Archives 2020

Lib Dems launch manifesto

Thursday, April 14, 2005

An exhausted Charles Kennedy returned to the election campaign to launch a twenty page Liberal Democrat manifesto targeted at disaffected Labour voters, promising a fairer tax system and withdrawal from Iraq.

Entitled The Real Alternative the manifesto pledges to reduce the lowest rate of income tax, but increase the rate on those earning over £100,000 to 50%. The party would also scrap the unpopular local council tax in favour of a new local income tax. The manifesto also promises to remove hidden “stealth taxes”.

Under this system the party claims the poorest 15 million (25%) of people in Britain would be better off, and the middle 50% would be paying no extra tax.

The manifesto promised to scrap the controversial university tuition fees, increase services for pensioners and add £100 a month to the state pension, and train 21,000 new primary school teachers and 10,000 new police. A Lib Dem government would make eye and dental checks free, and reduce the cost of prescription medicine.

The Liberal Democrats were the only one of the three largest parliamentary parties to have consistently voted against the Iraq war, and the manifesto has promised an exit strategy with a phased withdrawal of Britain’s 8,000 troops still in the country.

“We reject a foreign policy based on ‘my ally right or wrong’,” Kennedy said. “And we say that war should always be a last resort.”

Kennedy, who became a father on Tuesday, admitted he’d had little sleep before the manifesto launch, and stumbled while answering questions on the proposed tax system.

CanadaVOTES: NDP candidate Katy Austin running in Simcoe—Grey

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

On October 14, 2008, Canadians will be heading to the polls for the federal election. New Democratic Party candidate Katy Austin is standing for election in the riding of Simcoe—Grey. Born in St. Catherines and raised in Barrie, Austin has a Bachelor of Physical and Health Education from the University of Windsor. Teaching in various Ontario schools, she has been active in the Simcoe NDP riding association since 1975. Austin rode her bike, solo, from Victoria, British Columbia to Elmvale, Ontario (a total of 4 500 km) in 40 days during the summer of 1996, camping along the way.

Wikinews contacted Katy Austin, to talk about the issues facing Canadians, and what they and their party would do to address them. Wikinews is in the process of contacting every candidate, in every riding across the country, no matter their political stripe. All interviews are conducted over e-mail, and interviews are published unedited, allowing candidates to impart their full message to our readers, uninterrupted.

The riding is currently held by Helena Guergis (Conservative), the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Sport. Also challenging Guergis are Peter Ellis (Green), Andrea Matrosovs (Liberal), Caley McKibbin (Libertarian), and Peter Vander Zaag (Christian Heritage).

For more information, visit the campaign’s official website, listed below.

Fence Contractor In Riverside Provides Security, Privacy

byAlma Abell

Fences are commonly used for a variety of reasons. Residential property owners frequently incorporate fencing into landscaping plans, enhancing the looks of a property and providing a degree of privacy. Public entities and commercial or industrial property owners use fencing as security precaution or to enhance public safety. Whatever the reason, there is fencing available to meet those needs.

While there are several Fence contractor Riverside companies, not all offer a full selection of products and services. Top area fence contractors like Mesa Fence Company (, for example, have a proven track record of providing products and services to meet virtually any fencing need. Using one of the major suppliers is always recommended as a way to guarantee a quality product that truly meets client needs is installed.

Wood and vinyl fencing is often used to enhance residential properties, as it not only looks good, it also serves to protect the privacy of residents. Passersby and neighbors do not easily see into the private areas, which is important when entertaining guests or when amenities like pools and spas might attract unwelcome attention to the property. Solid wood and vinyl fencing is also good at keeping pets confined.

Commercial and industrial concerns are more likely met with chain link or other metal fencing, although wood and vinyl fencing is appropriate for some commercial or industrial applications. Security fencing is an absolute requirement for companies that must limit access to their property. Vandalism and theft are significantly reduced when quality fencing is used, and access to the property can be funneled to specific points that controlled by security personnel or gates.

The top Fence contractor Riverside works with all types of clients to select the ideal materials necessary to meet those clients’ needs. Installation by a professional team guarantees that the entire construction process is completed properly and in a timely manner. Special installations for parks, recreational facilities of all kinds, and large estates are installed to meet code specifications required by local authorities. No matter how large or small a project is, professional fencing contractors insist that the same standards of excellence are maintained.

Fake impotence drugs linked to low blood sugar outbreak

Thursday, February 12, 2009

An article in the February 12 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine reports on an unusual cause for an outbreak of low blood sugar among men in Singapore: illegal use of sexual performance enhancement drugs that were contaminated with a diabetes drug.

Between January and May 2008, 149 men and one woman between 19 and 97 (mean age 51) were admitted to five public hospitals for unexplained low blood sugar. Similar cases were reported in media reports from Hong Kong. Seven Singaporean patients remained in a coma because of prolonged sugar starvation of the brain, and four subsequently died. The diabetes drug glyburide was found in blood and/or urine samples in 85% of cases; 30% admitted having used illegal sexual performance enhancers.

The contaminated products were a counterfeit version of the drug Cialis (meant for the treatment of genuine erectile dysfunction), and three purported herbal preparation (the affected brands included Power 1 Walnut and Santi Bovine Penis Erecting Capsule). All four preparations additionally contained Viagra in varying concentrations. Two herbal products contained traces of the weight loss drug sibutramine, a compound related to amphetamines.

The drug packaging mentioned names of non-existent overseas production facilities, so the source of the contamination with the diabetes drug could not be established.

The authors underline the risks that is known to be associated with purchasing drugs from unreliable providers or from online resellers. The clandestine use of impotence drugs as sexual performance enhancers seems to have provided a good illustration of this problem. They further call for more efforts by national and international health and law enforcement agencies to curb the manufacturing, international transport and sales of untrustworthy medication.

Self Pleasuring Games: Initiating Couples Fun}

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Submitted by: J Dugan

For many couples, penetrative activity is by far the preferred form of sensual engagement, but it doesnt have to be the only way in which two people connect sensually. Self-pleasuring is also a big part of a persons sensual life, and sharing that with a partner can be an excellent way to add a new level of intimacy to a relationship. Men fondle themselves anyway, as a matter of course and as an aid to their male organ health, so why not incorporate it into couples play? Of course, some individuals may be a little shy or reticent about self-gratifying in front of a partner in which case some simple self-pleasuring games may help to break the ice.

What are some self-pleasuring games that a couple might employ to add a new dimension to their sensual lives? The possibilities are endless, but here are a few ideas to get started.

Use dice

A pair of dice can come in handy as a self-pleasuring aid in a number of ways. For example, assign odd numbers to the female and evens to the male. Roll the dice. If the total is odd, the woman begins self-stimulating; if even, the man does. Lets say six is rolled. The man starts stroking and continues stroking as the woman rolls the dice again. If it is even again, the man continues stroking, and does so until the woman rolls an odd number at which point she self-gratifies and the man rolls. Play continues in this way until release is achieved.

As a variation, one player rolls the dice and the other player must stroke his manhood or rub her female organ the number of times that appear on the dice. Players can also decide that instead of stroking themselves, they stroke their partner.

Use cards

Playing cards can also be useful to ease into self-pleasuring with a partner. A simple game of strip poker can be used to get the participants naked. After a player has removed all his/her clothes, they can then bet a number of strokes on a poker hand such as, I see your four strokes and raise you three. Whoever loses the hand then strokes or rubs themselves the required number.

Another alternative: assign two suits (say, diamonds and hearts) to the woman and two (spades and clubs) to the man. Turn over the top card of the deck; whoevers suit is revealed self-stimulates the number of strokes indicated on the card. So a nine of clubs would mean the man strokes his member nine times. (Face cards can be designated as 10 each.) Keep turning over until all the cards have been played, then start again but this time, the number of strokes doubles. So an ace requires two strokes, a two requires four, etc.

Play hide and seek

Traditional rules apply, except the players are naked. The player who is hiding starts self-gratifying as soon as they are hidden; the seeker as soon as they finish counting.

Adapt a drinking game

Many drinking games involve watching a TV show or movie and taking a drink every time a certain word is said or situation occurs. Try this, except establish rules to self-pleasure instead of drink. For example:

Self-stimulate ten strokes every time the lead characters name is mentioned.

Any time a number is mentioned, stroke oneself ten times that number.

When watching a horror movie, start self-stimulating when eerie music starts and continue until it stops.

Self-pleasuring games can add zest to a long-time relationship but men want to make sure their members are in good shape for this kind of tournament. Using a superior male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Look for a crme that includes L-arginine, an amino acid that helps produce the effect that keeps male organ blood vessels open and receptive to proper blood flow. The best crme should also include acetyl L carnitine, which protects against the peripheral nerve damage that can occur during rough self-pleasuring and which can diminish sensitivity in the manhood. Being prepared makes the games more fun!

About the Author: Visit

for additional information on most common member health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.


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Florida man charged with stealing Wi-Fi

Update since publication

This article mentions that Wi-Fi stands for “Wireless Fidelity”, although this is disputed.

Thursday, July 7, 2005

A Florida man is being charged with 3rd degree felony for logging into a private Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Internet access point without permission. Benjamin Smith III, 41, is set for a pre-trial hearing this month in the first case of its kind in the United States.

This kind of activity occurs frequently, but often goes undetected by the owners of these wireless access points (WAPs). Unauthorized users range from casual Web browsers, to users sending e-mails, to users involved in pornography or even illegal endeavours.

According to Richard Dinon, owner of the WAP Smith allegedly broke into, Smith was using a laptop in an automobile while parked outside Dinon’s residence.

There are many steps an owner of one of these access points can take to secure them from outside users. Dinon reportedly knew how to take these steps, but had not bothered because his “neighbors are older.”

Wikinews interviews Buddy Roemer, U.S. Republican Party presidential candidate

Sunday, October 30, 2011

U.S. Republican Party presidential candidate and former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana took some time to answer a few questions from Wikinews reporter William S. Saturn.

Roemer served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives in the 1980s as a member of the Democratic Party. He was elected governor as a Democrat in 1987 before switching to the Republican Party ahead of the 1991 election for governor. That year, he lost the party’s primary to state legislator David Duke. After his governorship, Roemer worked as CEO of Business First Bank in Baton Rouge.

Roemer announced his candidacy for president back in July after exploring a bid for several months. He has focused his campaign on the issue of campaign finance reform, refusing to accept money from political action committees (PACs) and limiting individual campaign contributions to $100. He raised a total of $126,500 in the third quarter of 2011, far short of the $14.2 million raised by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

For his campaign, Roemer has adopted the slogan ‘Free to Lead’. He rails against corruption, special interests, and money in politics, and has expressed support for the Occupy Wall Street protests. Furthermore, he has taken issue positions in favor of fair trade, a balanced federal budget, and a strengthened national defense.

Roemer has not been invited to any national presidential debates. He has focused largely on the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire, and recently signed up to appear on the state’s primary ballot. However, a recent University of New Hampshire Survey Center poll shows him with less than one percent support in the state. Pearson Cross of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette commented, “If Buddy can exceed expectations in New Hampshire or even sneak in and steal third — that would give a boost that he could build on”.

Parking Enforcement: For Your Security And Comfort

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Parking Enforcement: For Your Security and Comfort


Articles Manager

In today’s evolved and highly advanced world, finding a parking space is considered more of a luxury than owning a stylish automobile. Indeed it can be quite visible that almost everywhere one would find streets overloaded with cars filled with people trying to find a decent and secure parking spot. Therefore, it becomes very necessary for certain parking enforcement solutions to be up and running which provide the best in parking control.


The Need for Enforcement When it comes to talking about parking, the need calls for finding a “space” in which one’s car would be safe, secure and temporarily parked to avoid any crowding of the streets. This in turn would lead to flow of smooth traffic and lesser jams on the road. Parking enforcement can be said to be as a service which enables certain security and parking services for the people that makes the whole “headache” of finding a secure location and worrying about parking obsolete. Areas of Benefit Today we have many parking enforcement companies which are elementary in providing helpful parking solutions, like the pay and display machines, which offer the following services: Enforcement – This is the most basic service provided in which a parking control system is enforced of created that helps in the fulfilment of parking requirements. Watch Services – Here once your car has been parked, a constant watch would be kept on the vehicle in order to intimate in case of any emergency or parking expiry. Security – One the most important features of these services is the security perspective that enables the safety of your vehicle while it is parked. Patrolling – In this case, to handle certain parking related problems and issues for your vehicle, while you are away, would be taken care of. The Future Seems Fortified One thing that can be guaranteed, by embarking upon the parking enforcement services, is the assurance of a secure and comfortable future for car parking. Never again would one either have to wander around in order to find a parking spot or constantly keep worrying about the safety of the vehicle once it is parked. These services without a shadow of a doubt offer the best in parking control solutions.

Gemini Parking Solutions Ltd is among the leading

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in UK, provides car parking control, pay and display machines &

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services covering London, Essex, Hertfordshire & surrounding counties.

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Astronomer tells Wikinews about discovery of closest black hole known so far

Friday, May 22, 2020

A study published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics last month reported astronomers from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and elsewhere discovered a black hole in the Telescopium constellation. The study stated the black hole is about 1010 ± 195 light years (310 ± 60 parsec) away from the Solar System, meaning it is the nearest known black hole from the Earth. The nearest previously known black hole — V616 Mon — the study noted was usually estimated at more than 3000 light years away.

The black hole described in the study is located in the HR 6819 stellar system of Telescopium constellation, making it the first system visible to the naked eye to contain a black hole. HR 6819 contains two stars, and they are visible from the Southern Hemisphere. The astronomers started observing the system in 1999. Initially, they thought it was just a binary system, consisting of two stars. However, upon examination, the researchers concluded there was a third unseen object in the system. One of the two stars in the HR 6819 system is close to the black hole and orbits the black hole in just 40.333 ± 0.004 days.

This newly discovered black hole does not have an accretion disk. A black hole forms an accretion disk when a significant amount of matter orbits the black hole, as depicted in the image. Accretion disks often emit electromagnetic radiation. Since this black hole does not have an accretion disk, researchers had to rely on the gravitational effect of the black hole on the nearby star in order to discover it.

Researchers used the binary mass function to conclude the black hole had a mass of at least 4.2 M? (Solar masses; 1 Solar mass = mass of the Sun). Its companion star, which orbits the black hole in about 40 days, is classified as a B3 III star. The outer star is classified as a Be star. Be stars rotate very quickly around their axes. Since the outer star rotates so rapidly, the star is not exactly spherical, but instead oblate, bulged at its equator, forming a gas disk around the equator.

The research suggested HR 6819 was very similar to another system LB-1. The HR 6819 system is estimated to be between 15–75 million years old (myr). The inner star has estimated mass of at least 6.3 ± 0.7 M?. Using the mass and the speed at which the inner star rotates, the researchers concluded the black hole had an estimated mass of 5.0 ± 0.4 M?. Researcher and co-author of the study Thomas Rivinius told Wikinews the inner star and the black hole are closer than the Sun and the Earth (1au; 150 million km; 93 million miles).

The researchers dedicated the paper to Stanislav Štefl, one of the fellow researchers who died in a car accident in 2014 in Santiago, Chile.

Wikinews caught up with Thomas Rivinius to discuss about this discovery.