Category Construction And Maintenance

Corded Vs Cordless Tools, Which One Should You Buy}

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Submitted by: Red Writer

Much has been said about corded and cordless tools as to which one is the best. It really all depends on what tool you are using and what you are using it for. Hopefully the following info will help you decide which is best for you for the specific project you want to accomplish.

Probably the biggest advantage of a cordless tool, regardless of type, is its portability. They can go anywhere you go, whether it be the shop, your garage or your yard, without having to find a place to plug it in or being limited to where you can go by the length of the cord. Most of the cordless tools purchased today come with a two battery power pack. When one is low on power just simply replace

it with the fully charged one. They are also very compact and can be stored out of the way easily. When you buy them they come in kits so you can normally get a drill, a circular saw, possibly a pin nailer and a flash light, so you really have multiple tools in one.


Lets compare some different tool uses where one might be better than the other. On power drills, if you are drilling a lot of holes in cement that has been aged, the corded hammer drill would be your best choice. Even though there are cordless hammer drills on the market, you would need the continuous power of a corded drill to get the job done in a reasonable length of time.

If you are using a circular saw, it would depend on what you are cutting as to the choice you should make. If you are cross cutting or ripping a 2 x 6 or 2 x 8 and doing a lot of them, then the power of a corded saw would be helpful. On any other type of cutting, either one would do the job well. The same thing would hold true with the reciprocating saw. It would depend on how big of a job you

are doing.

Some disadvantages of the cordless tool are the loss of power if you are using it for a long length of time. The cordless tools are heavier and the additional 5 to 8 pounds of weight can put a strain on the body after using it for hours.

A disadvantage of the corded tool is the cord itself. It seems like its always in the way. You can trip over them or cut them with a saw. These are both safety hazards. Also as mentioned earlier, you are limited to as far as your cord will reach. You have to find a longer extension cord or find another place to plug it in.

The info in this article is strictly the opinion of the writer. It is not meant to infer which tool is best for you. Hopefully this will give you some insight on things you have to consider when buying a corded or cordless tool. I am a home owner and a do it yourself type of person. I have a workshop and have used tools of different types for a long time. To solve the problem for me as

to which one I should buy, I have both the corded and cordless tool. Now I just grab which ever one is best suited for the job at hand. If I could only buy or own just one it would be the cordless tool. For the average home owner that would be sufficient for most jobs he would encounter. Again, this is just my opinion.

About the Author: Ted likes using both corded and cordless tools. He is very passionate about all

construction tools

. He currently helps run:


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All About Oilwell Paintings

Submitted by: Dominik Hussl

Distinctive to the landscape in Texas would be the sight of an oilwell. Paintings are often made of them because while they are found throughout the country and the world, there is such a high concentration of them in Texas.

Perhaps what makes Texas so unique is that while these may be found individually in other states and places around the globe, in Texas they are often found clustered together in rows. This is a sight to behold.

Texas is the state known for petroleum production, so it s only natural that there would be many oilwell paintings depicting this production process.

Just as some artists focus on one subject matter such as lighthouses or seascapes more than another, oilwell paintings are the focus subject for some artists such as Andy Thomas. While this is not the only subject that he paints, he does have an impressive collection of works featuring this drilling machine.


There is evidence of drilling that took place all the way back to the fourth century B.C. Of course, that was a different type of machinery, and the product that was being drilled for was used for many other things than what petroleum is used for today.

It was mostly brought out of the earth for lighting purposes and to help make sea faring vessels more waterproof. Today, it has many uses, but it is known for its use in powering engines in everything from automobiles to jet planes.

Since the first one was built in 1859, it is possible that there are oilwell paintings that date back to that time period. From that moment on, petroleum production became a huge industry and towns grew out of the dust and dirt of prairies and farmlands for the workers who were doing the drilling.

In many of the historical portrayals that Andy Thomas has done, it is easy to see the towns with their rutted and muddy streets crowded with early automobiles, horse drawn carriages, and saddled horses standing idle outside of a mercantile.

Merchants and other types of professionals such as blacksmiths all began to set up shop in the small towns as more and more people arrived to work at each oilwell. Paintings that depict this time period show a clash of old world meeting new innovation and industry. Again, a story is being told with each brush stroke.

It would be impossible to tell the story of the United States during this time period that began in the mid 1800 s without telling the story of drilling for this petroleum based product. It is as much a part of the heritage and history of this country as is the American flag and the story of the Pilgrims coming to first settle here.

Artistic renderings offer a glimpse into the world of those who drilled for the product and those who ran the companies that sold what was brought up from the ground. This is just another story to be told about this great country.

About the Author: Betz Gallery is an expert in



Oilwell paintings





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