss surgeries



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How Did I Become Obese?

Submitted by: Camry James

I realize how difficult it is to be overweight and have low energy levels. I know how it can negatively affect your personal, social, and work life as well as increase your risk of many degenerative diseases that are rampant in today’s world.

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and mammals is increased to a point where it is thought to be a significant risk factor in certain health conditions, leading to increased mortality. Obesity is a condition that develops from the interaction of individual biology and the environment.

Adipose tissue is an anatomical term for loose connective tissue composed of adipocytes. Its main role is to store energy in the form of fat, although it also cushions and insulates the body. It has an important endocrine function in producing recently-discovered hormones such as leptin and resistin.

How is Fat Stored?


Adipose tissue is primarily located beneath the skin, but is also found around internal organs. In the skin, it accumulates in the deepest level, the subcutaneous layer, providing insulation from heat and cold. Around organs, it provides protective padding. It also functions as a reserve of nutrients.

Excessive body weight has been shown to correlate with various important diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea, stroke, and osteoarthritis. Obesity is both an individual clinical condition and, recently, a serious public health problem.

In a severely obese person, excess adipose tissue hanging downward from the abdomen is referred to as a panniculus. A panniculus complicates surgery of the morbidly obese, and may remain as a literal “apron of skin” if a severely obese person quickly loses large amounts of weight, which is a common result of bypass surgery.

Permanent solution to Obesity?

I know what it’s like to struggle with excessive weight gain, and today I want to share with you a truly healthful weight loss solution that has helped thousands of people lose stubborn fat pounds and inches by working along with the body, naturally with safe and lasting results.

This method is the Gastric Bypass Surgery which has helped thousands in losing those tens of kilos! The results are permanent and ever lasting. We urge you to find out more information on gastric bypass surgery so that you can make that life changing decision today!

About the Author: The most common surgery for obesity is

Gastric Bypass

. Find out more about

Gastric Bypass



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