Hunting For Bbq Innovations Llc Ratings}

Submitted by: Normanmm Flynn

……EVERY PERSON..LOVES IT!!!! I have an 8 ft tow-behind smoker that I use for catering along with other cookouts. When I saw the Rib-O-lator I had to locate a way to make it fit. So I had my metal guy make some brackets to hold it, and now I’m Rib-o-lating some wonderful food. And everyone who sees it loves it. -Jim M.

I’M CERTAIN TO CATCH A MAN NOW!! I’m a single gal who loves to barbecue, and I love my Rib-O-lator. I’m sure to catch a man now. -Mary W.

……EXCELLENT BARBECUE ACCESSORY…… The Rib-O-lator is a great barbecue accessory. My fish and ribs where the very best I have ever completed. The Ribolator gets my vote! -Bill Clinton, Small Rock, AK (this just isn’t the president, just a guy with very same name and state.)


NOW..I HAVE MY OWN RIB-O-LATOR!! I live in Florida and barbecue a great deal. When I saw your YouTube video I was amazed that such a factor existed. Now that I’ve my own Rib-O-lator I barbecue even more, and every thing tastes rib-o-lishious. -Tim H.

THANKS!! I’ve cooked ribs, fish, burgers, steak, chicken, vegetables, pork loins, and far more, and I need to tell you the good quality of food that the Rib-O-lator cooks has exceeded mine and my wife’s expectations. I’ll pay for this thing just in savings on burnt food! Thanks! -Carl H

WORKS EVEN FAR BETTER THAN I HOPED!! I live in Australia, and I saw your Ribolator whilst watching YouTube videos. When I saw The Rib-O-lator I knew I had to have it. I have employed it every single day because I got it and it works even far better than I had hoped. Do you need to have any Rib-O-lator distributors down under? Cheers mate. -Davey G.

……I WILL HIGHLY RECOMMEND!! I purchased the Rib-O-lator and your smoker box and they both function wonderful. I will highly recommend. -Lars V.

CAN’T PRESERVE MY HUSBAND AWAY FROM IT!!! I do all the barbecuing at our residence, but now that I bought the Rib-o-lator and your FlavorDome smoker box my I cannot maintain my husband away from it. I’m feeling just a little neglected. Any suggestions? –Julie K.

……THE RIB-O-LATOR IS UNBELIEVEABLE!!! All I need to say may be the Rib-O-lator is unbelievable. -Randy D

NOTICE: This review of BBQ Innovations LLC is genuine. This positive testimonial evaluation of BBQ Innovations LLC may be modified to qualify as distinctive content within the evaluation space supplied herein. Call BBQ Innovations LLC at 206-999-0962 for a lot more FIVE STAR***** Reviews and Ratings.

The Rib-o-lator was invented out of frustration. My BBQ results were by no means consistent — often it was excellent, other times a disaster, particularly the ribs. So as a life-long inventor I set to work to solve this problem. One day as I was banging around and welding in my shop, The Rib-o-lator was born. My sister Carla became my partner to spread the news concerning the newest, greatest rotisserie attachment for the world’s favorite pastime, BBQ! If you have a question about the Rib-O-Lator contact me at or call me at 206-999-0962 ask for Bob.

About the Author: Why take my word for it? Go to the source!


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Four people die after contracting H1N1 swine flu virus in West Midlands, England

Friday, November 6, 2009

Four people from the NHS West Midlands in England have died after contracting the H1N1 swine flu virus. With these deaths, the number of people that have been killed in the West Midlands from the disease has now increased to 19.

NHS West Midlands has said that the number of people admitted to hospitals in the region with the disease this week was 203, whereas last week there were 146. It was also said that the number of inpatients taken into hospitals in the area was 95 from this Wednesday onwards.

Dr. Rashmi Shukla, the regional director of Public Health in the National Health Service, said about the incident: “We would expect to see a rise in respiratory illness, such as swine flu, at this time of year, and we would like to remind people that they should continue to adhere to good respiratory and hand hygiene practices to reduce chances of the virus spreading.

“Unfortunately there have been a further four swine-flu related deaths and our thoughts are with the families of these patients at this very sad time. The vaccination programme has started well across the West Midlands. It is very important that frontline health and social care workers in the West Midlands have this vaccine to protect themselves, their families and their patients.”

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Category:July 14, 2010

? July 13, 2010
July 15, 2010 ?
July 14

Pages in category “July 14, 2010”

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On the campaign trail in the USA, August 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016

The following is the fourth edition of a monthly series chronicling the U.S. 2016 presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of the month’s biggest stories.

In this month’s edition on the campaign trail: the vice presidential nominee of the Reform Party is revealed; those attacked in a high profile campaign speech respond; and Wikinews interviews an economist seeking the presidency a second time.

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The Importance Of Healthy Dog Treats

It wasnt so many years ago when dog treats consisted more or less solely of milk bones, fatty biscuits, and table scraps. Not many options, and virtually none that were healthy. Well, times have definitely changed! Nowadays, savvy pet owners choose dog treats that include greenies, healthy biscuits, and gourmet bones.Not only are there more options for now, the quality has improved significantly in recent years as well. And with the Internet boom, finding the best biscuits and bones for your puppy is as easy and tapping a few keystrokes. Its important to note that many pet owners are now advocates of healthier dog treats for monetary reasons as well. They realize that, while they tend to cost more, healthy treats and food actually save money in the long run. A healthier diet over a lifetime results in less disease and illness in senior dogs, which means a smaller vet bill.Its never too early to start feeding healthy dog treats. Puppy training often includes using a treat to reward good behavior. In one session alone, you might give your little trainee 6-10 rewards, maybe even more. Make them healthy biscuits, cookies, or bones, and youll be giving your pet a nutritious foundation for a better life.Experiment with several different kinds of dog treats and youll quickly learn which are your puppys favorites. Unlike humans when we diet, dogs seem to enjoy the healthier biscuits and bones every bit as much as the bad ones. If only we were so lucky!

Report reveals Top 10 most-confusing tech buzzwords

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Danville, California — The California-based Engligh language tracker, Global Language Monitor, released its 2005 list of most confusing – yet frequently cited – high tech buzzwords to be “HTTP,” “Voice Over IP” (VoIP), and “Megapixel.” Closely following were “Plasma,” “Robust,” “WORM” and “Emoticon.”

In early March, the group used a predictive index computer algorithm to track specific words and phrases in the media and on the Internet. They were tracked in relation to frequency, contextual usage and appearance in global media outlets.

The Global Language Monitor claims to analyze and catalogue trends in word usage and word choices, focusing on the linguistic impact on various cultures. The GLM says it relies upon a global network of volunteer linguists, professional wordsmiths and other bibliophiles to monitor the trends in the evolution and demise of world languages.

GLM’s list, in order of frequency of use, of the most-confusing technology terms with the group’s explanation as to why they are faulty follows:

  1. HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol is the standard protocol used for transmitting web pages (which are written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language)), not text written while hyper on too much Starbucks coffee. There are more than 1 billion references to HTTP on the web alone.
  2. Voice over IP – Voice over Internet Protocol, (pronounced voyp, similar to Detroit) is a way of transmitting voice data over the Internet. VoIP is becoming more popular as services such as Skype offer people free voice communication with anyone with a broad-band connection.
  3. Megapixel – Approximately one million pixels, not a single, big pixel (“mega” is the metric system prefix for million). “Pixel” itself is a technical term which means “picture element”. Digital pictures consist of a grid of millions of pixels, which are square or rectangular dots, each having a single colour.
  4. Plasma – A plasma display (commonly used in televisions) is a flat, lightweight surface with a grid of millions of tiny glass bubbles containing plasma. A digitally controlled electric current flows through the bubbles causing the plasma inside to glow various colours. Plasma displays have nothing to do with blood plasma.
  5. Robust – Robustness generally means “it won’t break easily.” It supposedly describes computer programs or hardware that have been well-tested and demonstrated to not crash or fail often, but since it is a vague term by nature (how robust is robust?) it is frequently used by marketing types regardless.
  6. WORM – While a worm is a type of computer virus, WORM stands for ’Write Once, Read Many’. It describes a file system primarily used for optical disks, such as CDs and DVDs. For example, CD-Rs can only be written (or “burned”) once but afterwards can be read many times (otherwise you could only listen to your music CD once). This excludes re-writable CDs which can be written many times.
  7. Emoticon – Emoticon stands for emotional icon. An emoticon is a sequence of characters that look visually like a face and are used in text chat to convey emotion. The most common emoticon is the smiley face – 🙂 – which looks like two eyes and a mouth turned 90 degrees.
  8. Best of Breed – Not to be confused with the Westminster Dog Show, a best-of-breed product is a personalized solution made of components from various manufacturers; in other words, it’s a sort of high tech ‘mix-and-match’.
  9. Viral Marketing – A recent marketing trend which relies on word-of-mouth to spread, rather than traditional advertising strategies. It is called “viral” because as people talk about it, the marketing message “spreads” to new people, who in turn inform others, and so on, which is how viruses spread. The Burger King “Subservient Chicken” campaign is considered an example of viral marketing. Computer viruses used by spammers to turn desktop computers into “zombie” spam relays are something completely different.
  10. Data Migration – Data migration is an idealistic (though usually impossible) concept where data can be used by different versions of the program in which it was created (newer or older). The migration (migration means “to move”) refers to the fact that the data is moved from one version (or program) to another without difficulty or loss of information. It is a subset of backward and forward compatibility.

Other terms being tracked included “client/server,” “solution,” “paradigm,” “backward compatible,” and the “STUN protocol.”

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KKE: Interview with the Greek Communist Party

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wikinews reporter Iain Macdonald has performed an interview with Dr Isabella Margara, a London-based member of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE). In the interview Margara sets out the communist response to current events in Greece as well as discussing the viability of a communist economy for the nation. She also hit back at Petros Tzomakas, a member of another Greek far-left party which criticised KKE in a previous interview.

The interview comes amid tensions in cash-strapped Greece, where the government is introducing controversial austerity measures to try to ease the nation’s debt-problem. An international rescue package has been prepared by European Union member states and the International Monetary Fund – should Greece require a bailout; protests have been held against government attempts to manage the economic situation.

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Augusten Burroughs on addiction, writing, his family and his new book

Friday, October 12, 2007

I had an unofficial phone call from Gay Talese last Tuesday. He had just flown back from Colombia and he was cranky. “I’m happy to do an interview with you,” he said, “but what the hell could you ask me that’s not already out there? Have you even bothered to look?!”

“Jeez, Mr. Talese, lots of things,” was my response. I lied. The truth is that when I call people to interview them, I do not have a set of preconceived questions. My agenda is to talk to them and gain a sense of who they are; to flesh them out as humans. To find out what they think about the world around them at that moment. With Gay Talese I had little interest in talking about Frank Sinatra Has a Cold and with Augusten Burroughs I had little interest in discussing Running with Scissors. I want to know what they think about things outside of the boxes people have placed them in.

With a memoirist like Burroughs, even this is a challenge. What parts of his life he has not written about himself, other interviewers have strip-mined. When we met for dinner at Lavagna in the East Village, I explained to Augusten this issue. I suggested we make the interview more of a conversation to see if that would be more interesting. “Instead of you in the catbird seat,” I said, “let’s just talk.”

We struck an instant rapport. What set out to be an hour and half interview over dinner had turned into four hours of discussion about our lives similarly lived. I removed half of the interview: the half that focused on me.

Below is Wikinews reporter David Shankbone’s conversation with writer Augusten Burroughs.

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The Lowest Site That I Can Recommend That Handle Acne Scar Remedies

The Lowest Site That I Can Recommend That Handle Acne Scar Remedies


Todd Natonason

Scarred tissues would be a response to serious situations of acne. While acne scars can not be physically harmful, People with acne scarring trust it to always be unsightly and make an effort discover acne scar treatments. The\’re a great many methods of treatments availed to the relief acne scars. You\’ll notice over-the-counter treatments, natural scabies treatments, and also treatments who can be used by dermatologist. In the case of acne scar remedies, the ideal must be to seek the advice of an dermatologist. It is because here are several various types of scarring, a number of treatments, may possibly be daunting to determine the cheapest treatment for your own.

Acne scarring is caused by the epidermis shopping to repair the damages attributable to the acne. You will discover 4 principal breeds of acne scarring, atrophic scarring, ice choose scarring, boxcar scarring, rolling scars, or hypertrophic or keloidal scarring. Revoltions per minute rating treatment your dermatologist uses relies on which of the breeds of scars that you have. The 1st decision concerning treatment may be non-invasive treatments; the best over these has been a chemical peel or chemical resurfacing. This treatment utilizes the controlled removing of the old skin debris cells that comprise the scar. The scar can be removed gradually that may allow for healthy skin cells with rejuvenate the area of the skin.


A future treatment they had acne scar treatments is dermabrasion. As well . of scar removal is accomplished by \”sanding\” the scar off the skin. Dermabrasion is sort of painful which means your dermatologist might use town anesthesia for the procedure. Such as chemical peels, the scar is slowly removed, but silicone sandpaper is commonly employed in lieu of chemicals, it can permits for fresh, healthy skin to change the scarred skin. Another way of treatment is micro resurfacing; botox injections uses harmless compound mediums, which can be put on the top scar. The dead skin cells stuck to the basic compound and be able to the compound is slowly removed by suction. The the dead skin cells are taken away within the compound making it possible for new skin cells to interchange the dead cells.

Laser peel is one other widely used ringing in the ears the reduction of acne scars. In this way your utilizes a laser that you simply remove the the dead skin cells. The differences with laser treatments is the laser moreover stimulates non-fibrous collagen formation, which greatly speeds the process of healing. Patients have can see noticeable can cause 3 weeks or less. Deeper scarring might require one example alternative acne scar treatments. The initial treatment for deep scars is dermal filler. Here is a procedure were collagen, hyaluronic acids, or fillers made from cymetra are injected beneath the scar. That should raise the scar with regard to the stage of the remainder skin. Dermatologists have obtained good success using this type of treatment, specifically on boxcar brands of scarring. They are usually just a a couple of the acne scar treatments widely available. Talk over with your dermatologist to learn more about which treatment is the best for your particular case. They may recommend some of the natural or over-the-counter associated with medication.

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US army admits to private security contract in Iraq

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The United States Army has confirmed that private security guards of the North Carolina security services company Blackwater USA were employed in Iraq by military subcontractors, reversing earlier statements in which army officials denied knowledge of the contracts.

Four security guards employed by Blackwater were killed by Iraqi militants in March 2004. Their families have sued the company, claiming the suit was the only way to disclose the events surrounding the deaths.

Locating the contract awarded to Blackwater has proved difficult — the Pentagon has denied repeatedly that such a contract exists. The contract was extremely deeply nested beneath other contracts, obscuring its existence: KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary, has subcontracted to ESS Support Services Worldwide, which provides dining services. ESS hired Blackwater, but only indirectly, through a third company.

This was confirmed yesterday by Army secretary Francis Harvey, in a letter to Representatives Henry Waxman and Chris Val Hollen. This reverses earlier statements by Harvey, for example, in July he stated that KBR “has queried ESS and they are unaware of any services under the … contract that were provided by Blackwater USA.”

Van Hollen said, “This ongoing episode demonstrates the Pentagon’s complete failure to safeguard taxpayer dollars.”

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has scheduled a hearing on the Blackwater contract, to take place next Wednesday.

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