Expand Your Contracting Services To Include Affordable Built In Options

byAlma Abell

If you are looking for an option to expand your contracting business providing a customized built-in service for your clients offers them remodel options they might not otherwise have considered. The custom cabinetry Ontario contractors offer can go beyond the basics for kitchen and bathroom remodels and be expanded to create stunning, showcase pieces. These pieces can completely change a space, as well as offer a unique way to make a room more functional.

Built In Offices

Most homeowners today are looking for ways to incorporate a home office. The home office is becoming more in demand due to more people working from home. As well, families require a space for a computer for homework, banking, paying bills and of course for entertainment purposes. Built-in office areas offer affordable options allowing people to make the most of unsuspecting spaces including areas under the stairs, tiny nooks and even repurposed closets. Having a creative service that focuses on built-in offices can expand your business as well as offer you a new way to use your design skills to optimize space for smaller homes.

Built In Display Cases

The charm found in older homes often includes charming details such as built in display cases. Complete with glass doors, these elegant additions can add a touch of architectural detail that is rare in modern homes. These types of features work well in dining rooms, libraries, dens and kitchens and provide an additional storage or display area for homeowners as well.

Built-In Side Boards

The dining room has become a very central location and the heart of entertaining for many families. The formal dining room had been phased out especially with the introduction of more open concept layouts. However, even in open concept spaces the addition of a built-in sideboard can help define a dining area while providing much-needed storage space. Drawer and cabinet door combinations for integrated sideboards offer a permanent design detail that can also increase the value of an everyday cookie cutter style home.

Built In Vanities

The bathroom is a room always in need of more storage. Custom cabinetry Ontario homeowners install in their bathrooms provides a substantial decorative detail while offering the additional storage space demanded by the modern family.

Let’s not forget the obvious: Home theatres. From offices to sideboards and built-in vanities to display cases, the built-in is the perfect addition to your contracting business.

If you are looking for the custom cabinetry Ontario homeowners are seeking, Lovech Ltd. has the expertise and design options you need. Contact www.lovech.ca for information.

Self Pleasuring Games: Initiating Couples Fun}

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Submitted by: J Dugan

For many couples, penetrative activity is by far the preferred form of sensual engagement, but it doesnt have to be the only way in which two people connect sensually. Self-pleasuring is also a big part of a persons sensual life, and sharing that with a partner can be an excellent way to add a new level of intimacy to a relationship. Men fondle themselves anyway, as a matter of course and as an aid to their male organ health, so why not incorporate it into couples play? Of course, some individuals may be a little shy or reticent about self-gratifying in front of a partner in which case some simple self-pleasuring games may help to break the ice.

What are some self-pleasuring games that a couple might employ to add a new dimension to their sensual lives? The possibilities are endless, but here are a few ideas to get started.

Use dice

A pair of dice can come in handy as a self-pleasuring aid in a number of ways. For example, assign odd numbers to the female and evens to the male. Roll the dice. If the total is odd, the woman begins self-stimulating; if even, the man does. Lets say six is rolled. The man starts stroking and continues stroking as the woman rolls the dice again. If it is even again, the man continues stroking, and does so until the woman rolls an odd number at which point she self-gratifies and the man rolls. Play continues in this way until release is achieved.

As a variation, one player rolls the dice and the other player must stroke his manhood or rub her female organ the number of times that appear on the dice. Players can also decide that instead of stroking themselves, they stroke their partner.

Use cards

Playing cards can also be useful to ease into self-pleasuring with a partner. A simple game of strip poker can be used to get the participants naked. After a player has removed all his/her clothes, they can then bet a number of strokes on a poker hand such as, I see your four strokes and raise you three. Whoever loses the hand then strokes or rubs themselves the required number.

Another alternative: assign two suits (say, diamonds and hearts) to the woman and two (spades and clubs) to the man. Turn over the top card of the deck; whoevers suit is revealed self-stimulates the number of strokes indicated on the card. So a nine of clubs would mean the man strokes his member nine times. (Face cards can be designated as 10 each.) Keep turning over until all the cards have been played, then start again but this time, the number of strokes doubles. So an ace requires two strokes, a two requires four, etc.

Play hide and seek

Traditional rules apply, except the players are naked. The player who is hiding starts self-gratifying as soon as they are hidden; the seeker as soon as they finish counting.

Adapt a drinking game

Many drinking games involve watching a TV show or movie and taking a drink every time a certain word is said or situation occurs. Try this, except establish rules to self-pleasure instead of drink. For example:

Self-stimulate ten strokes every time the lead characters name is mentioned.

Any time a number is mentioned, stroke oneself ten times that number.

When watching a horror movie, start self-stimulating when eerie music starts and continue until it stops.

Self-pleasuring games can add zest to a long-time relationship but men want to make sure their members are in good shape for this kind of tournament. Using a superior male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Look for a crme that includes L-arginine, an amino acid that helps produce the effect that keeps male organ blood vessels open and receptive to proper blood flow. The best crme should also include acetyl L carnitine, which protects against the peripheral nerve damage that can occur during rough self-pleasuring and which can diminish sensitivity in the manhood. Being prepared makes the games more fun!

About the Author: Visit


for additional information on most common member health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.



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Animal Invaders In Which To Contact Animal Control Services About Removal


Wild animals can be very interesting in their natural habitat. However, this is not the case when they invade the home. At this point, they become a danger to the family. Attempts to capture these types of animals can result in injuries to the person attempting to capture them. If these animals are spotted, contact animal control right away.

Raccoons appear to be cute and cuddly creatures. Despite their cuteness, they are also equipped with claws and teeth. They will defend themselves very vigorously if trapped into a corner. Their claws and teeth can carry diseases such as rabies that can be passed onto humans. For safety, contact animal control services if there are signs indicating a raccoon has gotten into the house. This animal can get very aggressive very quickly.

Many people have a fear of snakes. This fear is based in reality. Snakes can be an extremely dangerous animal. Often, snakes that get too big for their habitat are released into the wild. Even though a lot of snakes are considered harmless, it can be difficult to determine its qualities without studying them. Since all snakes can bite, it is best to have a professional remove them once they are discovered.

Squirrels are a frequent home invader. They are often on the hunt for adequate storage places in which to build up winter supplies. If the home has access from the roof line, the squirrels can get in. Once they take root in the home, they deposit food and can chew on wiring. The food will attract other pests. Damaged wiring will put the home at risk for a fire. Like other animals, squirrels can bite and scratch. They also carry various diseases that can infect humans. They can also be notoriously hard to catch. Contact animal control services for removal if these animals find a way into the home.

Animal invasions are all too common. While interacting with the animals from a safe distance will keep everyone safe, this is not the case if they get into the home. If there are signs of animal invaders, check out Pestcontrolmd.com for more information on getting rid of them safely.