How To Choose Between Wheelchairs In New London Ct

byAlma Abell

Mobility tends to have a huge impact on a person’s life. When that mobility is hindered in any way, there are medical devices that can work to restore at least a portion of a person’s ability to move around. For Wheelchairs in New London CT, it is important to shop around, look at all of the various benefits, and choose a chair that works best for the specific situation. Here are several things to look for when checking out the possibilities.

Talk to a Health Care Provider

For those new to wheelchairs in New London CT, it is important to talk to a physician to learn about their specific needs. For some, a manual wheelchair is the best option. It allows a person to move his or herself to different places without the assistance of someone else. The ability to self propel provides an extra measure of freedom, however it also has its own limitations as far as a person’s strength and endurance when it comes to extensive distances. On the other hand, someone wanting increased mobility can take advantage of power-assisted wheelchairs.

Decide on Important Features

Even after choosing a general mobility assistance device, there are still other specifics that need to be considered before purchasing a wheelchair. If the wheelchair is going to be used at home, it may need to have different features than one that provides mobility in an alternate location. Even the type of transportation available to a person will affect the features and type of wheelchair that he or she selects.

Research Different Models

After choosing the type of wheelchair and the necessary features, many people are surprised to learn that there are various brands and models that offer similar things. This means that much like buying a car, it is possible to shop around. This is a great time to consider the price of the model, the warranty it includes and even how satisfied others are with their purchases. Questions about whether or not the wheelchair folds up for easy transportation in a vehicle and similar concerns should be asked now to help solidify the decision on which wheelchair offers the best option for a person’s specific situation.

‘Big Brother’ contestant Parker Somerville sounds off about the show and his aspirations

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In the past two months, Parker Somerville, a videographer for the website, transitioned from an average guy leading an ordinary life, to living in an extraordinary voyeuristic existence, and back again to the beginning. Simply put, it was a transition from reality to reality, with a two-week detour in reality television. Somerville was a former contestant on the CBS reality TV staple Big Brother, currently in its ninth installment.

Evicted on Day 14, Somerville hoped to have another chance to play the game, but came in second in the special “America’s Choice” poll to bring back a former HouseGuest (the poll results were eventually not used at all and nobody was brought back). Now freed from a three-week sequester, Somerville was interviewed by Wikinews reporter Mike Halterman and he discussed his thoughts on Big Brother, how he and his fellow HouseGuests were portrayed and received, and what he plans to do now that his experience is, for the most part, over.

Somerville will return to Big Brother on finale night in five weeks. Please check your local listings for time and channel. Big Brother airs on CBS in the United States, Global in Canada, and E4 in the United Kingdom.

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As increase in digital music sales slows, record labels look to new ways to make money

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Every September, the Apple iPod is redesigned. Last year saw the release of the iPod Nano 5th generation, bringing a video camera and a large range of colours to the Nano for the first time. But as Apple again prepares to unveil a redesigned product, the company has released their quarterly sales figures—and revealed that they have sold only 9m iPods for the quarter to June—the lowest number of sales since 2006, leading industry anylists to ponder whether the world’s most successful music device is in decline.

Such a drop in sales is not a problem for Apple, since the iPhone 4 and the iPad are selling in high numbers. But the number of people buying digital music players are concerning the music industry. Charles Arthur, technology editor of The Guardian, wrote that the decline in sales of MP3 players was a “problem” for record companies, saying that “digital music sales are only growing as fast as those of Apple’s devices – and as the stand-alone digital music player starts to die off, people may lose interest in buying songs from digital stores. The music industry had looked to the iPod to drive people to buy music in download form, whether from Apple’s iTunes music store, eMusic, Napster or from newer competitors such as Amazon.”

Mark Mulligan, a music and digital media analyst at Forrester Research, said in an interview that “at a time where we’re asking if digital is a replacement for the CD, as the CD was for vinyl, we should be starting to see a hockey-stick growth in download sales. Instead, we’re seeing a curve resembling that of a niche technology.” Alex Jacob, a spokesperson for the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, which represents the worldwide music industry, agreed that there had been a fall in digital sales of music. “The digital download market is still growing,” they said. “But the percentage is less than a few years ago, though it’s now coming from a higher base.” Figures released earlier this year, Arthur wrote, “show that while CD sales fell by 12.7%, losing $1.6bn (£1bn)in value, digital downloads only grew by 9.2%, gaining less than $400m in value.”

Expectations that CDs would, in time, become extinct, replaced by digital downloads, have not come to light, Jacob confirmed. “Across the board, in terms of growth, digital isn’t making up for the fall in CD sales, though it is in certain countries, including the UK,” he said. Anylising the situation, Arthur suggested that “as iPod sales slow, digital music sales, which have been yoked to the device, are likely to slow too. The iPod has been the key driver: the IFPI’s figures show no appreciable digital download sales until 2004, the year Apple launched its iTunes music store internationally (it launched it in the US in April 2003). Since then, international digital music sales have climbed steadily, exactly in line with the total sales of iPods and iPhones.”

Nick Farrell, a TechEYE journalist, stated that the reason for the decline in music sales could be attributed to record companies’ continued reliance on Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, saying that they had considered him the “industry’s saviour”, and by having this mindset had forgotten “that the iPod is only for those who want their music on the run. What they should have been doing is working out how to get high quality music onto other formats, perhaps even HiFi before the iPlod fad died out.”

Have you found that you are spending less on music and more on apps, e-books, or television shows?
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When Jobs negotiated a deal with record labels to ensure every track was sold for 99 cents, they considered this unimportant—the iPod was not a major source of revenue for the company. However, near the end of 2004, there was a boom in sales of the iPod, and the iTunes store suddenly began raking in more and more money. The record companies were irritated, now wanting to charge different amounts for old and new songs, and popular and less popular songs. “But there was no alternative outlet with which to threaten Apple, which gained an effective monopoly over the digital music player market, achieving a share of more than 70%” wrote Arthur. Some did attempt to challenge the iTunes store, but still none have succeeded. “Apple is now the largest single retailer of music in the US by volume, with a 25% share.”

The iTunes store now sells television shows and films, and the company has recently launced iBooks, a new e-book store. The App Store is hugely successful, with Apple earning $410m in two years soley from Apps, sales of which they get 30%. In two years, 5bn apps have been downloaded—while in seven years, 10bn songs have been purchased. Mulligan thinks that there is a reason for this—the quality of apps simply does not match up to a piece of music. “You can download a song from iTunes to your iPhone or iPad, but at the moment music in that form doesn’t play to the strengths of the device. Just playing a track isn’t enough.”

Adam Liversage, a spokesperson of the British Phonographic Industry, which represents the major UK record labels, notes that the rise of streaming services such as Spotify may be a culprit in the fall in music sales. Revenues from such companies added up to $800m in 2009. Arthur feels that “again, it doesn’t make up for the fall in CD sales, but increasingly it looks like nothing ever will; that the record business’s richest years are behind it. Yet there are still rays of hope. If Apple – and every other mobile phone maker – are moving to an app-based economy, where you pay to download games or timetables, why shouldn’t recording artists do the same?”

Well, apparently they are. British singer Peter Gabriel has released a ‘Full Moon Club’ app, which is updated every month with a new song. Arthur also notes that “the Canadian rock band Rush has an app, and the industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails, led by Trent Reznor – who has been critical of the music industry for bureaucracy and inertia – released the band’s first app in April 2009.” It is thought that such a system will be an effective method to reduce online piracy—”apps tend to be tied to a particular handset or buyer, making them more difficult to pirate than a CD”, he says—and in the music industry, piracy is a very big problem. In 2008, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry estimated that 95% of downloads were illegitimate. If musicians can increase sales and decrease piracy, Robert says, it can only be a good thing.

“It’s early days for apps in the music business, but we are seeing labels and artists experimenting with it,” Jacob said. “You could see that apps could have a premium offering, or behind-the-scenes footage, or special offers on tickets. But I think it’s a bit premature to predict the death of the album.” Robert concluded by saying that it could be “premature to predict the death of the iPod just yet too – but it’s unlikely that even Steve Jobs will be able to produce anything that will revive it. And that means that little more than five years after the music industry thought it had found a saviour in the little device, it is having to look around again for a new stepping stone to growth – if, that is, one exists.”

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Fifteen people killed in attack on Nigerian college

Friday, September 19, 2014

Officials said at least fifteen people were killed in an attack on a teachers training college in the Northern Nigerian city of Kano by a group of armed gunmen on Wednesday. Over 30 others were wounded.

News agencies have reported while there has been no claim of responsibility, suspicion will likely fall on the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram. The group has previously targeted Western-style schools within the country, including past attacks on secondary schools.

According to official reports, police first approached the group in the area of the school, concerned about their unusual activity, and the attackers engaged police in a firefight. The attackers gained entry to the school and started throwing bombs.

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan described the incident as a “dastardly attack”. He has already declared a state of emergency in three northern states, and is being criticized along with the country’s armed forces for failure to prevent extremist attacks.

A police spokesman said police killed two attackers at the scene.

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Beginner S Education In Forex Trading

Submitted by: C Hunnter

The Forex trading market is a place wherein currencies are being traded of various countries around the world. It is natural that newcomers to the Forex market find it a bit scary and difficult to understand it at first, but frankly speaking there is enough of resources available on the internet for one to easily grasp the process. The core understanding in Forex trading is to buy currencies at a low price and sell them again when they reach a high rate which results in profit making.

An important part of the trading process is to understand what the market is all about? It is well known that this market involves the exchange of currencies where it is recognized as the world s largest liquid financial souk, where trillions of dollars worth of currencies is being traded daily. The Forex trading market has many players that make a living and a killing out of it by buying and selling currencies. There are also times when these traders have lost due to uncertain circumstances.


Beginners should be aware that there are certain risks that are involved in Forex trading, which are associated with the market s extreme volatility where prices tend to alter without prior notice. One would notice that traders make their money when the prices shoot up suddenly and then at times loose part of their investments when the prices happen to drop. So as a beginner one should be able to accept these conditions and have the sense to recuperate from losses.

All beginners before putting their feet in the Forex trading market should have prior knowledge about the nature and the basic methods of trading. This can be easily achieved by reading manuals, books and by collecting vital information about the pro s and con s of the Forex trading market. In order to be an expert dealer in the currency market this information plays a vital role in the road to success.

Your next step as a beginner would be to get a broker who will assist you in trading by executing certain procedures on your behalf and at the same time offer you potential pointers that may be fruitful. Today there are many automated programs that assist individuals in the Forex trading market, which are known as Forex robots. These robots are computer programs that have been created to basically help beginners to understand, train, execute and get themselves familiar with the Forex trading market. Most of these programs have a dummy feature which enables beginners to test their trading strategies in a live atmosphere fully safe with no real money being placed down.

Last but the least the most sensible advice that can be given to any beginner, is to control their emotions and not let it get in the way of their trading. Forex traders are required to be alert and to realize when they have to cut their losses so that they can preserve equity in order to bring in the profits.

About the Author: Adrian Bare enjoys writing about

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. He also is interested in Bissell Vacuum Cleaners. You can read more about Bissell Vacuum Cleaners on his website at


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World Trade Organization declares US tariff hike illegal, rules in South Korea’s favour

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled in favour of South Korea on Thursday over what it deemed excessive US tariffs on some of its products.

The eight duties, covering large power transformers and four grades of steel, were enacted in 2012 and 2016, during the Barack Obama administration. The US Department of Commerce defended the high rates, ranging from 9.49 to 59.72% on steel and 60.81% on transformers, by citing the “adverse facts available” (AFA) provision.

The AFA calls on accused companies to provide comprehensive information, or otherwise face significant anti-dumping and countervailing tariffs. After negotiation failed, South Korea formally filed a suit with the global trade body in February 2018.

A three-person WTO panel concluded the US Commerce Department had failed to specify in detail what information South Korean companies were to supply, and improperly ignored or rejected some of what was submitted. The tariffs imposed on Hyosung Heavy Industries, Hyundai Electric & Energy Systems, Hyundai Steel, and POSCO, therefore, were considered inconsistent with WTO guidelines.

However, the panel did not uphold South Korea’s claim US authorities had an “unwritten measure” encouraging its use of adverse facts to justify higher duties.

The United States may appeal within 60 days. However, due to restrictions imposed by former President Donald Trump on the Appellate Body, it has less than a quorum.

The European Union joined the case, citing as justification the plight of British, Dutch, and Italian steelworkers under US practice.

A 2018 ruling between the United States and Canada also found evidence of negligence involving the provision.

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US unemployment rate reaches 9.8%

Friday, October 2, 2009

Companies in the United States are shedding more jobs, pushing the country’s unemployment rate to a 26-year high of 9.8%.

The US Labor Department said on Friday that employers cut 263,000 jobs in September, with companies in the service industries — including banks, restaurants and retailers — hit especially hard. This is the 21st consecutive month of job losses in the country.

The United States has now lost 7.2 million jobs since the recession officially began in December 2007. The new data has sparked fears that unemployment could threaten an economic recovery. Top US officials have warned that any recovery would be slow and uneven, and some have predicted the unemployment rate will top 10% before the situation improves.

“Continued household deleveraging and rising unemployment may weigh more on consumption than forecast, and accelerating corporate and commercial property defaults could slow the improvement in financial conditions,” read a report by the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook, predicting that unemployment will average 10.1% by next year and not go back down to five percent until 2014.

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s, said that “it’s a very fragile and tentative recovery. Policy makers need to do more.”

“The number came in weaker than expected. We saw a lot of artificial involvement by the government to prop up the markets, and now that that is starting to end, the private sector isn’t yet showing signs of life,” said Kevin Caron, a market strategist for Stifel, Nicolaus & Co.

Also on Thursday, the US Commerce Department said factory orders fell for the first time in five months, dropping eight-tenths of a percent in August. Orders for durable goods — items intended to last several years (including everything from appliances to airliners) — fell 2.6%, the largest drop since January of this year.

The US government has been spending billions of dollars — part of a $787 billion stimulus package — to help spark economic growth. There have been some signs the economy is improving.

The Commerce Department said on Thursday that spending on home construction jumped in August for its biggest increase in 16 years. A real estate trade group, the National Association of Realtors, said pending sales of previously owned homes rose more than 12 percent in August, compared to August 2008.

A separate Commerce Department report said that consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of US economic activity, rose at its fastest pace in nearly eight years, jumping 1.3 percent in August.

Other reports have provided cause for concern. A banking industry trade group said Thursday the number of US consumers making late payments, or failing to make payments, on loans and credit cards is on the rise. A survey by a business group, the Institute for Supply Management, Thursday showed US manufacturing grew in September, but at a slower pace than in August when manufacturing increased for the first time in a year and a half.

Stock markets reacted negatively to the reports. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 41 points in early trading, reaching a level of 9467. This follows a drop of 203 points on Thursday, its largest loss in a single day since July. The London FTSE index fell 55 points, or 1.1%, to reach 4993 points by 15.00 local time.

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How To Prevent Blisters Wearing Golf Shoes}

Submitted by: Sean Mennell

There are plenty of golfers that enjoy walking the golf course. It is a relaxing way to spend the day and it is a good form of exercise. Some golfers believe walking improves their scores.

Unfortunately walking 4 to 5 miles around the course can give you blisters, but this can be easily prevented by choosing the right golf shoes and taking a closer look at the materials that are designed to look after your feet. The good thing is most of the materials come with your shoes as standard.

The primary cause of blisters is friction, sweaty feet and excess heat. Friction can be prevented by choosing shoes that are roomy and give you a snug fit so they feel comfortable. You don’t want shoes that are to snug, you want to prevent rubbing. Your golf shoes should have sufficient room for your toes. Make sure there is half an inch or so between your longest toe tips and the end of the shoe.

Let’s take a closer look at a couple of the features inside that will help prevent blisters.


Moisture wicking

Your feet can create moisture inside your shoes especially when you have been walking a lot. But thanks to moisture wicking your feet can stay dry all day long. There is a special material lining inside, that draws the dampness away. Now we don’t know how it does this, but trust us it works superbly well.

Sock liners

We recommend you invest in a pair of sock liners, they are made from a moisture wicking fabric that draws dampness away. Much better than absorbent cotton. Most golf shoes should come with these, but incase they don’t invest in a pair, you can buy them online or in your local store.

Another thing to look out for other than blisters is something called plantar fasciitis.

This occurs when the plantar fascia (PF) becomes inflamed. This runs the length of the bottom of the foot causing pain in the heel. I can be difficult to overcome considering how much most people are on their feet.

Golfers that are on their feet and walk a lot are exposed to PF. This can be easily prevented. Test your shoes for plenty of cushioning in the heel, arch and ball of the foot. Once tested and you have plenty of supportive cushioning you will find this will keep the weight evenly distributed and it will relieve stress on the plantar fascia.

Your golf shoes should be light and flexible at the midsole so that the foot rolls naturally rather than slapping the ground. Another good way to prevent PF is the stretch your feet for 5 minutes on the day you want to tee off.

Remember, your golf shoes are there to support your feet and give you more comfort when walking those 18 holes. Go to your local golf store or browse online. Either way you will find a pair that will prevent your feet from getting blisters in the future.

About the Author: At Comfortable Golf Shoes, we’re committed to helping you find the best golf shoes on the market by giving you a wide range to choose from. We offer high-quality, stylish, waterproof, turf-gripping and, most of all, comfortable golf shoes from the best brands in the business, including FootJoy, Nike, ECCO and adidas. Take a look at the

golf shoes

we have on offer.


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Early morning fire kills four New York group home residents

Sunday, March 22, 2009

After an early morning fire began, four out of the nine people living at the Riverview Individual Residential Alternative group home located in Wells, New York were killed by the blaze. The Sunmount Developmental Disabilities Services Office, which supervises the home, told the media that the fire started at approximately 5:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time. Two staff members were at the home at the time, who safely evacuated four of the five survivors.

The names of the residents killed in the fire were not able to be released due to New York’s Mental Hygiene Law, but are able to be identified as two adult men, aged 32 and 52, and two adult women, aged 43 and 60. A 71-year-old male was injured in the fire, and was taken to a hospital in Utica, a nearby city. The other four residents have been relocated to an unnamed group home. Both staff members are also being examined at the hospital.

“On behalf of all New Yorkers, I wish to extend my heartfelt condolences to the families, loved ones and friends of the four victims and to continue to pray for the full recovery of those five people and two staff members who survived this incident. I also want to express my thanks and appreciation for the first responders and volunteers who worked swiftly and diligently to respond to this tragedy,” David Patterson, the governor of New York, said to the media.

The exact cause of the fire has yet to be determined. However, the New York Civil Liberties Union stated that “the blaze appears to have been an electrical fire and the sprinkler system was knocked out immediately.” They also called for “an immediate investigation into the causes of and contributing factors of the fire.”

The New York State Department of State Office of Fire Prevention and Control is currently investigating the causes of the blaze, with help from New York State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation and the New York State Commission on Quality of Care and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities.

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Storm causes Southern Californian residents to evacuate

Friday, January 22, 2010

A storm in the Los Angeles County, California area has caused reasons for residents in 2009 Station Fire burn areas to evacuate. Californians in these area braced themselves from mudslides and flash floods due to the expected 25 cm (10 in) of rain yesterday. The National Weather Service (NWS) predicted 3.8 cm (1.5 in) per hour in these fire-affected areas.

Charles Beck, Los Angeles Police Department chief, advised residents, “If a Los Angeles police officer comes to your door and tells you to leave: leave. We’re not asking you to leave because we think your lawn’s going to get dirty, we’re not doing it because your carpet’s going to get wet. We’re doing it because your life is at risk.”

Two days prior, the Los Angeles Coast, the NWS issued tornado warnings, a rarity, for the Whittier, South Los Angeles, and and Long Beach areas. There were reports of a tornado touching down at Sunset Beach in Orange County. The tornado reportedly lifted boats from the water. There were other reports of waterspouts in the Pacific Ocean.

Cal State Long Beach closed for the remainder of Wednesday afternoon and will reopen on Friday, January 22. Schools in the La Crescenta and La Cañada Flintridge areas were also closed yesterday.

In other areas of Los Angeles, the rain caused minor flooding and large puddles – storm drains overflowed. This storm hit strong from about 15:00 PST (2300 UTC) to about 16:30 PST (0030 UTC) Wednesday. It started again rather powerfully at about 17:10 PST (0110 UTC).

A Southern California resident preferring to remain unnamed said this in regards to the storm, “I felt that it was a wonderful change from the super hot weather,” in reference to the 26 °C (80 °F) plus temperatures leading into winter.

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